Murder Mamas Part 9

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The drinks were starting to get to Fatima, which only intensified the anguish she was going through. It hurt so badly that all she could think of was revenge. She wanted Macy to lose something. Boomer had lost his life; it was only fair that Macy did too. "I want him dead," she whispered.

Case left his seat so that he could sit next to Fatima. He put his arm around the back of the couch and faced her. "You can't say things that you don't mean, Tima. A mu'f.u.c.ka like me ain't afraid to make that happen, but you can't play with stuff like that. You don't even speak on that unless you ready to put on your little black dress and your widow's veil," he whispered in her ear.

Her breathing intensified as the feeling of his lips on her ear caused s.h.i.+vers to travel down her spine.

"I know that, Case, and I'm not just talking," she replied, her voice sultry and deep. "The man killed my son, my only baby. I'm serious. I want Macy dead."

"You know what you're asking for, right?" he asked. "Once that order is put in, there ain't no taking it back. Won't be no more going home to your husband. You say that's what you want, but you're in your feelings right now. It's not a game."

"I know what I want," she shot back.

Case knew that the liquor gave her the courage to express her true feelings aloud, and he was more than happy to oblige her.

"You forget this conversation ever happened. I'll take care of it," he whispered.

"You would do that for me? After all that I've done to you?" she asked in astonishment.

Case turned her face toward his and when he spoke, they were so close that their lips touched. "I would do that for my son," he said strongly.

A tear of regret fell down her face as she remembered why she used to love him. He had been her protector when she was not woman enough to stand up for herself. Yes, they had been young when they were together, but it was far from puppy love. She had just been greedy and had fallen for something forbidden. Karma had come full circle, and the very man she had loved wholeheartedly had hurt her to her core.

Case wiped the tear from her face and pulled her to him as he devoured her lips. She didn't hesitate as she opened her mouth and welcomed his tongue inside. The spark that they both felt told them that things had never truly ended between them. It felt right, it felt safe for her, but to Case it felt like the sweetest revenge. Macy had pulled his b.i.t.c.h on a drunken night, and now Case had turned right around and s.n.a.t.c.hed her back under the same circ.u.mstances. As he removed her clothes, he couldn't help but smirk. This would undoubtedly be the most satisfying nut he ever busted.

Case's touch made goose b.u.mps form on her skin. She would have been nervous, but the liquor calmed her tremendously, lowering her inhibitions. She had been feeling so downtrodden and depressed that the sensations Case were bringing her were welcomed. She spread her legs as he slipped his hand between her thighs, creeping up her dress and sliding her panties to the side with expertise. He was so skilled and smooth that before she could even protest, he was fingering her c.l.i.t, making her mouth fall open in pure bliss. Blood flowed to her lower regions, making her southern lips swell and drool in antic.i.p.ation.

"You want me to stop?" he asked, already knowing that she would say no.

She shook her head and closed her eyes as she worked her hips, grinding on his fingers. Seeing the look on her face was the sweetest revenge to Case. Having her here, playing in her p.u.s.s.y and hearing her moan as a result of his doing, made his d.i.c.k hard.

b.i.t.c.h-a.s.s n.i.g.g.a never knew what to do with this p.u.s.s.y, he thought as he laid her down and positioned himself between her legs. He loosened his belt and pulled his Italian-threaded slacks down. He didn't even bother to take them off as he freed his hard-on from the confinements. History was about to repeat itself, and he was about to plant so many seeds in Fatima that she wouldn't have a choice but to bend to his will, mentally and physically.

He entered her and immediately tensed his body when he felt how tightly her womanhood hugged him. He still fit inside of her perfectly. The fit was so snug that it felt as if he would bust prematurely. She had him feeling like a teenage boy who was getting his first taste; her love was so good. He quickly composed himself and found his rhythm as she whispered his name repeatedly in his ear.

"Case ... ooh, Case, I missed this d.i.c.k," she crooned, seducing him with a sweet melody that fed his ego. He worked her middle as she grabbed his firm backside, pulling him into her wetness as she squeezed it.

He was so deep inside of her that he could hear her gush as he hit her G-spot. He felt her squirting over his shaft while he stroked her aggressively yet gently.

His pace sped up as he felt the head of his p.e.n.i.s swell, and every stroke made his toes curl as his tool became extra sensitive. "s.h.i.+t, ma," he complimented. Case could normally go for hours, but with Fatima he couldn't control himself.

He hit her hard, grinding and digging her out as deeply as he could, until he finally came. He made no effort to pull out. In fact, he pumped his s.e.m.e.n inside of her with a smirk on his face as he thought of how he was disrespecting Macy. In fact, he made sure that he released every little bit of s.e.m.e.n into her until he had nothing left.

Macy sat back and leaned his head back as he reveled in the euphoria. Fatima breathed heavily as she lay there wondering what life may have been like if she had never left Case. She wasn't ready for this to end. Having Case inside of her made her feel closer to her son. He was Boomer's father, and being with him again was like applying glue to her broken heart. Case was filling the sudden void that had entered her life.

He went to stand, but she grabbed his hand and pulled him back down onto the couch. It may have seemed desperate, but Fatima knew that as long as he was making her feel good, she wouldn't feel anything else. She mounted him and pulled her dress off of her shoulders, exposing her D-cups and lace bra. His hands covered her caramel mounds, and within seconds, his erection had returned. She slid down on top of him and rode him slowly as she closed her eyes.

Bedding Fatima after years of her being absent in his life boosted Case's ego. She had strayed and had betrayed him by marrying his best friend, but like a loyal dog, she had come back home. Now it was time for Macy to get a dose of his own medicine.

Case's beef with Macy had been unsettled for too long. Over the years, the two had continued to do business and money had healed old wounds, but now Macy thought he was too legit to deal with Case. On top of that, he had killed his son, which only fueled an already out-of-control fire.

Case looked at Fatima as she moved her magnificent body up and down on his shaft. He could tell she was irrational and making a decision that she would later regret, but he didn't care. The fact that she had found her way back into his bed worked to his advantage, and once Case put word into Aries, it was only a matter of time before Macy was no longer an issue. Case was about to make an example out of Macy once and for all.

Chapter Ten.

"Hi, you've reached Fatima Sigel. I'm unavailable to take your call-"

Macy slammed his executive phone down as he heard his wife's voice mail pick up once again. He had been trying to reach her all night to no avail. Frustrated and fearing the unknown, Macy pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to calm himself. He knew that she had not gone to the police because no one had come knocking on his door asking questions.

Macy wondered where she could be. He had traced all of her credit card transactions, trying to see if she had checked into a hotel, but he had come to a dead end. Fatima didn't want to be found, and he would have to respect that until she chose to reach out to him.

From the look on her face, Macy realized that things would never be the same between them. There was no explanation that he could give that would erase the monstrous image that she had of him now. The fact that he had not intended to harm Boomer didn't matter. The truth was obsolete at this point. She had already rendered him guilty, and Macy didn't know what that meant for him. Fatima was a woman scorned, and Macy had no idea how to rectify the problem.

Had she been anyone else, he could have handled it easily. One phone call could make the situation disappear; but she was his wife, and despite what they were going through, he loved her. He cherished her and only wanted to protect her, which was why he hadn't come out and told her the truth from the beginning.

His phone rang nonstop as his secretary tried to contact him. He had already missed his entire morning's schedule. Macy couldn't even run his own household. How the h.e.l.l did anyone expect him to run the city? He couldn't focus on his professional life when his personal one was in such disarray. The information that Fatima had on him was sensitive, and she needed to know that their family skeletons needed to be kept in the closet. It was imperative that she cooperate. Macy knew that the longer she stayed away, the worse it would be for him in the end. He just needed her to hear him out.

Distracted, he headed out for his office. The expectations that were placed on his shoulders normally would not be an issue, but with Fatima missing and his life in shambles, work was the last thing on his mind. He grabbed his leather briefcase and tightened his tie before he walked outside and entered the town car that was waiting in front of his home.

"City Hall, and don't take the expressway. I don't want to get caught up in traffic," he called out.

Macy closed his eyes and rested his head on the back of the leather seat as the car pulled away from his home. He was abruptly startled when he heard a loud pop as one of the tires burst and the car slowed to a stop.

"What's going on?" he asked the driver.

"I don't know. Sounds like I ran over something sharp."

The driver got out of the car, and Macy did as well, and when he looked at one of the rear tires, he saw that it was completely shredded to pieces. Exasperated, he sighed as he turned to the driver. "How long is it going to take to fix this?" he asked.

"Not long at all. There should be a spare in the trunk. I know you're not dressed for this, but could you give me a hand?" the driver asked.

Macy walked to the rear of the car as the driver popped the trunk, and when he saw the body of Frank, his normal driver, lying b.l.o.o.d.y inside, his eyes bugged in horror. He was completely taken off guard, and as he turned around, he stared down the barrel of a .357 handgun.

Aries pulled off her hat and long, flowing hair spilled out as she shook it loose while she lightly gripped the trigger.

"Get in," she said.

Macy was taken aback that he was being held at gunpoint by a woman-a beautiful woman, at that. He didn't know who she was and made the mistake of trying to talk her down.

"Look. I don't know who sent you or what you want, but-"

Aries shot the gun, sending a bullet flying so close to his face that he felt the wind as it blew by his cheek, slightly grazing him.

"s.h.i.+t! Whoa! Wait a minute," Macy yelled as he put his hands up defensively, fearing that her next shot would go through his skull.

"I'm a very impatient woman. Next time I won't miss. Get in the trunk," she said forcefully.

She knew that the deserted road wouldn't stay empty for long. She was lucky to even get the opportunity to get to Macy. She had been on him for weeks and could not find a way to get at him. He stayed with security and bodyguards. She also noticed how he always kept a pistol on his hip. The way that he walked with his hands near his waistline told her that he stayed strapped. Aries knew that if she blew this attempt at s.n.a.t.c.hing him, another opportunity would be near impossible. It was now or never, and she had the upper hand at the moment because she was the one holding the gun. She had caught him slipping.

Macy pushed the dead body to the back of the trunk and then climbed in. He barely had his entire body inside before she closed the trunk on him, immersing him in nothing but darkness. Anger filled him more than actual fear. "f.u.c.k!" he yelled as he hit the trunk above him with a flat hand.

He didn't know who was behind this, but his anger made the hood in him come out as his mind went through the possibilities. He had rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. From the streets to the political world, he knew a dozen who had beefs to pick with him, but he had never expected anyone to go this far. He thought that his reputation alone and his status would keep him safe and protected. It was clear to him now that his expensive suits and his celebrity didn't make him off-limits. He was still a target, and he had a feeling that someone was about to make some steep demands-demands that he was afraid he wouldn't be able to meet.

Macy fumbled in the trunk as the smell of the body turned his stomach. He could feel his clothes become saturated as he lay in a pool of the dead man's blood. Whoever is behind this ain't f.u.c.king around. And they sent a b.i.t.c.h after me, he thought.

He reached for his cell phone and pulled it out. He quickly dialed Edris' number. Hope filled him as he kicked at the taillights from the inside of the car. If he could just get an idea of where he was being taken, he knew that his right hand would come looking for him. He kicked with all of his might, until finally the taillight popped out.

He looked at his screen and saw that his phone was calling Edris; however, the phone's signal dropped before he could get through.

"No ... no ... d.a.m.n it!" he shouted as he tried to redial the number only to receive the same results. He had no cell reception from the trunk and couldn't get a call to go through.

He pushed the taillight that was closest to his head until it too popped out. He hoped that the police would spot the vehicle and pull the girl over. He stuck his hand out of the back of the car, hoping to attract attention. He craned his neck awkwardly until he could see out of the back and then waved his hand back and forth at the car that had just gotten behind them.


Macy's heart sped up when he heard the car honking.


He felt the car slow down as the pace of his heart sped up. Macy knew that this would be his only chance to get out of the situation. He knew the game; it wasn't too long ago that he was stuffing in trunks himself, and he knew that if he didn't make it out of that trunk, then he was as good as dead.

The car came to an abrupt stop on the side of the road, and Macy began beating on the top of the trunk.

"Hey! Hey! I'm in here! Let me out! Help me!" he shouted at the top of his lungs.

"f.u.c.k is you doing?" he heard the woman shout as she got out of the car and approached the driver who had stopped behind her. He watched as the two exchanged words, but he couldn't hear what was being said over the hum of the engine. When Macy saw the young man walk up to the trunk, he got louder.

He heard the trunk release pop, and he pushed up on the metal, causing sunlight to spill inside. As he began to sit up, he was. .h.i.t with a pistol across his face, knocking him out cold. What he had thought was help was really Aries' accomplice.

"You got the n.i.g.g.a in the trunk drawing crazy attention to the whip. He's out cold now, and he shouldn't be waking up anytime soon. We'll have enough time to get him to the spot without any trouble," the young goon stated.

Aries nodded her head and was glad that she had decided to bring backup. She hadn't wanted to underestimate Macy, and her instincts had proved correct. There was no telling who would have seen the taillights if Case's young gunner, Harlo, had not been following them.

Case had hooked her up with two reckless stick-up kids who weren't afraid to put in work. The other boy was waiting at a rental property across town. It was where they would hold Macy and eventually take his life.

Aries didn't know what had caused Case to change his mind and escalate the situation from kidnapping to murder, but it wasn't her place to ask questions. As she closed the trunk back down on Macy, she was glad that he was unconscious. His actions would have gotten more innocent people involved, and although she did not want to, she would not hesitate to pop anyone who tried to play hero and get in the way. Aries was there to do a job, and she had more at stake than anyone involved. Case was threatening her family and when it was all said and done, they meant more to her than Macy ever would. She would eliminate him in order to look out for her own on any given day. Anyone else who got hurt in the process would be unfortunate, but it was all a part of the game.

Aries and Harlo dragged Macy into the house where their third accomplice, Jordan, was waiting impatiently. The impatient and worried look on his face told Aries that he was scared. The young boys were amateurs, and as she pulled Macy inside, she saw the look of recognition on the boy's face.

"f.u.c.k! That's who the vic is?" Jordan asked as he put both hands on the sides of his head. "Do you know who the f.u.c.k that is? That's Macy Sigel. The police are going to be all over this s.h.i.+t when they find out this n.i.g.g.a is missing!"

"Shut the f.u.c.k up, you b.i.t.c.h-a.s.s n.i.g.g.a. I wouldn't give a f.u.c.k if this was the mu'f.u.c.kin' president. Come help me move this n.i.g.g.a," Harlo shot as he struggled to lift Macy's limp body into a wooden chair.

Jordan shook his head and replied, "I don't want s.h.i.+t to do with this, fam. Didn't n.o.body say nothing about him being the mayor."

Aries stood back and watched the interaction between the two as she stood with her hands on her hips. She shook her head in frustration. She was so used to working with seasoned killers. Aries hadn't feared anyone in so long that she forgot how it felt to be new to the game. She could sense the trepidation in Jordan.

"Look, you're already involved. It's too late for any of us to back out now. You know too much," Aries stated. Her words came out nicely, but the curt smile on her face delivered the threat, causing goose b.u.mps to form on the young kid's arms. "Now, take his a.s.s in the bas.e.m.e.nt and tie him up," she instructed.

"It's time to wake up," Aries stated as she sat in a chair directly across from Macy. She slapped his face repeatedly to arouse him from his forced slumber.

Macy slowly came to, and when he opened his eyes, he bucked violently, lunging for Aries. She didn't flinch and put her face inches away from his, taunting him. She could tell that he was used to power, and the fact that she had caught him slipping was an insult to him. Macy just didn't know who Aries was. If he did, he would know that he was one of many powerful men to get tangled in her deadly web.

"I'm going to have to break you in, I see," she said, noticing his obvious defiance. "You don't fear me yet, but you should," Aries said. She retrieved a silencer from the bag of guns that Case had provided her with and slowly screwed it onto the tip of her pistol. "I'm going to show you that I'm not playing games. You don't want to f.u.c.k with me," she threatened. She placed the tip of the gun on his left hand and blew a hole clear through it.

"Aghh!" Macy shouted in excruciating pain as his hand exploded with heat and blood spilled all over the floor. She looked at him closely as a light sweat formed on his brow.

The two goons were silent as they watched in amazement like spectators as she put her game down like it was a sport. Harlo respected it and found it extremely s.e.xy, but Jordan, on the other hand, feared Aries because he knew that he had gotten in over his head.

"Macy Sigel, you're going to tell me what I want to know, or we can do this all day," she threatened.

Macy couldn't believe how callous the woman before him was. Blood dripped from his hand as he bit down on his inner jaw to keep from crying out in pain.

The two of them locked eyes-a war of the worlds, of egos, of reputations. Aries had done her homework, and she knew that Macy was a wolf in sheep's clothing. The fancy suits didn't fool her. He was just like her. They were from the same world, and she knew what he was capable of. The shoe could have easily been on the other foot under different circ.u.mstances. Macy's power knew no limits on the streets or with the law, and Aries knew that she would have to be careful with this job. As long as she kept the upper hand, things would go smoothly.

"Where's the money?" Aries asked.

"Money?" he replied as he scoffed in exasperation. He shook his head from side to side. "That's what this is all about. I have plenty money, sweetheart. I run this city. I'm a very wealthy man. This can be solved before this gets out of hand. Why don't you untie me and let's handle this in a more civilized way." Macy's voice was calm and convincing, despite the blinding pain that shot through his hand and arm.

Had Aries been anyone else, the words that Macy spoke would have been appealing, but he only angered her. "Don't patronize me, Mr. Mayor," she said as she jammed the tip of her gun into the hole in his hand, causing his wound to bleed profusely.

He bit down into his lip as his nostrils flared. "Aghh!" he shouted.

"You can't get in my head, but I know a million and one ways to get inside of yours," Aries said as she whispered in his ear.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked. "I told you I can get you some paper. Who are you working for?" Macy asked, breathing hard.

Aries smirked as she pulled up a chair and sat across from Macy. She crossed her legs and said, "Men like you are so funny. Look at you. You're tied to a chair, bleeding, sitting in front of someone who can end your life at any minute, and the first thing you want to know is who sent me? You've crossed that many people that you don't even know who your enemies are." She pulled out her cell phone and placed a call.

Case answered on the first ring. He had been waiting anxiously to hear from her, but before he could say too much over the phone, she spoke.

"I've got him," she stated and then hung up.

Macy was silent, but he listened closely as she spoke. He knew that in his situation, talking would get him dead fast. The less information he gave up, the more time he bought himself.

Aries was more gangster than most men he knew. It was obvious that this wasn't her first rodeo. The fact that she was so comfortable pulling a trigger told Macy that he was in trouble. Under any other circ.u.mstance he would have recruited her to work for him, because he knew that it was wise to keep people like her close to avoid being a target of hers later.

He racked his brain trying to figure out who was behind this little fiasco, but he came up with nothing. Macy ran Aries' face through his mental Rolodex, desperate to place her face with a name, but he knew that he didn't know her. Not many people would forget a face like hers.

Macy didn't give a d.a.m.n what she did. He realized that things were beyond repair now. There was no way that he would make it out of this situation alive. He wasn't for the head games. He was too stubborn to allow Aries to manipulate him into telling her anything. If she thought that he was going to make it easy on her, she was mistaken.

Aries left the bas.e.m.e.nt and hours pa.s.sed as day turned to night. He could no longer feel his arm. Time betrayed him as every minute felt like torture. He heard the bas.e.m.e.nt door open and watched as Aries descended the stairs. A tall figure came down behind her, and when Macy laid eyes on Case, he gritted his teeth in anger. As soon as he saw Case's face, everything became so clear. He should have known that there was only one man in the city who had enough gumption to go after the mayor. Case didn't live by anyone's rules except his own, and he didn't fear the repercussions that came along with s.n.a.t.c.hing Macy. If the kidnapping got out, then every badge in the city would be looking for him, but Case didn't care. He didn't fear Macy or the law.

"Long time no see," Case stated calmly as he sat down in the chair across from Macy and puffed the Cuban cigar that he held in his hand.

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Murder Mamas Part 9 summary

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