Why I Preach the Second Coming Part 5

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If Christians should continue to die and should remain as white clothed ghosts in heaven forever they would be an incongruous environment and abiding scandal to the immortality of the Son of G.o.d Himself. A living, immortal man s.h.i.+ning in a glorified human body surrounded by bodiless souls forever! What a contradiction that would be, what a scandal, indeed. It would be the declaration that the Son of G.o.d had power to rise from the dead, make His own body immortal, impervious to death, but in respect to those for whom He died and who died trusting in His promise He either did not have the power or did not care to keep His promise.

Such a conclusion in either member of the proposition is impossible.

It is impossible, for no such postulate as inability or faithlessness can be laid against the Son of G.o.d.

By His own immortality as the first-fruits of them that slept, as the ordained forerunner and sample of all those whom He has redeemed He is, and in the nature of things, under bonds to give immortality to each, to raise the dead and transfigure the living in His likeness.

As the dead can be raised and the living changed only when He is personally present then He must come to this world again to give that immortality of which seated on yonder throne in heaven He is the promise and the pledge.

He made this promise by the grave of Lazarus.

Standing there with His cheeks wet with tears of sorrow over the one He loved and in profound sympathy with the grief-stricken sisters, groaning in Himself, not merely as one who was under the spell of sorrow and heartache, but full of "indignant protest" (this is the meaning of the word "to groan") against the havoc of death as the work of that being whom we so familiarly call "Devil," without stopping to measure his dignity, malignity and power, He said:

"I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:

And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die."

Wondrous, gracious, far reaching and full of measureless comfort is the promise, but nine out of ten who repeat it seem never to have comprehended the full import of it.

For this is what He meant.

Listen to it as I quote it in its fullness of intent:

"I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet--when I come again--shall he live:

And whosoever liveth and believeth in me--when I come again--shall never die."

Nor is this a fictional fancy of mine, but the direct declaration of the Holy Spirit to the Church speaking through the Apostle Paul; for he says:

"Behold, I shew you a mystery: we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then (and not till then--not when we die and go to heaven, but when the dead are raised and the living are changed--then--and not till then) shall be brought to pa.s.s the saying that is written (written by the Prophet Isaiah in the twenty-fifth chapter of his prophecy), death is swallowed up in victory.

O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?"

And mark it well, the context of this Holy Ghost promise is the declaration that the resurrection of the dead, the transfiguration of the living, this changing from mortality to immortality will be the resurrection and the transfiguration of those who are "Christ's at His coming."

Yes! He will come.

He will descend from heaven with a shout of command. He will pa.s.s it on to the archangel. The archangel will pa.s.s it to the angel who is called the "trump of G.o.d." He will cause a sound, a blast, an utterance of power at which the doors of graves of every sort shall open outward, every secret hiding place of the purchased dead will be revealed and the sacred dust will bloom with life; for, in the body of every regenerated soul there is planted the germ of the new body; and just as the buried seed is linked by the unseen air to the fructifying sun in heaven and as at a given moment we call the germination is quickened and at last comes forth in new form yet the same essential embodiment as when planted; so, the regeneration nucleus of the new body is held by the Holy Spirit (of which the air is the symbol) to the risen, glorified body of the Son of G.o.d in heaven; and no matter what may befall the body in which it was buried it will abide to that hour we call the resurrection and transfiguration and at the shout, the voice and action of the trump of G.o.d will come forth in the glow of unfolded and eternal beauty as the sheath, the house, the home, the perfect dwelling place, the royal robe of the souls the Lord shall bring with Him; while the living shall flash forth in the same immortality and glory.

Yes! the dust of death shall bloom and mortality shall put on immortality at the Coming of the Lord.

And I for one want Him to come.

I have loved ones waiting within the gates of the upper city for that morning hour.

I have one there my heart in these days yearns to see.

But a short time ago death with rude and sudden hand s.n.a.t.c.hed from me my only child, the son of my heart; a son grown to splendid young manhood; a son who loved me, reverenced me, believed as I believe, a member of my own Church, baptized by my own hand in early days: a son on whom I hoped to lean in peace if the shadows should deepen round me ere my Lord might come. And in the going of that beloved son of mine the light of day has seemed at times to fail, the stars of heaven have grown so dim and far away I think of them often as tears of distant eyes that pity me. There are moments when I crave him as a hungry man does food and as a thirsty man in desert ways yearns for a draught of limpid waters. I have a hurt here in the heart of me no medicine of earth can cure; but because I know when the Lord comes this son of mine shall rise and I shall meet him and the old glad life renew in larger, richer, fuller measure; and because I know there is only the sound of the trump between me and that longed-for hour; that the door of heaven is always ajar and my Lord may come at any moment and bring us to the hand clasp and the love embrace again, I bear my hurt, I rest in the Lord and preach this blessed hope to other hearts that ache--the Coming of Him who is the resurrection and the life and whose last earthward utterance to His Church is:

"Behold, I come quickly."


Not Till Our Lord Jesus Christ Comes the Second Time Will the Church be Exalted into Her True Function of Rulers.h.i.+p Over the World

THE Church was not sent into the world to convert or Christianize it.

It was sent into the world to preach the Gospel to every creature.

It was not to condone the world but to condemn it.

With its twin doctrines of Incarnation and Regeneration it was to ring the knell of evolution and deny the hope of any saving energy in the flesh.

It was not to flatter, to paint, to gild nor endeavour in any wise to reform or organize the world.

It was to deal with the world, with the system called the world, as a s.h.i.+p pounding to pieces, and pounding helplessly, upon the rocks of fallen human nature, the dethronement of G.o.d in the soul and the enthronement and exaltation of self-interest in the soul.

The Church in its ministry and widely commissioned effort was to plunge, as a well-equipped and perfectly manned life-boat may do, into the sea and surf of natural and Satanic things and get men out of an old system under the doom and judgment of G.o.d into Christ as the head of a new system under grace and the coming glory of G.o.d.

The Church was not to build up a kingdom during the absence of the Lord.

On the contrary, she was to recognize herself as the affianced bride of a rejected king and coming bridegroom.

She was to walk in separation from the world, refusing the seductive enticements of her would-be lovers and with an upward and heavenly look serve while she waited for a returning Lord.

The Lord did not come.

The Church grew weary of her vigil.

She exchanged the heavenly for the earthly look.

She met the Devil and felt the magic of his bewitching glances.

He had led her Lord to the mount of temptation. He had shown Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. He offered them to Him on condition that He would turn His feet out of the pathway that led to the sacrificial cross. He offered them on condition that He should refuse to go to the cross and there in the agony of His soul and body and on the loom of His vicarious sufferings weave the seamless robe of divine righteousness for sinful men.

The Lord refused.

The Devil turned and slew Him.

He now led the willing Church to the same mountain height of temptation.

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Why I Preach the Second Coming Part 5 summary

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