First Grave On The Right Part 29

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"Are we on for the sting tomorrow night?" I asked Ubie as the last of the officers shuffled out.

"The task force wants to meet with us first thing tomorrow morning. We'll see. This could be enough to bring him down."

"Wait, no," I said in protest. "Uncle Bob, we can't risk Teddy's life. We have to get more evidence on Price without resorting to Teddy's testimony. And we still have to find Father Federico. What if Benny Price has him?"

Uncle Bob lowered his brows, frustrated himself. "Right now, Teddy's testimony is all we've got. We need to bring this guy to his knees, Charley, and we need to do it soon. We have to put a stop to his whole operation."

I stood my ground, refused to budge, stomped my foot ... metaphorically. "Just give me one chance. You know what I can do. We have to at least try."

With what looked like the weight of a sumo wrestler on his shoulders, Uncle Bob thought about my offer. "Let's see what the task force has to say tomorrow."

"What are you cooking up now?" Cookie asked after Ubie left.

"Oh, you know me," I said, pointing at Amber with a grin. "Nothing I can't handle."

Amber had fallen asleep on the couch, her hair a perfect arc framing her delicate features. That girl was going to be such a heartbreaker.

Cookie pursed her mouth against a smile and shook her head. "Flirting's exhausting work."

"d.a.m.n straight, it is," I said, rounding the sofa to open the door.

Cookie nudged Amber awake, then led her across the hall to their apartment. After a couple of near misses with a doorjamb and a potted plant, Cookie turned to me and said, "Don't think we're not going to talk about what happened today."

Oh, right, the near-death experience. "Well, don't think we're not going to talk about your att.i.tude," I said, angling for a distraction.

She winked at me and closed her door.

And then we were alone. I stood grasping the doork.n.o.b as if it were a life raft, shaking with antic.i.p.ation. In a whispery rush of air, he materialized behind me. The earthy smell of elements, rich and potent, surrounded me. Then his arm encircled my waist while the other reached up and closed the door.

He pulled me back against his chest, and I melted against him. It was like falling into fire, his heat blazing against my skin, everywhere at once.

"You're him," I said, my voice shakier than I'd hoped. "You were there when I was born. How is that possible?"

His mouth was on my neck, searing my flesh as his hand reached under my sweater and trailed flames over my stomach. Cautiously, he tested the area where the tip of his blade had sliced. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I was grateful for his concern.

Then his mouth was at my ear. "Dutch," he said, his breath fanning across my cheek. "At last." I turned into him, but he pulled back, studied my face, and I finally had a clear, undiluted view of the magnificent being known as Reyes Farrow.

He did not disappoint. He was the most glorious man I'd ever seen, solid and fluid at once, his lean muscles sculpted from a stone that could liquefy between heartbeats. Coffee-colored hair tumbled over a strong brow and curled behind an ear. The deep mahogany of his eyes, laced with spikes of gold and emerald green, s.h.i.+mmered with barely controlled l.u.s.t. And his mouth, full and masculine, parted sensually. I now recognized his attire; a prison uniform, as Elizabeth had said. The sleeves had been rolled up to expose his forearms, long and corded with sleek muscles.

With infinite care, he slid his fingertips over my bottom lip, his expression severe, like a child who'd just discovered fireflies and wanted to know what lay behind the magic that illuminated them.

When his finger brushed along my lower teeth, I bit down softly, enclosed my lips over the tip, and suckled the taste, earthy and exotic, off his skin. He hissed in a sharp breath, rested his forehead on mine with eyes closed, and seemed to struggle for control as I drew more of him into my mouth. I wasn't sure if it was for me or for him, but he braced an arm on the door and pushed me back against it with a groan, his other hand suddenly around my throat, holding me captive as he fought for control over his body.

It was the s.e.xiest thing that had ever happened to me. My body responded to his every touch with a jolt of arousal. A hunger-so hot, it ached-pooled in my abdomen, swirled and expanded with the white heat of desire. I wanted him forever, and in the back of my mind, I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if he died. Would I still get to have him? Would he come to me after he pa.s.sed, or would he cross over and leave me to navigate the earthly plane alone? I was so afraid I'd lose him if his physical body expired. I wanted him to wake up, to be mine in flesh as well as in spirit. I was selfish that way.

"Reyes," I said, my voice breathy with need as his mouth found an especially sensitive spot behind my ear, "please wake up."

He leaned back with brows furrowed as if he didn't understand; then his head descended and his mouth covered mine, and I lost all sense of reason. The kiss started soft, his tongue drifting across mine, tasting and teasing with infinite care. It grew quickly like a wildfire, intensified, became savagely fierce and demanding as he plundered my mouth, explored and invaded with a driving primal need. The kiss siphoned every last bit of uncertainty I'd tucked away. He tasted like rain and suns.h.i.+ne and flammable substances.

He stepped closer, pushed into me, and a spark ignited between my legs. Just as my hands dipped in search of the hardness pressed against my abdomen, he stopped.

In a movement so quick it made me dizzy, he broke the kiss and spun around. His robe materialized instantly, a liquid ent.i.ty that encased us both, and I heard the sing of metal coming to life, of a blade being drawn. A sinister growl, deep and guttural, thundered from his chest, and I blinked to awareness-so weak, I could barely stand. Was someone in the room with us? Something?

I couldn't see what lurked beyond Reyes's wide shoulders, but I could feel tension solidify every muscle in his body. Whatever lingered near, it was very real and very dangerous.

Then he turned back to me, wrapped his free hand around my waist, and pulled me against him, his mahogany eyes glowing as they searched mine, begging for understanding. "If I wake up," he said, his voice an agonized whisper, "they'll find me."

"What? Who?" I asked, alarm seizing my heart.

"If they find me," he continued, his gaze lingering on my mouth, "they find you."

Then he was gone.

About three seconds later, I hit the floor.

Chapter Eighteen.

When fighting clowns, always go for the juggler.

-b.u.mPER STICKER Had I been asleep for the last twenty-seven years? Were there beings and ent.i.ties I'd never seen? Beings so dangerous and savage that only something supernatural could fight them?

I sat in the conference room with Uncle Bob, unable to fully focus after last night. Garrett was there, too, as well as the DA, the lead detective on the Price task force, the lawyers, and a very fidgety Angel. We were finalizing the plans for the evening. It was tricky making plans when not everyone in the room was in the loop, but Uncle Bob sold it. I knew he would.

Garrett and Angel had been surprisingly quiet. Garrett, I could understand. He was against the whole thing. But Angel had a prime opportunity to flirt with a hot, departed lawyer in a miniskirt, and he didn't take it. In fact, he hardly looked at her. I couldn't imagine what ate at him. Was it Reyes? Did he know I had fantasies about him that bordered on criminal?

After the detective and the DA left, Uncle Bob turned to me. "Okay, what's the real plan?"

Back to reality. A weak grin slid across my face. "I go in with my ridiculous video and fabricated evidence and get Price to confess everything."

"You can do that?"

"I can do that."

"d.a.m.n," he said, impressed already, "you really are a whisperer."

Garrett s.h.i.+fted in his seat but refused to say anything.

"What if we can't find him?" Barber asked in reference to their search for Father Federico. "What if the task force doesn't know about all of Price's holdings? Maybe they're keeping him somewhere else?"

"Or they've already killed him," Sussman said.

"That's always a possibility," I said, "but Price is Catholic, through and through. I just think he'd have a hard time offing an ordained priest."

"So, Barber and I are searching his holdings," Elizabeth said, "while Sussman and Angel a.s.sist you?"

"That's the plan."

"What's the plan?" Uncle Bob asked. I summarized our ideas, and he gave us a thumbs-up. Good thing, 'cause we really didn't have a Plan B.

"Angel," I said as everyone was taking off, "are you going to spill, or do I have to resort to the torture techniques I learned last year during Mardi Gras?"

He smiled and added a bounce to his step for my benefit. "I'm good, boss. I can do this with my eyes closed."

"Only 'cause you can see through your lids."

"True," he said with a shrug.

I checked my phone. Cookie'd left me a message. "You just seem so sad," I said, dialing voice mail. "Like someone stole your favorite nine millimeter."

"I'm not sad." He started down the hall, then turned back. "Least not when I look at you."

Aw. That was sweet. He was totally up to something; I just couldn't put my finger on what it might be.

"Guess what? Guess what?" Cookie chimed happily into the phone. "I got her name. I called that cell mate of Reyes's, that Amador Sanchez, and threatened to have him picked up on a parole violation if he didn't spill. I got her name and address. She's-" The voice mail beeped; then another message started. "Sorry. d.a.m.n phones. She's still in Albuquerque. Her name is Kim Millar, and she's still here."

My knees weakened beneath my weight. I grabbed a pen and paper off a uniform's desk as I walked past, earning a hostile glare for my efforts, and wrote down the address.

"He didn't have a number, but he said she works from home, so she should be there when you get this."

I could have kissed that woman.

"I know. You could kiss me. Just find Reyes's sister, and we'll make out later."

With a mad chuckle, I jumped into Misery and headed downtown. The antic.i.p.ation growing inside me had my heart and stomach switching places. I glanced at my watch. Twenty-four hours. We had twenty-four hours to stop this.

The ride gave me time to contemplate what Reyes had said the night before. What did he mean when he said they would find him? Who would find him? Was he being hunted? I chose not to think about what Reyes had been growling at. Clearly there were things out there that even I couldn't see. Which brought up an important conundrum: What was the point of my being a grim reaper if I couldn't see everything out there? Shouldn't I be kept in the know? Seriously, how could I be expected to do my job?

After pulling up to a gated apartment complex, I padded across the walk to the door of 1B and knocked. A woman about my age answered with a towel in her hands, as if she'd been drying dishes.

Stepping forward with my own hand outstretched, I said, "Hi, Ms. Millar, I'm Charlotte Davidson."

She took it warily, her paper-thin fingers cold to the touch. With dark auburn hair and light green eyes, she looked nothing at all like Reyes. A tad Irish and then some.

"What can I do for you?" she asked.

"I'm a private investigator." I fumbled for a card and handed it to her. "May I speak with you?"

After studying the card a long moment, she opened the door wider and gestured me inside. When I stepped into the sunlit room, I scanned the area for photos of Reyes. There were no pictures at all, of Reyes or otherwise.

"You're a private investigator?" she asked, leading me to a seat. "What can I do for you?"

She sat across from me in the front room. The morning sun filtered in through gauze curtains and bathed it in warmth. Though her furnis.h.i.+ngs were spa.r.s.e, they were clean and in perfect shape.

Wondering if she had a touch of OCD, I cleared my throat and contemplated how to begin. This was harder than I'd thought it would be. How did you tell someone her brother was about to die? I decided to save that part for later.

"I'm here about Reyes," I began.

But before I could elaborate, she said, "Excuse me?"

I blinked. Had she not heard me? "I'm here about your brother," I repeated.

Because I had mad skill at reading people, I could tell instantly she was lying when she said, "I'm sorry. I have no idea who you're talking about. I don't have a brother."

Wow. Why would she lie? My mind started running scenario after scenario, trying to solve this newest mystery. But I didn't have time to play games. Even one so intriguing. I decided to fight fire with fire and lie right back.

"Reyes told me you'd say that," I said, a pleased smile on my face. "He gave me the pa.s.sword so you'd know it was okay to talk to me."

Her brows slid together. "What pa.s.sword?" She leaned forward. "Did he tell you about me?"

That was too easy. I almost felt guilty. "No," I said in regret, "he didn't. But you just did."

Anger flared in her Irish eyes, but it wasn't directed at me. She was mad at herself. The concave angle to her shoulders, the disappointment thinning her lips and pinching her brows told me everything I needed to know. Reyes wasn't the only one in the family who'd been abused.

"Please don't be angry with yourself," I said, still not feeling guilty so much as empathetic. "I do this stuff for a living because I'm good at it." She eyed the rag in her hands as I continued, her grip tightening. "Why would Reyes want your ident.i.ty to remain a secret? There's nothing about you in his prison jacket. He's never listed you as a relative or a contact of any sort. There's not a word about you in any of the court transcripts."

After a long pause, she spoke with a sadness that seemed almost palpable. "There wouldn't be. He made me promise not to tell anyone who I was. We have different last names. It was easy to fade into the shadows at the trial. No one suspected a thing."

Why on Earth would Reyes want her to remain anonymous during his trial? If anything, she should have been a key witness. "Do you know what's happened to him?" I asked.

Her chin dropped farther, her hair s.h.i.+elding her eyes. "I know he was shot. Amador told me."

"Ah. Does Amador keep you informed?"


"So you know the state is going to take him off life support tomorrow."

"Yes," she said, her voice catching.

Finally, we were getting somewhere. This might just work after all. "You have to fight it, Kim. No one else can. You seem to be his only living relative."

"I can't," she said, shaking her head vehemently. "I can't get involved."

Astonishment sucked the air out of my lungs, and I stared at her, shocked and bemused.

She twisted the rag between white-knuckled fists. "Please don't look at me like that. You don't understand."

"Obviously not."

A soft sob escaped from her chest. "He made me swear I would never contact him again. He said when he got out, he would find me. That's why I've stayed here in Albuquerque. But I don't go visit him, I don't write him or call him or send him gifts on his birthday. He made me swear," she said, her eyes pleading with me to understand. "I can't get involved."

Though I couldn't imagine why Reyes made her swear to such a thing, the situation had clearly changed. I decided to go for the jugular. Desperate times and all. "Kim, he protected you all those years," I said, my voice acidic with accusation. "How can you do nothing?"

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First Grave On The Right Part 29 summary

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