The Tibetan Book Of The Dead Part 27

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OM VAJRASPHOTA VAM is the enlightened intention of Sphot.

Thus the entrance to egg birth will be obstructed, And immeasurable sympathetic joy will grow within the mental continuum.

OM VAJRAGHANTA HOH is the enlightened intention of Ganth.

Thus the entrance to birth through heat and moisture will be obstructed, And immeasurable equanimity will grow within the mental continuum.

[Through these enlightened intentions of the Four Female Gatekeepers, The entrances to the four types of birth will be obstructed, And the four immeasurable aspirations will grow within the mental continuum, While [externally] the four corresponding rainbow lights [white, yellow, red and green] will appear.]21 Through this expansive diffusion of the enlightened intention Of the buddha-mind of the Forty-two Peaceful Deities, The aggregate of conceptual thoughts is naturally liberated, Causing bone-relics, small relics, and rainbow lights to appear.22 How wonderful!

Within the naturally arising diffusive expanse of the enlightened intention of the Sixty Herukas, Like the sun emerging from the clouds, This naturally arising enlightened intention then manifests as follows, Within the field of experience of fortunate beings: OM RULU RULU HUM BHYOH HUM.

This mantra is the unified enlightened intention of the Sixty Herukas.

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with dissonant mental states are liberated in primordial purity, as an expanse of supreme pristine cognition, While [externally] the indestructible sound of the eight syllables of the RULU mantra will resound, And manifold white fiery lights will s.h.i.+ne [in the sky following the cremation].

How wonderful!

[Then], the enlightened intentions of all the Sixty Herukas naturally arise individually: HUM HUM HUM HUM HUM HUM.

The mantra-letters of the naturally present causal basis arise In the form of these seed-syllables of the Six Male Herukas.

Thus the six dissonant mental states will be naturally liberated, And arise inseparably from the Six Herukas, While [externally] six-coloured flames will appear [during the cremation].


The mantra-letters of the naturally present causal basis arise In the form of these seed-syllables of the Six var.

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with the six objects will be naturally liberated, And arise inseparably from the Six var, While [externally] six-coloured rainbow lights will appear [during the cremation].

OM MAHA KRODHA MAHASRIHERUKA HUM PHAT is the enlightened intention of Mahottara Heruka.

Thus the dissonant mental state of ignorance will be liberated in primordial purity, While [externally] dark brown flames will spiral to the right [during the cremation], Unequivocally indicating an irreversible liberation, inseparable from Mahottara.

OM BUDDHA KRODHA MAHASRIHERUKA HUM PHAT is the enlightened intention of Buddha Heruka.

Thus the dissonant mental state of delusion will be liberated in primordial purity, While [externally] brilliant white flames will shoot upwards [during the cremation], Unequivocally indicating liberation inseparable from Buddha Heruka, [As the deceased will be born in the central Buddha field of the Dense Array].

OM VAJRA KRODHA MAHASRIHERUKA HUM PHAT is the enlightened intention of Vajra Heruka.

Thus the dissonant mental state of hatred will be liberated in primordial purity, While [externally] dark blue flames will shoot towards the east [during the cremation], Unequivocally indicating [liberation] inseparable from Vajra Heruka, As [the deceased] will be born in the [eastern] Buddha field of Manifest Joy.

OM RATNA KRODHA MAHASRIHERUKA HUM PHAT is the enlightened intention of Ratna Heruka.

Thus the dissonant mental state of pride will be liberated in primordial purity, While [externally] dark yellow flames will shoot towards the south [during the cremation], Unequivocally indicating [liberation] inseparable from Ratna Heruka, As [the deceased] will be born in the southern Buddha field of The Joyful.

OM PADMA KRODHA MAHASRIHERUKA HUM PHAT is the enlightened intention of Padma Heruka.

Thus the dissonant mental state of desire will be liberated in primordial purity, While [externally] dark red flames will shoot towards the west [during the cremation], Unequivocally indicating [liberation] inseparable from Padma Heruka, As [the deceased] will be born in the western Buddha field of The Blissful.

OM KARMA KRODHA MAHASRIHERUKA HUM PHAT is the enlightened intention of Karma Heruka.

Thus the dissonant mental state of envy will be liberated in primordial purity, While [externally] dark green flames will shoot towards the north [during the cremation], Unequivocally indicating [liberation] inseparable from Karma Heruka, As [the deceased] will be born in the northern Buddha field of the Matrix of Activity.

OM MAHA KRODHESVARI TVAM is the enlightened intention of Mahkrodhevar.

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with apparent phenomena will be naturally liberated, While [externally] smoke will spiral to the right [during the cremation], Indicating liberation inseparable from Dhtvvar.

OM BUDDHA KRODHESVARI TVAM is the enlightened intention of Buddhakrodhevar.

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with physical objects will be naturally liberated, While [externally] smoke will spiral upwards [during the cremation], Indicating liberation inseparable from Buddhakrodhevar.

OM VAJRA KRODHESVARI TVAM is the enlightened intention of Vajrakrodhevar.

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with objects of sound will be naturally liberated, While [externally] smoke will spiral to the east [during the cremation], Indicating liberation inseparable from Vajrakrodhevar.

OM RATNA KRODHESVARI TVAM is the enlightened intention of Ratnakrodhevar.

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with objects of smell will be naturally liberated, While [externally] smoke will spiral to the south [during the cremation], Indicating liberation inseparable from Ratnakrodhevar.

OM PADMA KRODHESVARI TVAM is the enlightened intention of Padmakrodhevar.

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with objects of taste will be naturally liberated, While [externally] smoke will spiral to the west [during the cremation], Indicating liberation inseparable from Padmakrodhevar.

OM KARMA KRODHESVARI TVAM is the enlightened intention of Karmakrodhevar.

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with objects of touch will be naturally liberated, While [externally] smoke will spiral to the north [during the cremation], Indicating liberation inseparable from Karmakrodhevar.

Through the expansive diffusion of these naturally arising enlightened intentions of the Twelve Herukas, The host of mental constructs a.s.sociated with the dissonant states will be naturally liberated, While the five buddha fields will be mastered.


The mantra-syllables of the naturally present causal basis arise In the form of these seed-syllables of the Eight Mtarah.

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with the eight of consciousness will be naturally liberated, While [externally] fiery sparks will spiral and shoot to the right [during the cremation].

OM VAJRA GAURI HA is the enlightened intention of Gaur, the white female wrathful deity.

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with the dissonant consciousness will be subdued.

OM VAJRA CAURI HA is the enlightened intention of Caur, the yellow female wrathful deity.

Thus beings of the six will be propelled into higher rebirths.

OM VAJRA PRAMOHA HA is the enlightened intention of Pramoh, the red female wrathful deity.

Thus beings of the six will be steered away from cyclic existence.

OM VAJRA VETALI HA is the enlightened intention of Vetl, the dark green female wrathful deity.

Thus liberation will occur in the enlightened intention of unchanging reality.

OM VAJRA PUKKASI HA is the enlightened intention of Pukkas, the yellowish red female wrathful deity.

Thus beings will be propelled from dissonant mental states [into higher rebirths].

OM VAJRA GHASMARI HA is the enlightened intention of Ghasmar, the green female wrathful deity.

Thus cyclic existence will be purified, right where it is, While [externally] fiery sparks will spiral and shoot to the right during the cremation.

OM VAJRA CANDALI HA is the enlightened intention of Candl, the pale yellow female wrathful deity.

Thus dissonant mental states and erroneous thoughts will be severed.

OM VAJRA SMASANI HA is the enlightened intention of Sman, the pale blue female wrathful deity.

Thus the b.u.t.tresses of dissonant mental states will be severed.

Through these enlightened intentions of the Eight Mtarah, [The deceased] will be guided out of cyclic existence, While [externally] fiery sparks will spiral and shoot forth [during the cremation].


The mantra-letters of the naturally present causal basis arise In the form of these seed-syllables of the Eight Pic.

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with the eight objects of consciousness will be naturally liberated, While [externally] fiery sparks will shoot forth in chains [during the cremation].

OM VAJRA SIMHAMUKHI HE is the enlightened intention of Sihamukh.

Thus cyclic existence will be purified in its primordial nature.

OM VAJRA VYAGHRIMUKHI HE is the enlightened intention of Vyghrmukh.

Thus cyclic existence will be purified in its entirety.

OM VAJRA SRGALAMUKHI HE is the enlightened intention of rglamukh.

Thus dissonant mental states will be purified from their very roots.

OM VAJRA SVANAMUKHI HE is the enlightened intention of vnamukh.

Thus the depths of cyclic existence will be churned.

OM VAJRA GRDHRAMUKHI HE is the enlightened intention of Grdhramukh.

Thus the three poisons will be severed from their roots.

OM VAJRA KANKAMUKHI HE is the enlightened intention of Kakamukh.

Thus beings will be guided from the pit of cyclic existence.

OM VAJRA KAKAMUKHI HE is the enlightened intention of Kkamukh.

Thus dissonant mental states will be purified in the creative play of [reality's] expanse.

OM VAJRA ULUKAMUKHI HE is the enlightened intention of Ulkamukh.

Thus the b.u.t.tresses of erroneous views will be severed.

Through these enlightened intentions of the Eight Pic, Mental constructs a.s.sociated with the eight objects will be naturally liberated.


The mantra-letters of the naturally present causal basis arise In the form of these seed-syllables of the Four Female Gatekeepers [of the wrathful a.s.sembly].

Thus the entrances to the four types of birth will be obstructed, And the four immeasurable aspirations will grow within the mental continuum.

OM VAJRANKUSA JAH is the enlightened intention of white horse-headed [Aku Vajratejas].

Thus beings will be pulled from the abodes of cyclic existence, [And immeasurable compa.s.sion will grow within the mental continuum].

OM VAJRAPASA HUM is the enlightened intention of yellow sow-headed [P Vajrmogh].

Thus erroneous mental constructs will be securely tied, [And immeasurable loving kindness will grow within the mental continuum].

OM VAJRASPHOTA VAM is the enlightened intention of red lion-headed [Sphot Vajrlok].

Thus the dissonant mental state of ignorance will be firmly bound, [And immeasurable sympathetic joy will grow within the mental continuum].

OM VAJRAGHANTA HOH is the enlightened intention of green snake-headed [Ganth Vajravetl].

Thus mental constructs a.s.sociated with the five poisons will be subdued, [And immeasurable equanimity will grow within the mental continuum].





The mantra-letters of the naturally present causal basis arise [In the form of these seed-syllables] of the Twenty-eight var.

Thus the aggregates of bewildered thought will be purified, While [externally] sounds, lights and rays will appear [during the cremation].

OM MANURAKSASI BHYOH is the enlightened intention of Manurksas.23 OM BRAHMANI BHYOH is the enlightened intention of Brahmn.

OM RAUDRI BHYOH is the enlightened intention of Raudr OM INDRANI BHYOH is the enlightened intention of Indrn.

OM KAUMARI BHYOH is the enlightened intention of Kaumr.

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The Tibetan Book Of The Dead Part 27 summary

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