Dominion From Sea To Sea Part 11

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i8. MacColl (1998), xv.

19. Peirce (1972), 190; DeVoto (1942), 372; Pomeroy (1965), 136; Johansen and Gates (1967), 564; Morgan (1967), 17, 122; Schwantes (1996), 267; Freeman Tilden, "Portland, Oregon: Yankee Prudence on the West Coast," World's Work, October 1931, PP. 34-40 cited in Nugent (2001), 230-31. The lawyer is quoted in MacColl (1979), 3; see also p. 655 20. Johnson (1992), 275-78, 312; Pomeroy (1965), 101, 137-38; Lavender (1956), 362; Johansen and Gates (1967), 310-13, 4o6, 410; Nordhoff (i874), 213; Meinig (1998), 75-77- 21. Edith Feldenheimer oral history, quoted in Nugent (2001), 210.

22. Taylor (1998), 82; Katz (1996), 73-77; Ficken and LeWarne (1988), 21-23; MacDonald (1987), 3, 7,13; Meinig (1998), 81; Sealth quoted in Sale (1976), 27-28. Manywriters have said the chief's prose seems rather too polished, but these ideas were certainly his.

23. MacDonald (1987), 35 Lavender (1956), 409; Hidy et al. (1988), 73.

24. Schwantes (1996), 50, 308. The s.h.i.+p ca.n.a.l and the Montlake cut were constructed from 1885 to 1917- 25. Adams quoted in Pomeroy (1965), 345; see also 98-100; Martin (1976), 7, 26, 35, 51, 389- 26. Rosenberg (1982), 16-i8; Johansen and Gates (1967), 313-16; Hidy et al. (1988), 123; Martin (1976), 396-97, 430, 545, 613; Pomeroy (1965), 255.

27. Carlos A. Schwantes, "Wage Earners and Wealth Makers," in Milner et al. (1994), 435-36; Pomeroy (1965),118; Johansen and Gates (1967), 400-402; Lavender (1956), 353, 411-12; Peirce (1972), 223; d'Eramo (2002), 87; Schwantes (1996), 221; Sale (1976), 11516.

28. Johansen and Gates (1967), 482, 621; MacDonald (1987), 6o; Sale (1976), xi; Pomeroy (1965), 147, 153.

29. Meinig (1968), 5, 435, 511; Johansen and Gates (1967), 370, 375-76; Peirce (1972), 268n; Royce (1886), 35.

30. Pomeroy (1965), 216; MacColl (1979), 7. Johansen and Gates (1967) say only that Pierce had open Klan support (p. 496).

31. MacColl (1979), 476-77, 483-85; Schwantes (1996), 384-85. Kubrick used the mountain vistas and exterior of the Timberline Lodge and the interior of a resort in Colorado.

32. Johansen and Gates (1967), 481, 485-87; Schwantes (1979), 219-20; Ficken and LeWarne (1988), 95.

33. Sale (1976), 153.

Chapter 7. Edens Lush and Frigid.

i. Landauer (1999), 1, io.

2. Wood (1999),30; McEvedy (1998), 64; Schwantes (1996), 20. One of Cook's men had also killed a chief on the same day, before Cook's death. On Cook inventing the Pacific, or our Pacific, see Arif Dirlik in Dirlik (1993), 5 also Dirlik in Dirlik (1998), 353 3. Twain quoted in Peirce (1972), 314; Schmitt (2002), 69, 91, 95.

4. Burns quoted in Peirce (r97z), 32; see also p. 336; Landauer (1999), 217; Meinig (1993), 166.

5. Parrington quoted in Hofstadter (1968), 414; Royce (1886), 28; Young (1968), 143.

6. Twain (1872), 392; Merry (2000), 230, 236, quoting Lyman; Stewart quoted in Wood (1999), 38; Trask in Dirlik (1998), 358-59; on Tahitian women, see Sherry (1994), 312-13. A phalanx of British missionaries arrived in 1797 and proceeded to quash as much fun as they could there, too (p. 411).

7. See Gananath Obeyesekere's 1992 critique of Marshall Sahlins, and Sahlins's retort, in Sahlins (1995).

8. Quoted in Obeyesekere (1992), 162; see also Landauer (1999), 52.

9. Lippmann quoted in Susman (1973), 47; Cook quoted in Wood (1999),103 10. Fuchs (1961), 38, 84; Sahlins (1985), 1-4,105; Merry (2000), 156-57, 174; Schmitt (2002), 1.

11. Fuchs (1961),12-13, 68.

12. Merry (2000), 40; Fuchs (1961), 16-19, 21-22, 54, 113, 246-47, 250; Peirce (1972), 338; Coffman (2003), 9, 209; Pletcher (2001), 47.

13. Victoria Wyatt, "Alaska and Hawai'i," in Milner et al. (1994), 582-83; Merry (2000), 128-29; Fuchs (1961), 24-25, 55, 90-91; Coffman (2003), 16-18.

14. Dole (2004), 7- 15. Ibid., 22, 25, 30, 33, 36, 43, 58, 6o, 65.

i6. Ibid., 73, 75, 97_98. Fuchs (r96r), 242.

17. Dole (2004), 82-83. Maybe the past tense isn't appropriate since all this was written in a 2004 book.

r8. Examples can be found in Bruggencate (2004),126. In this book we learn that the pineapple and sugar plantations are responsible for the "modern transformations in the Islands," while providing "for virtually every need of their employees"-housing, health care, retail stores-they even "hired police and meted out justice" (p. vi).

19. Sklar (1988), 83; Katznelson (1996),140.

20. Landauer (1999), 195.

21. Merk (1963), 233-34.

22. McDougall (1993), 380-8r; Fuchs (1961), 3-4, 30-33; Landauer (1999), 144-45, 149; McKinley quoted in Gould (1980),14; Beale (1956), 65; Sahlins (1995), 102; Coffman (2003),12; Cooper and Daws (1990), 3.

23. Landauer (1999), 153-54, 158; Osborne (1998), 124. "Half-way house" was the favorite term of Ohio Congressman Charles H. Grosvenor, a good friend of McKinley's and a leading proponent of annexation. On Nagasawa, see Iriye (1972), 41-43. Iriye saw the Naniwa incident providing "the final impetus" to American annexation (p. 50- 24. Meinig (1993), 164; Philbrick (2003), 233, 242; Goetzmann (1966a), 102-3; Fuchs (1961), 20-21; Jones (2002), 65, 107; Bryant (1947), 353; Landauer (1999), 7, 131.

25. Landauer (1999), 116-r8; Coffman (2003), 8; Linn (1997), 6; Seiden (2001), 10.

26. Landauer (1999),179-180,194; Mokyr (1990),129.

27. Landauer (r999), 201, 205, 249, 254-55, 262.

28. Peirce (1972), 324; Jones (2002), 14, 19; Seiden (2001), 65.

z9. Mead quoted in Fuchs (r96r), 153; also 179; Coffman (2003), 13.

30. The U.S. government's own term. See LaFeber (1997), 219.

31. Fuchs (1961), 306.

32. Peirce (1972), 337-38, 345-49; Fuchs (1961), 237. Masayo Duus has a full, gripping account of the 1920 strike and the astonis.h.i.+ng hypocrisy and violence of the authorities (Duus 1999) See also Cooper and Daws (1990), 171, 185.

33 Fuchs (1961), 290, 297-98 397-99- 34. Hayc.o.x (2002), x-xi; McPhee (1977),17-18.

35 Ritter (1993), 92-99; Borneman (2003), 16; McPhee (1977), 22, 103, 142; Lang in Hayc.o.x (2002), vi.

36. Hayc.o.x (2002), 20, 36, 41-43; Borneman (2003), 173-75, 200-203; McPhee (1977), 224-26. Hayc.o.x spells the name "Carmacks," Borneman and McPhee have it as "Carmack."

37. Hayc.o.x (2002), 61, 68-69, 72; Nalty (1999) 92-93; Borneman (2003),337-41, 35052, 364-66.

Chapter 8. Pacific Crossings.

i. Dirlik (2001), xxi; research by Ching-Hw.a.n.g Yen and Persia C. Campbell cited in Okihiro (1994) 41-42; Nugent (2001), 214; Starr (1997), 136.

2. The 1852 quote is from Brott (1982), 9; St. David J. Clair, "The Gold Rush and the Beginnings of California Industry," in Rawls and Orsi (1999), 187; Jackson (1970), 213; McWilliams (1949), 59, 66-67; Bancroft (1886), 699, 708; Royce (1886), 168-69. "Longtime Californ"' is the t.i.tle of Victor and Brett de Bary Nee's fine book: Nee and Nee (1972).

3. Nee and Nee (1972), 49-52; Saxton (1971), 63; Takaki (1979), 215-49.

4. The California Farmer quoted in Worster (1985), 219; Hine and Faragher (2000), 359, citing scholars.h.i.+p by Sucheng Chan and Ronald Tagaki; Hale (1851), 40.

5. Saxton (1971), 8, 149; Igler (2001), 129-30; Nee and Nee (1972), 67; Smith quoted in Stoll (1998), 149 For a laudatory account of "the Chinatown Squad" that might have been written in 1920, see Flamm (1978), 84-94. On contemporary tong criminality see Kwong (1996), 120-22.

6. Saxton (1971), 7,170; Atherton (1945)154; Starr (1997),137; Nee and Nee (1972), 15.

7. Rusling (1877), 38, 56, 250, 269, 301, 305.

8. Ibid., 310, 317-18, 320.

9. Dirlik (2001), xxiv, x.x.xii; Saxton (1971), 202-3; David H. Stratton, "The Snake River Ma.s.sacre of Chinese Miners, 1887," in Dirlik (2001), 215, 220, 226.

10. Saxton (1971), 205-9, 263; MacDonald (1987), 24-25; Sale (1976), 37-49. (Sale has a detailed account of the Seattle expulsion.) For a long list of Chinese exclusion laws see the appendix in Nee and Nee (1972).

ii. McPhee (1966), 9o; Klein (1997),58-6o.

12. Wyatt (1997), 7, 112; Genthe quoted in James Lee, "Another View of Chinatown: Yun Gee and the Chinese Revolutionary Artists' Club," in Brook et al. (1998),166; Wilde quoted in Hine and Faragher (2000), 422; Irwin in Genthe (1912), 27-8- 13. See Henry Yu's excellent discussion of Siu's research, Yu (2001), 133-36,168.

14. Yu (2001),172; Chin quoted in Nee and Nee (1972), 377-89 15. Azuma (2005), 23, 29; Starr (1990), 146-47; Starr (1997), 162; Starr (2002), 55 16. McWilliams (1945), 39-46; McWilliams (1949), 140-41; Pomeroy (1965), 272; Heizer and Almquist (1971),16o,165,181; Modell (1977), 99,105-7 17. Starr (2002), 47, 49-50; Iriye (1972), 126-41.

i8. Stoddard (1920), vi-vii, xiv, x.x.xi, 50, 196. The great Franz Boas had already established, through his "cephalic index," that the various races were equal in mental capacity (Menand [2001], 383-85). For his efforts Boas was denounced as "a radical environmentalist and ajew" by Harvard anthropologist Ernest Hooten (in Willinsky [1998], 168).

19. Lye (2005), r6, 25, 30, 40-41. Meredith Jung-en Woo first brought "The Unparalleled Invasion" to my attention. On Professor Adams, see George L. Henderson's brilliant dissection: Henderson (1998), 91-96 20. Ngai (2004), 3, 8, 40, emphasis in original; Heizer and Almquist (1971), 189-90; Henderson (1998), 89; Beard (1935),193-95; Palumbo-Liu (1999) 39. Ngai notes that many American liberals still remain ambivalent about immigration from the third world (p. 246).

21. Palumbo-Liu (1999), 40; Clements quoted in McWilliams (r939), 139.

22. Lea (1909), 269, 307; Bywater (1925), 97; Modell (1977) 35, 64; Starr (2002), 51-55; Honan (i991); Sackman (2005), 125, 143-58 295.

23. Bywater (1925), 97. On Yamagata's racial views, see d.i.c.kinson (1999), 43-44 24. Duus (2004), 13-31, 162-64, 168-69; Wyatt (1997) 185-89; Noguchi's unpublished ma.n.u.script, quoted in Duus (2004), 164.

25. Walker (2004), 8r; Clark quoted in Nash (1985), 150; Lotchin (2003), 105.

26. Nugent (2001), 234-37- 27. Ngai (2004),155-56; Walker (2004), 72-73.

28. Sale (1976),176-77.

z9. MacDonald (1987), r5r-53; Sale (1976),177-78; LaFeber (1997), 221.

30. Tchen (1999), 22; Starr (1973), 406-07; Starr (1990), 7-8- 31. Especially the Los Padres Forest, one of the largest national preserves.

P. Starr (1997), 53-54.

33. Ibid., 99-102.

34. Starr (1990), 336-37.

35. Ibid., 365.

36. Ibid., '90-91; Starr (2002), 56.

37. Kwong (1996), ioi; the Korean activities come from the author's experience in Seattle and Chicago. The Korean autonomous area in China has the largest diaspora, a much older population just across the North Korean border.

38. The entering cla.s.s in 2006 at Berkeley was 46 percent Asian, 56 percent at UC- Irvine, and 43 percent at UCLA. See Timothy Egan, "Little Asia on the Hill," New York Times Education Life (January 27, 2007), pp. 24-26.

Chapter 9. A Garden Cornucopia.

1. Kelley (1971) 37, 47-48, 165; Stoll (1998),3; Williams (1997)14-15.

2. McPhee (1993), 17-18; Federal Writers Project (1939), 18; Lowitt (1984), 196; Peirce (1972), 81-82.

3. Didion quoted in Dawson and Brechin (1999), xiv; Dasmann, "Foreword," in Dawson and Brechin (1999), xi.

4. Fremont and James quoted in Starr (r973), 375, 418.

5. Here I draw on c.u.mings (1998); see also Kelley (1971), zo1-8.

6. Lummis (1892), 269; Davis (1992), 25 Gordon (1972), 99.

7. Walker (2004), 1-3,32, 51, 88-89, iio. California produced about z.1 billion pounds of cheese in 2006, compared to Wisconsin's 2.4 billion. See Monica Davey, "Wisconsin's Crown of Cheese Lies within California's Reach," New York Times (September 30, 2006), pp. Ai, A13.

S. Hanson (1996), x. Hanson also refers to "present-day legislation and tax codes" that have evolved into "support of lat~fundia" (p. 280). But that happened in the i88os in California.

9. Theodore W. Fuller, San Diego Originals, San Diego Historical Society, www htm.

io. Bean (1968), 152; Ellison (1927), 7-8; McWilliams (1939), gives a figure of 8 million acres owned by Soo grantees (p.13).

ii. McWilliams (1939), 12-14; Johnson (1992), 19-21, 241, and Lavender (1972),107-9.

12. Fogelson (1967), 15.

13. Ibid., 17; Worster (1985), 103; Pisani (1996), 86-87; Nugent (2001), 87- 14. Kahrl (1982), 28; Igler (2001), 4-5, 13; Starr (1985), 164; Lawrence James Jelinek, "'Property of Every Kind': Ranching and Farming during the Gold-Rush Era," in Rawls and Orsi (1999), 241; McWilliams (1939),30-31.

15. McWilliams (1949),101,157,169.

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