Roses For Sophie Part 8

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Next time, sweetheart.' Heat blazed from his eyes and he stepped back a little to regard the full effect of her naked b.r.e.a.s.t.s. One hand still at her back, the other reached up to caress her before he swept her up into his arms and kissed her senseless as he carried her toward the bed.

As soon as he'd gently set her down, he stood at the side of the bed, unb.u.t.toned the rest of his s.h.i.+rt, undid his belt and removed his shoes, socks and trousers. It was only when he stood that she noticed that he too had scar tissue that marred his otherwise perfect torso.

Sophie sat up with a frown and reached out to trace over the two scars. One was a small circular patch of scar tissue just above his heart. The other was a long patch below his left ribs that looked as though his flesh had been slashed with a knife. It must've been a dreadful wound.

How did you get this?' she asked, her fingertips skimming the flesh below his ribs.

Africa. I was captured by a militia group and held for ransom when I was investigating the blood diamond trade.'

I read about that.' She suppressed a shudder at what he must have endured. And this one?' She raised her body up a little more and placed a kiss on the scar above his heart. Were you shot?'

The first time I tried to escape they found me and cut me with a long knife.' He touched the scar at his side. This one,' he moved his hand to where her lips had pressed, was a bullet wound. Thankfully I took the bullet the second time I escaped, and I was shot just as I'd made it to the relative safety of the UN vehicle and personnel who were out searching for me. The bullet punctured my lung but missed my heart. Thanks to the UN backup I received the medical attention I needed and lived to tell the tale. Had I been recaptured at that point,' he shrugged, I wouldn't be here now.'

Automatically, she reached out for him, wrapped her arms around him and pressed herself tightly against his rippled stomach, needing to feel he was there, thankful he'd survived his ordeal. It must've been horrendous.'

I don't want to think about that now, Sophie. I'd far rather be making love to you.'

Swallowing down on an emotion she couldn't quite put a name to, she drew back.

She captured his hands as he was about to remove his briefs. Let me.' This was something she wanted and needed to do. It was important she undress him. Important that she dictated some of the pace, and kept some of the control.

Surprised at her own boldness, she was pleased when his hands dropped to his sides. First she placed her hands at his hips. Then, she hooked one finger from each hand under the elastic band of his briefs. Instead of pulling the underwear off, she ran both fingers inward, along the band. His erection jerked. With the nails of her thumbs she stroked his hard length up and down through the fabric and his body tensed.

A quick glance up at him and she saw his eyes were closed. The tendons at his neck were slightly strained as his head angled back in reaction to her tactile exploration. Her fingers under the waistband were almost at the midline of his briefs, within a few millimetres of making contact with his manhood. She stilled, then pulled the fabric up and over the firm bulge and allowed his magnificent erection to spring free.

No doubt about it. Logan was a prime specimen of masculinity.

Burning with need, she pushed his briefs all the way down his lean hips and muscular thighs.

He stepped out of them when they finally dropped to the floor, then his hands were at her shoulders, urging her to lie back on the bed.

Comfortable?' he asked.

So pent up she couldn't find her voice, she merely nodded.

He traced down over her body with the pads of his fingertips as though he was committing the feel of her to memory. At his urging, she raised her hips as he slid her lacy knickers down to uncover her femininity.

He paused momentarily before he traced the pads of his fingers over the raised scar tissue that began at her hips and spread across her lower abdomen.

Sophie bit down on her lip and willed herself to stop trembling as he drank her in with his gaze. Does it bother you?' she asked.

His eyes met hers. We're a pair of scarred warriors.' He moved so he could place a series of little kisses over her scars. These don't bother me in the slightest. They're simply a part of you the way my scars are part of me.'

Oh h.e.l.l! Any more of that and she'd be crying, because she knew her scars were ugly and he'd just melted her heart with his reverent kisses and his incredibly generous words.

Your scars tell a story, and I'll listen to that story later, but for now, I simply can't stop. I've been thinking about this since the moment I first saw you, Sophie.' The words were a ragged confession, his eyes darkened with need.

Me too.' She wanted to know him as her lover with a fervour that wouldn't be denied.

Let me get some protection,' he murmured next to her ear.

Already taken care of.' She reached toward her bedside table and took out a foil packet. Their eyes welded.

Should I be worried about the use-by date on that?' he asked with a slight smile.

His question was an acknowledgement of just how out of practice she was in the bedroom and while his words and his tone weren't negative, the reminder of just how inexperienced she was strengthened her resolve to be bold. Everything in her wanted to make sure this night was just as fabulous for him as she was sure it was going to be for her. Don't worry. I went to the pharmacy today.' Provocatively, she ripped the foil open with her teeth and took out the condom, enjoying the way his pupils seemed to flare as he watched her mouth.

Always prepared,' he murmured. Were you a girl scout?'

No. I just believe in forward planning.'

So I'm falling in with your pl...ans?' The last word wavered as she took his length again in her hands and stroked firmly before rolling on the condom. You've got me right where you want me?'

Almost,' she flirted.

And I'm almost where I want to be.'

Sophie grabbed him by the shoulders as she lay back against the pillows. You going to show me where that is?'

Oh yeah.' Taking her face in his hands, he kissed her again. Deeply. Each touch of his lips communicated his desire. Every stroke of his tongue along the seam of her mouth tantalised her, building the need between them. His tongue sought hers and connected. The exploration of her mouth was more erotic than she would ever have imagined.

All the while, Logan's hands trailed a path from her cheeks, down the sensitive areas of her neck, across the smoothness of her chest and to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He caressed the fleshy mounds, gently pinched the tightly budded nipples between his thumbs and forefingers so that sensation spread out and raced through her body, tingling all the way to her toes. Then, his lips began to follow the path his hands had taken.

Sophie gasped. Her shoulders lifted up off the mattress as he drew one nipple into his mouth and worked an alternate rhythm of sucking softly then deeply. Sensations exploded through her like fireworks and her hips bucked. Acutely aware of her flesh pulsing and aching for him to fill her with his length, her hands pressed against his b.u.t.tocks, wanting him inside her.

Soon, sweetheart,' he murmured against her breast before he resumed his suckling.

One of his hands created sparks of fire across her abdomen. He touched her lower, running his thumb back and forth across her scarred hip bone gently before allowing his fingers to drift and delve into the nest of curls over her pubic mound. Fingertips worked their magic down along her moist, swollen cleft before teasing her sensitive nub with feather-soft touches.

Sophie cried out. She closed her eyes and tuned in to every acute sensation he was creating. His skilful fingers began tugging gently at the centre of her need and flicking it back and forth, then one slid inside her, found the most sensitive spot on her inner wall and began small, rotating movements on that area with firm pressure.

Her head moved restlessly from side to side. It was all too much, and yet not quite enough as her body strained for completion, her pelvis moving very slightly in counterpoint against his hand.

Come for me, Sophie. Let go,' he rasped.

Her hands clasped his shoulders. Acute, pleasurable tension spiralled inside her like a spring just waiting to be released.

There was slightly more pressure from his thumb. Another finger slid inside and joined in with the first and she thrust up against his hand. Divine sensation rocketed her up toward the heavens as her body clenched around him. And just when she'd reached her peak, just as she started her descent back toward earth, he s.h.i.+fted his body. A strong, hair-roughened male thigh grazed the inside of one of her thighs and she parted her legs wider. She lifted them around his hips as he slid his fingers out and used them to keep her open for his entry.

Even though she should surely be satisfied, her greedy body hadn't had enough. Her deepest feminine recess felt empty and she wanted, needed to be filled by him. Mercifully, the head of his p.e.n.i.s nudged her and began to stretch the opening of her pa.s.sage.

He thrust into her at the same time as her pelvis surged forward, seeking the most intimate connection of all. Oh, yes. She remembered this wonderful sensation but it had never felt quite so perfect.

Mm. It was so much more intense than she recalled. Tonight she was finely attuned to the acute, wondrous internal friction as he stretched her. Every part of her was aware of the heat and pleasure of each of his thrusts so deep within her. Tiny little internal tremors built quickly and turned into great shuddering spasms of gratification as he transported her to celestial heights once more.

Sensation swirled through her. There was only Logan and this incredible journey he was taking her on. Instead of shooting up into s.p.a.ce and drifting back to earth, he kept her in orbit, seeing a whole new world. The journey was awesome. Even though she felt oxygen-depleted, everything from up here was brighter, more vivid. The trip seemed to last forever.

How had she lived without this for so long?

Her inner muscles clenched and released around his width and length firmly and rhythmically, drawing him in deeper. Eyelids opening, she watched the tendons in his neck tighten, saw the strain with which he held his own climax back while he gave her bliss beyond anything she'd ever experienced. So wonderful, but also exhausting. Surely, her body couldn't withstand any more pleasure? She strained with him, concentrating on every sensation before she sobbed, I can't take much more.'

Logan opened his eyes and searched her face. A few more deep thrusts and he was spilling himself, his big, powerful frame wracked by forceful shudders. And when he was spent, he withdrew slowly, and stroked her mound and inner thighs tenderly before he rolled over and carried her with him so she was snuggled in his arms.

Time ticked by as she slowly returned to earth. Physically replete, she raised a hand and ran it through the smattering of crisp dark hair on his chest while one of his hands thread through her hair and the other sensuously traced the curve of her hip and the indentation of her waist.

What they'd shared had been magic. Although it had been wonderful, it had been exhausting. A little smile pulled at the corners of her mouth as she acknowledged Logan's lovemaking was also addictive. Even while she basked in the languorous weight of her limbs and the sensitive hum of her inner flesh, she replayed all the sensations through her mind and her body began to ache for more of his possession.

He s.h.i.+fted and she moved as he levered himself upright.

Bathroom?' he asked, removing the protective sheath.

Through that door.' She followed his pathway to the door she'd indicated to, unable to tear her eyes away from every well-defined muscle of his shoulders and back, tapered waist, and firm b.u.t.tocks above athletic legs. Logan not only had a wonderful body, but he knew exactly how to use it.

When he came back to bed, he arranged her so that she was lying half on top of him. Her cheek was pillowed against his chest again and she heard the steady rhythmical beat of his heart. She trailed one of her fingernails over his nipple, and up to the scar of the bullet wound.

I'm so glad you lived to tell the tale,' she said quietly.

His hand stroked through her hair. Me too.'

It was fabulous to slide her smooth leg so that it tangled with his hair-roughened one. The biceps of one of the strong arms that were wrapped around her, tightened.

Nothing had ever felt more right. Their lovemaking had been intense. The light in his eyes as he'd surveyed her nakedness had been almost reverent. Half of her had expected to feel a little like a shameless hussy, jumping into bed so quickly with a man she'd only just met, but he'd made her feel precious. The burning need she'd witnessed in his expression had been unmistakable. Never had she felt so desirable or so utterly fulfilled. Her vision blurred. Warm tears filled her eyes, spilt and dampened the skin on his chest.

Hey? You're crying?' Logan's voice was full of concern.

She tried to pull herself together. Sorry.'


He sat up, pulling her with him, then straightened and s.h.i.+fted so he was sitting facing her. His hands pushed back the curtains of red hair that fell forward, and he framed her face with his large hands, tilting her head to encourage her to look at him.

Sophie?' He frowned. You're not regretting what we've just shared?'

No.' She felt like such a fool. Where was the modern woman she'd tried to be? What had happened to this being just about s.e.x, and how could she have felt such an incredible emotional connection to him when all they'd shared was purely physical? Man, she had to toughen up or she'd be imagining there was something more than attraction between them.

I know it's been a while. I didn't hurt you, did I, babe?'

Sweet emotion coalesced in her chest and she smiled tremulously at him as she saw his genuine concern. No. You overwhelmed me. I've just...I've never...'

His eyes widened fractionally and his lips parted. Never?'

Well...yes...but...Never like that,' she clarified, then bit down on her lip, embarra.s.sed. It's never been quite so...' She shrugged a little and gave him a watery smile. It was...amazing. Incredible. I...' Words failed her. Thank you.'

The stress of his concern vanished as his features relaxed. He kissed her. Thank you. You were amazing. You are incredible.'

I'm misting up here like an idiot. I'm really sorry to go and spoil it.'

You haven't spoilt anything.' He planted another tantalising kiss on her lips but it was firmer this time. Far from it. I've never moved a woman to tears before.' He smiled. As long as they're tears of delight, you're making me feel pretty awesome.'

Feeling incredibly gauche, Sophie scrubbed away her tears and poked a finger at his chest. I was supposed to be deflating your ego a bit, not increasing the size of it. I seriously don't want you beating your chest doing a Tarzan impersonation.'

He laughed, then grew serious. If it makes you feel any better, I'll confess. Making love has never been so completely earth-shattering for me before either.'


Scout's honour.' He held up his fingers like a boy scout taking an oath. And I was a boy scout in my youth for about two weeks before I proved too much of a handful for the scout leader.'

I can imagine.'

His eyes ran over her nakedness appreciatively. You're more than I'd dreamed you would be, sweetheart, and I had pretty high expectations.'

This is just s.e.x. She repeated the words over and over in her head like a mantra. You were right about one thing.' He gave her a questioning look and she smiled up at him. I definitely don't need a two-for-one deal. I'm exhausted!'

A deep masculine laugh rumbled from his chest. Too exhausted to go out for dinner?'

Absolutely.' Considering she hadn't had s.e.x for years, she would feel every inner muscle tomorrow.

Good.' He leant toward her and let his teeth graze the delicate sh.e.l.l of her ear lobe. Pleasure speared straight through her. I was hoping you'd say that, because there's only one appet.i.te I can think of satisfying at the moment.'

Again, so soon?'

He laughed. You, Miss Exhausted, get to lie back and enjoy this one.'

She looked at him in mock-horror. I can just see the coroner's report: Cause of death - too many'

Grinning at her, he said, Ah, sweetheart, but what a way to go.'

Chapter 7.

The first rays of sunlight had long filtered into the bedroom and Sophie slept safe, secure and settled on Logan's bare chest. Her steady breathing, with the occasional cutest little sigh, a.s.sured him there'd be no need for a coroner's ruling this morning, despite the number of she'd had through their long night of lovemaking.

Logan hadn't awakened with a woman in his arms since Celine. He was used to kissing his lovers goodbye as dawn broke. Daybreak had come and gone and not only was he still in bed, but he was enjoying just lying with Sophie.

Thankfully, he was officially on a three-week vacation - his first ever. He'd taken the leave to establish himself back in Australia and to prepare for the court case. Whilst there were still a few business matters he had to attend to, and his phone had already rung a couple of times for work, the next few weeks were going to be at a far more relaxed pace than his usual frenetic sprint through each long day.

Even though it could be said that he both worked and played hard, somewhere along the way he'd forgotten how to truly unwind. Scott and Kathleen's deaths had made him realise it was time to slow down. It would be necessary to hand over more of his corporate responsibilities once he had custody of Charlotte so he could make time for her. Being with Sophie made the thought of having more leisure time even more attractive.

Although he was used to dating women who were both beautiful and smart, Sophie had qualities he just couldn't define that drew him. Instinct urged him to treat this relations.h.i.+p differently. Sure, she was the woman he was trying to convince to become his wife - for Charlotte's sake - but there was an elusive quality about her that captured his interest in a more intense way than he'd experienced before.

h.e.l.l! No other woman had inspired him to search the Internet for the meaning of rose colours. Worse, he'd admitted it to her! What on earth had possessed him to do something that could be misconstrued as a romantic gesture? He was sure he didn't possess a romantic bone in his body. Any that might have existed once had been crushed by Celine's betrayal. G.o.d forbid that Sophie should start getting any romantic notions about their relations.h.i.+p because he didn't want to mislead her into thinking he was capable of that type of emotion.

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Roses For Sophie Part 8 summary

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