The Promise Of December Part 6

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I chuckle. "Really? It's that bad you have to result in a hamper?"

"Well, what else do you get a couple that has everything?" That's true. I often had this trouble with my grandparents.

"What about theatre tickets?"

"Tamzin, have you not met my parents? My mum hates s.h.i.+t like that and my dad falls asleep before seven once he's home from work. I'm surprised they're still together; her s.e.x life has gone to the grave since he changed jobs."

I wrinkle my nose and try to think of anything other than what I am thinking. "Thanks, now I've got an indecent image in my mind."

"And you think I don't? She asked me the other day if Ann Summers does a decent range of s.e.x toys. I was nearly sick in my mouth."

I throw my head back and laugh so hard. "I'd love to have seen your face."

"I couldn't look her in the eye for a week. I mean, Jesus, I don't need to know s.h.i.+t like that. It's enough to give anyone nightmares."

"Well then buy her a decent vibrator and be done with it," I joke.

She giggles. "Already have. I've even labelled it from dad."

As we head into John Lewis, the heat from the store lights and thunders of people causes my neck too flush. I rip my scarf off for the eighth time this evening as we head for the home department. My shoes have now officially murdered my feet as I walk like a drunk turkey across the hard floor. Evie, however, has skipped over to her next gift she's after. Her family's like the Walton's, everywhere you look you see another family member you didn't even realise she had. All cramped into a small living from in Hackney just a few streets down from me.

Her parents have been married for over twenty years and have five children. Evie being the second too youngest. I've lost count on grandchildren as Evie's sister in law Angie pops them out the cherries. Each year the shopping list doubles in names and stocking fillers.

"How about this for Frank?" she shouts, holding up a gla.s.s fruit bowl. "Think he'll like it?"

"Sounds great." Whoever, Frank is.

She comes back, fruit bowl under her arm and looking just as tired as I feel. "Do you need to get anything in here?"

"No, I'm good. Although alcohol is calling."

"Tell me about it. I'll just get this and then I'll treat you with a wet fantasy."

The only wet fantasy I'm wanting involves the man that's waiting for me to call and not some dim-lit c.o.c.ktail bar in Soho. I'm surprised at how much I miss him. I could never get my head around my gran saying she felt the instant connection with my grandpa when they met in Wales. After swooning her at a holiday camp for two weeks, they exchanged addresses and wrote to each other for months before they met again. She said she knew by the first kiss he would be her first and only love, and with sixty odd years under their belt she was right.

I can't help but wonder if that would be the same with Noel, because we've only been together a short time and it feels like I've known him years. It's shaken me to the depths of my core as to how much I've come to depend on him already. I can't identify if it's because I'm waiting on his promise in which he said he'd deliver or if it's the fact he's knocked me on my a.s.s with his kindness and bedroom pleasures. He makes my heart skip a beat in the way he looks at me. As if I'm the only woman he's ever laid eyes on. As though I'd disappear if they should waver. Now my worry is if they should waver on the last day of December. And if they do, where does that leave me?


"So where are we going exactly?" Tamzin's curiosity hasn't stopped since we left her house, and with me telling her to wear flat comfortable shoes it's only got her mind more curious.

"Just wait." Tonight I wanted to do something from my Christmas tradition. We've enjoyed past remembrances that Tamzin use to do with her grandparents over the week but tonight is my turn to relive what I often did as a child.

As we turn into Hyde Park, I look up at the sky. The night seems darker as the thick blanket of snow clouds threaten the city. The air has a feeling of magic waiting to coat the streets in white. As a child I always knew when it would snow, I felt it in my bones. My mother always called me her little snow boy.

"Your dad made his official announcement today about retiring. Evie almost died." Tamzin laughs, huddled up in her coat. "She was convinced he was going to make us all redundant."

"He said he was going to tease you all." That was my dad through and through.

"So will it be an all-boys company now being that you have brothers?"

"Not exactly. My older brother Harry recently sold his percentage to James and I. Not that it went down to well with my mother. Harry has his own business in Paris and never had any interest in dad's line of work. He's what James and I call our semi-estranged brother that often left people with questions."

"How come?"

"He's a thirty-eight-year-old fas.h.i.+on designer who's yet to come out the closet and thinks that by living away would stop the whispers. He's a good guy don't get me wrong but can also be a d.i.c.khead." Us boys all got along just fine, but since William's pa.s.sing, myself and James grew closer while Harry found comfort in his friends. "With James building his own business and growing his family with Karen, we agreed that I'd step in and take over as my own recruitment firms are running smoothly." I can afford to step aside from my business as my team are excellent and always on point.

"It must be nice growing up with siblings. I often felt isolated. It's funny how the age of your guardians affected your popularity. My spare time was often spent alone in my bedroom."

I take her hand, frustrated with the lack of skin connection through her gloves. "Now I know where Charlie came from."

"Hey! Don't diss Charlie, he was an excellent cat." She beams. I notice she goes to speak but the view up ahead catches her eye. The smell of cinnamon and mulled wine hits my nostrils as coloured lights glow the skyline. Her eyes immediately light up like firecrackers as she squeezes my arm. "Are we going to Winter Wonderland?"

"We are." That old schoolboy excitement hits my stomach.

"I've never been here before."

I'm a little taken back in surprise. "You've lived in London your entire life and you've never been to Wonderland?"

"Noel, you forget I lived with old people. Fragile bones and hearing loss aren't good in places with busy crowds and loud music." She chuckles. "Besides my December's haven't been ones of enjoyment these last few years."

"Well, we better make it one to remember then."

Other than during the day there wasn't a best time to explore Winter Wonderland, London's largest festive celebration with rides, Christmas markets, ice kingdom and ice rink. Week nights and weekends are so busy you can hardly breathe, and the atmosphere and body heat doubles with bodies and over excited children.

Like every yearly tradition, my first stop in this magical mayhem is hunting down our old family friend Ted, an elderly man with a big belly and salt and pepper hair. Some say he's a traveller, always on the road and pitching up at every food festival available in the UK or worldwide. What many people don't know is that he lives in a six-bedroomed barn conversion in Buckinghams.h.i.+re and is absolutely loaded.

"Well, if it isn't the boy himself." Ted chuckles, exiting his wooden cabin for our usual bear hug. "I was just thinking about you. How are you doing, son?"

"I'm great thanks. Good to see you. How's business?"

"Well I've not slept in my own bed for the last thirty-two days but I can't complain." His eyes leave mine and latch onto the beauty behind me. "And who do we have here?"

"Tamzin King, Noel's acquaintance. Pleasure to meet you, Sir."

Ted kisses Tamzin's hand through her glove and introduces himself. "The pleasure is all mine, Miss King. Why are you with an a.s.s like him when you can have a stud like myself?" He jokes. "If you ever get bored of him just call." Tamzin lets out a little giggle as Ted goes back inside the cabin, giving me a wink on his way.

"I can a.s.sure you she won't get bored."

"Sure about that?" She grins. I throw her a knowing look and turn back to Ted.

"A bag of my usual please, Ted. Make it a large, I have an extra mouth to feed."

He nods, filling the large paper bag with patisseries that smell of Christmas fruit and spices. My mouth waters at the sight of them, already knowing that they're going to taste delicious. Placing my arm around Tamzin's back, I draw her to me. Her fresh flower aroma I can't get enough of lingers around us. "I think acquaintance was a little formal don't you?"

Amus.e.m.e.nt dances in her eyes. "Would you rather I'd said f.u.c.k buddy?"

I jerk her even closer with a grin. I want to have her so badly. My self-control is shot to pieces when I'm around her. "It's a little better. Although, irresistible needs to be thrown in somewhere."

"What makes you think you're that?"

"By the way, you can't keep your hands off of me."

Her brows rise. "Coming from the guy who currently has his hands on my a.s.s?"

I kiss her lips. "You love my hands on your a.s.s."

"I also love chicken carbonara but it doesn't mean I want to bathe in it."

Her mouth drives me crazy just as much as her body. I place another kiss on the side of her mouth. "That's a shame. We could've fed each other in so many ways."

"You have a filthy mind, Thompson." She smiles.

"Just admit it, babe, you can't get enough of me."


Noel has no idea what he is doing to me right now. Regardless of his s.e.xy undeniable charisma, my insides are bursting with what I can only imagine is excitement. I don't think I've ever known an adult to get these feelings over an ice kingdom and a food market. But that little girl that always begged her grandparents to take her had finally been unleashed as her wish was granted. The smells of Christmas spices fill the winter night in cinnamon, cloves and oranges. Christmas lights light up the wooden huts, and chants from the cabin traders bounce around thick coated bodies as the beat of musical cheer plays out from the tall standing speakers. There are people of all age and not one has a glum look on their face. My heart hurts a little with the awareness on who was missing, feeling that pang of guilt tight across my chest. I briefly wonder if they'd be disappointed in me for having a good time with a man that makes me laugh because they're not here? Or would they be hurt that I'm stopping myself from not doing what they brought me up to do and believe in? I can never comprehend how I am supposed to feel and feel guilty for whatever feeling takes over. But right now as I stand here holding Noel's hand and bundling our way through the crowd, I know in my heart I want to be here. And I want to be here with him.

"So what do you want to go on now, the roller coasters?" Noel questions, placing a piece of cinnamon bun into my mouth so my gloves don't get sticky. We've just gotten off the Ferris wheel where the city's night light sparkles against the darkness. London is a beautiful place but lit up at night gives it a whole new meaning.

"Are you serious?" I mumble, placing my hand over my full mouth while I absorb the delicious flavours of Ted's hard labour. "Cake should never be wasted. I'm not going on that to throw it back up again. Let's go to the Kingdom I want to see the sculptures."

"Why did I have a feeling you'd say that?" He grins.

"Could it be the fact that I've not stopped talking about wanting to go?"

"Oh, so you want to go?" I scowl at him playfully. I love how he matches my sarcasm. "Ugh, come on then, princess. Let's go make some more memories."

I'm lost as to how long we've been in here. From the outside, the Kingdom is designed like a castle, whilst the inside is surrounded in magical ice sculptors. Crystallised animals stood in make-believe gardens with snow as the darkness of the building lights the surroundings in a royal blue hue. Reflecting off the ice and providing a moody yet magical feel. "This is beautiful," I whisper.

"Pretty cool, huh?"

"Everywhere you look there's something else to see." It is like a secret garden of ice art. From ice knights to warriors, prancing horses to bears, unicorns to carriages. All cut, engraved and designed to perfection. "I feel like I'm in a movie. It must have taken hours to make these."

"If not weeks," Noel says, studying a large bear in an angry stance at great length. "It's the largest exhibition in the world apparently so all kinds of creativity are involved."

"The work that goes into these is amazing. I can't believe my grandparents never brought me here, they'd have loved this." I release my hand from Noel's and step to the side of him. Circling around what looks to be the Ice Queen from The Chronicles of Narnia. Tall, slender and created with such detail you could see the evil in her eyes. The way the thick strands of her hair curves around to the back of her head and the detail of her winter cape truly is remarkable.

The cold clear environment makes it impossible for you to want to talk aloud. It is like in order to feel and breathe in everything around you, you have to do it in a whisper. Like in a library, somehow the books come alive more, the quieter the world is around you. I turn to find Noel and see him heading through the ice archway. I follow behind him slowly, the lighting of blue that lit the kingdom suddenly seems darker on the other side of the arch.

"Noel?" I say softly. I'm about to call him again when he appears from the darkness, grabbing me by the waist and pus.h.i.+ng me against the arched wall. He takes my mouth in hunger. The desperation in his kiss sends electricity through my body and awakens my need. This man has learned quickly that by getting me to succ.u.mb all he has to do is push me against a wall and kiss me with pa.s.sion.

"How is it possible that you take all my self-control, Tamzin? You're like an addiction I can't seem to fight."

I do nothing but lose myself in him each and every time his hands are on me. He unzips my coat to slide his hands inside, circling his arms around my waist and pulling me closer. His arousal presses against me and my heart pounds in every form of adrenaline you can imagine.

"Noel, stop. We can't," I breathe, hating the fact I'm pus.h.i.+ng him from me. The blue glow from the dim-lit lighting strikes his eyes just enough to show that he wants this just as much as I do, even though I clearly felt it.

"We can if you keep quiet." He grins.

I am surprised at how the idea of that thrills me. "You know as well as I do that that's hard for me. Besides, we're in public. I was brought up to follow rules."

"Rules are made to be broken, Angel." He's not helping. And I'm a total hypocrite because I was often breaking rules in my childhood. Breaking into my head teachers school records cabinet was just one of many things I explored as an early teen. "I've wanted you since I picked you up. At least let me touch you."

"In case you've forgotten this is a family adventure park and there are kids around."

"Well, their first s.e.x education lesson won't be so embarra.s.sing."

"Noel." I chuckle. I lose the battle I never even tried to fight as his hand slips into my jeans. The growl that leaves his throat once he feels my dampness is enough to soak them more.

"You see; you want this just as much." His voice is low and needy. "Just look up, everyone will think you're looking at what's above you."

I moan softly, biting down on my lip as he ma.s.sages my c.l.i.t through my panties. Since when did an ice kingdom become a hot fortress for a damsel with no willpower. Everything about what we are clouds and confuses me by the second. He doesn't act like a man that wants to f.u.c.k me every once and awhile as he helps me through the month. He's like something possessed.

"Undo your zip."

Against my better judgement, I do as I am told. Unzipping my jeans, I push them over my hips. I jump with a gasp when the ice cold wall hits my a.s.s. "Holy s.h.i.+t that's cold!"

"Don't c.u.m until I say."

"You can't be serious? We have to be-" His frozen fingers fill my hot entrance and instantly all thoughts of getting caught are forgotten. The difference in each other's body temperature is like fire and ice and he f.u.c.ks me, stimulating my core and working up a storm that is building in my belly. "Oh G.o.d, Noel." I didn't realise how much I was wanting his touch. The man is driving me beautifully insane. I go to kiss him, wanting his lips on mine but freeze at the movement to my right.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you both there." Noel's moves halt as my insides squeeze at the voice of the elderly lady that's entered the archway. I'm horrified, immobile and speechless. My hands press into Noel's shoulders through his coat, and I smile as best I can trying not to give anything away. This can't be happening.

"That's ok, we were just taking five minutes to look at the sculpture above," Noel says, moving slightly and s.h.i.+fting my coat to hide my naked hips. I let him take control of the conversation as his smooth voice shows no signs of guilt. So much so that the a.s.shole resumes his thrusts. Slow, deep and powerful. I want to slap him but I feel to dumbfound and exhilarated in both equal measures.

"They're beautiful aren't they?" she asks.

"Yes. You love them don't you, Tamzin?"

He's got to be kidding me. I can't look anyone in the eye let alone talk. "Y-Yes." I blurt, feeling heat rise my body. "Stunning."

"It's nice to see the youth of today in a place like this. Don't you agree, Edward?"

Holy s.h.i.+t there's two of them! She turns to an elder man behind her and I thank the stars above that the lighting is low and that they're oblivious to where Noel's hand is.

"Thank you," Noel replies. My body is on fire and a slight panic hits my chest as I feel my o.r.g.a.s.m building, thick and fast.

"Do you come here often?" The lady asks.

"Oh, we come a lot," Noel grins. Now I really want to slap him! "It's a beautiful place. So quiet you could hear a pin drop."

Not in a second, you won't. The whole of London will hear my echoed cry.

The slow intense fiction of his fingers is too much for my body to handle. I try my hardest to keep silent but as Noels thumb circles my c.l.i.t a little whimper escapes me. The lady turns to me. "Are you alright, dear?"

I'm going to c.u.m. I'm going to c.u.m! "Yes. Fine. T-thank you."

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The Promise Of December Part 6 summary

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