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Grouchy people give off a fragrance, too, but they smell like something besides perfume! Each of us knows people who seldom have anything positive to say. Even when things go well, their cynicism sours people around them.
What makes people thankful? They are known for two connected actions: remembering G.o.d's past blessings and realizing that G.o.d still gives them wonderful gifts. They look forward to the future, trusting that the One who has abundantly provided will provide yet again. Don't a.s.sume that thankful people are blind to the often painful realities in life. In fact, they can be more honest about hurts and disappointments because they don't need to hide from those things. But their hope focuses their attention away from their hurts and disappointments and onto G.o.d's character. They are convinced that sooner or later He will give them the wisdom, strength, direction, and blessing they need. Looking back at G.o.d's past faithfulness gives them confidence in Him for the future.
Who is the best example in your life of someone who is an honest and thankful person?
As you look back as well as forward, what needs to happen for you to take steps to become more thankful?
"Each day came forth from the hand of G.o.d newly created and alive with opportunities to do His will. We for our part, can accept and offer back to G.o.d every prayer, work, and suffering of the day, no matter how insignificant or unspectacular they may seem to us. Between G.o.d and the individual soul, however, there are no insignificant moments: this is the mystery of divine providence."-WALTER CISZEK
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of G.o.d, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to G.o.d, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of G.o.d.
ROMANS 12:1-2.
WE ALL MAKE DECISIONS that involve what we could call "opportunity costs": when we say yes to one choice, we're saying no to countless other options. The question we instinctively answer each time is, What gives me the most benefit? In this pa.s.sage, Paul asks his readers to reflect on all he has written in the first eleven chapters of Romans about the incredible mercy of G.o.d to rescue us from sin and give us purpose, peace, and hope. In response to G.o.d's mercy, the only "reasonable" choice is to devote ourselves wholeheartedly to Him. Paul says this devotion takes the form of a "living sacrifice," a choice we have to make each moment of every day. Do we choose to follow a cause? Yes, but much more than that, we choose to follow a person, the One who loves us, forgives us, and calls us His own.
When we say yes to G.o.d each moment, we choose a lifestyle that reflects Christ's values. Paul tells us not to be squeezed into the world's mold of selfishness, but to let G.o.d transform us as our minds focus on G.o.d's truth. The result of saying yes to G.o.d each moment is the incalculable benefit of knowing and following G.o.d's perfect will for our lives. We join hands with Him to walk on the mountains and in the valleys of the adventure of life.
What are some of the opportunity costs when a person says yes to Christ each moment?
How is the world trying to squeeze you into its mold? What can you do to have your mind renewed by G.o.d's truth?
"Our service is to be a living sacrifice of devotion to Jesus. The secret of which is to identify with him in suffering, in death and in resurrection."-OSWALD CHAMBERS
Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully.
PSALM 24:3-4.
IN THE BUSINESS WORLD, many people get to the top by climbing over others on the way. They want to be "king of the hill," and nothing or n.o.body is going to stop them. But in the spiritual world, the goal isn't to stand in power in front of shareholders; it's to stand in humility and inner strength before the Lord.
In the awkward time between his anointing and his coronation as king, David had many opportunities to take shortcuts and compromise his integrity. Saul chased David and his men through deserts and towns, and on several occasions, David could have killed Saul and taken the throne immediately. His most trusted and loyal followers urged him to do just that. But each time, David refused to rush to success. He trusted G.o.d to accomplish His purposes in His timing. Through times of being misunderstood, attacked, and betrayed, David had "clean hands and a pure heart." He trusted G.o.d even in the darkest days, and he kept telling the truth.
One of the most significant features of David's life was the loyalty of his men. In him they saw a man they could trust, a man who spoke the unvarnished truth and followed G.o.d with his whole heart. Even before David became king of Israel, his character won the hearts of his men.
What are some temptations to take shortcuts to gain promotions at work?
What does it take for someone to act like David did and keep "clean hands and a pure heart"?
"The greatest use of a life is to spend it for something that will outlast it."-WILLIAM JAMES
Whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant.
MATTHEW 20:26.
IN HIS OUTSTANDING BOOK Good to Great, Jim Collins describes a mistake many companies make when they hire a CEO. Too often, they try to get a charismatic leader who becomes, in Collins's phrase, "a genius with a thousand helpers." This person demands to be the center of attention and receive all the praise. Others in the company are "peons," just helpers who deserve no recognition. In stark contrast, Collins observed that the most successful companies have leaders who are "humble visionaries." They lead with pa.s.sion, but they are happy to give plenty of credit to anyone and everyone else.[4]
Collins's observations fit perfectly with Jesus' leaders.h.i.+p strategy. In reaction to the natural, normal style of leaders to demand to be the center of attention, Jesus told His followers to show their greatness by serving. He then dispelled any misconceptions of what it means to be a servant by picking up a towel and was.h.i.+ng the dirty feet of the men at the table, the job of the lowest servant in the home.
What does it mean for us to be servants of those under us in our families and on the organizational chart? If we follow Jesus' example, we take time to do the most humble tasks: was.h.i.+ng dishes, cleaning, sweeping, helping an intern with a task, or stopping to talk to an employee in the s.h.i.+pping department to ask about her family.
Are you too busy for things like that? Don't be.
What impact do "geniuses with a thousand helpers" have on those under them?
What impact do "humble visionaries" have on people? What are two things you can do today to be a servant to those around you?
"No man has ever risen to the real stature of spiritual manhood until he has found that it is finer to serve somebody else than it is to serve himself."-WOODROW WILSON "Duty makes us do things well, but love makes us do them beautifully."-ZIG ZIGLAR
The secret of the LORD is with those who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant.
PSALM 25:14.
WE LOVE SECRETS because they often promise to bring excitement into our lives. Getting the inside scoop is a delicious feeling, and the one who listens to a secret feels valued by the one who tells it.
In the spiritual world, many things seem to be hidden. We wander and stumble around, trying to figure out how to relate to G.o.d, how to follow His will, and how to relate to His people. King David understood that G.o.d doesn't share His secrets with everybody-just with those who fear Him. The term fear of G.o.d isn't very popular today because it's misunderstood as being afraid of Him. It actually implies wonder and awe, a sense that G.o.d is so powerful, so intelligent, and so loving that we can hardly imagine it!
People who are overwhelmed with the awesome nature of G.o.d become good listeners, and G.o.d delights in sharing His secrets with them. What are those secrets? They aren't the winning lottery numbers for this week's drawing, and seldom are they the specific directions for what to do in a situation. No, G.o.d's secrets focus on His character. We can trust Him even when we can't see His hand at work because He a.s.sures us that He is infinitely wise, loving, and strong. And ultimately, the biggest secret of all is that G.o.d has made us His own dearly beloved children in a covenant relations.h.i.+p with Him. But that's not a secret anymore.
Why do you think G.o.d withholds His secrets from people who don't have great respect for Him?
What does fearing G.o.d mean to you?
"G.o.d created man on purpose, and for a purpose."-ZIG ZIGLAR
He gives more grace. Therefore He says: "G.o.d resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble."
JAMES 4:6.
HUMILITY CAN BE a difficult concept for us to grasp. It is often thought of as being weak or spineless, but that is the wrong definition of humility. A fitting example of humility can be found in the responsiveness of a fine horse to the gentle tug of its rider on the reins. When the horse was acquired, it may have been a wild bronco, but it has been broken and now gladly responds to its master's care and guidance.
The Bible describes proud people as "stiff-necked" and "willful." They demand their own way, which focuses on their selfish purposes of success, pleasure, and approval. In His kindness, G.o.d allows difficulties into our lives to break us, not to harm us but to tame the selfishness in our hearts. As long as we buck, we fight against G.o.d and His gracious purposes for us, but when we finally give in and accept His leaders.h.i.+p in our lives, we experience more encouragement, strength, freedom, and joy than we ever imagined.
The "freedom" of the proud is an illusion. Rebellion ultimately results in shattered dreams and shattered lives. But "a broken and a contrite heart" (Psalm 51:17), one that is open to G.o.d's discipline and leading, experiences the true riches of His grace.
What are some ways you've seen G.o.d resist the proud?
Would you say you have been broken, you are being broken, or you are still running wild? Explain your answer.
"It does not take great men to do great things: it only takes consecrated men." -PHILLIPS BROOKS
Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.
JAMES 1:2-3.
MANY CHRISTIANS READ James's comment about suffering and simply don't believe it, and those who do believe often feel frustrated and defeated because they don't see the result he promised. Count it all joy? Oh, come on!
To see these trials produce results in our lives, we need to undergo a radical reorientation. Years ago, cultural critic Francis Schaeffer observed that most of us supremely value "personal peace and affluence."[5] Anything that gets in the way of those values is, to say the least, unwelcome. But in the Kingdom of G.o.d, those things aren't all that valuable, and in fact, they can get in the way of what G.o.d truly values. He treasures our faith in Him through thick and thin, but He knows faith is built most effectively in times of difficulty. For that reason, G.o.d, our loving and attentive Father, allows or orchestrates problems in our lives so that we learn to trust Him.
Author and speaker Elisabeth Elliot notes that suffering takes all kinds of forms. Her broad definition is, "Not having what you want, or having what you don't want." Every obstacle, every annoyance, and every genuine heartache in our lives is part of G.o.d's curriculum to produce persistent, tenacious, rich, deep trust in Him. Patience isn't killing time until we experience more personal peace and affluence. It's riveting our affections on G.o.d and His purposes every moment of every day.
What are some ways the pursuit of "personal peace and affluence" erodes patient and persistent faith in G.o.d?
How would it help you to realize that every difficulty in your life is part of G.o.d's curriculum to teach you faith and patience?