The Distraction Trilogy: Distraction Part 44

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"I'm a nurse, Isaac. I'm not that kind of person. You should have said something."

Blink. "Would you have said something?"

"Was it really that bad?"

"It was worse."

"Yikes." She lets out a laugh. "So it's not because you don't like me?"

Ah s.h.i.+t. "Umm... no of course not. I just wasn't thinking straight."

I hear the smile in her voice. "Great. Well that brings me a bit of relief." She chuckles a little. "I should call your dad and apologise."

Phew. "Thanks, Susanna."

"Pretty sure I told you to call me Sue."

She did? "You did?"

"Didn't I? Oops... okay well call me Sue." Does anybody call her Sue? "Oh and one more thing! Could you keep an ear out in school?"

"What for?"

"Some little idiot smashed my brother's car window last night."

I scratch my neck, that tingling itch back once more. "Oh no, what a git!" That didn't sound convincing. I really need to work on my acting skills. "I'll keep an ear out. If it was a kid from our school they'll brag about it sooner or later."

"That's what Eloise said."

Huh. "You spoke to her today?"

"No, my brother called her about ten minutes ago, before he called me, and then you called me and now I need to call your dad. It's like a game of Chinese whispers."

It is? "Right. Well I guess I'll see you at my parent's house."

"Call me," she announces, hanging up.

Isaac: I thought we agreed you'd keep away from that a.r.s.ehole?

Eloise: Don't worry. You really need to trust me.

Isaac: It's him I don't trust.

Eloise: I'm sorry but I'm laughing because that line is such a cliche. I'll call you later and you can moan at me then.

Isaac: I'll be waiting.

It's ten minutes before another text comes through.

Dad: Did you s.h.i.+t by the side of the road?

Blink. What the f.u.c.k?


I don't respond. How f.u.c.king mortifying.

Eloise "Nope, I'm not listening this time. I've said I'm sorry and I know I should have called, but I forgot. I was tipsy and tired and I crashed."

"You're grounded," My dad yells, his face turning purple.

Eye roll. "You can't ground me! I'm eighteen. I have two jobs and I go to school. If I want to unwind during my time off, I b.l.o.o.d.y well will!"

"Calm down, both of you." My mum snaps but we ignore her.

"While you live under my roof, you'll obey my rules!"

I laugh a little; it's an angry laugh. "No. I'm legally an adult..."

"Then act like it!"

"I did! Last night."

He goes pale and I cringe along with my mum at my outburst. "Until you leave for University, you're to come home after work and school without delay."

"No." I shake my head, determined to make a stand for once. "I'll go and hang out with my friends. I'll stay at Hayley's. I'll enjoy my last few months that I have with everybody and you can't stop me."

"I didn't raise you to be this way."

"That's because you raised me in a f.u.c.king box! I'm done!" I grab my bag and keys and then march to the door. "Call me when you've stepped into the twenty first century."

"Aren't you going to say anything?" My dad has now turned on my mum.

"I agree with her." For the first time my mum actually defends me and my dad does not look happy about it. They start arguing about her undermining his authority and how it's her fault I am this way. What way am I exactly? I don't do anything wrong. Not really.

"This is your fault." My dad spins and faces me, his face resembling that of Violet's after she eats that bubble gum in the w.i.l.l.y Wonka movie.

"Don't you dare blame her! I'm sick of you blaming her! You say you're protecting her, but blaming her for your irrational behaviour is damaging her. It's no wonder she wants to leave." I watch my mum as she grabs her coat and car keys before marching to me the same way I marched to the door. "Let's go for a drive."

"Sure." I blank my dad as we exit, relieved when he doesn't follow us onto the street.

Mum unlocks the car and we climb in. "Are you being safe?"

Seriously? That's the first thing she asks? "Umm... seriously?"

"I'm taking you to the doctors and then we're going for coffee and we're going to chat. Then we'll see a movie or something and wait for your dad to call and apologise."

I snort at the latter statement. "Dad won't apologise."

"He knows he's wrong. He loves you; he's just scared you'll end up stuck here, working two jobs and struggling. He doesn't want to lose you, but he doesn't want you to do something stupid." She smiles warmly at me and I realise just how much we look alike when we smile. "So, contraception, food, movie and then hopefully home." She smiles wider. "Oh and I know you've been sneaking out."

Blink. "I..."

Her hand covers mine on the console. "I get it. It's hard being young. Just please don't get pregnant and please, I'm begging you, don't get stuck here." I release the breath I was holding. "Do you want to tell me about him?"

"Who? Dad?"

"No." She rolls her eyes. "The guy you're sneaking out to see."

I shake my head almost frantically. "No. It's not serious. We know it'll end soon, so we're just... I don't know... enjoying each other's company for a while."

"Well you know I'm here if you decide you want to share."

For once I actually love my mum without a single ounce of resentment.

And then she adds, "And I'm here if it ends in heartbreak."

If only she knew.

"Thanks, Mum."

Chapter Twenty Eight.

Isaac I'm sat in cla.s.s. It's the first day back after the term break and I'm so tired. I remember this kind of tired though. It's the same tired I got before when I was seeing Elle at night. I've missed this tired.

Eloise: Guess what I had fitted yesterday.

I look up and it genuinely looks like she's focusing on her work. Her pen is moving across the paper in front of her. That girl has skill.

Isaac: A brain?

This time she does look up and she hits me with a look that could kill.

I chuckle discreetly and wait for her next message, taking a swig of my water.

Eloise: Let's just say condoms are a thing of the past.

I really wish I wasn't drinking when she said that because I just sprayed Shannon with the water in my mouth. I slam my hand against my chest as the cla.s.s laughs at me.

Eloise winks, laughing with the rest of them, and gets back to work.

"Disgusting," Shannon snaps and storms out of the room, no doubt to clean herself up.

"Don't worry, Sir. She's had worse in her face." Wesley jokes and Hayley slaps him upside the head.

"Settle down." I clear my sore throat and pick my phone back up.

"That's so unfair," Hayley snaps. "I almost got thrown out of cla.s.s for using my phone last week."

I give her a pointed look. "I think you're forgetting who's here to learn and who's here to sit bored whilst you pretend to learn."

Eloise: I thought it would be a nice surprise.

Isaac: I was worried about the accident we had on Valentine's Day. I was going to discuss it with you but wasn't sure how to bring it up.

Eloise: Oh don't worry, I'm not pregnant. You should have just asked me... stupid.

I catch her eye and wink.

Isaac: Get back to work.

I finish with a warm feeling in my chest and a lump in my pants. I'm not complaining.

Okay, I take back everything I've said about not complaining and enjoying the warm feelings.

"Who are you texting?" I'm frowning, I know I am, but she's been glued to her phone for the majority of this movie.

"It's just about the building."

"What about the building?"

"Umm..." She hesitates and locks her phone, trying to snuggle into my side. "I'm helping pick the colour scheme for the lobby."

"It's not even near ready yet. Why are you discussing it now?" She winces and my chest lets out an angry throb. "Elle?"

"It's nothing, I promise."

She just lied... she just f.u.c.king lied to me. I sit up straight and move away a little, pausing the movie so I can concentrate. "Who are you discussing it with?"

"Why does it matter? I never ask who you're texting!"

Now I'm definitely concerned. "Elle, this is how trust issues start. Who are you texting?"

"Justin," she blurts and holds her hands up defensively when my eyes narrow and my jaw clenches.

"Justin? The guy you said does not have your number?" She definitely said that.

"I did not say that! You know I gave it to him on Valentine's Day!" And now she's getting defensive.

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The Distraction Trilogy: Distraction Part 44 summary

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