Heart Of Obsidian Part 24

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HE sat motionless in the chair beside Santano, his feet flat on the floor and his eyes trained straight ahead. He'd already noted everything about Anthony Kyriakus's office, particularly the two doors and the large windows that spilled sunlight into the room and onto his legs.

He had no windows like that in his room at the remote training facility where he lived, and logic said it made the office vulnerable to attack, but the design also had good points. The biggest was that it gave Anthony an uninterrupted view of the main gates that guarded the sprawling compound that housed most of the PsyClan NightStar.

In the reports that Santano had given Kaleb to read as part of his political studies, it said that "strong familial loyalty" was a characteristic NightStar trait. Kaleb had no family, hadn't understood the concept of loyalty the first time he'd read about it-but after researching it, he'd realized it meant being connected to someone who would care if he lived or died, someone who would fight for and with him, someone who didn't want to hurt him.

He had never experienced any of those things.

"Shall we begin?" Santano said to Anthony, placing a datapad on the desk between them. "I brought a copy of the relevant files."

"A moment." Anthony glanced at the small girl who stood in the main doorway, her hands clasped neatly in front of her. "Please show Kaleb around the grounds, Sahara."

Kaleb didn't move, even when Anthony nodded at him in silent permission. He knew Santano wouldn't allow him to interact with anyone outside of the Tk's control-Kaleb didn't have to be an adult to know it was all part of his trainer's strategy to break him down, erase his will. It was the same reason the other Tk had burned a large part of Kaleb's back minutes before they teleported to the NightStar compound.

It had been-was-excruciatingly painful, but Kaleb hadn't made a sound, his expression impa.s.sive. He'd learned long ago never to react; that only fed the ugliness that lived inside Councilor Santano Enrique, an ugliness no one else ever seemed to see.

"That child," the other cardinal now said, after a dismissive look at the girl in the doorway, "is too young to provide conversation that will in any way interest Kaleb. He can remain."

Kaleb waited for Anthony to back down. Everyone did. Santano was a Councilor, while Anthony was merely the head of a family.

Except Anthony, his tone as firm as his gaze, said, "I don't conduct business with children present. We can schedule another appointment next month to discuss the forecasting services required by your company."

Rather than rising to make an immediate departure, Santano steepled his fingers and turned his head toward Kaleb. "Go. Behave yourself." A wrenching tug on the psychic leash around Kaleb's mind, the compulsions that kept him silent about Santano's perversions in full effect.

Ignoring the additional pain, Kaleb walked to the door and into the compound with the girl called Sahara. They were in the hydroponic vegetable garden when she suddenly said, "My father's an M. We can go see him."

Kaleb froze. "Why?"

Sahara's face held an expression he recognized as concern, but she said, "He has interesting scanners in his office," and he knew it for a ruse to get him to the medical center.

"I've seen medical scanners before." It was an answer forced out by the compulsions.

Searching his face, Sahara finally nodded, "Okay," and carried on.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that he realized she'd slowed the pace and ignored at least one slope . . . because she knew he was wounded. No one else had ever done anything to help him and he didn't understand why she did, what she expected to gain.

"There's fish in the pond," she said at the end of the tour. "Do you want to see?"

Kaleb nodded to delay his return to the office . . . and to extend his time with this girl who saw his pain when no one else did. "Why was this created?" he asked once they reached the large pond bordered with smooth rocks.

Sahara knelt down beside him with a slight betraying movement of her shoulders that said she'd been about to shrug. "I heard Father say it was an 'approved meditation aid,'" she said, her khaki-colored pants wet by a droplet of water as she dipped her hand in the pond and swirled. "The F-Psy who live here use it."

"Are you an F?" he asked, echoing her movements in the water.

"Not really." Nothing in her said she was troubled by her lack of status in a family so well-known for its foreseers. "I'm subdesignation B. That means I have backsight."

Flicking her hand dry, she looked at him with eyes of a deep, distinctive blue vivid against the thick black of hair contained in two neat braids. "What are you?"

"A Tk."

Her cheeks flushed pink, her eyes s.h.i.+ning. "Can you do any tricks?"

Accessing the part of his telekinesis that Santano hadn't strangled when he wrenched the leash, Kaleb thought about what Sahara might consider a good trick and lifted her small body off the ground.

Eyes wide when she realized she was floating, she stood up and, after glancing furtively around, jumped up and down on the cus.h.i.+on of air, the sun sparking off hidden strands of red-gold in her hair. Waiting until she'd sat back down and was stable, he lowered her gently to the gra.s.s.

"That was wonderful," she said, her lips curving into a smile before worry darkened her expression. "I'm sorry. Did it hurt you to do that?"

Kaleb shook his head at the unexpected question. He'd lain bloodied and broken in front of Santano and his pet medics, but not one had ever looked at him like Sahara was doing-as if he was a person and not a thing. "Your Silence is flawed for your age group," he said, the water cool under his fingertips as he swirled it again.

Folding her arms, Sahara bit down on her lower lip. "Are you going to tell on me?"

"No." He had no loyalty to anything or anyone, nothing worth betraying this girl who made him forget she'd been ordered to spend time with him.

When she waved surrept.i.tiously at him as he left, he decided he had to come back, had to find out what she would do if she was free to choose whether or not to talk to him.

It took him almost two weeks to slip away from the training facility. He used Sahara's face as a teleport lock, arriving in the backyard of a small home to find her sitting on a wide stump. Her feet were bare and her braids messy, a frown of concentration on her forehead as she stared at a datapad.

"h.e.l.lo," he said, and waited for her to scream that an intruder had breached the security of the compound.

Except . . . she broke out into a huge smile. "Hi!" Setting down the datapad, she said, "Is that man here again?" Her smile faded. "I don't like him."

Kaleb shook his head, a strange sensation in his chest at not being rejected. "I came to see you." He thought about not adding the next part, but it seemed wrong to lie to Sahara when she'd trusted him with her own thoughts. "I don't know any other children who talk to me."

"That must be lonely." Taking a squashed nutrition bar from her pocket, she broke it in half and held out a piece toward him. "I know you probably think I'm a baby, but you can be my friend if you like."

When he accepted the offering, she s.h.i.+fted on the stump to make a s.p.a.ce for him.

Taking the seat, he said, "I don't think you're a baby. I think you're smart and you see things other people don't." Countless adults had seen him after Santano tortured him, but none had ever noticed that he was hurt. Worse, none had ever seen Santano for what he was. "I don't like him, either."

Sahara chewed on her half of the nutrition bar and banged the back of her feet on the stump. "Oh, good."

He wasn't aware of what he was about to say until the words were out. "You have to be more careful." If someone like Santano found out how bad Sahara's Silence was for her age group, they'd put her into intensive conditioning and crush her with pain until her responses were "correct." Until she wasn't Sahara anymore. "You smiled at me."

"That's because I like you." It was a statement so absolute, he couldn't not believe.

"I can help make your PsyNet s.h.i.+elds stronger," he said, a sensation inside him that he thought might be the beginning of loyalty. "So you're not exposed there." He'd have to take care, but the ugly things Santano had planted in his mind only reported back if he used too much energy.

"You'd do that? Thanks, Kaleb!" She threw her arms around him.

It was the first time he could ever remember being held.

Chapter 37.

SAHARA WOKE TO find Kaleb watching her, his eyes of starlight. "What are you thinking?" she asked in an intimate whisper, her legs tangled with his and one of his arms acting as a muscular pillow for her head.

He tumbled her gently onto her back, his body pressing down on hers. "How you taught me to climb trees."

Delighted at the idea, she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Was I a good teacher?"

"Yes, but you kept trying to trade your teaching skills for answers to your math homework."

The cool comment made her grin and demand further stories about her aborted career as an extortionist. He gave her what she demanded-and she hoped that these wonderful memories, innocent and bright, were safe in the vault, that she'd soon be able to access them herself.

"You even made a plaque to commemorate my first successful climb of the biggest tree in the compound," Kaleb added. "It's in my study."

Sahara frowned. "I don't . . ." Laughing as she realized what he was talking about, she nuzzled at his throat. "The piece of wood with your name?"

Fingers weaving into her hair, he held her to him. "You worked on it for weeks," he said, as another related memory tugged free of the vault.


Kaleb took the small, battered book from her hand. "What's this?"

"Poetry." Sahara saw from his expression that he had no idea what to make of that and clasped her hands nervously behind her back. "I know the lines seem nonsensical, but they always make me think."

Perhaps, she thought, her heart hurting, the sheer perplexing nature of the rhymes would help him see that the world wasn't simply full of horror and pain, that there were strangely wonderful things, too. It worried her how much darkness she saw creeping into him day by day, hour by hour, and she'd fight the slow loss of her Kaleb any way she could. Even if it was with whimsical poems about fantastical creatures.

"Thank you," he said, opening the cover to see the homemade birthday card she'd put inside. His hands treated both the card and the book with care, as if they were precious. Kaleb always treated her gifts as precious.

"I'm sorry it's not in very good condition." She'd bought it with part of her stationery allowance, after managing to fix a broken datapad so she didn't have to replace it.

Kaleb's eyes were filled with stars when he looked at her. "It's perfect. Even if I am certain I'll be as bad at understanding poetry as you are at math."

The memory fading, Sahara smiled at the dangerous man in bed with her. "Did you read the poems I gave you?" she asked softly, thankful to the girl she'd been for fighting for Kaleb with every weapon in her a.r.s.enal, no matter how small.

"First, I had to learn French," he said, to her shout of laughter. "They were still incomprehensible. I told you that, and next time, you gave me a seventeenth-century romance." His hair fell across his forehead as he dipped his head. "You had to decipher it for me."

Laughing even harder, she cupped his face, their foreheads touching. They talked for several more minutes after she finally caught her breath, until Kaleb had to leave-but not before he gave her a molten kiss that was a promise. Feeling as if her body were one big smile, she tidied up the aerie, then called her father for a chat. Of course, he was already at the medical center. "I don't suppose you'll be going home early," she said, worried he was overdoing it.

Leon Kyriakus gave her a steady look out of eyes of deep blue. "No, but I have confined myself to writing academic papers in the afternoons. Does that make you happy?"

"Yes," she said, not the least bit sorry for hounding him about his health.

After she hung up, Sahara decided it was time to go back into San Francisco. She intended to be careful about it, but she had earned her freedom and no bounty hunter was going to steal that from her. She also wanted to run some informal tests to gauge the development-or lack-of her ability with languages.

Catching a ride with Mercy when the other woman swung by after a routine perimeter check, she rubbed the eagle charm on her bracelet.

"Not that I don't appreciate the company," Mercy said as they drove out, "but why didn't you hop in with Vaughn? I saw him leaving as I came in."

Blowing out a breath, Sahara fixed the knitted cap that hid her hair. "He's developed a distinctive protective streak when it comes to me." There was no way her cousin's mate would've left her alone in the city, and it was something she needed to do, to prove to herself that she could.

Mercy, by contrast, raised an eyebrow when Sahara asked to be dropped off near Fisherman's Wharf, but didn't attempt to stop her. "According to my orders, we're meant to provide a safe harbor, not imprison you. And if that gun I glimpsed at your ankle's what I think it is, you're smart enough not to need a babysitter.

"Still, put this number into your phone." She pa.s.sed over a card. "Any trouble while you're there, call that and a packmate will come get you-our city HQ isn't far." A wry smile. "I mean in case you don't feel like being teleported by the scariest man on the planet."

Sahara was still smiling an hour later, her mind lingering on the way that scary man had held her against his heart throughout the night, when she noticed the gathering crowd in front of one of the large public comm screens on Pier 39. Unlike with a sports game or musical performance, the group was deathly silent.

A single look showed her why.

A night-draped Hong Kong was burning, the smoke so thick, it was a roiling cloud over the glittering steel metropolis that was home to a majority Psy population and a minority human one, their combined numbers near to four million.

With the skysc.r.a.pers so close together, and the fact that the flames seemed impervious to the fire-r.e.t.a.r.dant building materials used in most inner-city areas, the death toll could be in the hundreds of thousands. Horrified, she lifted her hand to her mouth, just as an emblem flashed on the right-hand side of the screen: a black star with a white P at its center.

". . . whether or not it is a purposeful echo," the Psy reporter was shouting into the camera in an effort to be heard over the cacophony of rescue vehicles and the voracious roar of the flames.

On the other side of the screen flashed a single silver star.

"The silver star is Councilor Kaleb Krychek's highly recognizable emblem. With their new symbol, Pure Psy appears to be issuing a direct challenge to the man who has stopped or mitigated a number of their recent attacks.

"Our contacts in fire rescue tell us this fire is unlike anything they've seen. Their normal methods are having zero effect, and the size of the blaze means it's too dangerous to be contained by even a team of Tks without Councilor Krychek's a.s.sistance. He is the only individual who may have the power to contain, if not end, this inferno."

Sahara's heart stopped at the reporter's final words.

The one question she hadn't been able to ask Kaleb now burned red-hot across her irises, as fear for him-because she knew without a doubt that he'd soon be in the burning city if he wasn't already-mingled with terror for what he might've done. She couldn't bear to think that his soul was that pitiless, couldn't bear to accept that she was too late, her heart clenching so hard within her chest that it was a physical pain that threatened to bring her to her knees . . . but the one thing she couldn't avoid, couldn't refuse to hear, was the evidence of his own words.

"I don't have empathy, Sahara. I can't feel for those who are going to die. It would be akin to asking a falcon to take flight when his wings had long been hacked off."

KALEB had planned to sit out the next major Pure Psy attack. It would not do for people to become suspicious of his motives. The situation in Hong Kong, however, threatened to be so cataclysmic as to require a drastic change of plans.

Ordering his own teams in the region to respond, as well as giving the same command to all available telekinetic Arrows, he arrived to discover that Ming, the only other former Councilor with significant personal military might, had appeared with a Tk team. An interesting move for the telepath who ordinarily preferred to keep his face out of the media, and one that showed Ming was learning this war would not be won in the shadows.

Too bad he'd already lost it.

Acknowledging the other man with a nod, Kaleb turned to Aden, the blast of heat from the fire roaring a block away causing sweat to bead on his temples and plaster his long-sleeved T-s.h.i.+rt to his back. Aden shoved back sweat-damp hair before he spoke. He'd already been in the city for a meeting with other members of the squad based in the region and had reacted quickly to hook himself into the communications network.

"It's obvious Pure Psy has a source for high-grade military-spec explosive charges," the Arrow told him as the last of the Tks close enough to 'port in without exhausting themselves completed the transfer. "This operation had to have been put in place over months. The entire central core of the city was mined to blow, but the initial blasts only did minor damage-it's the fire that's the real a.s.sault."

Kaleb looked at the images Aden had obtained of the devastated city center. The flames burned white-hot with an abnormal green tinge. "Fire r.e.t.a.r.dant?"

"No effect." Aden touched his finger to his ear. "Report from one of the fire crews-sky drops of water and r.e.t.a.r.dant are both failing."

Ming, having examined the same images, said, "They'll continue to fail. These flames are distinctive of 'scorch' charges, meant for use in erasing isolated targets surrounded by large areas of rock or desert or water. Once lit, the fire will burn until every possible consumable is gone."

Meaning after it engulfed Hong Kong Island, it would sprawl outward in any direction not marked by a water boundary. "The primary bridges and tunnels to Kowloon," Kaleb said, pointing to a team of four Tks. "Collapse them, then take care of the secondary access routes and any physical links to outlying islands." The other bridges weren't as st.u.r.dy, with a lesser risk the fire would crawl across, but they needed to go as well.

"The squad," Aden said as the four-man team left, "is unaware of such a weapon."

"It was developed two decades ago," Ming replied, "and shelved because of its ferocity. Given its lack of subtlety, I deemed it of no use to the squad."

And that, Kaleb thought, was why Ming had lost the Arrows. He had treated them not as the highly intelligent, dangerous men and women they were, but as his personal army of It had been a fatal mistake. "Vasic," Kaleb said to Aden's thus far silent partner, "did you do a telekinetic test?" Not every fire reacted the same way to their ability to manipulate the destructive energies.

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Heart Of Obsidian Part 24 summary

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