The Bond That Ties Us Part 26

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Haylie strode over to the bed and sat quickly cross-legged on the edge.

"There have been a number of strange things going on here. The altered doc.u.ments that no one seems to have changed, the bombing of the Briel meeting and now Kamran's arrest, have all thrown the station into chaos."

"Not to mention the increased number of sick patients that we've been seeing in med bay." Sara flopped sideways on Haylie's bed.

Haylie looked down and ran a hand over Sara's hair, pus.h.i.+ng the blonde strands from her face. Sara looked so tired, probably having been up as much as she had over the past little while.

"What is wrong with them? Anything odd?"


"Nothing major. Some broken bones, high levels of radiation showing on their scans. General exhaustion. It turns out that we had a batch of tampered EV suits that didn't get caught until this last inspection. That sent the union rep into a complete flap."

"That's...unbelievable. Those suits are under close guard." Haylie pinched her eyes.

"Okay, these events have to be related."

"Did you see anything else in your dreams that can help?"

Sara's question sent s.h.i.+vers down Haylie's back. There was a lot in her dreams, but she wasn't sure how it all tied together. And to make matters worse, the violence had increased.

"Well?" Sara rolled onto her back and crossed her arms across her chest.

Haylie froze. She knew what she needed to ask but desperately didn't want to drag Sara into the middle of a political nightmare.

"Don't question why I'm asking you this. Simply answer." She paused and took a deep breath. "Has Administrator Donaldson come into med bay in the last day with an injury? Say a stab wound?"

"Why the h.e.l.l would he-"


Her friend sighed. "No, I haven't seen him since my first day here. If he was injured, he attended the wound on his own. Or he went to one of the Briel doctors, but I can't see that happening."

"Thank you," Haylie said, completely confused.

She'd seen him. Once more in her dream, threatening her, but this time she'd been able to gain control and fight back. She'd hurt him and d.a.m.n well knew that would show up in the real world. Haylie lay back on the bed and rested her head next to her best friend's.

Sara lightly tapped her head against Haylie's. "Hon, I know that the past week has been rough on you. s.h.i.+t, I can barely believe we've only been on the station for such a short time. You need to rest and relax. Get your head about you so you can figure things out."

Easier said than done.

"I need to talk to Kamran."

"Then go talk to Kamran," Sara said, sounding very much like her mother.

"I believe I mentioned he was in jail. Accused of treason."

"You dumba.s.s. You're the human chief of security on the station. Can't you get in and see any prisoner you want?"

Haylie opened her mouth to answer but nothing came out.

Sara pressed on. "Don't you have an in with your counterpart? Kamran's friend?"



"Exactly. It seems plausible that you would want to check things out. He can get you in."

Haylie was on her feet and across the room to the computer vid screen before Sara moved.

"Taber, we need to talk."

"Ms. Bond. I believe that would be an excellent idea. Your office in ten minutes?"

"I'll be there."

She stopped long enough to throw on her boots. Her sleeveless s.h.i.+rt and uniform pants would have to do.

"Hey, be careful," Sara said and tossed Haylie her blaster.

She caught it easily and tucked it into her holster before heading out the door. After a quick conversation with Taber, she knew everything would be all right. They'd be able to figure out the best course of action to get Kamran out of there. Haylie ignored the few individuals she skirted in the halls. Her progress was slowed as she had to pa.s.s through several of the blast doors they'd been forced to close after the explosion. She prayed there wouldn't be another explosion, but if there was, Haylie wanted to minimize the casualties. Once she finally reached her office, she felt like she could breathe again.

"Computer, privacy screen."

The windows immediately darkened. The last thing she wanted was to feel like she was on display.

A quick look at her chair told her sitting was out of the question. Instead, she prowled around the room for several minutes until a blinking light from the corner of her eye caught her attention. The lights on her computer indicated a waiting message.

She reached to answer it as the doors to her office opened. Expecting to see Taber, she was surprised by her visitor.

"Dr. Ray? How may I help you?"

The Briel looked concerned, but hesitated before speaking. "Good evening, Chief. I just missed you at your quarters. Sara mentioned you were coming here. I hope I haven't disturbed anything."

She smiled and waved him toward a seat as she sat on the edge of her desk. "Not at all. What can I do for you?"

He accepted the chair and smiled warmly. "I'm a bit concerned about Amba.s.sador Kamran. I think his health could very well be affected by his imprisonment."

She felt the blood drain from her face to pool in her stomach. She fought to keep her reaction in check but knew Ray noticed. She needed to get in and see him. Now.

"I'm not sure what I can do to help." She kept her voice even and tried to sound disinterested in the whole matter. She didn't want to cause additional problems for Kamran by revealing their bond.


"They won't let me in to see him. They're limiting access to only a select few who have clearance. I was hoping you might be able to get me in so I could check on him.

Make sure he hasn't taken a turn for the worst," he said earnestly, taking a step closer to her.

Something nagged at the back of Haylie's mind, but she pushed it away. "I am certainly more than willing to help. But I'm not sure what good I'd be to you. The elders have refused my a.s.sistance on this case."

"You are more likely to persuade the guards to let you in than I am. Perhaps you can even get me in to see him. But if not, you could take some readings for me. I worked hard to get him back on his feet. I don't want to see a good man waste away for no purpose."

Ray reached forward and grabbed her hands. They were like ice on her palms and she s.n.a.t.c.hed them back instinctively. His only reaction was to smile before he laced his hands behind his back. "Please."

"Of course. I was planning on visiting the detention block to see if I could check on the amba.s.sador," she said and smiled. "I'm sure they won't refuse to let you accompany me."

"I appreciate that, Chief. Do you think they will let us in to see him now?"

Haylie looked at the clock in her office. Taber was late.

"I actually had an appointment with Taber regarding access to the amba.s.sador."

Ray sat back releasing her hands. "Oh, Taber won't be coming."

Haylie blinked, not liking the fact that Ray seemed to know a lot more about what was going on than he should. "Really?"

"Yes, I saw him and several of his men called away as I was making my way to see you. Not sure where they were going."

The message on her computer. "Excuse me one moment." Haylie slid off the desk and made her way over to the console.

The light on the computer was still silently blinking. She reached up to trigger the playback. "Computer, security mode. Low volume."

Taber's face filled the screen, the audio silent enough that Ray wouldn't be able to hear.

"Ms. Bond. I am unable to make our meeting. It seems that the individual who has framed the amba.s.sador has been busy. The council is claiming they have undisputed proof of his guilt. I am taking several of my trusted investigators to examine their claims. I'll report back to you as soon as I learn something. In the meantime, I have spoken to the guards on duty. You shouldn't meet with any resistance if you choose to visit the amba.s.sador."

Haylie gently rapped her knuckles once against the cold, smooth top of the desk.

She was going to make Donaldson's life a living h.e.l.l if anything happened to Kamran.

She turned to face Ray.


"It seems you are right. But things are in our favor. If you are up for it, I say we pay the amba.s.sador a visit now."

She moved forward quickly and was halfway across the room when it hit. The world began to swim before her eyes. She reached out blindly and took hold of Ray's arm, needing support.

"Chief? Are you well?"

Blackness threatened to win out over consciousness. She was able to give her head a shake, but it didn't help.

"Here, breathe deep."

She did, the musky odor from something Ray shoved under her nose filled her head. It took a minute, but her vision began to clear.

"Sorry. I haven't been sleeping well. Guess it's starting to take its toll on me." She looked up and smiled her appreciation.

"You're fortunate that I carry a few essentials on me." He showed her a small vial that held several small rocks. The odor must have come from them. "The last thing this station needs is its chief of security pa.s.sing out. Are you well enough to walk or would you like to wait until later?"

Haylie's chest tightened as momentary panic flooded her at the idea. She needed to see Kamran now.

It took a second, but she managed to calm herself, "Not at all. We're here and ready.

Let's go."

"Are you sure? I don't want you to push yourself."

"Let's go, Doc."

Her feet moved her before her brain had registered what was going on. Ray silently kept pace beside her. When she snuck a quick peek at him, she could see the grim determination on his face. No wonder Sara had a crush on this man. They walked in silence through the bazaar and past the bars. Everything was quiet, with only a few humans milling about. The Briel had all but disappeared. Taber had told her their people mourned in solitude with prayer and song. It seemed strange yet beautiful at the same time.

The fact they were gone was probably for the best. The humans were becoming distrustful, and tensions were running high. Everyone was too scared or too busy with everything that had happened since the explosion.

Haylie frowned. "It's too empty for this time of day. The night s.h.i.+ft is usually unwinding right about now."

"I heard that production is behind from an explosion in the mines. Something about a malfunction in the laser drill. Administrator Donaldson has requested that everyone pull double s.h.i.+fts. Which explains the ma.s.sive amount of exhaustion cases we've seen in med bay over the past few days."


She stopped to look at Ray. "How do you know this? s.h.i.+t, I didn't even know and I know most everything around here."

"The Briel community on this station is small. We are close enough that we are all aware of most everything that goes on. I inquired as to the situation in the mines and what was the cause of my full med bay. They told me. Why?"

Good question. Haylie tucked her hair behind her ear and clasped her hands behind her back when she realized she was shaking.

"No reason. But you did answer my question as to how all the Briel on this station seem to know what is going on."

"Glad I could help." He smiled once more and led the way to the detention cells.

Something was wrong. The normally dull gray walls looked brighter. Halos outlined objects as she looked at them. She pressed her hand against the side of her head for a moment, easing the dull ache that had formed.

"I have a question, Chief. But don't feel obligated to answer." Ray's deep voice was hushed.

c.r.a.p. "Yes?"

"Why are you doing this?"

The pressure in her head increased with each step she took closer to Kamran's cell.

"Going to the cell? I thought it was to help you get in the check your patient."

Ray slid his hand around her arm to stop her. "I've noticed that you and the amba.s.sador have spent a great deal of time together since your arrival on this station. Is there something going on between you?"

She almost blurted out that she was in love with Kamran. Almost. "I know your people have life mates and they are determined by biology. I will admit I am rather taken with your amba.s.sador but, sadly, he said nothing will ever come of my infatuation."

Ray looked long and hard at her before smiling. "I see. My apologies, then, Chief"

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The Bond That Ties Us Part 26 summary

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