Scorpions MC: Gods And Monsters Part 4

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Cobra was even more delicious than I remembered. He'd grown a goatee that made him even s.e.xier-if such a thing were even possible and his muscles flexed across his broad shoulders, his biceps bulging under his s.h.i.+rt every time he moved.

Annoyed that Papa had ordered me inside before I could greet Cobra, I'd stomped back into the kitchen with a frown on my face. I needed to see more of him or I'd go crazy. A few seconds after such a long absence wasn't nearly enough.

Plus, I was becoming more desperate about my situation as the days were drawing closer to my birthday. Something I should be looking forward to, had become my biggest fear.

"Alessandra, go hang out the was.h.i.+ng. Esme is helping me with the cooking," Mama said with a small smile on her face. These days Esme was at my house more than her own. Her parents were having marriage problems and she wanted to escape their constant bickering. Her family was different to mine-her parents fought in front of their kids, whereas my father reserved his blows for when he and Mama were alone.

Glad to be able to go back outside, I piled the was.h.i.+ng into a basket and hugged it to my hip. Hopefully I could steal another glance of Cobra before he left.

Tuning in to the sounds from outside, I'd heard Cobra and Papa's voices coming from the front of the house then my father came inside, pa.s.sing the kitchen to get to his study. I needed to hurry or I might miss catching the glimpse of Cobra I so desperately needed.

The sun was so bright it made me sneeze. Feeling silly about it, I hoped n.o.body heard me. I quickly squinted my eyes against the light to look for Cobra.

My gaze fell on the huge man taking long determined strides in my direction. b.u.t.terflies swarmed my stomach and I swallowed hard. I smiled as he came closer. His thick brows pulled together as he frowned against the sun, his aviators perched on top of his head. He pulled them down and hid his piercing eyes, yet I knew he was still watching me from behind the reflective lenses. I could feel his eyes on me; the heat of his gaze seared through my clothing, setting my body on fire. I'd never felt this alive, this aware of a man.

"h.e.l.lo, Alessandra," he said in his gruff s.e.xy voice. Did he have any idea what that did to me? Obviously not. The way he lifted a brow casually and grinned when he saw me made my heart race and my stomach do flip-flops.

Surely he had another woman at home. It wasn't possible that girls wouldn't fall over themselves to get to Cobra. A tingle between my legs alerted me that I'd been staring open mouthed, wondering what it would be like to feel the beard tickle my thighs. I wanted to experience that, have his head between my legs, his face dipping into me.

If there was one thing I was grateful for in this life it was that humans hadn't yet discovered how to read other people's minds. I'd be mortified if Cobra could read mine.

"h.e.l.lo, Cobra," I said, smiling like an idiot.

Our words were simple yet warmth vibrated between us, the air thick with something I'd never experienced before. The closest thing I could think of was that it was similar to when I was a child and I'd waited up all night in antic.i.p.ation of Christmas and Santa's arrival. Only this was way, way better.

"How have you been?" he asked, skewing his head to one side as his gaze drifted up and down my body. G.o.d, if only I could see his eyes clearly.

"I'm great, thank you. It's been a long summer, though." Long because you hadn't come back. Long because I missed you.

As if he understood what I meant, he let out a long slow breath before he lifted his aviators and met my gaze, our eyes locking as he answered, "Yeah, it has. Much too long."

He missed me too. My heart did a somersault and I felt dizzy, my head spinning and my knees weak, but I didn't move in fear of breaking the magic surrounding us.

So much had been said with such few words. We communicated on a level that others would perceive as nothing more than polite conversation. But I knew better. I knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime thing between us.

His thumb swept over my lips and cheek, sending shock waves of delight coursing through my body. I glanced nervously toward the house, praying that Papa didn't come outside again.

Cobra gripped a handful of the hair that hung over my shoulder and ran his fingers through the strands. The back of his hand skimmed over my breast, barely a touch as it brushed over my s.h.i.+rt, sending bolts of heat straight to my core.

"You've grown into a beautiful young woman." His eyes shone back at me, his approval making my heart sing.

"Thanks," I said shyly, dropping my gaze as my cheeks heated up. "I'm not a child anymore."

He laughed out loud. "That I can see clearly, baby."


Oh. My. f.u.c.king. G.o.d. He called me baby, just like the men did in all the romantic movies Esmerelda and I watched over and over. Wait until I tell her.

I stood just a little taller, basking in the warmth of his presence. This man. The way he made me feel. I wanted more.

"How long are you staying?" I asked, holding my breath.

"A few days. We'll be staying at the motel in town. Ryder and the boys are there now. I just had to come up here to . . . to-"

"Alessandra," Mama's voice sounded from the kitchen. I shrugged and pretended I didn't hear, but the moment was lost.

What was Cobra going to say? I'd never know.



"I missed you. I didn't realize until I saw you again today just how f.u.c.king much." His gaze held me captive as the whole world disappeared. There were only two people on the planet.

I want to drown in this man's eyes forever.

His finger traced up my arm. Such a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes. "I missed your touch. Your sweet smile."

"Really?" He didn't forget me.

He took my hand and placed it on his chest, covering it with his as he held it there. "Feel that? That's what you do to me, baby."

His heart beat wildly against my palm.

"I do that?" I asked, breathless.

He nodded, a lopsided smile on his beautiful face.

"Tell me if it's wrong. Tell me to stop."

I shook my head. "No. I feel the same. Don't ever stop."

"I want you, Alessandra. I have from the beginning. It sounds crazy and I've tried to ignore it. But I can't any longer." Cobra consumed me with the fire in his eyes.

"I want it too. So much-"

"Alessandra. Come inside. Now!" Papa's voice boomed from inside the house.

Cobra leaned in and spoke near my ear. "I need to see you alone." His warm breath on my skin sent s.h.i.+vers down my spine.


He lingered for a second as his lips brushed the sensitive skin beneath my earlobe. "I've heard a disturbing story we need to talk about. I won't let it happen to you."

"Alessandra," Mama called, alarm in her voice. It meant my father probably wasn't far away.

I pulled my hand from Cobra's and took a step back.

Before I could say more, one of Papa's watchdogs appeared in my line of vision. The ferocious look on his face as he stormed down on us would normally frighten me, but now I was just annoyed about the disturbance.

My father appeared on the porch, a scowl on his face as he called my name out again.

Cobra placed his aviators back over his eyes and with a gravelly voice he said, "See you later, Baby." He walked away, straddled his motorcycle and roared off without a backward glance.

If only we had more time to talk. Stealing a look and a few words left me desperate for more. Every interaction with him brought me closer to certainty that this was what I wanted.

If Cobra asked me to run away with him, I would in a heartbeat. My heart and my soul wanted him. I craved his touch and the way he looked at me. I wanted that for every day of the rest of my life.

I was bursting to tell Esme everything he'd said, but it would have to wait until we were alone in my room after dinner. First I had to deal with an irate father who stood with his hands on his hips, cursing after Cobra as he disappeared full throttle into a dust storm.

Chapter 10 - Alessandra.

I'd borne Papa's wrath with downcast eyes because nothing he said could steal the warmth and elation I felt from Cobra's words. Eventually Papa gave up with a severe warning to stay away from the biker.

Lightheaded and a touch delirious, I had to suppress the smile that wanted to burst from my lips until we'd finished eating and doing the dishes. It was the hardest thing I'd done in a while trying to keep my excitement to myself.

Finally we got to my bedroom. I closed the door quickly and turned to my friend. "Oh, Esme, it was wonderful to see him again. He's even more handsome than before. He's grown a goatee and it's so d.a.m.n s.e.xy I want to die. And he called me baby," I told her in one breath, still swooning.

She laughed. "What did I tell you? Have faith, little one."

"What do we do now? We hardly got to talk. Papa watches me like a hawk, and even Mama is watching me."

"You go to him at night."

"What?" My hands trembled as my heartbeat sped up. Why hadn't I thought of that before? But how?

"You tell your parents you are spending the night at my place. We sneak out and find him. You show him how much you want him."

"Oh G.o.d, Essie, I don't know how to do that. I'm a virgin, remember? I haven't even been kissed by a boy. Papa and his men watch me to make d.a.m.n sure of that."

She narrowed her eyes scrutinizing my body.

"What's wrong? I'm not good enough for him, am I?" My hands ran down my body, cursing the width of my hips, the plumpness of my a.s.s, the heaviness of my b.r.e.a.s.t.s now they'd finally decided to grow.

Esme shook her head. "Honey, you're f.u.c.king perfect. Once he gets a piece of you, he'll never want another woman."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I have eyes. I watched from the kitchen, even though your mother was talking to me non-stop. His mouth was hanging open . . . drooling over you."

"Really? You could see all that from the kitchen?"

"Really. I'm surprised your clothes didn't melt off you, the way he stared at your t.i.ts. He kept touching his groin and scowling. Sure sign he was hard as h.e.l.l for you."

"How do you know these things?"

She laughed. "I get around, honey. I know men and how they operate."

"So what should I do? a.s.suming your plan works and Papa lets me out for the night."

"For starters, you go to him, wearing nothing under your dress. You let him touch you-everywhere. Then you suck him off."

Panic rose in my chest. "I haven't even seen a proper d.i.c.k. How would I know what to do?"

"Oh, my innocent one. I'll show you on the Internet. But once natural instinct kicks in, I doubt you'll need lessons. You were born for f.u.c.king . . . every boy in town thinks that, too."

"I don't care about the other boys. I just want that one. The one who makes me wet for him and dream of him."

"You'll have what you want, my friend. After a night with you, your Cobra won't know what hit him."

"Teach me, Essie; show me how to make him crazy for me."

"Oh honey, he's already crazy for you. Everyone can see it-even your Mama."

Chapter 11 - Cobra.

Earlier when I'd spoken to Alessandra, there was something primal burning in her eyes, yet shyness shone in them too. It drove me f.u.c.king insane-half temptress, half innocence. She was the ultimate temptation.

I had to have her. Taste her. Own her.

I rolled in my bed, with sleep evading me. I weighed up all the positives and negatives, round and round in circles in my mind until I pa.s.sed out from sheer exhaustion.

I dream.

She comes to me in the moonlight, a see-through dress hardly hiding her luscious body from my gaze. Her thick plaited hair drapes over one shoulder and an angelic smile curves her full lips. Her eyes lock onto mine, stealing my breath away as they s.h.i.+ne with adoration.

Lifting her arms, I remove the flimsy fabric over her head and take a step backward to see all of her. f.u.c.k, her beauty hits me in the d.i.c.k, leaving me aching and breathless. I never knew of the existence of such exquisite perfection.

I pull her to my chest, her heart beating against my skin. Her warm breath caresses my neck and causes goose b.u.mps to scatter over my entire body. Tight hard nipples push into my torso driving me to the edge of insanity.

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Scorpions MC: Gods And Monsters Part 4 summary

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