Always Sometimes Never: Sometimes Brooke Part 6

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It would be so easy to f.u.c.k Leo. The problem is what he might expect afterwards. If I knew it would be just a quick, one-time thing I'm h.o.r.n.y enough right now that I'd probably go for it. But he's talking about moving in with him. The idea of cohabitation is not only completely ridiculous because we hardly know each other, but is also not something I'm in any way ready for.

I need to focus on getting my s.h.i.+t together first. I need to make sure I stay sober, before I think about any long-term commitments. And I'm not sure I just want to be a live-in lay. I want to be someone who deserves to be loved.

Leo looks like a lost puppy. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask.

"Can I have another bite of that lobster?"

I notice that he's already devoured his steak and I've only taken a few bites of my food.

"Are you still hungry?"

"A little..." He eyes the lobster like a starved dog eyes a bone.

I cut a huge piece of what's left of the lobster and place it on his plate.

"It'll taste a lot better if you feed it to me."

I glare at him. "Seriously?"

"It doesn't hurt to ask." He gives me one of his s.e.xy grins.

"You do realize there are times when you're like a kid in a grown man's body."

He laughs. Oh, that laugh of his. It gets me every time. I get tingly everywhere. "You're not the first person who's said that."

I cut the lobster into smaller bite-sized pieces. Then I stab my fork into one of the pieces and feed it to him.


He chews and nods at the same time. "Mmm..."

I have to admit that feeding Leo is a bit erotic. Once I'm done a s.e.xy grin creeps over his face. "I hope you'll feed me something better later."

I smack his arm. "I thought you were going to be a good boy."

"I can be really good between your legs," he whispers. "That can be my dessert."

My entire body heats with the thought of his tongue inside of me.

"Are you getting wet thinking about it?" he asks.

I can feel my face flush, so there's no point in lying. So I nod.

There's that twinkle in his eye again. In that moment I realize that for Leo, once or even once again, will never be enough. He'll always crave more.

And I will too.

"We can't..."

He laughs. The son-of-a-b.i.t.c.h laughs again. And that turns me on even more. "We can. You just won't let go and let it happen."

"I can't just let it happen," I spit between clenched teeth. "Your d.i.c.k would just be the beginning of a rapid descent right back into my addiction."

His eyes turn serious. "I would never let that happen."

Leo's generally not serious so this gets my attention. "You can't stop me from drinking."

Raising an eyebrow he replies, "Wanna bet?"

"Don't be so," I warn. "You have no idea how big of a lush I can be."

"I'm not being" His face is still serious and it's now beginning to scare me a bit. "I'm bigger and stronger than you. If you truly don't want to drink again I'm not going to let you. Period."

I gulp. I haven't even been out of rehab a week and I'm already being tempted by Leo's magnificent d.i.c.k.

And his oh-so-skillful tongue.

"I'll think about it..." The words get caught in my throat again.

"Maybe this will help to convince you." He slips his hand between my legs and I gasp when he glides it up my thigh.

"Shh," he urges. "We don't want everyone in the restaurant to know I'm fingering you."

Luckily we're seated in the back of the place and far enough away from the other tables that we're not attracting undue attention.

Not that anyone else is actually paying any attention to us. They're all wrapped up in their own conversations.

"You're already so wet," he whispers as his fingers move over the thin material of my thong.

Before I can stop him, he moves the thong out of the way and slips two fingers inside of me.

"Shhh." He tries to quiet me when I let out a low moan.

For a few moments I let go and enjoy Leo fingering me while patrons around us enjoy the fine dining of the posh five star restaurant.

Just as I come very close to climaxing Leo stops and gives me a s.e.xy grin. "I'll save the rest for later," he whispers. "When I can slide my d.i.c.k inside of you."

I can't remember being so turned on in my entire life. I'm dizzy with desire. I want Leo inside of me so badly I ache.

The remaining minutes we spend in the restaurant are a blur. All I can think about is having Leo inside of me again. His magical fingers, his tongue, his c.o.c.k. I'm starving for him.

Once we're finally outside in the cool night air I take in a deep, calming breath.

What are you doing? I chide myself. So much for turning over a new leaf. I'm right back to my old habits.

Leo can't seem to get into the car fast enough and after we're both seat-belted in I place my hand on his. "Wait."

He turns to me. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not a s.l.u.t. At least I don't want to be anymore."

He frowns. "I never said you were a s.l.u.t."

"You didn't say I wasn't either."

"I don't get it."

"I want to be a different person." I heave a sigh. "That's not right. I want to be a better person. A better version of Brooke Rhodes. The version that isn't a s.l.u.t. The version that can actually go on a date and not f.u.c.k the guy afterwards."

"Any chance you can start that tomorrow?" He raises an eyebrow.

I swat his arm. "That's what I get after making my confession?"

Now he's the one who heaves a sigh. "I'd like to be a better person too. The type of guy a girl would want to spend more than one night with. But I'm also h.o.r.n.y as h.e.l.l."

"You can always f.u.c.k Raven," I tell him, then immediately regret it. "I'm sorry."

"That's not happening right now," he admits. And it tugs on my heartstrings a bit that he actually sounds sad about it.

"Is it possible for people like us just to go on a date like normal people? One that doesn't include s.e.x?"

He laughs. That d.a.m.n laugh again. It gets me all hot and bothered. How can I tell the guy not to laugh? That his laugh is like waving cheese in front of a hungry rat? His laugh is such a big part of who he is.

"s.e.x is like the whipped cream and cherry on the ice cream sundae," he says. "Ice cream is great. So is being on a date with you. But the whipped cream and cherry are what make it fantastic."

"Maybe we'd better make the first date an ice cream cone and save the sundaes for later."

"As long as you promise there will be more dates, Wild Child, I'm cool with that."

I gulp when I realize what I've done. I've made a promise that I'll go out with him again. That we'll actually be dating. And that there will be more.

I've never done more before...


Leo I keep running the tape of our date in my head. Everything about Brooke Rhodes drives me absolutely wild. It was even worth the major blue b.a.l.l.s I'm now sporting just to hear her say she'll go out with me again.

Okay, she didn't exactly agree to our next date yet, but she didn't say no either, so I'm taking that as a yes.

I know I had her really close to letting me in her room after I kissed her goodnight at her door. One more roam of her mouth with my tongue probably would have sealed the deal, but I promised I'd be a good boy and I always keep my promises.

Even if I'm h.o.r.n.y as h.e.l.l.

As I pa.s.s by one of the ma.s.sive clocks on the wall I notice it's only a little after ten. I have little doubt that Xander and Raven will still be awake.

I'm shocked as s.h.i.+t when I turn the handle of our bedroom door and it's locked. I twist it again just to make sure I'm not crazy, but sure enough it's still locked.

What the f.u.c.k?

I find it hard to believe that Xander and Raven went anywhere. Neither one of them is the going out type. They usually have much more fun spending their time in bed.

When I put my ear to the door I can hear their voices. They're both talking and laughing. Why did they lock the door?

I pound my fist on the door until Xander finally opens it.

"What the f.u.c.k, Dude?" I say as I try to move past him.

To my surprise he doesn't budge.

"Let me in. I want to go to bed."

It takes me a moment to realize he's shaking his head.

"Let me in my f.u.c.king room."

"No," he states, way too calmly.

"What do you mean no?"

"We thought you'd be staying with Brooke."

"Well I'm not..."

Xander still doesn't budge from the doorframe.

"Raven?" I call until I see her peek her head over Xander's shoulder.

"What's up?" she asks. She looks flushed and freshly f.u.c.ked and I'm surprised when I feel a spark of jealousy. It's not very often that Raven and Xander f.u.c.k without me, and they seem to be doing it a lot lately. Ever since Brooke showed up.

"Aren't you going to let me in?"

Raven's eyes grow wide in response.

"I'm tired," I protest. "Let me in."

Raven gulps before she says, "Not tonight."

Now I'm the one whose eyes are wide. "What are you talking about?"

"Not tonight," Xander repeats slower and louder as if I'm some kind of idiot.

"I heard what you said," I snap. I'm just having trouble believing you said it.

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Always Sometimes Never: Sometimes Brooke Part 6 summary

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