With Me In Seattle: Play With Me Part 16

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It's been a long day. Nick is no better when I leave for the night, and I feel guilty because I won't be there for the next few days. So much can happen in that small amount of time. Maybe I should pick up a s.h.i.+ft. I'll call the day nurse tomorrow and see if they need me over the next few days.

I'd love to go to Will's but I ended up working late. It's almost 4:00 a.m., and he has a game tonight, so I decide to just go home and not bother him. I'm still driving the Rover. It's much fancier than my Toyota sedan, and is fun to drive.

My phone suddenly starts ringing and I frown when I see Football Star flas.h.i.+ng across the screen.


"Where are you?" he sounds sleepy.

"In your car. I just left work; I got out late."

"Are you on your way here?" he asks and I hear the covers rustle as he moves in the bed.

"I think I'll just go home. You have a game tonight, you should get some sleep."

"I'm fine, babe. I'll sleep better if you're here. I kept waking up every few hours checking to see if you were here anyway."

I chew my bottom lip. Who am I kidding? I want to see him. Get naked with him. Thank him for earlier.

"I'm on my way," I murmur.

"Good." I hear the smile in his voice as he hangs up.

I drive through his gate and park in the garage. He's left a few lights on in the house for me, so I turn them off as I make my way upstairs. He's in bed, asleep, naked from the waist up with the white linens wrapped around his waist.

He looks tan and s.e.xy and...mine.

I strip down to nothing and slide into the bed, over to him, and wrap myself around him. Head on his chest, arms and legs wrapped around him, clinging to him.

He wakes and holds me, kisses my hair, runs those magical hands down my back, and the next thing I know, he's rolled us so he's on top of me.

"I missed you," he whispers against my ear.

"I missed you, too."

He kisses my dimple, and then over to my lips and offers me soft, sweet kisses. He gently nibbles my lips, and then slides his tongue into my mouth, taunting and playing with me. I run my hands up his back and then down to his a.s.s and smile against his mouth when I find him naked.

His a.s.s is really spectacular.

He pushes my legs apart with his and settles himself between my legs, not moving, just resting there, kissing me, brus.h.i.+ng my hair rhythmically with his fingertips. I continue caressing his back, his sides, his arms, and we are just content to love each other softly. Be together.

I raise my legs and hitch my thighs around his hips, opening myself to him. I feel my wetness against his s.e.x, and he groans as he slides effortlessly against me.

"So wet," he whispers.

"Need you," I whisper in return. He pulls his face back and gazes down at me, runs the backs of his fingers down my cheeks and slowly, oh-so-d.a.m.ned-slowly, sinks inside me.

His eyes close as he reaches my cervix and is buried b.a.l.l.s-deep inside me. He rests his forehead on mine and starts to gently move, letting me get used to him, allowing my body time to accommodate him.

"Your body is already learning mine," he murmurs. "It's easier this time, isn't it?"

"Mmm..." I moan and circle my hips, inviting him in further. I clench around him when his pubis rubs the metal against my c.l.i.t.

"f.u.c.k, that piercing is going to be the death of me," he mutters and I giggle. "You have the most beautiful smile."

He disarms me. With just a few words, or a touch, this man completely disarms me.

His hips begin to move a bit faster, a little harder. His lips circle around a nipple and he sucks greedily, making it harden even more. He pays the other the same attention and I writhe beneath him, as my body becomes just sensation. His beautiful c.o.c.k is moving deliciously in me, his strong body is blanketing me, his hands still running through my hair, his mouth on mine... I am draped in him, and yet I can't get enough of him.

"I love the way you love me," I whisper. He grins against my mouth and pushes his c.o.c.k all the way inside me, grinds his pubis against me, and holds himself there until I come apart around him, my muscles spasm, my hands clench onto his a.s.s, pulling him in even tighter.

"Ah, h.e.l.l, honey." I feel his body tighten and he's coming with me, emptying himself inside me.

He kisses me softly and then pulls out of me and lowers his head to by belly. He rests there, his cheek against my navel, arms wrapped around my waist, and falls asleep.

I think I just fell in love with him.

"So," Jules flashes her sweet grin at me and I tense. Ah h.e.l.l, she only uses that when she wants something. "What's going on with you and my brother?"

I take a long drink of my margarita and eye Jules. She's sitting across from me at the same sports bar where Will brought me on our it-doesn't-count-first-date. She, Natalie and I are enjoying late happy hour after having shopped all evening and getting pedicures.

These girls don't play when it comes to shopping.

"Leave her alone," Natalie mutters, then eyes me suspiciously. "On second thought, I want to know too. What's up? You guys seemed pretty cozy while bowling the other night."

I shrug and look down. "We're sleeping together."

"Duh." Jules rolls her eyes. "The way you were making the googly eyes at each other screamed s.e.x. And I'm trying to ignore that he's my brother because otherwise, that's just... ew." She shudders.

"What we want to know is, what else is going on?" Natalie asks with a grin.

"I don't know. We just started sleeping together the other night."

"Your three date rule?" Jules asks.

"Yep," I smile smugly at her.

"Good girl." Nat fist-b.u.mps me and I laugh.

"We're seeing each other, I guess." I shrug and take another sip of my margarita. "He's a great guy. Not the a.s.shole I originally thought he was."

"He's arrogant as can be sometimes, but definitely not an a.s.shole," Jules agrees.

"I'm not crazy about his arrogant public persona," I admit. "But I like how he is with me when we're alone. He's been great to the kids at the hospital, and he is fun to be with. I don't think I could afford to feed him for long. The man can pack away the food."

"You should have seen him as a teenager. This is nothing. I think mom and dad had to take out a second mortgage on the house just for Will's groceries."

"I'm not surprised," I laugh.

"So, you like him," Natalie grins knowingly.

"I like him," I agree.

"If he hurts you, I'll kill him." Jules' eyes are narrowed menacingly and I giggle.

"Aren't you supposed to be saying that to me? He's your brother."

"He's a man." She shrugs as if that explains it all.

"Hey! He's on TV! Turn up the volume!" Natalie yells over to the bartender. He turns up the volume on the TV in time to catch a post-game interview with Will.

He looks fantastic, all sweaty and dirty, panting.

d.a.m.n, that jersey does things to me.

"Great game, Montgomery. Congrats on another win." The shorter man turns the mic to Will, who smiles graciously.

"Thanks, man. We played a good game."

"Do you think Jennings will be out for the rest of the season with that knee injury in the third quarter?"

"Oh, man, I hope not. I don't know."

"Did you feel any pressure from the Green Bay defensive line tonight?"

Will frowns down at the guy like that is the stupidest question he's ever heard. "I feel pressure from every defensive line."

"Are you ready for Miami next week?"

"I think so. We're training hard, watching a lot of tape. We'll be as ready as we can be next Sunday."

"You've been seen around town with an auburn-haired woman. Is she your girlfriend?"

My heart stops. Literally stops. Natalie gasps and Jules frowns.

"This guy is an idiot." Jules mutters.

Will offers the guy a lazy, grin. "Dude, does she look like someone that I would date?" He laughs mockingly. "She's a friend of the family. I don't have room in my life for a woman right now. Football is my priority."

"Good luck next week, man."

Will nods and then the screen turns back to the four guys at a table talking about the game.

"Meg, he didn't mean it to sound like that," Jules says quietly.

Does she look like someone that I would date?

I feel nauseous.

"f.u.c.k, I'm stupid." I whisper.

"No, sweetie. Seriously, he didn't mean to sound like that."

"I think he meant exactly what he said, Jules." I shake my head to clear it and dig some cash out of my bag, toss it onto the table and stand. "I'm going home. Thanks for the fun night out, guys."

"Meg, don't go."

"I'm okay. I just need to think. When you meet up with the guys later, tell Will I didn't feel well, and I'll call him in a few days."

Yeah, like that's going to work.

"I'm gonna kill him," Jules fumes as I walk away.

Chapter Eleven.

~Will~ Will How could you? How could you start seeing someone when I know that you love me? That ugly b.i.t.c.h is nothing, and she will never love you like I do. Why won't you notice me? If you'll just stop seeing her, and love me the way I know you want to, I won't hurt her.

Your love.

Holy f.u.c.k. What kind of sick f.u.c.k would leave this in my locker and how in the h.e.l.l did they get into our locker room? I need to talk to Mike, our head of security, now.

"Hey! Someone get Mike for me!" I yell out, confident that someone will fetch him.

We played a kick-a.s.s game against the Packers tonight. h.e.l.l, I've been playing the best ball of my life the past few weeks, and I don't think its coincidence that it's since I've started seeing Meg. This dumb-a.s.s stalker fan bulls.h.i.+t won't touch her. Thank G.o.d I put that alarm system on her house.

The thought of anything happening to her makes me sick.

"Hey, Montgomery, can I ask a few questions?" A new sportscast guy is holding a mic in my face and I paste on my public smile and play the post-game game.

"Sure, man."

"Great game, Montgomery. Congrats on another win." The shorter man turns the mic to me.

"Thanks, man. We played a good game."

"Do you think Jennings will be out for the rest of the season with that knee injury in the third quarter?"

"Oh, man, I hope not. I don't know." How the f.u.c.k would I know? Do I look like a f.u.c.king doctor?

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With Me In Seattle: Play With Me Part 16 summary

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