Always Sometimes Never: Sometimes Brooke Part 11

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I'm still wincing because of the sting.

Xander knows me better than I know myself. He lifts up my s.h.i.+rt to see what's going on.

"Did you get inked?" He sounds surprised. In the past we've gotten most of our ink done together.

I nod.

Luckily it's still got a bandage on it so he can't see what it is. And even luckier he doesn't ask.

"You've been acting weird," Xander says. "Weirder than usual."

"So have you," I fire back.

"You're both weird," Raven declares as she marches into the studio. She has a knack of sensing exactly when we get done. It never fails.

When she snakes her arm around Xander's waist I feel a twinge of jealously I wish wasn't there. I know I can't be selfish, especially after the conversation that Raven and I had when I moved my stuff out of their room. If I want to be with Brooke I know I have to let Raven go completely. I guess it's hard because I know I'll always care about Raven, even if I'm not f.u.c.king her.

Tension fills the air between us as Raven and Xander both stare at me. Could it be any more obvious that they want to be alone?

"I guess I'll take off." A small part of me wants them to stop me, but I know it's just wishful thinking on my part.

That part of my life is over. Time to find Brooke and start on a new chapter.

My search for Brooke ends when I find her in the hot tub. It sucks that's she's wearing a swimsuit, but at least it's a bikini.

"Need some company?" I squat down outside the hot tub right next to her.

"Go away," she complains. "I'm relaxing."

"I have ways of making you really relax," I tease.

She opens one eye and looks over at me. "Harper is trying to kill me. She is going to work me to death."

"She's ambitious."

"She tries to do a week's worth of work in one day."

There's one thing I know for sure that will entice Brooke into going out with me again. I decide to tempt her with it. "Want to go for a ride on my motorcycle?"

Both eyes spring wide open this time. "Are you kidding?" Of course!" Then she narrows her gaze at me. "This doesn't mean I'm giving you a b.l.o.w.j.o.b."

I hold up my palms. "Just a date. No hummers expected."

As she rises from the hot tub I can't help but notice how s.e.xy she looks in the little red bikini. It accentuates her t.i.ts and her tight little a.s.s.

And I get hard just thinking about peeling the thing off of her.

"Give me a few minutes to get changed."

"Need some help?" I offer.

"That'll take more than a few minutes," she teases.

"I can be quick," I tell her.

She gives me a sly grin. "Maybe I don't want you to be."

We can't get back to our bedrooms fast enough. Or I should say the bathroom between our bedrooms.

Peeling off the hot little bikini is just as s.e.xy as I imagined. Brooke's hair is tied up in a ponytail and I take full advantage to the access to her long neck. She s.h.i.+vers as I kiss my way up it and then I whisper in her ear, "Do you have any idea how hot you are? And how hot you make me?"

When she moves her hand toward my d.i.c.k I take in a deep breath. "Why do you still have your clothes on while I'm completely naked?" She moves her hand over my rapidly growing erection.

I'm hesitant to remove my s.h.i.+rt because I don't want her to see the bandage and start asking questions about my new tattoo. But I don't stop her when she unzips my pants. I quickly step out of them instead.

As she grazes her fingers over the length of my c.o.c.k the ever expanding bulge strains the fabric of my boxer briefs.

When she gives me a look that says f.u.c.k me now, and then licks her bottom lip in antic.i.p.ation I can't get my underwear off fast enough.

"Condom," I state as I turn to head out of the bathroom. I want to honor her request not to have any more unprotected s.e.x.

To my surprise she grabs my elbow and stops me. "Not now."

"Are you sure?"

She nods. "I want to feel you inside of me."

I'm not going to argue if she wants to ride bareback. I'm going to give her exactly what she wants. I move in behind her and grab her hips. Then I slide inside of her as I push her over the bathroom counter.

"You're always so wet and ready for me," I whisper in her ear.

She gives me a low moan in response. When I glance at her in the mirror her eyes are closed. "Look at me," I urge.

We both stare at our reflections in the mirror as I thrust into her. I love the way her face flushes when I'm f.u.c.king her. Every time I'm inside of Brooke I want her to feel like I'm the only guy she'll ever want or need. I want to satisfy her so completely that she'll never think about f.u.c.king anyone but me.

As I move in and out of her I alternate long, slow strokes with quick hard thrusts. I know if I push too hard and too fast I'll pop too quick and I want her to enjoy the ride for as long as possible...

Until she begs me for more. "Harder," she whispers, her voice husky.

I give her what she wants. I bang her as hard and deep as I can. When she cries out I give one more final thrust and drive us both home.

Then I pull her into my arms and hold her tight. My only wish is that I could hold her forever and never have to let her go.

When she finally tries to squirm free I pull her tighter.

"You have to let me go sometime," she reminds me.

But I'm not ready yet. "No I don't."

She laughs. "I can't stay wrapped in your arms forever."

"Sure you can."

"I have to pee."

I heave a sigh before I finally release her.

"You're going to watch me pee?"

"I have to make sure you put the seat down this time. I don't want you to fall in again."

"Ha, ha. Very funny." Even though she's teasing me I notice she does check to make sure the seat really is down before she sits on the toilet.

I know it's weird, but I want to watch her pee. Or maybe I just like spending time with her and don't want to go in the other room if she's not there.

"Are you really going to take me on your bike or was that just a ruse to get inside of me again?"

"I don't know what a ruse is, but I don't think I need one to get inside of you."

As she grabs for some toilet paper she says, "Give me about twenty minutes to get ready."

"Put on something you can hike in," I warn her.

When her face lights up it tugs at my heart. "You're going to take me hiking?"

"I'm not really much of a hiker, but Rayne said this place is nice. He took Harper there and she liked it."

She gives me the biggest smile I think I've ever seen. "You're taking me on another date?"

I nod. "You could call it that."

When her smile begins to fade I'd trade all the money I've got just to get it back. "I don't want you to think we're dating or anything. We're still just f.u.c.king. And going on a date."

"I know," I a.s.sure her. "It's not a big deal. We're just hanging out."


"Maybe I'll take you for ice cream too," I suggest.

"Really?" There it is. Her fantastic smile is back again. My heart skips a few beats in response.

"Really," I confirm. "But it's still casual."

"Of course," she agrees, but her eyes are twinkling.

The satchel on my bike is stuffed with two large ice cream sundae containers and plenty of napkins when we arrive at Pinnacle Peak. It's a scenic park with a nature trail that looks like a h.e.l.l of a lot of work to climb. Lucky for me Brooke really isn't into physical fitness s.h.i.+t either so we find a large boulder that we can both sit on and stuff our faces with ice cream.

It's just before sunset and the sky looks more like some kind of painting than an actual sky.

"It's pretty here," Brooke comments as we both look at the enormous cactus just to the left of us.

"I figured you'd like it. Most chicks like nature."

She gives me a little half grin. "And how did you arrive at this conclusion about chicks and nature?"

I shrug.

"Have you taken a lot of chicks hiking?" she probes.

I have to laugh. "Do I look like I've ever been hiking before?"

"But you grew up in Arizona."

"And spent ninety percent of my time inside in the air conditioning because the state is f.u.c.king hot most of the time."

"It's not bad today," she comments.

She's right. It's not too bad. "Better eat your ice cream before it melts."

When she licks her lips I want to kiss her again. It's what I think about most, when I'm not thinking about f.u.c.king her. Or holding her in my arms.

"You'd better get eating too," she teases.

We both open our containers and start on the whipped cream, which is already half melted. Doesn't matter though because it still tastes good.

Brooke gives a little moan as she savors her first bite. It's a familiar sound. She moans like that when I'm inside of her.

My d.i.c.k starts to swell in response.

"This is really good," she exclaims.

"You've got some whipped cream on your nose." I wipe it away with my index finger.

When our eyes meet the heat between us is almost unbearable. There hasn't been a girl yet who I haven't been able to get out of my system just by getting in her pants. It's usually the thrill of the chase that turns me on and once I've captured them I'm generally done.

But Wild Child has completely turned my world upside down. The more of her I get the more I want. And I'm becoming obsessed with not sharing. I want her all to myself.

Getting her to see my point of view, however, has been a bit of a challenge. Not that I can't handle a challenge.

"So how did you end up at Rayne's place instead of moving back with your parents? Harper told me you were tight."

"Were being the operative word in that sentence," she says.

Sometimes Brooke looks really sad, but right now she looks sadder than I've ever seen her. I would do anything to take that pain away. "Wanna talk about it?"

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Always Sometimes Never: Sometimes Brooke Part 11 summary

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