Dark Titan Journey: Wilderness Travel Part 18

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Everyone in his group had radios now after Nathan had found some more. With the stuff he'd collected here, Nathan actually felt pretty good about their odds now. They'd make it to Howard's dad's farm. Nathan was secretly hoping the others would stay there.

Feeling something tap his arm, Nathan looked over to see John holding a cup of coffee. "Thought you might need it," John said shyly.

Nathan sat up. "You have no idea," he replied, taking the cup. "Go wake the firecracker and Jasmine and let's get the morning workout done," Nathan told John as he took a sip.

Grinning, John walked over to the tent to wake the girls up.

Sitting up on the picnic table, Nathan's body informed him it didn't like the sleeping accommodations last night. Slowly standing up, Nathan looked at the backpacks lined up outside each tent. Nathan had to admit they had everything he could think of they would need, with the exception of transportation.

Ares and Athena bounded out of the tent, followed closely by Amanda. She stretched her arms out as she yawned widely, staring at Nathan. Seeing her hair going everywhere, Nathan got off the table and walked to her pack, pulling out a brush. Amanda smiled and bounced over to him as Nathan sat down at the table. Amanda sat down between his legs as Nathan brushed out her hair.

"You really need to quit going to bed with your hair wet," Nathan said, trying to get a knot out.

"Well you just walked off," Amanda shot back.

Nathan stopped brus.h.i.+ng and leaned over, looking in Amanda's eyes. "If I'm not mistaken, you have two hands," he informed her.

"Yeah, but you do it better than I do," Amanda responded. Giving up, Nathan just brushed out her hair then braided it up as John walked over with Jasmine, Tom, Natalie, Casey, and Emma following.

Nathan looked at the four kids but concentrated on Casey and Emma. "John," was all he said. John gave a sheepish smile and pointed at Jasmine. Shaking his head, Nathan turned to look at her.

Jasmine stood there with her arms crossed over her chest. "What? I think they need to get up and perform the same things we do," she said.

Nathan narrowed his eyes. "You don't force it, they have to want it," he growled.

"I asked them last night," Jasmine said.

Nathan just closed his eyes and bit his tongue but couldn't think happy thoughts. When he finally opened them, Emma and Casey were standing in front of him. "Yes," he said.

"Will you brush our hair?" Casey asked, smiling.

Amanda jumped up from between Nathan's legs. "Oh, you'll love the way he brushes hair. He doesn't even pull hard," she gushed, guiding Casey to sit down between Nathan's legs. Nathan just mumbled something about "handing in his man card" as he started brus.h.i.+ng Casey's hair. Emma watched for a second then climbed up in Nathan's lap as he brushed Casey's hair.

"Hey, I'm doing something here," Nathan protested, looking down at Emma.

Emma sat down in his lap with her back to his chest. "No," she said over her shoulder.

"No what?" Nathan asked.

"Sky," Emma said, pointing up.

"I know it's up there, but no what?" Nathan asked as he looked over Emma's head and concentrated on brus.h.i.+ng Casey's hair.

"Gra.s.s," Emma said, pointing down at the ground.

"Yeah, what about it? Are you going to tell me what you said no about?" Nathan requested.

"No," Emma snapped.

Nathan closed his eyes. "Emma, be nice or I'll let you pee on your clothes," he warned.

"No," Emma said then blew him a raspberry, covering the top of Casey's head with spit.

Jasmine was holding onto John as she laughed at Nathan. John would've laughed but Jasmine was holding onto him so she wouldn't fall. "Emma, stop that," Nathan snapped. Whether she understood or not, Nathan didn't know, but she just sat there quietly watching him brush Casey's hair so he accepted that. Casey's hair was light brown and thick, just like Amanda's, so it took Nathan a little while. When he was done, Nathan braided her hair then sat Emma down in her place.

Emma's hair was blond, almost pure white and thin. It should have only taken Nathan a few minutes, but Emma kept turning her head and looking around. When Nathan was finished, Jasmine walked over, still laughing. "What about mine?" she asked.

Nathan looked up. "Don't push it. I feel like I just herded a group of cats across the state," he said, standing up. This only brought tears to Jasmine's eyes as she laughed even harder. "You could've helped," Nathan said grumpily.

Wiping tears from her eyes, she replied, "They asked you, not me."

Nathan grumbled as he walked off, followed by the group. Howard and his family watched as Nathan led the group doing stretches, exercises, then martial arts. To her credit, Emma did try, for about ten seconds, but gave up and just ran around the group, chasing Ares and Athena.

When the group was done, they sat down at the table. Emma crawled up in Nathan's lap, with Casey on one side and Amanda on the other. "Hey, you can sit beside me," Nathan said, looking down at Emma.

"No," she said, looking back at him then turning around with her back to his chest.

"Told you that was her favorite word," Amanda said as Jackie and Howard started putting food on the table.

Knowing a stream of words was on the tip of his tongue that the kids shouldn't hear, Nathan kept his mouth shut as he fixed a plate. Not feeling Emma moving he looked down to see her sound asleep. "You're just going to go to sleep right there, huh?" Nathan asked the sleeping form.

Feeling a touch on his left arm, Nathan looked down to see Casey laying her head on his arm as she ate. "That's so cute," Jasmine said, smiling from across the table, and Amanda giggled beside him.

"I don't like you today," Nathan said then shoveled the food on his plate into his mouth. When his food was gone, Nathan reached back and pulled out a can of Skoal from his pocket, putting a pinch in his lip. The smile fell off Jasmine's face and the giggling stopped from Amanda.

Amanda made a disgusted face. "I can't wait till you run out of that c.r.a.p," she said.

"Good thing I found a lot more here then, isn't it. That shouldn't happen for quite a while," Nathan snickered.

Amanda looked over at Jasmine, "Quit making him mad," she warned.

"Hey, you were doing it too," Jasmine shot back.

Amanda crossed her arms. "I'm allowed to. You aren't," she declared.

Jasmine was at a loss for words as Nathan tried to remember if he'd ever given that permission to anyone, let alone a thirteen-year-old girl. Not in the mood for more irritation, Nathan knocked on the table. "Everyone, let's check our stuff and make another pa.s.s through to see if we are missing anything. Remember, whatever you bring, you will carry, so make sure it's worth it," he told them.

"Can't we put it in the wagon?" Jackie asked.

"Unless you're pulling it, no. The d.a.m.n thing is already close to four hundred pounds and I'm pulling it," Nathan said. Jackie jerked her head back like Nathan had insulted her.

"I can't carry that pack Howard put together for me," she told Nathan.

"Not my problem," Nathan said. "If you make your husband and kids carry it they won't be able to fight, and they'll get tired quickly. If we get into a fight and they die it's all on you for taking advantage of them. If you want to see them suffer so you don't have to carry something heavy go ahead, but you guys are on your own. We will not be a part of you trying to kill them." Nathan stood up slowly, holding Emma and trying not to wake her up.

"I would never do that," Jackie exclaimed.

"Then I'm sorry for implying that, but that's what it sounded like to me," Nathan said, walking back to the tent to lay Emma down.

The group got up and made a last run through the area. Nathan went over his pack and the trailer again. He didn't tell anyone, but between him, Ares, and the cart, they were carrying over fifty pounds in precious metals and several pounds of diamonds. Nathan had also pulled several stacks of cash out. Then he made ten stacks of five thousand dollars each to give to each person except Emma. Truth be told, Nathan would've given Emma the whole bag of cash if she would've left him alone.

As Nathan finished making his last walk-through Howard came over to him. "Howard, don't be mad about what I said to Jackie," Nathan said.

Howard froze then smiled broadly. "Mad? I came over here to thank you. It would've taken me days to convince her, but you did it in less than five minutes," Howard chuckled.

Nathan grinned. "Well then I'm glad."

"Hey, I wanted to tell her that but I have to live with her," Howard replied honestly.

"She mad?" Nathan asked.

"Oh, she was till I explained it to her. Now she is adding more stuff to her pack," Howard replied.

Glad Jackie wasn't mad at him, Nathan looked around one last time. "I wish we could take more," he admitted to Howard.

"Yeah, but we're going to be pus.h.i.+ng it with the weight as it is," Howard stated.

"I know, but still," Nathan said. "Come on, it's almost eleven. Let's get the troops ready." Nathan headed back to the tables and Howard fell into step besides him.

After a quick lunch, Nathan had all the new kids put on vests, except for Emma. Not that Nathan didn't want one on her, but the smallest one hung past her feet. Emma's vest was in the wagon. Also, everyone had a sleeping bag now and reluctantly Nathan had agreed to bring along an eight-man tent.

Nathan tried to get Casey to put her pack in the wagon but she steadfastly refused. Tom and Natalie were carrying their M-4s and looking real nervous. When Casey was said M-4 would stay in the wagon, she threw a tantrum, to put it mildly. Tired of the yelling, Nathan walked over and handed her the weapon. "You play with it one time and I will spank your bottom," he warned her.

"Don't worry, I won't," she said, smiling. "I'll make you proud of me," she promised.

Nathan noticed Jasmine had a disapproving look on her face. "Jasmine, I'm not in the mood. I have a fresh dip and will spit in your ear," he warned. Shaking her head, Jasmine picked up her rifle and mumbled something. "My group, come here!" Nathan barked out.

They all walked over to him somewhat reluctantly and stopped around him. "Let's go say goodbye to Lillian and ask her to watch over us. We have a long ways to go and danger will be everywhere," Nathan told them before turning around and heading to the grave.

Each of Lillian's children said goodbye along with the others. "Kids, remember she is watching over you. I'm not going to say don't be sad, but keep it under control. If you lose focus, you or one of us can die," Nathan told them.

Tom walked over to Nathan. "Don't worry, sir, and thank you."

"No thanks necessary, and it's Nathan, not sir," Nathan said. "Let's get going. Remember to watch us and do what we do. John and Amanda, teach the others what you've learned so far when I'm not teaching them."

The group followed Nathan, with Howard and his boys bringing up the rear. Nathan didn't head back down the dirt road they'd come up originally. Instead, he headed west through the woods, pulling the wagon behind him. Nathan soon found out pulling a wagon through the woods was a hard workout. They had to take areas that the wagon could go through. Not long into the journey, Nathan took off his backpack and put it in the wagon with Emma.

Putting the strap harness, Nathan started pulling the wagon and it was much faster going. His pack had been throwing him off balance. It took over an hour to cover the two miles through the woods to reach the small dirt road leading south to Manchester. When they reached the road they stopped to drink then Nathan led them on. The only problem they encountered was that Emma wanted to get out of the wagon and be carried.

Nathan pulled her out and made her walk, instructing everyone not to pick her up. When she sat down in the road, crying, Nathan picked her up and put her back in the wagon. It didn't take her long to get tired. In the hour it took them to reach the road that went around the village of Manchester, Emma fell asleep. Nathan pulled an umbrella out and shaded her from the sun. He wouldn't admit it but he did it so she wouldn't wake up soon. Needless to say, Nathan wasn't in the best of moods.

Pulling the wagon with his rifle across his chest, Nathan never stopped grumbling. "Want me to help?" he heard beside him. Looking down, he saw Casey looking up at him smiling. Her face was red and sweat rolled off her head, dripping on her rifle.

Nathan chuckled. "Thank you sweetie, but I better do it," he said.

"Okay, but if you need me to, I'll pull it," Casey said with determination. She stopped and waited on Amanda and Natalie to catch up then walked beside them.

Nathan looked back over his right shoulder and noticed John and Tom walking together talking. Behind them he saw Howard's family. Not seeing Jasmine, Nathan stopped and turned around only to find her walking on his left side a few feet behind him.

Jasmine saw him looking at her. "What?" she asked.

"Didn't know where you were at," Nathan admitted and started walking again. Ares and Athena, who were in front of Nathan, started trotting along again.

"Well glad you're worried about me," Jasmine said.

"Huh," Nathan scoffed. "If I lost you, John would go into convulsions."

Jasmine walked up beside him and nudged him playfully. "You wouldn't miss me?" she asked.

Nathan looked at her out of the corner of his eye. "Yes I would," he admitted, making Jasmine smile. "Seeing you get up naked every morning is a better jump start than any cup of coffee," Nathan added.

Jasmine slapped his arm. "I'm not naked," she snapped.

"Hey, have you got any complaints?" Nathan joked.

"It seems like it from you," Jasmine said.

Nathan smirked. "Leave a dirty old man alone."

"Old man!" Jasmine shouted, making Nathan stop. "You are not an old man!" she bellowed at him.

Clueless to what he'd done now, Nathan held up his hand. "Jasmine, need I remind you we are trying to be covert? You know, ninja-like. When you scream like that, it kind of ruins it."

Shame crept up on her face as she looked back to see everyone staring at her. "Sorry, guys, he just p.i.s.sed me off," Jasmine said with a weak smile.

"Pee-pee," Nathan heard from behind him.

His shoulders slumped as Nathan's head dropped to his chest. "d.a.m.n, you woke her up," he muttered.

"I'm sorry," Jasmine said and went to get Emma. As she reached down to pick her up, Emma slapped her hands. "No," she snapped at Jasmine. She climbed out of the wagon and ran to Nathan. Stopping in front of him, Emma held out her arms to be picked up. "Pee-pee," she whined at him.

"I really don't like you now," Nathan told Jasmine, taking off the harness. Picking Emma up, he headed to the ditch. He set Emma down, pulled down her pants, and suffered the indignity of being a human toilet. Casey came over with the tissue when Emma a.s.sumed the position.

When Nathan finished he felt somewhat violated and felt the need to tell someone, but couldn't bring himself to do it and still feel manly about himself. In a hospital it was different story; he'd taken care of patients before who couldn't use the bathroom by themselves. But Emma wasn't a baby; she was over two. Nathan believed two-year-olds should be able to wipe their own b.u.t.ts.

To her credit, Jasmine didn't smile or laugh as Nathan carried Emma back to the wagon. "Emma, you did very good," Nathan said without feeling in his voice, but he did give Emma a big hug before putting her back in the wagon. "Ares, come," Nathan commanded.

Ares trotted over and Nathan took off his pack and laid it on top of his in the front of the wagon. "Ares, lead," Nathan said, putting the wagon harness on.

Ares barked and moved up front as Nathan started pulling the wagon. "I'm just a wagon-pulling jacka.s.s," Nathan barked out at no one. The group fell in behind Nathan, not really wanting to get close to him the way he was talking out loud to himself. "I cannot believe this s.h.i.+t!" he snapped.

Amanda jogged up to Jasmine who was behind the wagon. "Go talk to him and calm him down," she said.

"I'm the one who p.i.s.sed him off. You do it," Jasmine said in a low voice.

"h.e.l.l no, I don't want him mad at me," Amanda whispered back. "Let's get John to do it."

"What's he supposed to say to Nathan?" Jasmine asked.

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Dark Titan Journey: Wilderness Travel Part 18 summary

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