The Connected - Exiled Part 29

The Connected - Exiled -

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She faced Zaren. He reached out a hand, but Venus hesitated, unsure of herself, of how she felt. He dropped his hand to his side and headed toward the exit. Venus followed, at his shoulder in less time than it took to blink.

Zaren said, "He'll find us when the time is right. We've got to start the search for your family immediately. Hope they're-"

"Don't say it, Zaren. They have to be alright. We'll find them."

They walked the rest of the way through the dimly lit tunnels in silence. Venus struggled to control her speed. Her feet kept urging her. Faster. Faster. Faster. Even with the burden of her unruly thoughts, the impulses in her new body demanded she move more quickly. She glanced at Zaren. He seemed weighted down in thoughts of his own.

Venus couldn't help but see Michael's face in her mind, over and over again. The look he gave her-the one she hadn't recognized-the one that had exposed his love. For her. She'd accomplished her mission, he had fallen in love.

With me. She let the knowledge wash over her, like a summer rain. Warmth tugged her heart and with it came a longing. Letting out a huff, she glanced back. They'd gone too far into the tunnels to see Michael or the G.o.ds any longer. She wanted to remain until Michael finished, find out what they'd said to him. Venus knew Zaren was right, though. She had to hunt down those behind her betrayal.

The first order of business-find Amberlee. This whole ordeal had begun with her. She intended to ask her sister about the tattoo on her arm and her involvement in this Order of Eternal Fire.

55. s.h.i.+p of Fools.

Frank reached and grasped the thin, leather-bound hilt of the sword, pulling it from the snow. Lifting it into the air, he recognized one of the symbols etched in the cold, blue steel. It no longer glowed.

"What do you intend to do with that?" Dervinias asked, moving out into the open, a few feet from Frank.

Frank watched the alien progress-slowly. Dervinias stalked him. Now, though, he had an alien weapon. Frank hoped this sword would kill it. Murderous thoughts of slicing off its head riddled him with excitement.

"Oh, you know. Destroy you and your kind," he seethed, cutting the air in front of him with the sword. He wanted it to light up, like it had for Michael, but it didn't. He liked the feel of the supple leather in his hands and its weightlessness. "Are you ready to die, alie-" Frank didn't get any further because Dervinias was upon him, his large hands circling Frank's neck. With a quick twist, Frank's neck broke.

d.a.m.n! He was surprised his life didn't flash before his eyes. Only darkness.

56. The Promise.

Dervinias wrenched the Ostwallow sword out of the dead alien hunters' grasp, thoughtful. An evil smile crept over his lips. The sword was a weapon meant to be wielded by a Formytian. Each Ostwallow chose its guardian, to be used for the good and honor of those sworn to protect. This one had chosen Zaren, yet it'd come alive for Michael. Strange. And now the boy was on Kelari.

He whipped and slashed the blade, admiring its death song. It wouldn't come alive, but that was of no concern. What mattered-?

A high-pitched ping . . . d.a.m.n it!

Hesitantly, he answered. "Your Highness."

"Don't say another word. You've failed! Give me one good reason I shouldn't kill you."

"Because I have a plan. And it's going to rock the very foundation of Kelari."

Book 2 in The Connected Series starts here.


Michael died. Well, in a manner of speaking. When Venus walked out of the cave, all the best parts of him went with her, leaving behind an expired carca.s.s.

Ith stood and walked toward him. With his hands, he directed Michael to stand. After Michael had risen, Ith said, "My son. Be strong. You have more courage than you think. Some are born to lead. Some attain leaders.h.i.+p. And some have leaders.h.i.+p bestowed upon them. You must decide which type of man you are to be."

Michael nodded, unsure what the G.o.d meant. He had no desire to lead. Now that Venus was safe and he understood she didn't reciprocate his feelings, he wanted nothing more than to return to Earth and kill Vinny.

Aetha said, "My child, it is your destiny to destroy Dervinias, the kelarian you know as Vinny. But first there are some things you must understand."

Ith turned and walked back to his chair. After he'd sat, a chair exactly the same as the G.o.ds appeared beside him. "Sit."

He did as commanded. "Thank you."

"There is much to discuss."

Aetha began, "Seventeen years ago, a child was born . . .


A lot goes into writing a book. Time. Sacrifice. And there are many, many people who helped make this novel possible. I'd like to thank them. My sweet husband, James. My amazing, best supporters-Emily, Kaylee, and Jacob. Mom and dad. Jeremy, Chandi, Jason, and Alicia. All of my extended family. My dear friends. You know who you are. Also, I have to thank my amazing critique partners. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. For reading and re-reading my ma.n.u.script. And a special thanks to Steven Novak. He designed the cover and the book trailer for EXILED. You're a genius, Steven.

RASh.e.l.lE WORKMAN lives with her husband, three children, and three dogs in a gorgeous neighborhood on a long, unwinding road. When she gets a quiet moment alone, she enjoys reading about faraway places. And, in case you were wondering, yes, she does believe there is other life out in the Universe.


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The Connected - Exiled Part 29 summary

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