The Bond That Ties Us Part 34

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"Are you leading this council to believe that you are no longer concerned with this, Amba.s.sador? What if you meet your Briel mate tomorrow?"

Kamran turned to face Haylie. He cupped her cheek with his hand. She closed her eyes, simply enjoying the contact.

"I've already met her." His voice was confident.

Her hands began to tremble. Reaching up, she threaded her fingers through his hair, stroking lightly before reaching up on her tiptoes and lightly kissing his lips.

Before she could pull away, his hands trapped her body, his mouth opening wide to deepen the contact. She could feel his body tremble against her, his touch full of need and desire across her neck and down along her back. When they finally broke the kiss, Haylie was left panting, her body shaking with need. Their bond may be gone, but they still shared a connection.

And she loved him very much for it.

Haylie heard the elder clear her throat. She felt the heat flood her neck and face.

How could she have forgotten the elder stood before them?

The elder looked past them. "I thought you said their bond was broken?"

Haylie turned at a noise behind her.

"It was when they killed Ray." Taber said as he approached from the door.

"You should be resting, my friend." Kamran reached out to offer Taber support.

"My wounds are healing quickly. The council asked me to attend."

"Amba.s.sador," The elder's tone was crisp, "please continue with your explanation of the nature of your relations.h.i.+p with this woman."

Kamran didn't answer at first. Haylie watched him closely, her breath held fast in her lungs. He smiled at her and her heart sang. She didn't need their bond to recognize that look.

"Haylie and I love each other. While we may not be bonded anymore, I would ask her to become my partner." He brushed his thumb against her bottom lip. "That is, if she would agree."

She'd fought against this her whole adult life. Resisting any chance to become close to someone. Careful to protect her heart from the pain her father had experienced. But when she looked at Kamran, she knew she didn't have to worry about it. He would never hurt her. At that moment, Haylie knew everything would be okay.

A tear streaked down her face. "Yes."

"Then it seems we have a most peculiar problem before us. A Briel and a human, who are not bonded wish to remain together as husband and wife. The council needs to discuss this. Please wait outside the chamber for our decision."

The woman spun around with amazing grace and returned to her seat.

"What does that mean?" Haylie whispered to Kamran as they left.


They were escorted out of the chamber and the doors were shut behind them before he answered. "I'm not sure. I don't think this has ever happened to my people before."

She stopped herself short. Her fingers wrapped around his arm. "What if they try to separate us? You said they don't approve of outsiders."

"It's okay, love. It doesn't matter what they say. I love you and I won't leave you again. If I have to resign my post, I will. I'm sure I can find something else to do on the station."

Haylie leaned her head against his chest, taking solace in the steady beating of his heart. "I love you too."

They stayed that way, wrapped in each other's arms, until Taber emerged from the chamber.

"They've reached a decision."

For once, Haylie wished Taber was more of an emotional open book. They didn't have to wait long to know the verdict. They were no more than two steps in the door when the Council leader spoke.

"I have seen many bonded Briel in my lifetime. Many of whom never cared for their mate even half as deeply as what the two of you seem to share."

This is good. Haylie tightened her grip on Kamran's arm.

"It is the decision of this council that you may be married. Further, if you so desire, you may also be re-bonded."

Haylie couldn't move.

"How is that possible?" Kamran's disbelief echoed her own.

"The council has knowledge of rituals that are not widely known. There are things our doctors have learned about our biology that are best kept from the public. We keep it secret to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. Several years ago, records from one of our high security council databases was stolen. I wouldn't be surprised to discover if Ray had somehow come into contact with it."

"And a part of the information from this database has a way to recreate our bond?"

She couldn't believe her ears.

"It won't be exactly the same. But that is not what is important. The question is, do you wish it? There would be no walking away from the relations.h.i.+p once the ritual is performed."

Haylie wanted it. Without doubt or reservation, she wanted it. She turned to Kamran and smiled.

"I'm game. How about you?"

Kamran whistled as he made his way down the long corridor toward the bazaar. It was a new skill he'd acquired. One that he took great pleasure in.



He had to wait in line at his favorite Briel eatery before he was able to pick up his order. The wine was nicely chilled, causing the skin of his arm to pucker under the cold.

It had cost him a small fortune to have it s.h.i.+pped all the way from Earth. But he knew it would be worth every penny.


The common area that once held Briel and humans separated now embraced a new formed respect for each other. The rebuilding project was well under way for both the structures as well as the people. The colony had sustained extensive damage during the attack, with very little remaining unharmed. Many had lost friends and family in the attack. But both the Briel and humans alike were stronger as a result. Their futures would be brighter.

The gray of the walls was gone. Many people were gathered around painting the walls. One of the far walls held a collection of pictures, flowers, trinkets, reminders of those they had lost.

Kamran smiled at the sight knowing they would all be okay. Nodding a greeting to several soldiers he recognized, he smiled before departing home. He had plans this evening that couldn't wait.


He smiled at the lone guard that stood just outside his door.

"Amba.s.sador Kamran."

"Haylie and I wish to spend a quiet evening at home tonight."

Not that quiet, Amba.s.sador.

"Of course, sir. We'll ensure that no one bothers you."

"Thank you."

It took his eyes a moment to adjust to the dark once he stepped into the room. He chuckled knowing she was feeling very playful. This would prove to be an interesting night.

"Haylie? Where are you?"

Come and find me.

He took a deep breath. Her scent filled his head, giving him a buzz. G.o.ddess be blessed, he loved her.

I love you too. I'm h.o.r.n.y, so hurry up.

"Well, let's see how well hidden you are. You never know, I may get lost in our new place."

He made his way to the office. His papers had been cleared from his desk, his mesh seat neatly tucked under his desk.

"It could be interesting to make love in the chair."



Kamran sauntered into the bathroom. The air was damp from a recent shower. He could smell her, the scent her freshly washed skin generated drove him mad. Haylie's neatly folded towel was set upon the counter.

"Too bad you're not in here. It would be fun to make love in the shower."

Maybe next time.

"We're running out of hiding s.p.a.ces in our little apartment."

He couldn't hear her chuckle, so much as feel it. He laughed as well.

As he made his way to the bedroom, he removed his tunic, tossing it aside. He found her lying naked on top of a set of silk sheets on their new bed. He stood there staring. She was beautiful.

"What about the food?" he asked automatically, displaying the contents of his shopping excursion.

She smiled at him, lifted her breast and flicked her nipple with her tongue. "It can wait."

He set the food aside but brought the wine with him. He paused long enough to remove his pants and stand naked before her. Closing his eyes, he imagined everything he wanted to do to her. Tease her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with his tongue. Drive his c.o.c.k deep inside her while she was on her back, then on top of him, then from behind. Haylie moaned and spread her legs wide. He could see her p.u.s.s.y glisten with her desire.

Then she did something unexpected. Lifting her foot, she flexed her toes around his thick tip before tracing the vein down the length of his c.o.c.k. The nail of her big toe sc.r.a.ped lightly over his s.c.r.o.t.u.m. He flinched.

Haylie chuckled. "On second thought, I'd much rather taste you."

She rolled over onto her knees and crawled across the sheets to him. Her warm breath caused his b.a.l.l.s to tighten and his c.o.c.k to twitch. She rose to her knees, braced her hands on his hips and impaled her mouth on his shaft. The suction pulled the blood into the tip, her tongue swirling around increasing the sensitivity. She then slid her tongue back down to his base. He couldn't last long against the ministrations of her mouth. In a few minutes he'd spill his seed but not where he wanted it to be.

Kamran growled and pushed her back against the bed. Two could play at this game. He set his knees on the edge of the bed before reaching forward for her body. He wrapped his arms under her legs and pulled her exposed p.u.s.s.y to him. He didn't move at first and cleared his mind of all thoughts. He heard her whimper above him and she wriggled her hips in front of his face. Temptation was overwhelming. Dipping his head down, he licked slowly over her lips and c.l.i.t, once, twice. He avoided the one place he knew she wanted him to touch. He ran his tongue in circles around her c.l.i.t one last time before sucking the nub into his mouth.

Haylie's moans filled the room. Her hands pushed his face hard against her, but he refused to increase the tempo. He breathed deep, her scent making his c.o.c.k stiffer, pulsing madly. Yet he made no move to relieve his own needs. Instead he continued his 169 steady lapping and sucking. His tongue found her entrance and he slid it deep inside.

You taste better than any food. After a minute of this, he slipped his finger inside her p.u.s.s.y, rubbing the spot he knew was sure to drive her wild.

Losing all control over her body, Haylie bucked her hips off the bed. G.o.d, she was so close now. He returned to her c.l.i.t, teasing her. He knew what she needed and increased the pressure against her. As she was about to find release, he stopped. Haylie pouted and moaned her displeasure.

"No, love. I know what you really want."

When her sly smile slowly spread across her face, he wanted to thump his chest with pride.

"You know, you're becoming more human every day. Images like that are really funny."

"It's all for you, love."

Kamran moved up to cover her body with his own. It only took a moment to guide his c.o.c.k into her already wet pa.s.sage, her muscles tightening around him. Too fast.

"It's okay, we have all night," she said with a sigh.

He pushed until his swollen shaft reached deep inside, holding still for a moment before withdrawing and driving deep again. Haylie bucked her hips up with each thrust, driving him farther inside until he filled her completely. Lifting her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, he a.s.saulted her nipples with his teeth and tongue. Her silky skin tasted of sweat and the remnants of soap. He lifted his head but continued to tease her with his fingers, pinching and rolling the tips between his fingers.

She s.h.i.+vered. "G.o.d, I love that."

"You love this too."

He reached between them to tease her with his fingers. Her juices drenched the curls of her pubic hair, making the folds of her p.u.s.s.y slick. She cried out as he touched her c.l.i.t, her p.u.s.s.y gripping him tight. He kissed her, then poured his love and devotion into the joining of their lips.

Her fingers squeezed his arms, slid up him and around his neck. He knew she couldn't hold out any longer. He slammed into her hard, pus.h.i.+ng her over the edge.

Her first cry of release was all he needed. His body tightened, his seed moving up his c.o.c.k and into her in a rush of ecstasy. Kamran collapsed on top of her, both panting. It took a minute before he had the ability to roll off her so his full weight wouldn't crush her.

They lay there quietly as he listened to the hum of her sated mind. He rolled onto to his side and pulled her close to spoon. He must have dozed off for a bit but when he opened his eyes, he noticed the black ropes coiled on the chair beside the bed.

"And pray, what are those for?"

An image of him spread-eagled and tied to the bed surfaced in his mind.


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The Bond That Ties Us Part 34 summary

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