The Tibetan Book Of The Dead Part 26

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How wonderful!

Then the male and female consorts [Samantabhadra and Samantabhadr], having entered into non-dual union, Emit multiple male and female emanations, From which arises the mandala of the hundred enlightened families of the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities.13 Within the naturally arising diffusive expanse of the enlightened intention of the Forty-two Peaceful Deities, Like the sun emerging from the clouds, This naturally arising enlightened intention then manifests as follows, Within the field of experience of fortunate beings: OM AH HUM BODHICITTA MAHASUKHA JNANADHATU AH is the unified enlightened intention of the Forty-two Peaceful Deities.

Thus14 the ma.s.s of conceptual thoughts will be liberated in primordial purity, As an expanse of supreme pristine cognition, While [externally] the indestructible sound of these sixteen syllables And inestimable rainbow lights and relics will appear.

How wonderful!

Then the individual enlightened intentions of the Forty-two Peaceful Deities naturally arise: OM HUM SVA AM HA.

The mantra-letters of the naturally present causal basis15 arise In the form of these seed-syllables of the five male buddhas of the enlightened families.

Thus, the five psycho-physical aggregates will be naturally liberated, And they will arise as the five pristine cognitions, While [externally] five kinds of bone relic will appear [following the cremation].


The mantra-letters of the naturally present causal basis arise In the form of these seed-syllables of the five female buddhas of the enlightened families.

Thus, the five elements will be naturally liberated, And they will arise inseparably from the five female buddhas, While [externally] five-coloured rainbows will appear.

OM JINAJIK is the enlightened intention of Vairocana.

Thus the aggregate of form will be liberated in the pristine cognition of reality's expanse, While [externally] white rainbow lights will s.h.i.+ne, And five-coloured pancara relics, indicating attainment of the five buddha-bodies, Will be retrieved from the heart [following cremation], For which reason these are known as the 'supreme bone relics of the Tathgata family'.

HUM VAJRADHRK is the enlightened intention of Vajrasattva.

Thus the aggregate of consciousness will be liberated in the mirror-like pristine cognition, While [externally] blue rainbow lights will s.h.i.+ne, And blue-coloured churira relics, indicating an increase in enlightened attributes, Will be retrieved from the blood [following cremation], For which reason these are known as the 'supreme bone relics of the Vajra family'.

SVA RATNADHRK is the enlightened intention of Ratnasambhava.

Thus the aggregate of feeling will be liberated in the pristine cognition of sameness, While [externally] yellow rainbow lights will s.h.i.+ne, And yellow-coloured serira relics, indicating the fulfilment of all wishes, Will be retrieved from the serous fluid [following cremation], For which reason these are known as the 'supreme bone relics of the Ratna family'.

AM AROLIK is the enlightened intention of Amitbha.

Thus the aggregate of perception will be liberated in the pristine cognition of discernment, While [externally] red rainbow lights will s.h.i.+ne, And red-coloured arra relics, indicating attainment of the unborn reality, Will be retrieved from the flesh [following cremation], For which reason these are known as the 'supreme bone relics of the Padma family'.

HA PRAJNADHRK is the enlightened intention of Amoghasiddhi.

Thus the aggregate of motivational tendencies will be liberated in the pristine cognition of accomplishment, While [externally] green rainbow lights will s.h.i.+ne, And green-coloured nyarira relics, indicating the attainment of the emanational body, Will be retrieved from the marrow [following cremation], For which reason these are known as the 'supreme bone relics of the Karma family'.

MUM DHATVISVARI is the enlightened intention of [Aka]dhtvvar.

Thus the appearances of the s.p.a.ce [element] will be naturally liberated, While [externally] piercing white16 rainbow lights will s.h.i.+ne in the sky.

LAM DVESARATI is the enlightened intention of Buddhalocan.

Thus the earth element will be naturally liberated, While [externally] piercing yellow rainbow lights will s.h.i.+ne in the sky.

MAM MOHARATI is the enlightened intention of Mmak.

Thus the water element will be naturally liberated, While [externally] piercing blue rainbow lights will s.h.i.+ne in the sky.

PAM RAGARATI is the enlightened intention of Pndaravsin.

Thus the fire element will be naturally liberated, While [externally] piercing red rainbow lights will s.h.i.+ne in the sky.

TAM VAJRARATI is the enlightened intention of Samayatr.

Thus the wind element will be naturally liberated, While [externally] piercing green rainbow lights will s.h.i.+ne in the sky.


The mantra-letters of the naturally present causal basis arise In the form of these seed-syllables of the Eight Male Bodhisattvas.

Thus the eight of consciousness will be naturally liberated, And arise inseparably from the eight male bodhisattvas, While [externally] many subtle relics will appear [following the cremation].

KSIM HI RAJAYA SVAHA [is the enlightened intention of the male bodhisattva Ksitigarbha].

Thus visual consciousness will be naturally liberated, And arise inseparably from Ksitigarbha.

MAI DHARANI SVAHA [is the enlightened intention of the male bodhisattva Maitreya].

Thus auditory consciousness will be naturally liberated, And arise inseparably from Maitreya.

HUM SARAJAYA SVAHA [is the enlightened intention of the male bodhisattva Samantabhadra].

Thus olfactory consciousness will be naturally liberated, And arise inseparably from Samantabhadra.

TRAM A GARBHAYAH SVAHA [is the enlightened intention of the male bodhisattva Akagarbha].

Thus gustatory consciousness will be naturally liberated, And arise inseparably from Akagarbha.

HRIH HA HUM PADMABHATAMAH SVAHA [is the enlightened intention of the male bodhisattva Avalokitevara].

Thus tactile consciousness will be naturally liberated, And arise inseparably from Avalokitevara.

MUM SRI AM RAGAYA SVAHA [is the enlightened intention of the male bodhisattva Manjur].17 Thus mental consciousness will be naturally liberated, And arise inseparably from Manjur.

THLIM NISARAMBHAYA SVAHA [is the enlightened intention of the male bodhisattva Nivranaviskambhin].

Thus the ground-of-all consciousness will be naturally liberated, And arise inseparably from Nivranaviskambhin.

JIM KURUPANI HRIH SVAHA [is the enlightened intention of the male bodhisattva Vajrapni].

Thus the dissonant consciousness will be naturally liberated, And arise inseparably from Vajrapni.

Through these enlightened intentions of the Eight Male Bodhisattvas The eight of consciousness will be naturally liberated, And diverse, s.h.i.+mmering rainbow lights will appear.18 HUM HUM TRAM JAH HRIH VAM HOH AH.

The mantra-letters of the naturally present causal basis arise In the form of these seed-syllables of the Eight Female Bodhisattvas.

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with the eight objects of consciousness will be naturally liberated, [And arise inseparably from the eight female bodhisattvas], While [externally], a shower of flowers will fall.

HUM LASYE SAMAYAS TVAM [is the enlightened intention of Lsy].

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with physical form will be naturally liberated, And arise inseparably from Lsy.

HUM PUSPE AVESA [is the enlightened intention of Pusp].

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with past events will be naturally liberated, And arise inseparably from Pusp.

TRAM MALYE SAMAYA HOH [is the enlightened intention of Mly].

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with apparent phenomena will be naturally liberated, And arise inseparably from Mly.

JAH DHUPE PRAVESAYAS TVAM [is the enlightened intention of Dhp].

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with objects of smell will be naturally liberated, And arise inseparably from Dhp.

HRIH GITI RAGO'HAM [is the enlightened intention of Gt].

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with objects of sound will be naturally liberated, And arise inseparably from Gt.

VAM DIPASUKHINI [is the enlightened intention of Alok].

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with future events will be naturally liberated, And arise inseparably from Alok.

HOH GANDHE CITTA HOH [is the enlightened intention of Gandh].

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with present events will be naturally liberated, And arise inseparably from Gandh.

AH NRTI RAGAYAMI [is the enlightened intention of Nart].19 Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with objects of taste will be naturally liberated, And arise inseparably from Nart.

Through these enlightened intentions of the Eight Female Bodhisattvas, Mental constructs a.s.sociated with the eight objects of consciousness will be naturally liberated, While [externally], a shower of flowers and sounds of music will manifest, as the transfer of consciousness occurs.


The mantra-letters of the naturally present causal basis arise In the form of these seed-syllables of the Six Sages.

Thus the six dissonant mental states will be naturally liberated, The womb entrances of the six of beings will be obstructed, And the Buddha-body of Emanation will continuously manifest for the benefit of sentient beings, While [externally] manifold subtle relics will appear [following the cremation].

OM MUNI KRIM SVAHA is the enlightened intention of Devendra akra.

Thus pride, the entrance to the G.o.d realms, will be obstructed.

OM MUNI PRAM SVAHA is the enlightened intention of Vemacitra.

Thus envy, the entrance to the antiG.o.d realm, will be obstructed.

OM MUNI TRUM SVAHA is the enlightened intention of Skyamuni.

Thus desire, the entrance to the human realm, will be obstructed.

OM MUNI KSAM SVAHA is the enlightened intention of Sthirasiha.

Thus delusion, the entrance to the animal realm, will be obstructed.

OM MUNI SRUM SVAHA is the enlightened intention of Jvlamukha.

Thus miserliness, the entrance to the anguished-spirit realms, will be obstructed.

OM MUNI YE SVAHA is the enlightened intention of Dharmarja.

Thus hatred, the entrance to the h.e.l.l realms, will be obstructed.

Through these enlightened intentions of the Six Emanational Sages, The entrances to the six imperfect of existence will be obstructed, And the [altruistic] activities of the pure emanational bodies will manifest, While [externally] s.h.i.+mmering rainbows will appear amidst the clouds.


The mantra-letters of the naturally present causal basis arise In the form of these [seed syllables of] the Eight Male and Female Gatekeepers.

Thus, the entrances to the four types of birth will be obstructed, And the four immeasurable aspirations will grow within the mental continuum, While [externally] the four corresponding rainbow lights [white, yellow, red and green] will appear [following the cremation].

OM VAJRAKRODHA VIJAYA HUM is the enlightened intention of Vijaya.

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with eternalism will be naturally liberated, And all acts of pacification will be accomplished.

OM VAJRAKRODHA YAMANTAKA HUM is the enlightened intention of Yamntaka.

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with nihilism will be naturally liberated, And all acts of enrichment will be accomplished.

OM PADMANTAKRT HAYAGRIVA HUM is the enlightened intention of Hayagrvarja.

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with egoism will be naturally liberated, And all acts of subjugation will be accomplished.

OM VAJRAKRODHA AMRTAKUNDALI HUM is the enlightened intention of Amrtakundalin.

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with substantialism20 will be naturally liberated, And all acts of wrath will be accomplished.

Through these enlightened intentions of the Four Male Gatekeepers, The four extremes, including eternalism and nihilism, will be naturally liberated, And the four enlightened activities will be accomplished, While [externally] the [four] corresponding rainbow lights - white, yellow, red and green, will appear.

OM VAJRANKUSA JAH is the enlightened intention of Aku.

Thus the entrance to miraculous birth will be obstructed, And immeasurable compa.s.sion will grow within the mental continuum.

OM VAJRAPASA HUM is the enlightened intention of P.

Thus the entrance to womb birth will be obstructed, And immeasurable loving kindness will grow within the mental continuum.

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The Tibetan Book Of The Dead Part 26 summary

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