Ilustrado Part 20

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The young man looked at the dead man at his feet, then at the red fedora perched there on the cardboard box. This image in the alley was only his, this young Miguel's, even as he accepted the metal cuffs around his wrists with a steely resolve beyond his years. He reminds himself: This will be forever one of the many things I will be glad is mine. All this, the finality of this one evening, the image of that one hat, the weight of that one stone, the cleaving of two lives on a dark, lonesome road.

-from the 1989 short story "One Stone for Two Birds," by Crispin Salvador *

At the top of the hill where Makati ends and Edsa enters Mandaluyong, we hit traffic. It's at a standstill. "Maybe an accident?" Sadie says.

"Why aren't cars coming south into Makati?"

"Maybe a huge accident."

We spend fifteen minutes in the same spot. Five minutes b.i.t.c.hing, five minutes telling dirty jokes, five minutes making out.

"Since we're not going anywhere," Sadie says, clicking open her seat belt. "Let me get that seat belt for you."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Push your seat back, sweetie."

"Here, Sadie, let me ... How do I adjust it ... There."

"Next is ... your, f.u.c.k ... grrr ... buckle ... it's kinda diffic-"

"Your hands might work better than your teeth."

"There you go. d.a.m.n belt. Now I'll just unzip this ..."


"Sorry, Miguel. It's these leather pants, they're ..."

"Just a sec."

"... really tight. How'd you get them on in the fir-"

"Yeah, hold on. There's a tech-"

"They're stuck for good."

"-nique to them."

"You're free! Why don't you lean back?"






"Nice boxers. I didn't know you liked sailboats."

"That's not what you wanted to say."

"Really. It's nothing. Shhh. Oh, look, a nesting Balzac."

"You like it?"

"Sure. But maybe you'll think less of me."

"Why would I?"

"You know, a prim and proper a.s.sumption girl."

"Maybe I'll think more of you."

"Yeah? Or at least more often. Mmm. Tastes good."

"Oh, G.o.d."

"And so hard! Mmph ..."


"Sadie, your cell phone ... Um, should we get that?"


"Seriously, what if it's important."

"Mmph. You read it. I'm occupied. Mrrph."

"Okay, it's, ah, from, uh, t.i.ta Saqy."

"My mom's sister. Mmph."

"Um, she says-ah that's good-she says everyone should go to the protesters and bring them food and water, or-ah, wow, that's nice-or at least say prayers."

"f.u.c.k that. We've got better things to do. Mmph."

"Oh, s.h.i.+t."




"Is the car in park?"


"Seriously. The car's moving."

"Oops. Now it's in park. Relax. Mmph."

"Ooh Jesus!"

"You like?"

"I'm getting boosegumps."

"You're funny."

"That feels amaz-Ah! Wow. Ahhrrm! ... s.h.i.+t. I ... uh, I think I just chipped my tooth."



"No, I'm serious, it's so good I'm gritting too hard."



"Why don't you, mmph, bring me to New York, mmph, with you? Mmph. Wouldn't that be nice? Mmph."

"Uh, yeah. Sure. Of course. Ah, that feels amazing ..."

"Miguel, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's okay. Why don't you rest for a whi-"

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing, it's just ..."


"Am I doing it wrong?"

"No, it's so right."

"Then why'd it stop working?"

"I'm just nervous."

"Is it me? Am I bad at it?"

"No, the first time ... I always have a hard time."

"Don't make puns."


"I didn't mean to. I'm just nervous. Or c.o.ked up."

"You didn't like it? Let me just try ... Mmph ..."

"Come up here. Kiss me. I'd rather kiss."

"You poor thing. Look, you're blus.h.i.+ng. Why are you so nervous?"

"Let's take things slow."

"Okay. We've got all the time in the world."



Three college girls are walking along the street, one from International School Manila, one from Saint Scholastica, and the third, Girly Bastos, from a.s.sumption. The trio is startled by a large lizard that crosses the path.

Screams the girl from I.S. Manila: "Oh no, an iguana!"

Squeals the girl from Saint Scho: "Ay, butiki!"

Shrieks Girly Bastos, from a.s.sumption: "Shet, Lacoste!"

We read the text messages together.

The first is from Ned, Sadie's dressage coach: Rev Mart is free! Rally bhind hm. R rewrd wil b in heaven. He prmses 2 trade hs post as Apostle of da People & run 4 prsidnt. Spred da gud wrd.

The second is from Georgie, Sadie's cla.s.smate: "Countrymen! Take to the streets for Lakandula. But keep the peace. Quiet defiance is louder than angry shouts."-Respeto Reyes.

Traffic inches forward about half a mile.

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Ilustrado Part 20 summary

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