Scorpions MC: Gods And Monsters Part 5

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Reverently, I cup a breast in my hand, squeezing the plump flesh in my palms. She flinches ever so slightly, clamping her legs together. I smile. It's not to keep me out. It's because of what I do to her. Her p.u.s.s.y is aching for me, dripping wet already. I draw in her scent, my nostrils flaring to get as much of it as I can.

Musky. Sweet.

I can taste her on my tongue already.

The only Bible story I care to remember is the one of Adam and Eve. This is us now-her and me in the Garden of Eden. She, the woman made from my missing rib. We fit together perfectly. Alessandra was made for me.

My hands wors.h.i.+p her body, over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her ribs, her full hips and rest on her a.s.s, pulling her tightly to me. She sighs contently and buries her face in my neck, but I need to taste her lips.

As if she knows, she lifts her face to mine, eyes glimmering in the pale light of the moon, then presses her lips against my own. I devour her mouth and try to suck her breath into my lungs, wanting every inch of her.

I lift her gently, my hands cupping her a.s.s. Her legs hook around my hips as she grinds her p.u.s.s.y into me unashamedly.

G.o.d, I want her. G.o.d, I need her. To be inside her.

She takes my erection in her palm and brings me to her entrance, rubbing my tip against her slick warmth. Heaven. I'm in f.u.c.king heaven.

My c.o.c.k inches forward, taking possession of her . . .

And then a scream. Her scream, as she is torn from me. My scream, as I dive into h.e.l.l.

Hands all over her pure body, holding her down. Hands holding me back, stopping me from freeing her. A man laughs like a lunatic as he pumps his d.i.c.k and hovers over her. She screams again, but I am helpless. All I can do is watch as he drops down and sinks into her, b.a.l.l.s' deep, f.u.c.king her with ferocious intent.

I scream, but nothing comes out. Not a sound as I watch her being taken again and again.

Blackness descends over me. I die a little death.

Sitting up in my bed, sweat dripped from my body.

"f.u.c.k, are you okay?" Ryder turned on the bedside lamp, the empty beer bottle he'd knocked over crashed to the ground, startling me. "I heard you screaming-that weird m.u.f.fled sound you make. It's f.u.c.ked up, man." His eyes were wide as he stared down at me. "Same dream?"

I nodded. "Give me a smoke."

Ryder reached inside the drawer and pulled out a pack of Camels. He lit two and handed me one, spitting bits of tobacco from his lips. "When you gonna get filtered ones?" he complained, sucking deeply on the cigarette.

Ignoring his words, I pulled a long drag with a trembling hand.

Alessandra was only one month from her eighteenth birthday. Another year had slipped by. Another year closer to her life sentence. I had to stop this f.u.c.king nightmare.

Hers and mine.

My intentions weren't as n.o.ble as I wanted them to be. I had no place l.u.s.ting after a teenage virgin. For a fleeting moment, a pang of guilt at what I was about to do ran through my gut.

I snapped closed the lighter after I lit up another cigarette. There was no other way. This had been coming for a long time, and now it was time to take action.

She was mine. My dirty mind and intentions demanded her virginity. It belonged to me. If anybody were going to f.u.c.k her, it would be me. It would be my c.o.c.k inside her. I'd been obsessed with her since I'd first laid eyes on her. I'd tried to ignore it. Deny it. Make it go away. Nothing worked.

f.u.c.k her father.

f.u.c.k the Don.

Alessandra, the pure and beautiful virgin, was going to be mine.

Chapter 12 - Alessandra.

I read over the message on Esmerelda's phone again, not believing my eyes.

Bring Alessandra to me at the motel tonight. I'll be waiting.

"Tell me again how Cobra has your number?" I asked, a tingle of jealousy burning through me that he'd messaged her and not me.

Her eyes sparkled as she scrutinized my face. "Ahhh, my lovely is a little bit jealous, yes?"

"Um . . . why did he message you?" I said, irritated that she was right, and that she knew how to push my b.u.t.tons.

"Because his friend Hammer likes me."


She rolled her eyes. "Yes, the nerdy one. One night on their last visit, when I went out drinking in town with my friends, the Scorpio Stinger boys were there, too. Cobra came up to me and said his friend Hammer wanted my number, so I gave it to him. I didn't know Cobra would have use for it too."

"You think that's why he asked for your number?" I held my breath, reading the message in front of me for the hundredth time. My heart beat so hard I could swear anyone could hear it.

"Well that, and because Hammer really likes me." She smiled mischievously. "Apparently I was his first. I would never have guessed, because Hammer nailed me . . . I mean, nailed it." She laughed, enjoying her own joke. "That man has a d.i.c.k the size of a donkey's, and he f.u.c.ks like he can't get enough."

I screwed up my nose. "Eww, now I can never unhear that, and every time I see nerd boy I will imagine his donkey d.i.c.k."

"Alessandra, forget about Hammer and me. It's time you got laid. Cobra wants me to deliver you to his room. Oh G.o.d, I wish I could be a fly on that wall when he takes your virginity and f.u.c.ks you royally."

Both excited and frightened out of my mind at the prospect of being with Cobra, I didn't have an answer for her. What if I sucked and he didn't like me? Oh G.o.d, that would be my worst nightmare.

She sensed my reticence and gave me a hug. "Don't worry, it's not that bad, and I'm sure Cobra will know how to handle it. Besides, I'll be around at the bar, so if you want to go home at any time I'll be close. Just keep your phone handy so you can ring me, okay?"

I loved Esme-she was my soul sister. In the end, she always had my best interests at heart and I knew she'd always have my back. It was an unspoken rule that we'd just be there for one another. True friends.h.i.+p meant no judgment, only love and support, and that's exactly what I needed and had from Esme now.

"Promise, Essie? You won't be far away?" My voice was hoa.r.s.e because my throat had tightened so much. This was a big deal to me. What I'd been waiting for a long time-since I became aware of my s.e.xuality, I've had one dream only and now it was about to actually happen.

"Pinkie swear on all that is holy. Now let's decide what you're going to wear." She flitted through my cupboard. "Um . . . nothing in here screams hot."

I laughed. "What do you expect? My father is trying to hide me from boys, remember? He won't allow me to wear anything even close to revealing or s.e.xy."

Esme grinned. "Well, he didn't know what a smart friend you have. There should be something in my cupboard that will be just perfect. That's the benefit of getting hand-me-downs from older sisters-some of the stuff they give me I've never had the courage to wear. But for you we don't want anything s.l.u.tty, because you don't want Cobra to think that about you . . . not that you are at all, but I'm sure he already knows that."

I listened to her babbling while chewing my bottom lip. I hope she knows what she's doing.

"What if you're all wrong and Cobra has no intentions of . . . of f.u.c.king me? I'd make a complete fool of myself." I swallowed the lump in my throat. My nerves were already getting the better of me and we were only talking about it.

"Honey, trust me, Cobra can't wait to get his d.i.c.k into you. The man is going to trip over his c.o.c.k to get to you tonight. You've got to get that cherry popped by him, or else Don Pedro is going to have that pleasure. You want that?"

I shook my head. "h.e.l.l no. Operation Seduction it is then. I just hope I can pull it off."

"You'll be a natural. Just follow your heart and the signals from your body. Don't over-think it. s.e.x is natural and beautiful, especially if you really care about the other person."

"You make it sound so . . . awesome."

She have me a strange look. "You won't be an innocent any more . . . do you understand that once you've been down the rabbit hole, it can't be undone?"

"Of course I understand all that. I'm nervous, not an idiot."

"I never said . . . never mind." She shrugged. "All I want to say, is you're one of the lucky ones. You get the man you really like doing it. Not all girls are that blessed."

A deep frown appeared between her brows. She was talking about herself. She'd never spoken about her first time, always laughing it off whenever we spoke about s.e.x, so I'd stopped asking because it wasn't really any of my business, and she'd tell me if she wanted me to know or was ready to share such intimate details. All I did know was that she was very young when it happened. Maybe one day she'd feel that she could speak to me about it, but until then I'd never push her into telling me if it made her uncomfortable.

Maybe she was waiting for me to have some experience so that I'd have a better understanding. I had a strange feeling that reality and fantasy where s.e.x was concerned could be two very different things.

"I know."

"Considering you're an only daughter, you're pretty smart, you know?" Esme said, smiling at me. "I have three older sisters and they talk all the time, so I've learned a lot from them."

I winked at her. "That's why I have you, silly. You are my older sister." Although Esmerelda was only ten months older than me, in some ways she seemed a lot more grown-up. Maybe because she wasn't as fiercely guarded as I was by my father. If only he knew what my best friend was teaching me . . . he'd probably ban her from my life immediately.

But luckily Mama was best friends with her mother, Teresa, and our fathers drank together at the local bar in town, so at least I was allowed to sleep over at her house occasionally. Tonight would be one of those nights, if everything went to plan.

"Let's go to my house. You can shower there and I'll help you get ready. You have to be totally irresistible. Just the right amount of s.e.xy and innocent will drive him crazy."

"Yes, that what I want. Let's go ask my father and get it over with."

It wasn't a given that he'd agree. Antonio Alvarez was a hard man, and I never knew what mood I'd find him in. Sometimes he'd be in a great frame of mind and be the doting father, but lately he'd been surly and unforgiving. I'd have to be extra sweet when I asked his permission, because if he refused our plans were screwed.

Chapter 13 - Alessandra.

My father sat on the big porch drinking his black tea and a small gla.s.s of tequila, as was his ritual. Usually he was in a reasonable mood earlier in the mornings, so I'd have a better chance if Esme and I asked him straight away rather than waited till the afternoon. Esmerelda was smart. She treated my father with respect so that he could never find fault with her. He really liked Esme, and often said that if he had another daughter, he'd want it to be her. It was a huge compliment coming from my father, one Esme nurtured so that she'd stay on the good side of him.

So when I walked out onto the porch, I was surprised to find not only my father and his usual two bodyguards there, but also Don Pedro and his handful of goons. I sucked in a breath, all warmth leaving my face. I hated when the Don came over.

"Good morning," I said, remembering my manners. My father would punish me in some way if I were impolite or rude to his guests. I'd gone to bed hungry in the past for refusing to kiss someone's cheek on his insistence.

Usually I knew when the Don was going to visit because my father would tell Mama the day before to prepare and cook something special. I'd make it my mission to avoid him by being somewhere else for most of the time, even staying back at school to finish some imaginary project, just because he made my skin crawl. Now I knew the plans he and my father had for my future, it freaked me out completely seeing him here.

When was Papa going to actually tell me? My birthday was only a month away and neither he nor my mother had said a word. I prayed to G.o.d that what Esme had heard and Cobra eluded to was wrong.

That didn't mean that I didn't want to have s.e.x with Cobra, though. I still wanted to, even more now after our chat the previous day. And now that I'd entertained the thought of leaving this place behind, I hoped Cobra would take me away with him.

Don Pedro threw his shot of tequila back and swallowed. He grimaced, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. For all his put on airs and graces, he was still just a man underneath the fancy t.i.tle. He rose to his feet with a wicked grin on his long skinny face, a face that crinkled with pleasure as his beady eyes lingered on my body.

I hate scrawny men.

I hate when he undresses me with his eyes.

I hate him.

Behind me, Esme whispered, "f.u.c.k."

Then, "f.u.c.king lecherous b.a.s.t.a.r.d." The words hissed from her lips, but she quickly covered them with a cough.

She always swore when something threw her for a loop. I nearly burst into a nervous giggle, but I managed to keep my s.h.i.+t together long enough as Don Pedro took a few long strides toward me. His bony hands pinched my shoulders and he waited for me to kiss him on both cheeks.

Inwardly I shuddered, but I made an effort not to let that be my physical response. I didn't want to anger my father or the Don today. My plans hinged on getting out of there as soon as possible.

"The Don has graced us with a surprise visit today. He will be staying for dinner. I want you and Esmerelda to help Mama prepare the food."

G.o.d, no.

Esme stepped forward. "Good morning, Don Pedro. h.e.l.lo, Mr. Alvarez. I was just about to ask you if Alessandra could come to our house for dinner tonight? It's my sister's birthday today and Mama has been slaving over the hot stove for two days to prepare a family feast. She'll be so disappointed if Alessandra isn't there; she thinks of her as her baby daughter." She looked up at my father, giving him a megawatt version of her most winning smile. "Of course your whole family is invited, but since you have a guest, Mama would be happy if just Alessi came tonight."

My father's brow knitted together. He wasn't used to anyone throwing his plans into disarray, and the Don's unexpected arrival would already have ticked him off. Esme was treading on dangerous ground.

She didn't give up. "We're more than happy to stay here to help Mrs. Alvarez in the kitchen, if you could excuse Alessandra from dinner this one time. As you said yourself, Don Pedro arrived unexpectedly, and there is no reason he shouldn't have a wonderful meal under your generous hospitality tonight."

Holy cow. Where had Esmerelda learned to speak like that?

My father looked at Esme with as much surprise as I did. He scratched his chin and looked over at the Don, who was standing there with ultra-thin lips, his eyes narrowed at Esme in dismay.

"I have something important to talk to Alessandra about. That's why I came here today. I've traveled far to be here. I'm sure your mother will understand if Alessandra isn't there tonight. I'll arrange for a bunch of flowers to be delivered to apologize for her absence."


The Don moved to my side and placed his skeletal arm around my shoulders, pulling me toward him. My head screamed no as my body tensed and my back stiffened. I couldn't help it. I pulled away from him, hardly able to believe that he'd act so openly in front of my father. It felt creepy, especially since boys had never been allowed around me. My father was so strict about it that the Don's behavior couldn't possibly be considered acceptable in public.

Mama stepped from the front door onto the porch. She never came out to greet anyone unless my father called for her, so her behavior surprised everyone. She nodded politely and greeted the Don with a smile, welcoming him to our home before she turned to my father.

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Scorpions MC: Gods And Monsters Part 5 summary

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