Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia Volume I Part 17

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December: 5 : North-west : North-west : Clear : Clear : 70 : 96 : 94 : 86 : Hot wind.

6 : - : North-North-west : - : - : 64 : 95 : 98 : 90 : -.

7 : - : North-west : Cirrus : Nimbus : 84 : 92 : 96 : 84 : A.M., sultry, P.M., thunder and showers.

8 : Calm : South-South-East : Cirro-c.u.mulus : Sky clear : 68 : 81 : 90 : 78 : - PM., sultry.

9 : - : North-east : Clear : Clear : 60 : 89 : 90 : 88 : Towards evening the wind unsettled.

10 : West-South-West : South : Nimbus : Rain : 70 : 68 : 66 : 64 : In the morning cloudy, rain in the afternoon.

11 : Light North-North-East : South-South-West : c.u.mulus : Clear : 63 : 79 : 78 : 75 : Fine during the day.

12 : South-West : Calm : Cirro-c.u.mulus : - : 60 : 88 : 76 : 70 : -.

13 : North-North-East : South-South-West : c.u.mulostratus : Cirrus, Nimbi below : Clear : 68 : 85 : 78 : 66 : Thunder with light showers.

14 : Calm : South-West : Clear : Cirrus : 60 : 82 : 80 : 74 : Fine weather.

15 : North-North-East : - : c.u.mulostratus : Cloudy : - : 62 : 80 : 80 : 66 : Overcast and cloudy.

16 : South-South-West : - : Clear : Clear : 52 : 80 : 72 : 60 : The day clear and fine.

17 : South-West : Calm : - : - : 46 : 87 : 74 : 74 : -.

18 : North-West : North-West : - : - : 52 : 88 : 81 : 76 : -.

19 : West : South-West : - : Hazy : 46 : 84 : 80 : 70 : Strong winds from south-west.

20 : North-West : North-West : - : - : 46 : 92 : 84 : 74 : Hot wind.

21 : South-West : South-West : - : Clear : 45 : 84 : 82 : 70 : Fine weather.

22 : Light North-West : North-North-West : - : - : 53 : 92 : 84 : 70 : Close and sultry.

23 : North-West : Calm : - : - : 58 : 92 : 90 : 75 : -.

24 : South-West : - : - : - : 60 : 92 : 94 : 82 : Fine weather.

25 : North-West : - : - : Cirrostratus : 66 : 96 : 95 : 84 : Wind oppressively hot.

26 : - : South-South-West : Cirrus : - : 68 : 96 : 94 : 86 : P.M. a cooling South-west breeze.

27 : Calm : Light North-West air : Clear : Clear : 58 : 96 : 94 : 84 : Oppressively hot.

28 : - : Calm : - : Cirrus : 58 : 98 : 94 : 80 : Not a breath of wind.

29 : - : - : - : Nimbus : 56 : 94 : 91 : 83 : -.

30 : Light North-West airs : East-South-East : - : - : 54 : 93 : 87 : 78 : Thunder in the distance.

31 : Calm : Calm : - : - : 53 : 92 : 79 : 74 : Fine weather.

January: 1 : North-West : West : - : - : 61 : 99 : 94 : 82 : Excessively sultry at noon.

2 : - : North-West : c.u.mulostratus : Thunderclouds : 69 : 91 : 95 : 88 : The breeze pleasantly cool from the North-west.

3 : - : Calm : Clear : - : 73 : 101 : 96 : 87 : - Distant thunder.

4 : - : North : Cirrus : - : 76 : 108 : 102 : 86 : Uncommon heat during the day.

5 : North-North-East : North-west : - : Clear : 76 : 100 : 98 : 88 : Air from the North-North-East cool and refres.h.i.+ng.

6 : North-west : Calm : Cirrus and c.u.mulostratus : Cloudy : 77 : 99.5 : 96 : 88 : Hot wind.

7 : West : - : Thunderclouds : Thunderclouds : 78 : 100 : 98 : 86 : A.M., light showers, PM., clearing off.

8 : North : North-West : Overcast : Overcast : 76 : 82 : 82 : 76 : Overcast and threatening.

9 : East : North-east : - : - : 70 : 82 : 80 : 76 : -.

10 : South-East : East-South-East : Rain : Rain : 70 : 80 : 76 : 71 : Light rain.

11 : South-South-East : South : - : - : 68 : 74 : 73 : 70 : Heavy rain during the day.

12 : South-South-West : South-West : Thunderclouds : Thunderclouds : 70 : 86 : 72 : 69 : Thunder, with light showers at intervals.

13 : North : North-West : Cirrus : Clear : 71 : 91 : 92 : 71 : Fine weather.

14 : North-East : - : Nimbus : Cirrus : 75 : 92 : 90 : 78 : -.

15 : North : North-East : Clear : - : 63 : 96 : 92 : 84 : -.

16 : - : North-North-East : Cirrus : Clear : 69 : 92 : 95 : 87 : -.

17 : Calm : South-West : c.u.mulostratus : Thunderclouds : 71 : 95 : 102 : 88 : Fair weather.

18 : North-North-West : North : Cirrus above c.u.mulostratus : Cirrus : 72 : 94 : 97 : 86 : -.

19 : North : North-East : c.u.mulostratus : c.u.mulostratus : 77 : 97 : 96 : 88 : Hot wind.

20 : North-West : North-West : Clear : Clear : 76 : 94 : 91 : 84 : -.

21 : West-North-West : - : - : - : 74 : 94 : 97 : 86 : -.

22 : North-East : East : - : Thunderclouds : 74 : 97 : 92 : 82 : -.

23 : - : North-North-West : Overcast : - : 75 : 89 : 88 : 80 : Fine but cloudy.

24 : East : East-South-East : Rain : Rain : 73 : 74 : 73 : 70 : Steady small rain.

25 : South-East : South-East : Overcast : Overcast : 68 : 82 : 81 : 68 : Continuing overcast.

26 : West-South-West : South-West : Cirrus above c.u.mulostratus : - : 58 : 84 : 78 : 62 : Clear fine weather.

27 : South-West : - : Cirrus : - : 61 : 85 : 88 : 80 : Fresh breeze.

28 : North-West : Light East-South-East : - : Clear : 64 : 85 : 86 : 78 : -.

29 : North-North-West : South-West : - : Cirrus : 66 : 86 : 84 : 78 : -.

30 : North-East : North-North-East : Cirroc.u.mulus : - : 65 : 92 : 88 : 76 : Fine cool breezes.

31 : - : East-North-East : Overcast : - : 68 : 86 : 83 : 79 : -.

February: 1 : East-North-East : - : Cirrus : - : 69 : 94 : 90 : 82 : -.

2 : North-East : North-East : - : - : 68 : 96 : 89 : 86 : -.

3 : North-North-East : East-North-East : Clear : c.u.mulus : 70 : 97 : 89 : 88 : Clear but sultry.

4 : East : East-South-East : c.u.mulus : - : 72 : 98 : 92 : 88 : -.

5 : North-East : North-East : Clear : Clear : 74 : 98 : 90 : 89 : -.

6 : Light North-East airs : - : - : - : 68 : 97 : 90 : 88 : -.

7 : East-North-East : - : - : - : 70 : 94 : 88 : 82 : -.

8 : South-South-East : South : Cirrus : c.u.mulus : 70 : 97 : 80 : 84 : Cloudy.

9 : South-East : South-East : Clear : Clear : 66 : 100 : 96 : 88 : A refres.h.i.+ng breeze.

10 : East-South-East : East-South-East : c.u.mulus : c.u.mulus : 68 : 97 : 94 : 84 : -.

11 : South-East : East : Clear : c.u.mulostratus : 63 : 92 : 93 : 85 : -.

12 : - : South-East : - : Clear : 65 : 97 : 101 : 86 : -.

13 : South-South-East : East : Cirrus : Overcast : 68 : 97 : 84 : 73 : Strong breeze.

14 : East-South-East : - : Rain : Rain : 72 : 73.5 : 72 : 72 : Heavy rains with strong squalls of wind.

15 : North-North-East : North : - : - : 74 : 76 : 75 : 72 : -.

16 : South-South-West : South-South-West : - : c.u.mulus : 73 : 76 : 77 : 72 : Changeable, the wind s.h.i.+fting in all quarters.

17 : North-West : - : Cirrus : Thunderclouds : 69 : 88 : 93 : 83 : Fair weather.

18 : North : North-East : Cirrus above c.u.mulus : c.u.mulus : 68 : 90 : 95 : 80 : -.

19 : North-East : North-North-West : c.u.mulus : - : 72 : 96 : 100 : 83 : Cloudy.

20 : East : North-East : Showers : Thunderclouds : 69 : 88 : 93 : 83 : A.M. showery and threatening rain.

21 : North-North-West : North-West : c.u.mulus : - : 72 : 93 : 98 : 83 : Sultry.

22 : Calm : Calm : Cirrus above c.u.mulus : Clear : 69.5 : 94 : 96 : 83.5 : -.

23 : - : Light South Airs : c.u.mulus : c.u.mulus : 71 : 95 : 96 : 83 : Fine.

24 : Light South Airs : West : Cirrus : Cirrus : 72 : 93 : 88 : 82 : -.

25 : Calm : South : Cirrus above c.u.mulus : Thunderclouds : 71.5 : 95 : 96 : 83 : Light thundershowers.

26 : South-South-West : South-West : c.u.mulus : c.u.mulus : 69.5 : 76 : 74 : 70 : Fine weather but overcast.

27 : Light North-East : Light North-East : - : - : 66 : 82 : 84 : 72 : -.

28 : South : South : Cirrus above c.u.mulus : Cirrus above c.u.mulus : 59 : 88 : 87 : 80 : -.

29 : Calm : North-North-West : Overcast : Overcast : 69.5 : 83 : 80 : 72 : Cloudy, likely to rain.




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Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia Volume I Part 17 summary

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