Texas Sirens: Siren In The City Part 14

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"Nothing shocks you, does it, baby?" His voice low as he remembered just how wet she got when he spanked her. What had he been thinking? He'd been viewing her as something fragile since that day she'd been attacked. Abby was far from fragile. She was a rock.

"I don't know about that." She seemed a little drunk on the experience. Jack was worried he might have created a monster. It was a good thing they hadn't gotten kicked out of the club since it seemed like Abby would want to come back. "I was pretty shocked when Sally kissed me."

Jack felt his eyebrows rise. He looked at Sam, who was smiling.

"Sally kissed her?"

"Apparently she decided since she couldn't get to me or you, she'd enjoy Abby instead," Sam explained.


Jack focused on Sam, letting his wife's brief foray into lesbianism go for a moment. He might have to have another talk with Sally. "You understand what Julian wants for tomorrow night?"

Sam's face went blank. Jack couldn't read it. It bothered him. Sam was almost always an open book. "I know."

"Are you all right with that?"

The elevator door opened, and Sam plowed through. He set Abby on her feet, and there was concern in his wife's hazel eyes. She tried to reach up and touch Sam, but he turned away, preferring to get the door to the suite open. Jack followed wondering exactly where Sam was going. The tension he'd felt in Sam for some time seemed to be ready to burst over. Jack knew suddenly that everything changed tonight.

"Samuel, I would like an answer," Jack said. He realized his voice was deep and even. It was his Dom voice, but it felt right now. He rarely used it on Sam. Now seemed like the time to. He needed to get his house back in order. There was only one way to do that. He needed to smash through any barriers they put up to get at the heart of the problem.

Sam turned, and there was rage in his eyes. Jack was a little taken back by the depth of emotion on his partner's face. "You want answers? Fine, Jack, I'll give you an answer. I'm leaving. I'm sure as h.e.l.l not letting you take a bull whip to my a.s.s in front of a hundred people when every one of them knows I don't belong to you. I don't belong to anyone. I never have. f.u.c.k this, Jack. I'm done following you. I'm done waiting for you to see what I need. You're never..." He stopped suddenly, as though he couldn't quite believe what he was saying. His face went slack and his cheeks stained with embarra.s.sment. Then he shut down, his face going blank.

"Go on, Sam." Jack held out a hand to stop Abby from interrupting. He knew what she would want. She would want to kiss Sam and make him feel better, but Sam needed this. Sam needed to make his stand. It was a long time coming, Jack could see that now.


Jack carefully schooled his face. He didn't want to give away what he was feeling. It might stop Sam.

Sam's hands clenched into fists at his sides. His face was still slightly b.l.o.o.d.y from the earlier fight. "You can't just walk in here after months of ignoring us and snap your fingers and expect us to fall in line like nothing ever happened."

"Watch me." Jack stood very still, watching his partner. Sam swallowed as though he had suddenly realized he was being stalked.

It was good. Sam needed to realize Jack wasn't about to let him go.

Now that he was standing here, facing his oldest friend in the world, a few things occurred to Jack. His selfishness had hurt more than just Abigail. He should have given Sam what he needed a long time ago.

He should have seen it. He probably had seen it, but it was easier to keep the relations.h.i.+p friendly. Love was messy, and Sam was far too important to lose. Now he could see how cowardly that had been.

Jack was steady and kept his eyes on Sam. "I'm sorry, Sam. I've neglected you for a long time. I've neglected Abigail, as well. But I'm back, and I'm not going anywhere. I've been stuck in a bad place. All I can say is I won't do it again."

Sam's jaw clenched. He glanced at Abby. There was a dullness in his normally clear eyes that ate at Jack. He'd put that look there.

"Good, I'm glad. You need to be there for Abby. You brought her into this lifestyle and then stopped taking care of her. It wasn't fair."

Abby sat silent on the big chaise that dominated the richly decorated room. Her hazel eyes looked worried as they flitted from man to man. Jack knew he'd created this chaos, and it was up to him to fix it.

"I haven't been sleeping well, Sam." He owed them an explanation. "I keep seeing that woman try to kill Abby over and over again. Every time I shut my eyes, I see it. I can hear the crack of the pistol."

"d.a.m.n, Jack," Sam breathed. "I didn't know. I knew you weren't sleeping well, but I didn't know it was that bad."


"I didn't tell you. I didn't tell either one of you. It was easier to pull away from you than to admit I felt a little lost. This evening was the first time in six months I've felt like myself."

"I knew something was wrong when you stopped spanking me,"

Abby said with a rea.s.suring smile.

He returned it. "Spanking you is the best part of my day, darlin'. I won't let it go again. I thought I was too pushy. I worried I would push you right out of my life."

"You can't do that, Jack," Abby replied. She turned to Sam. "And I can't let you go, either, Sam."

Sam shook his head. Weariness drew his mouth down, made his eyes dull. It hurt Jack's heart to see him that way. "I'm glad that you and Jack are all right now, but you have to see that I can't stay, Abigail. You know me. You know what I want, and I can't fool myself anymore. I'll be fine. I'm going to stay here. Julian will give me a place to stay for a while."

Blood started to pound through Jack's system again. "If you think for one minute I'm going to let Julian get his hands on you after all these years, you're insane, Sam."

Sam's shoulders came up and his hands were out. "What are you talking about?"

Jack let his jealousy out. It felt good. It felt like something had been d.a.m.ned up for a long time and only now was allowed to flow naturally. "I am talking about Julian wanting you, Sam. I am talking about Julian trying to take you away from me. Why do you think I left this place?"

Sam's blue eyes were round. "You knew about that?"

"Of course I knew. I'm not an idiot." Jack moved closer. He wondered if Sam even realized he was inching in, ready to pounce. It was a move he'd perfected on Abigail, but it was time to bring his other sub into the fold. It was far past time. Jack felt his c.o.c.k harden.

He took a deep breath and let the arousal flow over him. He turned and looked at Abigail, who was watching with deep concern. He 119.

winked at her. He turned back to Sam. "Did you think I'd let you f.u.c.k Julian, Sam?"

Sam was dumbstruck for a moment. "I guess not. I guess it would make you think less of me."

Jack rolled his eyes and prayed for patience. "When, in all of our years together, did I give you that idea?"

Sam was silent.

"Sam, you know I've slept with men before, right?"


Jack chuckled. "Sam, I've f.u.c.ked just about everything I could at some point or another. Even when we were here at The Club, I had nights with both men and women that I didn't talk to you about. I've had a lot of s.e.x, but I've only loved two people in my life." He was standing in Sam's s.p.a.ce. It was easy to reach out and draw him in. He didn't fight. "I've loved Abigail, and, Samuel, I've loved you. I prefer women, but I can certainly enjoy a man. I am your Dom, Sam Fleetwood. I have been since we were fifteen years old, long before either of us even understood what the word meant. It's past time for me to ask the question a Dom always asks his sub. What do you need from me?"

Jack shoved his fingers into Sam's thick gold hair. It was dense but soft. His skin was tan from working in the sun. Sam s.h.i.+vered the instant Jack touched him. It wasn't with distaste. Jack could feel the desire pouring off his friend. He chuckled lightly and discovered he was really looking forward to the next few minutes. It felt good and right to be this close. He brought his lips against Sam's ear. "I asked you a question, Sam. I expect an answer. Don't be a p.u.s.s.y. Ask for what you want."

Sam's jaw clenched, and Jack could see him vying for emotional control. He let out a deep breath and stared Jack straight in the eyes.

"I want you."

Jack smiled, a deliciously decadent desire flowed through him. He let his eyes go slightly hard. "Knees, Sam."


Sam fell to his knees, not gracefully the way Abigail did, but with a little crash. It was something they would work on. Jack gently twisted his hands in Sam's hair, pulling his face up. "Who do you belong to, Sam?"

"You, Jack." He breathed the words like a benediction. "I belong to you and Abigail."

"That's right." Jack stared down into Sam's clear blue eyes and saw relief in them. Jack c.o.c.ked an eyebrow, waiting.

"What?" Sam asked, obviously confused.

Jack looked to Abby, whose eyes were hot as she watched the little scene playing out before her. He hadn't worried about Abby being jealous. Now he could see she had been pus.h.i.+ng for this. He shook his head. She really did try to top from the bottom. He mentally added it to her future spankings. "Abigail, you're going to have to instruct Sam. Please join us."

She was off the couch in an instant. He pointedly studied her from head to toe then frowned. Sam wasn't the only one who needed a little instruction.

"Sorry." She was breathless as she hurried to get out of her clothes. She knew the rules, Jack understood. It was time Sam learned. Jack wasn't a full-time Dom and never would be, but in an intimate situation, there would be no question that he was in control.

When Abigail was naked, all he had to do was lower his right hand, and she dropped to her knees beside Sam. He placed a hand on her head to show he was grateful for the submission. Having a hand on both Abigail and Sam gave him a deep feeling of satisfaction.

"Abigail, could you explain to our lover why I requested he get on his knees in front of me?"

Abby's lips curled up. She reminded him of a naughty little kitten.

"He wants a b.l.o.w. .j.o.b, Sam."

Sam turned quickly to her, his mouth open in a good approximation of what Jack wanted. "Really?"


Abby nodded. "I'm really happy about it, too. You're completely orally fixated, Sam. It gives you something else to suck on. My nipples get chaffed."

Jack snapped his fingers. If he let them, they would seriously discuss Abby's nipple chaffing while his d.i.c.k languished in antic.i.p.atory h.e.l.l. "Focus."

"He wants you to undress him, Sam," Abby explained. "Jack doesn't undress himself. Be careful though. His c.o.c.k is huge, and it's really hard right now. He'll spank your a.s.s if you get it caught it in the zipper."

Sam nodded and stared at the erection for a moment before his hands went to the b.u.t.ton on Jack's slacks. Jack nodded to Abby who had been waiting for the command. At least one of his little subs was well trained. Abby was up, pulling the jacket of his suit off and working on his tie and dress s.h.i.+rt while Sam was still on the zipper.

She quickly folded the clothes and was back in her place when Sam managed to get Jack's c.o.c.k free.

Jack sighed as it sprang out of its cage. Sam stared at the monster with undisguised fascination. There would be time for him to look later, Jack decided. An unfamiliar impatience was on him. He wanted to feel Sam's mouth. He stroked his hard c.o.c.k and lined it up with Sam's lips. "Open."

Sam's mouth came open, and Jack firmly took hold of his hair. He planted his feet and eased his d.i.c.k into Sam's mouth. If he worried that he'd have to direct Sam's every move, that anxiety was immediately shoved away. Sam's mouth closed over Jack's c.o.c.k, and his tongue ran over it, licking him from base to head and back again.

Jack groaned. Sam's mouth felt completely different from Abby's.

Abby's tongue was small, and he struggled to force his d.i.c.k into her little mouth. There was no such trouble with Sam. Sam swallowed him down easily. His lips closed over Jack's erection, and he sucked in long His head worked up and down. Jack found himself f.u.c.king hard into Sam's mouth, trying to find that soft place at the 122 back of his throat. Sam might not have given a b.l.o.w. .j.o.b before, but he was a natural. Jack felt himself rus.h.i.+ng toward o.r.g.a.s.m.

"Stop." Jack pulled out of Sam's mouth. He looked down at the man he'd been with since they were both teens. It felt good and right to be with him this way. He wanted this first time to last. "You're mouth is like a furnace, Sam. I don't want to come, yet. Abby?"

He turned slightly, and Abby's little tongue ran across him. He hissed between clenched teeth. If Sam was a Hoover, Abby was a little b.u.t.terfly running across his d.i.c.k. He loved the differences between them. They were his, he thought with deep emotion. They were finally both his.

"Lick my b.a.l.l.s, Abby," he demanded. "Play for just a minute, then I'm going to shoot my c.u.m straight down Sam's throat."

Abby ran her small hand around his b.a.l.l.s just the way he liked it.

She gently cupped them, rolling the sac up as she sucked the pre-c.u.m weeping from the slit of his c.o.c.k. After a moment, she bent down and licked the line separating his b.a.l.l.s. She sucked one and then the other into her mouth. His b.a.l.l.s drew up, ready to shoot off. She felt so good.

Jack pulled her off gently. She sat back as he turned back to Sam.

"Suck my c.o.c.k, Sam." He tangled his fingers in Sam's hair as he fed him his c.o.c.k. Sam's tongue immediately started rolling over him, and Jack knew he wouldn't last long. "Relax, Sam. I'm going to f.u.c.k your mouth. Just concentrate on breathing and following my directions."

Sam relaxed slightly. His tongue still teased the underside of Jack's c.o.c.k, but he gave up control of the movement. Jack took over.

He gave in to his instincts. Sam could take a h.e.l.l of a lot more than Abby could. Jack could be a little brutal, and it would just get Sam hot. Jack ruthlessly f.u.c.ked Sam's mouth. He hit the back of Sam's throat and pressed down before pulling back almost to his lips. Those lips sucked, desperately trying to keep him in. Jack could have explained he wasn't going anywhere, but he was concentrating on the way his b.a.l.l.s. .h.i.t Sam's chin when he shoved his way in.


"I'm going to come, Samuel," Jack said, the words harsh to his own ears. His eyes found Abby's hot, hazel ones. He was certain her little p.u.s.s.y was dripping by now. "Tell him what I want, Abby." He wanted to hear her sweet feminine voice tell their lover exactly what he required.

She moved close to Sam. "He wants you to suck him dry. Oh, baby, he tastes so good. Swallow him down. Don't miss a drop."

Her hands ran up Sam's sides, and her tongue traced Sam's ear.

Jack allowed it because Sam didn't miss a beat. His mouth sucked hard at his c.o.c.k, daring him to come. Jack's b.a.l.l.s drew up painfully.

He groaned as he hit the back of Sam's throat. Sam swallowed, and Jack felt himself shooting off jets of steaming c.u.m. Sam worked furiously, milking him for every drop.

"Lick it all off." Abby was whispering in Sam's ear. Jack knew she was going to start rubbing herself soon. She wouldn't be able to help it. "Let me help," she practically begged, and then Jack was treated to two tongues running along his softening c.o.c.k.

He watched the lovely sight of his gorgeous subs licking him clean. Their tongues played along his d.i.c.k, running against each other lovingly. He let his hands find their heads and stroked them both. He chuckled. His d.i.c.k was already starting to get hard again. f.u.c.king both Sam and Abigail would be hard work. "Enough," he ordered softly. Sam would be going out of his mind at this point. Jack could see his hands were shaking with need. Samuel was very impatient. It was a problem he intended to work on, but not tonight.

"Jack?" Sam was breathing heavily. His mouth was red and swollen. Jack leaned over and brushed his lips across Sam's. He could taste himself there.

"Go on, Sam," he said softly.

Sam was on his feet, lifting Abigail in his arms before Jack could step out of his slacks. "Samuel, the bedroom please."

Sam cursed and turned. Jack knew what he had been planning.

Sam would have found the nearest flat surface and shoved his d.i.c.k 124 into Abigail the minute he got her legs spread. As Jack intended to join them, he preferred the bed. Sam disappeared into the bedroom.

Jack heard Sam grunt and knew it hadn't taken him long to start f.u.c.king their wife. He probably still had his clothes on. Jack shook his head and stripped out of the rest of his clothes, folding them neatly.

He walked into the big bedroom and was greeted with the sight he'd expected. Sam had Abby on the edge of the king-sized bed with her f.u.c.k-me shoes wrapped around his neck. He stood driving his d.i.c.k into her p.u.s.s.y with a single-minded strength. He'd gotten his s.h.i.+rt off, but his pants had simply been shoved down far enough to set his c.o.c.k free. It was a lovely sight. Sam had a d.a.m.n near perfect body, and Abby was so feminine it made him sigh to think of her. He watched them for a moment. Sam was dragging in oxygen as he pounded into Abby. Jack could tell from the way he was starting to tense that Sam was getting close.

"Sam, you are not allowed to come, yet," Jack said with his arms across his chest.

Sam turned his head to look at him. His handsome face was wearing a startled expression. He didn't stop f.u.c.king Abby, but he did slow down. "What do you mean, Jack? I gotta come. I'm dying here."

"You should have thought about that before you pulled that s.h.i.+t tonight." Jack strode over to the dresser and opened the bottom drawer. It was where Julian kept the toys. It was his version of a mini-bar. Jack selected a tube of lubricant, though he noted a few other items they would need very soon.

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Texas Sirens: Siren In The City Part 14 summary

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