Roses For Sophie Part 3

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She looked away from him and over to the bar where Felix stood, watching them. It's not as simple as that,' she muttered.

There were several reasons she wanted her grandfather's matchmaking attempts to stop. Every function her grandfather hosted, he included a couple of eligible bachelors and she was expected to eye them up and down as possible husband material. She understood all too well what it must have felt like for women of the regency period to embark on a London season to make their match on the marriage market!

Not only was she heartily sick of it, but she also wanted her grandfather to stop feeling the need to do this. She knew the efforts he made were only because he loved her and had what he believed were her best interests at heart. Sadly, he genuinely thought she'd be happier if she were married.

If she could present a lover, she'd make him happy. But there was another deeper reason she'd allowed herself to be swayed into manufacturing a partner. Sophie was desperate to gain her grandfather's endors.e.m.e.nt to run the Carlisle Mining Corporation. Rigby had made it clear that he wanted to see her married before he'd be comfortable handing over that position. He believed if she didn't find a husband before she became Managing Director, she'd never find a husband.

If Sophie weren't married, her grandfather might just do the unthinkable and hand over the reins to Felix. That was a disaster she wanted to avoid.

Have you got a lover, Sophie?'

Her body tensed and she missed another step. That's none of your business.'

I disagree. I'm not going to be introduced to your grandfather as your lover if you've got someone hidden away that he won't approve of. I also insist on exclusivity for the duration of my relations.h.i.+ps.'

h.e.l.l's bells! This guy has a nerve!

If s.e.x was seriously part of every contract he signed, Sue had been misinformed about the agency. Was he a regular gigolo, or did he expect s.e.x with her as a fringe benefit?

This deal is off. I don't want you to pretend to be my lover at all,' she a.s.serted as quietly and forcefully as she could, aware that another couple had joined them on the dance floor.

Wise choice. We'll make sure there's no pretence about it.'

She sucked in an indignant breath. The man was unbelievable! Listen to me -'

You're looking very uptight, sweetheart. That isn't the look you want to project if you want to fool Felix. Relax.'

How could she relax while every fibre of her feminine being was physically aware of the man who held her? With every nerve cell firing rapidly at the sensation of being in his arms, it was no wonder she looked uptight. Mentally she was stressed to the hilt, trying to deny the strong physical attraction she had for him and reminding herself that he was an escort. The intimate, lover-like way he held her now, the warmth in his eyes as he regarded her, was all just an act because her cousin was watching. It was what he was being paid to do. She wished he wouldn't do it so well because it was difficult for her to separate fact from fantasy.

There was no way she'd get involved with a professional escort.

A little voice questioned, Why? Who would know if you gave into your desires? Do you really plan to go on living like a nun for the rest of your life? She slammed the door on that thought. No way would she give in to this crazy desire. Even if n.o.body else found out, she would know. She was not so desperate that she'd resort to paying a professional gigolo to satisfy her physical urges.

One look at him confirmed he was well aware of the reason she was so tense. The blasted man looked pleased. Well, he probably had all his clients throwing themselves at him, but she wasn't going to be fodder for his ego. I'm so glad you're finding your booking tonight so entertaining,' she told him with saccharine sweetness.

I have to confess, this has been one of my more interesting evenings.' He actually had the nerve to grin broadly. Tonight's been full of surprises.'

Sophie curbed the urge to pull out of his arms, slap the s.e.xy smile right off his face, and leave.

So, your friend suggested you hire an escort. I'm presuming it was to produce the lover you've invented for your grandfather's sake.'

She frowned. Weren't you briefed about the weekend?'

Apparently not.'

The agency he worked for wasn't anywhere near as professional or above-board as Sue had made it out to be. At least Sue, a brilliant lawyer, had made sure the confidentiality agreement was water-tight.

Well, it doesn't matter, anyway,' she grated through a tight smile as the music came to an end. I can just argue with you right now and put an end to our supposed affair. Felix is here as a witness to the break-up, and there'll be no expectation from my grandfather that I bring you for the weekend.'

That could work,' he said thoughtfully, still holding her. I suppose your grandfather would probably prefer you became involved with someone he's chosen for you. If he knows in advance you'll be turning up without a partner, he could line up a few eligible bachelors for you.'

She couldn't suppress a groan at that very likely possibility, but at least they'd be eligible bachelors - not some guy who earned his income by flirting with women and quite possibly sleeping with them. Her grandfather's choice wouldn't be a man who was too d.a.m.ned s.e.xy for the health and sanity of all womankind. Doubtless, Rigby would pick some guy who possessed a calculator where his heart should be, not a man who possessed so much self-a.s.surance with women that he was bound to be an expert lover.

Oh. Her skin started to p.r.i.c.kle. Had somebody turned the heating up?

Then again,' Logan continued smoothly, you could take me along this weekend and that'll keep your grandfather off your case.'

G.o.d, help her. Even knowing this wasn't real, she was tempted to go along for the ride with this man and see where it would take her.

A wave of self-disgust washed over her. Just when she would've pulled away, the band began playing another piece and she found herself moving once again in time to the dreamy music. Logan really was a wonderful dancer. But then, he would be, wouldn't he? That would come with the job description.

A thought hit her. Felix had thought he'd looked familiar. Sue had been adamant the escort would be unknown because he'd been living overseas, but then she'd been referring to a different escort - the one who should've turned up.

The event this weekend is a party at my grandfather's estate to celebrate his birthday. Felix said your face was familiar. If I did decide to take you, what are the chances that you'd be recognised by one of the guests as a paid escort?'

Absolutely no chance at all,' he replied confidently.

She didn't believe him. Felix will eventually work out where he's seen you before. He'll be like a dog with a bone about it.' Another thought hit her with the deadly impact of a bullet between the eyes, and she cursed.

What?' he asked.

Sue and I just didn't think this through. I've just realised that because Grandfather doesn't know you, he's sure to have you investigated. Why didn't I think of all this before? This whole plan was stupid.' It'd all been hatched over a few wines the night before. Too many wines, obviously. Sophie had thought she and Sue were just talking nonsense, but Sue had gone ahead and made all the arrangements, then convinced Sophie this afternoon that it was the only thing to do.

Logan's hand firmed at the small of her back as she began to draw away. His thumb began moving in soothing little circles that made her forget just why she'd planned to leave his embrace.

He won't have me investigated.'

The confidence in his tone irritated her. You know nothing about my grandfather and the way he operates. Of course he'll have you investigated. How mortifying for me when he and Felix find out I've...' her low voice dropped to a mere whisper, ... hired an escort.'

Sophie -'

This has just gone from bad to worse.'

Stop worrying.' He brushed his lips against her temple and whispered, You don't look lover-like when you're worrying.'

I don't feel remotely lover-like.'

Then, we should definitely do something to change that.'

Panic fizzed through her as his head moved closer to hers. Panic and desire. You're out of line!'

You look like you're about to stamp your foot in a fit of temper, and I don't particularly feel like having your heels connect with my toes, honey.'

It would serve you right.'

This weekend, everyone will believe we're lovers,' he a.s.sured her.

It was nonsense, of course, but he sounded so confident. What makes you so convinced?'

This.' He dipped his head to nuzzle the sensitive slope of her neck.

Gasping as her whole body went into meltdown, she felt him hold her upright with one arm around her waist, while her knees began to buckle beneath her.

Then, his head moved and his mouth took hers in an exploratory caress that was incredibly gentle, yet so searing it branded her as his possession. Oh! It was the most sensationally erotic kiss she'd ever had. Sophie completely forgot who he was and where they were as she became wholly consumed by the mastery of his kiss. She'd never experienced such a thrill of sensations, and the expert pressure of his lips tore at the very foundation of her being. The kiss held her in thrall, seeming to go on and on forever. It was nothing like any she'd ever had and more than she'd ever dreamed of. When he broke contact with her lips, she was breathless and wanting more - so much more.

The reality of her whereabouts crashed in, causing her blood to stop simmering in pa.s.sion and instead to boil over with anger.

That was not necessary,' she hissed at him as they circled the dance floor once more.

I'm supposed to be the love of your life,' he reasoned. If that were true, I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off you. As it is, I admit it's difficult to resist hauling you out of here and making love to you in the first private place I can find.'

Oh, yes. Please. Haul away.

No. No. Propriety demanded she deny the way she was feeling and rebuke his forward manner. Oh, you're just...' She swallowed down on her need as she saw the desire in his eyes. From somewhere, she gathered as much hauteur as she could. No more kissing.'

Do the men in your life usually hold you in such close contact and refrain from kissing you?'

Yes,' she told him in exasperation, then wished she hadn't made the confession as he looked at her speculatively.

Sweetheart, you've definitely been dating the wrong men.'

There's no need to start acting like my boyfriend.' Her voice was higher in pitch due to her agitation, and the word boyfriend seemed so inadequate, so weak when applied to this man. He was nothing remotely like a boy, and was definitely all man. Still, she couldn't quite bring herself to say the word lover when it applied to him. Saying the word aloud would probably have her melting into a pool at his feet.

There's no paparazzi in sight,' he said. There's hardly a need to baulk at public intimacy.'

She couldn't remember either of the men she'd been engaged to indulging in such a blatant display of public affection. She needed to create some s.p.a.ce between her and this escort. She couldn't think straight while she was in his arms. In this day of mobile phones with cameras, there's every reason to baulk at public intimacy. Let's just drop the act right here and now.'

But the show has started,' he persisted. Felix is our audience, and our weekend performance will be much more convincing after a few rehearsals.'

That's enough. We're going back to sit down,' she told him as her irritation increased and s.e.xual frustration coiled in the most private part of her. Dinner will be served soon and when we get through that, this whole booking is over.'

He raised an eyebrow. Hungry?'

Ravenous for you!

She cursed inwardly at that thought but, shockingly, it was true. She couldn't even think about eating dinner when all she wanted to do was feast intimately on him. And, d.a.m.n the man, the small smile playing about his lips told her he'd guessed the exact direction of her thoughts. Why, oh why, was he an escort? Why wasn't he just a regular guy she'd just met so she could give in to this powerful attraction?

She had to pull herself together immediately and find some defence against the monumental s.e.x appeal he exuded. Even if he was a regular guy, she couldn't give in to this attraction. Sophie knew all too well that she attracted a lot of media attention, and that anyone she got involved with might just sell the story to the highest bidder. Where was the Ice Princess persona she'd worked so hard to perfect?

On shaking legs, Sophie walked with Logan back to their table. Any other time she wouldve enjoyed the spectacular bird's eye views of the city of Sydney, and the twinkling city lights that spread out below like an enchanted fairyland, but tonight she was too attuned to the man next to her.

When they reached the table, he pulled out her chair for her. Then, his hands were on her shoulders, the heat from them thawing all her efforts to try to freeze him out. Worse, as she turned her head to tell him to stop touching her, his lips captured hers.

Another brief but devastating kiss made her want to throw herself into his arms and into his bed.

Stop doing that!' she vented in a low undertone.

Kissing you?'

Yes,' she grated.

I can't. I find I enjoy kissing you,' he told her. If you're honest, you'll admit you like it too.'

Meeting his eyes once again, her lips parted in shock. The power of his scrutiny appeared to blaze right through her. Could he see into her very soul, absorbing her innermost hopes, secrets and fears? With a nervous intake of breath she broke eye contact with him, afraid he'd be able to read her thoughts.

You're deliberately trying to rattle me,' she snapped.

Am I succeeding?'

You're the most obnoxious, insufferable, arrog -'

And you're simply beautiful.' He said it as though he really meant it. But attraction won't be enough.' He sat back down at the table. I need to know some personal details about you if people are going to buy this story.'

There'll be no masquerading as a couple this weekend.'

We're agreed then. No masquerade.'

She tilted her head and regarded him warily.

We're in this together, sweetheart,' he said, and we're going to enjoy it. No masquerade will be required.'

No. This ends here and now, and you need to accept that. I don't know how you normally operate but your employers are going to hear about this. Sue a.s.sured me the agency you work for is reputable, that you'd be an escort, not a gigolo. You need to understand that s.e.x was never part of the deal. I would never pay for s.e.x.'

What if I promise not to charge you?'

Oh!' She felt her jaw drop and her eyes widen with incredulity. For a few seconds she was rendered speechless. The man had incredible cheek. I don't care if you offer me a two-for-one deal, there's no way I'm having s.e.x with you.'

He raised his eyebrows in an expression of sardonic amus.e.m.e.nt and laughed. Two-for-one? Honey, I promise you, if I'm your one, you won't need two.'

Sophie was just so flabbergasted she shook her head. I've never met anyone who...who...'

Who turns you on so much?'

d.a.m.n it, if that weren't the truth! Her jaw clamped and she counted to three before she replied. You have an over-inflated sense of your own appeal.'

I don't think so.' He looked pointedly at the rigid tips of her nipples where they strained for release against the fine fabric of her dress. You want to make love with me.'

You're completely outrageous,' she vented as she sliced an angry hand through the air and almost knocked over her wine gla.s.s. Even if you weren't an escort, I've only just met you, for pity's sake.'

His blue eyes danced with lazy amus.e.m.e.nt. Mm. That makes your response even more interesting, don't you think?'

She fumed. The man was clearly no gentleman. This is what you do for a living. No doubt you're so practiced you could get a hot response from a block of ice!'

He tipped his head back and deep, attractive tenor laughter rumbled through him. Well, they do call you the Ice Princess. Is that a challenge?'

Definitely not.'

Shame. I'd enjoy rising to it!'

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Roses For Sophie Part 3 summary

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