James Nasmyth: Engineer; an autobiography Part 33

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My contrivance consisted of an arrangement by means of which the metal bar or other solid substance, whose total expansion under a given number of degrees of heat had to be measured, was in a manner itself converted into a thermometer. Absolutely equal bulks of each solid were placed inside a metal tube or vessel, and surrounded with an exact equal quant.i.ty of water at one and the same normal temperature.

A cap or cover, having a suitable length of thermometer tube attached to it, was then screwed down, and the water of the index tube was adjusted to the zero point of the scale attached to it, the whole being at say 50deg of heat, as the normal temperature in each case. The apparatus was then heated up to say 200deg by immersion in water at that temperature. The expansion of the enclosed bar of metal or other solid substance under experiment caused the water to rise above the zero, and it was accordingly so indicated on the scale attached to the cap tube. In this way we had a thermometer whose bulb was for the time being filled with the solid under investigation,--the water surrounding it imply acting as the means by which the expansion of each solid under trial was rendered visible, and its amount capable of being ascertained and recorded with the utmost exactness, as the expansion of the water was in every case the same, and also that of the instrument itself which was "a constant quant.i.ty."

In this way we obtained the correct relative amount of expansion in bulk of all the solid substances experimented upon. That each bar of metal or other solid substance was of absolutely equal bulk, was readily ascertained by finding that each, when weighed in water, lost the exact same weight.

[Image] James Nasmyth's Expansometer, 1826.

My friend, Sir David Brewster, was so much pleased with the instrument that he published a drawing and description of it in the Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, of which he was then editor.

1827. A Method of increasing the Effectiveness of Steam by super-heating it on its Pa.s.sage from the Boiler to the Engine.

One or the earliest mechanical contrivances which I made was for preventing water, in a liquid form, from pa.s.sing along with the steam from the boiler to the cylinder of the steam-engine.

The first steam-engine I made was employed in grinding oil colours for my father's use in his paintings. When I set this engine to work for the first time I was annoyed by slight jerks which now and then disturbed the otherwise smooth and regular action of the machine.

After careful examination I found that these jerks were caused by the small quant.i.ties of water that were occasionally carried along with the current of the steam, and deposited in the cylinder, where it acc.u.mulated above and below the piston, and thus produced the jerks.

In order to remove the cause of these irregularities, I placed a considerable portion of the length of the pipe which conveyed the steam from the boiler to the engine within the highly heated side flue of the boiler, so that any portion of water in the liquid form which might chance to pa.s.s along with the steam, might, ere it reached the cylinder, traverse this highly-heated steam pipe, and, in doing so, be converted into perfectly dry steam, and in that condition enter the cylinder. On carrying this simple arrangement into practice, I found the result to be in every way satisfactory. The active little steam-engine thence-forward performed its work in the most smooth and regular manner.

So far as I am aware, this early effort of mine at mechanical contrivance was the first introduction of what has since been termed "super-heated steam"--a system now extensively employed, and yielding important results, especially in the case of marine steam-engines.

Without such means of supplying dry steam to the engines, the latter are specially liable to "break-downs," resulting from water, in the liquid form, pa.s.sing into the cylinders along with the steam.

1828. A Method of "chucking" delicate Metal-work, in order that it may be turned with perfect truth

In fixing portions of work in the turning-lathe, one of the most important points to attend to is, that while they are held with sufficient firmness in order to be turned to the required form, they should be free from any strain which might in any way distort them.

In strong and ponderous objects this can be easily accomplished by due care on the part of an intelligent workman. It is in operating by the lathe on delicate and flexible objects that the utmost care is requisite in the process of chucking, as they are easily strained out of shape by fastening them by screws and bolts, or suchlike ordinary means. This is especially the case with disc-like objects. As I had on several occasions to operate in the lathe with this cla.s.s of work I contrived a method of chucking or holding them firm while receiving the required turning process, which has in all cases proved most handy and satisfactory.

This method consisted of tinning three, or, if need be, more parts of the work, and laying them down on a tinned face-plate or chuck, which had been heated so as just to cause the solder to flow. As soon as the solder is cooled and set, the chuck with its attached work may then be put in the lathe, and the work proceeded with until it is completed. By again heating the chuck, by laying upon it a piece of red-hot iron, the work, however delicate, can be simply lifted off, and will be found perfectly free from all distortion.

I have been the more particular in naming the use of three points of attachment to the chuck or face-plate, as that number is naturally free from any risk of distortion. I have on so many occasions found the great value of this simple yet most secure mode of fixing delicate work in the lathe, that I feel sure that any one able to appreciate its practical value will be highly pleased with the results of its employment.

The same means can, in many cases, be employed in fixing delicate work in the planing-machine. All that is requisite is to have a clean-planed wrought-iron or bra.s.s fixing-plate, to which the work in hand can be attached at a few suitable parts with soft solder, as in the case of the turning lathe above described.

1828. A Method of casting Specula for Reflecting Telescopes, so as to ensure perfect Freeness from Defects, at the same time enhancing the Brilliancy of the Alloy.

My father possessed a very excellent achromatic spy-gla.s.s of 2 inches diameter. The object-gla.s.s was made by the celebrated Ramsden.

When I was about fifteen I used it to gaze at the moon, planets, and sun-spots. Although this instrument revealed to me the general characteristic details of these grand objects, my father gave me a wonderful account of what he had seen of the moon's surface by means of a powerful reflecting telescope of 12 inches diameter, made by Short-- that justly celebrated pioneer of telescope making. It had been erected in a temporary observatory on the Calton Hill, Edinburgh. These descriptions of my father's so fired me with the desire to obtain a sight of the glorious objects in the heavens through a more powerful instrument than the spy-gla.s.s, that I determined to try and make a reflecting telescope which I hoped might in some degree satisfy my ardent desires.

I accordingly searched for the requisite practical instruction in the pages of the Encyclopedia Britannica, and in other books that professed to give the necessary technical information on the subject. I found, however, that the information given in books--at least in the books to which I had access was meagre and unsatisfactory. Nevertheless I set to work with all earnestness, and began by compounding the requisite alloy for casting a speculum of 8 inches diameter. This alloy consisted of 32 parts of copper, 15 parts of grain tin, and 1 part of white a.r.s.enic.

These ingredients, when melted together, yielded a compound metal which possessed a high degree of brilliancy. Having made a wooden pattern for my intended 8-inch diameter speculum, and moulded it in sand, I cast this my first reflecting telescope speculum according to the best book instructions. I allowed my casting to cool in the mould in the slowest possible manner; for such is the excessive brittleness of this alloy (though composed of two of the toughest of metals) that in any sudden change of temperature, or want of due delicacy in handling it, it is very apt to give way, and a fracture more or less serious is sure to result. Even gla.s.s, brittle though it be, is strong in comparison with speculum metal of the above proportions, though, as I have said, it yields the most brilliant composition.

Notwithstanding the observance of all due care in respect of the annealing of the casting by slow cooling, and the utmost care and delicate handling of it in the process of grinding the surface into the requisite curve and smoothness suitable to receive the final polish,-- I was on more than one occasion inexpressibly mortified by the sudden disruption and breaking up of my speculum. Thus many hours of anxious care and labour proved of no avail. I had to begin again and proceed da capo. I observed, however, that the surplus alloy that was left in the crucible, after I had cast my speculum, when again melted and poured out into a metal ingot mould, yielded a cake that, brittle though it might be, was yet strong in comparison with that of the speculum cast in the sand mould; and that it was also, judging from the fragments chipped from it, possessed of even a higher degree of brilliancy.

The happy thought occurred to me of subst.i.tuting an open metal mould for the closed sand one. I soon had the metal mould ready for casting.

It consisted of a base plate of cast iron, on the surface of which I placed a ring or hoop of iron turned to fully the diameter of the intended speculum, so as to antic.i.p.ate the contraction of the alloy.

The result of the very first trial of this simple metal mould was most satisfactory. It yielded me a very perfect casting: and it pa.s.sed successively through the ordeal of the first rough grinding, and eventually through the processes of polis.h.i.+ng, until in the end it exhibited a brilliancy that far exceeded that of the sand mould castings.

The only remaining difficulty that I had to surmount was the risk of defects in the surface of the speculum. These sometimes result from the first splash of the melted metal as it is poured into the ring mould.

The globules sometimes got oxidised before they became incorporated with the main body of the inflowing molten alloy: and dingy spots in the otherwise brilliant alloy were thus produced. I soon mastered this, the only remaining source of defect, by a very simple arrangement.

In place of pouring the melted alloy direct into the ring mould, I attached to the side of it what I termed a "pouring pocket;"

which communicated with an opening at the lower edge of the ring, and by a self-acting arrangement by which the mould plate was slightly tilted up, the influx of the molten alloy advanced in one unbroken tide. As soon as the entire surface of the mould plate was covered by the alloy, its weight overcame that of my up-tilting counterpoise, and allowed the entire apparatus to resume its exact level. The resulting speculum was, by these simple arrangements, absolutely perfect in soundness. It was a perfect casting, in all respects worthy of the care and labour which I invested in its future grinding and polis.h.i.+ng, and enabled it to perform its glorious duties as the grand essential part of a n.o.ble reflecting telescope!


A. Chill plate of cast iron turned to the curve of the speculum B.

Turned hoop of wrought iron with opening at O. C. Pouring pocket. D.

Counterpoise, By which the chill plate is tilted up The largest figure in the engraving is the annealing tub of cast iron filled with sawdust, where the speculum is placed to cool as slowly as possible.

The rationale of the strength of specula cast in this metal mould system, as compared with the treacherous brittleness of those cast in sand moulds, arises simply from the consolidation of the molten metal pool taking place first at the lower surface, next the metal base of the mould--the yet fluid alloy above satisfying the contractile requirements of that immediately beneath it; and so on in succession, until the last to consolidate is the top or upper stratum.

Thus all risk of contractile tension, which is so dangerously eminent and inherent in the case of sand-mould castings, made of so exceedingly brittle an alloy as that of speculum metal, is entirely avoided.

By the employment of these simple and effective improvements in the art of casting the specula for reflecting telescopes, and also by the contrivance and employment of mechanical means for grinding and polis.h.i.+ng them, I at length completed my first 8-inch diameter speculum, and mounted it according to the Newtonian plan. I was most amply rewarded for all the anxious labour I had gone through in preparing it, by the glorious views it yielded me of the wonderful objects in the heavens at night. My enjoyment was in no small degree enhanced by the pleasure it gave to my father, and to many intimate friends. Amongst these was Sir David Brewster, who took a most lively and special interest in all my labours on this subject.

In later years I resumed my telescope making enjoyments, as a delightful and congenial relaxation from the ordinary run of my business occupations. I constructed several reflecting telescopes, of sizes from 10-inch to 20-inch diameter specula. I had also the pleasure of a.s.sisting other astronomical friends, by casting and grinding specula for them. Among these I may mention my late dear friend William La.s.sell, and my excellent friend Warren de la Rue, both of whom have indelibly recorded their names in the annals of astronomical science. I know of no subject connected with the pursuit of science which so abounds with exciting and delightful interest as that of constructing reflecting telescopes. It brings into play every principle of constructive art, with the inexpressibly glorious reward of a more intimate acquaintance with the sublime wonders of the heavens, I communicated in full detail all my improvements in the art of casting, grinding, and polis.h.i.+ng the specula of reflecting telescopes, to the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, ill.u.s.trating my paper with many drawings. But as my paper was of considerable length, and as the ill.u.s.trations would prove costly to engrave, it was not published in the Society's Transactions. They are still, however, kept in the library for reference by those who take a special interest in the subject.

1829. A Mode of transmitting Rotary Motion by means of a Flexible Shaft, formed of a Coiled Spiral Wire or Rod of Steel.

While a.s.sisting Mr. Maudslay in the execution of a special piece of machinery, in which it became necessary to have some holes drilled in rather inaccessible portions of the work in hand, and where the employment of the ordinary drill was impossible, it occurred to me that a flexible shaft, formed of a closely coiled spiral of steel wire, might enable us to transmit the requisite rotary motion to a drill attached to the end of this spiral shaft. Mr. Maudslay was much pleased with the notion, and I speedily put it in action by a close coiled spiral wire of about two feet in length.

This was found to transmit the requisite rotary motion to the drill at the end of the spiral with perfect and faithful efficiency.

The difficulty was got over, to Mr. Maudslay's great satisfaction.

So far as I am aware, such a mode of transmitting rotary motion was new and original. The device was useful, and proved of essential service in other important applications. By a suitably close coiled spiral steel wire I have conveyed rotary motion quite round an obstacle, such as is indicated in the annexed figure.


It has acted with perfect faithfulness from the winch handle at A to the drill at B. Any ingenious mechanic will be able to appreciate the value of such a flexible shaft in many applications. Four years ago I saw the same arrangement in action at a dentist's operating-room, when a drill was worked in the mouth of a patient to enable a decayed tooth to be stopped. It was said to be the last thing out in "Yankee notions."

It was merely a replica of my flexible drill of 1829.

1829. A Mode of cutting Square or Hexgonal Collares Nuts or Bolt-Heads by means of a Revolving File or Cutter.

This method is refrered to, and drawings given, in the text, pp. 141, 142.

1829. A Investigation into the Origin and Mode of writing the Cuneiform Character

This will be found described in the next and final chapter

1836. A Machine for cutting the Key-Grooves in Metal Wheels and Belt Pulleys, of ANY Diameter.

The fastening of wheels and belt pulleys to shafts, so as to enable them to transmit rotary motion, is one of the most frequently-recurring processes in the construction of machinery. This is best effected by driving a slightly tapered iron or steel wedge, or "key" as it is technically termed, into a corresponding recess, or flat part of the shaft, so that the wheel and shaft thus become in effect one solid structure.

The old mode of cutting such key-grooves in the eyes of wheels was accomplished by the laborious and costly process of chipping and filing. Maudslay's mortising machine, which he contrived for the Block machinery, although intended originally to operate upon wood, contained all the essential principles and details required for acting on metals.

Mr. Richard Roberts, by some excellent modifications, enabled it to mortise or cut out the key-grooves in metal wheels, and this method soon came into general use. This machine consisted of a vertical slide bar, to the lower end of which was attached the steel mortising tool, which received its requisite up and down motion from an adjustable crank, through a suitable arrangement of the gearing. The wheel to be operated upon was fixed to a slide-table, and gradually advanced, so as to cause the mortising tool to take successive cuts through the depth of the eye of the wheel, until the mortise or key-groove had attained its required depth.

The only drawback to this admirable machine was that its service was limited in respect to admitting wheels whose half diameter did not exceed the distance from the back of the jaw of the machine to the face of the mortise tool; so that to give to this machine the requisite rigidity and strength to resist the strain on the jaw, due to the mortising of the key-grooves, in wheels of say 6 feet diameter, a more ma.s.sive and c.u.mbrous frame work was required, which was most costly in s.p.a.ce as well as in money.

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James Nasmyth: Engineer; an autobiography Part 33 summary

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