The Promise Of December Part 11

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Every ounce of my body stops. I'm not sure if I heard right, so I just lay like a lion playing dead as scenarios rush through my mind. But it is Noel's sudden halt that makes me want to hear him. "What?" I whisper. "What did you say?"

He comes back to me, his smile is more of a grin as he locks eyes with me. His fingers sweep through my hair as he thinks of his words. He is serious. You very rarely get a serious Noel with his playful personality. "I said, I love you. I love how you do your hair. I love how you do those tiny black flicks on your eyelids. I love that you keep your nails manicured. I love that you dress to impress but also dress to knock a man dead. I love your mouth and that tiny mole on your stomach. But most of all Tamzin King. I love that you're also not afraid to show a man the real you. I love that you feel comfortable to yell at me. To cry when you need to. Walk around in your long socks and oversized jumpers, even better when you forget to wear panties. I love your deep soul and your enormous heart. I love everything that you are. I. Love. You."

My eye gla.s.s with his beautiful words as my heart beats rapidly in my chest. He loves me. I never expected to find my love for Christmas again let alone a love for the future. Noel Thompson has well and truly knocked me on my a.s.s and stole my heart. "You love me?" I whisper.

"I do. I've never fell for anyone as fast as I've fallen for you." I need him to stop taking. I need to show him what he means to me. What I feel for him. "I know it may seem to-"

I crash my lips to his for a hungry pa.s.sionate kiss. I would tell him with words but first I need to show him with action. He nudges my legs further apart and teases my entrance, sliding into me with his thickness. Our body's links together perfectly and nothing will change that.

"I love you, Noel Thompson. With every beat of my heart. This is turning out to be the best December ever." I kiss him again. "Merry Christmas, my one and only s.e.xy handsome man."

"Merry Christmas, Angel," he whispers. "You've just got yourself a hot hunk with a big ego."


I'm on cloud nine. f.u.c.k the presents because I've just received the biggest one to date. The blonde that's currently walking around my house is in love with me. I got to be honest, I was worried. Worried that her heart was still bruised and that it would throw up a barrier of getting any closer. Tamzin may come across that things don't bother her but there is still that edge of darkness that creeps in occasionally.

"So how do you normally do it? Presents before or after lunch?" I ask as I watch her in the kitchen.

"I lived with people set in their ways, Noel. Presents were always after the Queen's speech."


Her giggle makes me smile as she pours us both a gla.s.s of champagne I got for Christmas morning. The turkey is already in the oven and we prepared the veg and right after we got out the shower. She comes into the living room, hands me my gla.s.s and curls herself up on the sofa. Her eyes are different. That sparkle I always knew was there is more evident than it has been. The way she's paraded around since my declaration is almost as if a dark cloud has been lifted off her shoulders.

"Do you really think they'd let a hyperactive child obsessed with Christmas wait to open her presents until after 3pm? I changed their entire tradition once I came along. They tried to make me wait one year and by the time they manage to come downstairs and get my breakfast I was knee deep in wrapping paper and Barbie dolls."

"So shall we open them now before we get bombarded by visitors?"

She wrinkles her nose in excitement as a big white smile forms her face. I take her gla.s.s from her and rest it on the side table, leaning down to the floor to get her first present. She rips the parcel open and immediately giggles aloud. "Oh my G.o.d, I love them." Ten packs of all coloured and pattern long socks rolled up and waiting for her legs to wear them. I couldn't resist but to get them. She slips a pair on creating a fas.h.i.+on of s.e.xy casual as they end at the beginning of her dress. "Do you like?"

"No. I love."

She lifts up her leg to observe them. "I might start a new fas.h.i.+on and wear them to work."

"You will not. I don't want the likes of Dirty Dave eye-f.u.c.king my woman."

"So possessive." She grins.

I run my hand over her extended leg and move in close to her lips. "These legs belong to me. Only I get to see and f.u.c.k you in these."

She pecks me on the lips and moves me aside, walking around me to get to a small box with a bow almost big enough to swallow it whole. "Now if you don't like it I can change it only the thing on the back might be a problem." She places the box in my hands and takes her drink from the table sitting back next to me. Like an excited child, I tear off the paper and find a black leather box. Inside is a large silver designer watch with matching cufflinks. I am a little taken back by her generosity. Taking the watch out of the case, I examine it with great length, neatly polished with a black cloak face.

"Something told me you weren't a gold kind of guy. Do you like it?"

"I love it."

"Turn it over," she says taking a sip of her champagne. I turn over the watch to find a small engraving on the back. I smile when I read the words, the two words I love calling her.

All my love, your Angel Tami.


I turn to face her, her eyes full of awe. "Thank you, Angel. It's amazing."

"I'm glad you like it. It was a risk that paid off." I frown, unsure on what she means. "Even though I knew we'd be together for Christmas I was a little sceptical on your feelings. I didn't want it to be too much."

"Babe, I've wanted you from the night I brought you home and put you to bed. My feelings for you are out of this world. You have nothing to be doubtful about."

Closing the box and placing it on the table, I give Tamzin her next gift. A diamond heart pendant white gold necklace that reflects her eyes. Her mouth is gaped as she carefully takes it out of the box. "Oh my G.o.d, Noel! It's beautiful," she gasps, trailing her fingers lightly over the stones.

"Shall I help you put it on?" She me the necklace and turns herself, holding back her hair to give me access. Her fingers go straight to the pendant once it's on, feeling it around her neck with a smile. "It looks beautiful on you."

"Thank you," she whispers. She turns her body to me to kiss me, pus.h.i.+ng me down to the cus.h.i.+ons as she rests on my front. "You are spoiling me."

"I've not finished yet."

Her eyes go wide. "Please don't tell me there's more. I only got you a watch."

I stroke the back of my knuckles over her cheek. "I've got you, Angel. That's all I need."


Not only was this the first time in years that I wasn't alone at Christmas, it was the first time that I woke to a gorgeous man next to me. Today has been amazing. Our lazy long chats and love making morning was finished with breakfast in bed of croissants and bucks fizz, before entering the shower for more dirty rendezvous whilst we got clean. The first thing I did when entering the kitchen was turn the radio up high as I danced around Noel and helped him prepare our Christmas meal for two. Although there was enough to feed an army.

After being spoilt rotten with beautiful gifts, Noel's parents came around to exchange presents and stayed for a little while. Cathy and Harold surprised me with a gift I never expected, which was a spa day in the country to visit along with herself and Karen. I've only met Cathy twice in the last twenty-four hours but already feel like I've known her for a year.

After they left, both Noel and I had a long conversation on speaker phone with Ruby letting us know that Santa had brought her a pink bike with stabilisers. Which then followed a full packed Christmas turkey dinner and curling up on the sofa to watch the same TV programmes they show every year. Today was truly perfect and my face ached with my wide spread smile that didn't show any sign of leaving me soon.

I towel off from my bubble bath and pull on my silk night robe and tie it at my middle. My new long socks that Noel got me for Christmas, a black pair with red lips all over them are snug around my legs. I doubt there's many men that find long winter socks s.e.xy and would often tell a woman to wear them whilst he f.u.c.ks her senseless. But it is a quirk that Noel has and I don't have any means to stop him. Socks or not the man f.u.c.ks like an animal.

Once I enter the living room, I find Noel sat in just his lounge pants, his bare chest and curved arms never fail to make my mouth water. He's s.e.xy and masculine and I can't wait to show him how thankful I am for this day. "You know sitting there like that is an invitation I'm happy to take if you're offering."

"You can take me any way you want but first I need to give you something."

"Another present?" I make my way over to him. He pulls me down to straddle him and places a medium-size red velvet box between us. He takes my hand in his and looks at me. He has those serious eyes again and for a second my stomach twists with uncertainty.

"I was going to give you this New Year's Eve. I thought that no matter what way this month turned out, I had to get you something to remember it by. Little did I know that we'd end it in a relations.h.i.+p. I made you a promise, Tamzin, and like I've said before I never back out or break them. Only now as I sit here with you, I couldn't be happier in finding you. You've made me a happy man and I don't just want December or Christmas. I want a lifetime with you. So I want you to have this now so we can start our New Year with a new adventure not a keepsake of the old one"

Placing the box in my hands, he watches me. Whatever is inside is heavy.

Once I open it up, my breath catches as I gaze at the most beautiful object I'd ever seen. A heavyweight golden snow globe with the city of London at Christmas in the centre. It is like nothing I've ever seen. The detail is exquisite, right down to the tiny footprint in the snow. You can make out the shapes of the people in the street and see the orange light of the street lights. It is magnificent. But it is the wording on the front that brings tears to my eyes. "The promise of December." A fine detail of script wording that sincerely captures every part of what this month has become.

I look at him, blurred vision and a full heart. "From the moment you invaded my house I never wanted you to leave. You've hit me like a freight train, Noel, and I couldn't be happier about that. You promised me so much in so little time and delivered in every way. Thank you for finding me my Christmas because if you hadn't of done that I wouldn't have had you."

I kiss him with everything I have. He said he'd promise to find me what I'd lost. Make me believe again. And he has. Only he's found me a whole lot more than what I expected to receive. But by helping me find the things I lost he's also stole a lot more from me. He's stolen my breath, my body, my heart and my soul. And if the future is anything like this month has been I'll take it with open arms. He created a different kind of magic to the one I knew as a little girl. A different kind of feel to the Christmases I shared with my grandparents. It's a kind of magic that kindles something deep inside you and now that I've found it, I'm going to hold on to it and him forever.

* The End *

Thank you for reading The promise of December I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it.

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Also the Author of The Spring Rose Bay Series Book one: Found By You.

Growing up as a child, writing was never my course of direction as I disliked everything about it due to being dyslexic. However, over time I got back into reading/writing and fell in love with adult romances and wanted to get out the stories that fill my mind on a daily basis.

I've lived in South West England my entire life just on the edge of Dartmoor where the moorland goes on for days. It's beautiful, breath-taking and occasionally rather wet.

I have a love/hate relations.h.i.+p with chocolate. I'm a sucker for a heart fluttering romance and can't help but go weak at the knees for a guy with a five o'clock shadow. ;-) Let's connect.


First I'd like to take this opportunity to thank those that have supported me personally this past year outside of the writing world. My family and close friends. As you know it has been a rollercoaster of emotions in so many ways. It's been hard mentally and emotionally but I wouldn't have got through any of it without you all being there. Your support, love and understanding have been incredible. It's not until you come out of a situation that you realise just how dark life can actually be. I'm stronger now than I've been in years and long may that continue. Thank you all for being my light, a shoulder to cry on, my friend and my rock. You mean the world.

MWAH!! x.x.x.

Special thanks go to Najla Qamber on this beautiful cover, your work is always outstanding! I'm so excited to see what you come up with on my forthcoming books.

To Lindee Robinson for the photography and teaser images, you are amazing keep up the good work.

To my beta readers - Thank you for your time, advice and support. I love you all.

Dotty King - Thank you once again for everything. Your time is much appreciated in your crazy busy life.

Katie Fox - From the get go you have been my teacher. Your help and support have been phenomenal and I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done. You continue to help me learn in a number of ways and this book wouldn't be here without your input. You are my go-to person when I need to freak out and my awesome author buddy. Thank you! Xx.

Brooke O'Brein - Now where does one start with you! In these short months that we've known each other, you've become one of my best friends. I adore our random conversations, the fact we bounce ideas off of each other and how we're both on the same page with nearly everything in life. I'm honoured that you come to me for advice even if I sometimes have no idea how to respond and I love the fact you let me throw storylines your way and just be there for me if I need to rant about my bookish problems. Thank you for being my crazy author buddy from across the water, I love you! Xx.



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The Promise Of December Part 11 summary

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