Texas Sirens: Siren In The City Part 15

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"I don't think I'm going to be able to stop from coming, Jack,"

Sam said a little desperately.

Abby didn't seem to be paying a bit of attention to them. She bucked her hips up trying to force Sam to f.u.c.k her harder. Jack swatted her hand as she tried to toy with her c.l.i.t.

"Mine, Abigail." He was amused at the way she pouted and gave him her sad puppy eyes. It wasn't going to work. "Did you think I 125.

would let you get away with all the s.h.i.+t you've pulled? Do I even know all of it?"

"No." Sam pulled out of Abby. She whimpered at the loss.

"Hands and knees, Abby," Jack ordered. "Sam, underneath her.

You take her p.u.s.s.y."

Sam sighed. "Thank G.o.d." He threw himself under her and was pulling her down onto his c.o.c.k before Jack could get the lube open.

Sam gritted his teeth as he thrust up into her. "You feel so f.u.c.king good, Abby. I'm going to fill you up tonight."

"Not until I say so, Sam," Jack warned. Abby was riding Sam, grinding against his pelvis when Jack gently pushed her forward. He loved the feel of her soft skin against his hands. She was the reason they were all here. If Abby hadn't come around, he and Sam would have gone on the way they had before. Loving Abby had made being physical with Sam possible. Before Abby, both he and Sam had been too afraid to upset the status quo. Abby's complete open acceptance of everything she was had shown him the way. "Hold still, sweetheart."

Abby leaned forward onto to Sam, presenting Jack with the lovely sight of her little a.s.s waiting for him. He felt his c.o.c.k lengthen as he spread the lube into the little rosebud. He covered his c.o.c.k in the slippery stuff and worked the lube into her a.s.s with his thumb. He loved the feeling of her clenching around his thumb. It would be even tighter around his c.o.c.k. He pulled his hand away and got his d.i.c.k ready. Though he'd come just minutes before, he was ready to shoot off again. He spread her cheeks and pressed in.

"Oh, G.o.d." Abby moaned as she pressed back against him.

Jack sighed. He pushed forward past the tight ring and fully seated himself in her a.s.s. He held himself there for a moment, enjoying the heat and the feel of Sam's c.o.c.k against his, only a thin bit of Abigail's body keeping them apart. Jack looked over Abby's shoulder into the eyes of his partner. "Tomorrow night, you're in the middle, Sam."

Sam hissed, the sound a little like pain. "Please, Jack."


Jack pulled out and slowly tunneled in. "All right, Sam. Let's f.u.c.k our wife."

Abby groaned and pushed back against him. Jack held onto her hips, his hands brus.h.i.+ng Sam's as they pulled her back and forth between them. Jack enjoyed the slow slide of Sam's c.o.c.k against his as he thrust forward, and Sam retreated. Abby moaned between them.

It couldn't last. There was too much. There was too much of everything riding the three of them tonight, too much l.u.s.t, too much love. It would be over far too soon. He could feel Sam swelling, getting ready to go off. The intimacy of his c.o.c.k brus.h.i.+ng Sam's had Jack on the edge, too. He reached around and toyed with Abby's c.l.i.t.

Her head fell back, and she went off with a scream.

"f.u.c.k," Sam cursed as his face contorted. He shook with the force of his o.r.g.a.s.m.

Jack held Abby's hips and slammed into her. The lube made it easy to slide in, but it couldn't mask her tight heat, and Jack let go. He pressed deep and flooded her a.s.s with his c.u.m. It seemed to go on forever, pleasure flowing through him. Abby sighed and fell forward, slumping onto Sam's chest. She didn't protest as Jack pulled out and rolled to the side.

"Up, you two." Jack pulled the sheets and comforter back. Now Abby grumbled, but Sam had her under the covers wrapped in his arms. His partner was relaxed and peaceful as their wife snuggled against him. The tension that had been riding Sam for months seemed to have disappeared.

"Come to bed, Jack," Sam requested with a soft smile on his face.

"We don't care if you wake us up because you're restless. We just want you with us."

Jack climbed in and slid his body alongside Abigail's. Her head fell back against his chest, the weight comforting. His hands cupped her soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s. No matter what happened between him and Sam s.e.xually, Abby would always be the one they cuddled afterwards. He let his head rest against hers. It was time for a little honesty with his 127.

lovers. "It's more than restlessness, Sam. I have terrible dreams. I wake up in a panic sometimes."

"PTSD." Abby reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze.

Jack frowned. "Is that something you're going to make me see a doctor for?" He'd been trying to avoid that. He knew Abby would make him do something.

Her eyes were sleepy but sympathetic. "Not a medical doctor. A shrink."

He groaned. "That's worse, Abby."

"Man up, cowboy, because you're going, and I don't care if you spank me and tell me I'm...what did that awful man say I was doing?"

"Topping from the bottom, baby," Sam supplied helpfully. "You do it all the time."

She shrugged. "Yeah, well I just like the s.e.x part. And Jack is going to see someone about his post traumatic stress disorder. I'll go with him."

"I don't see what the problem is." Sam snuggled closer to Abby.

The bed was huge, but they weren't taking up much of it. They were pressed together as though none of them wanted any s.p.a.ce. Sam stared at Jack over Abby's head. "I don't think about that day the crazy lady tried to shoot Abby but got you instead. It was an awful day. When it does cross my mind, I turn it around and think about something nice, like Abby's p.u.s.s.y. I just take a deep breath and picture it in my mind. It's my happy place."

"Don't you ever tell a psychiatrist that, Sam," Abby said, laughing "She'll have you in s.e.x addict rehab."

Sam shuddered at the thought. "I don't want to be rehabbed. I'm only addicted to having s.e.x with you and Jack. And Abby needs the Dom thing for more than just s.e.x. You told her she shouldn't be so hard on herself when she thought she was fat, and now she won't eat."

Abby pushed at Sam. "Tattletale."


Jack flipped her over. That was one thing they would have out here and now. "If I ever hear you talking that way again, Abigail Barnes, you will be lashed to a whipping chair so fast it will make your head spin. I'm sorry I've been neglectful, but I won't have you talk bad about something I love. And you will eat every bite I order for you tomorrow, is that understood?"

She nodded. Her eyes were soft and submissive. "Why is your brother here?"

He sighed inwardly. Her big doe eyes pulled him in every time.

Leo was totally right about her, and he knew there wasn't a thing he would do about it. He was crazy about her just the way she was. And he owed them both an honest explanation. "He's here to blackmail me."

Sam was half asleep. "Seriously? What's he got on us?"

Jack stared at his lazy partner. He really should be a little more upset. "He's promising to out me as his father's love child, and then he intends to expose our menage lifestyle."

"That's nice," Sam said.

But Abby sat straight up in bed. Her mouth was a perfect O. Jack felt his whole soul sink. She'd had to deal with a lot of contempt in her lifetime. He hated the fact that he might be the reason for more.

"Abby, I'm so sorry." He would take care of this. He would make sure she wasn't hurt.

"I'm going to be on television," she said tremulously. She nodded and her smile lit up the room. "I'm going to have to find something to wear."


Sam snorted, but his eyes stayed closed. "Neither one of us cares, Jack. Let him tell the world. We don't give a s.h.i.+t."

Abby slapped him playfully. "I do. I'm totally going to be on all the talk shows as the woman in the middle of two cattlemen. Do you have any idea how big this story could be? Menage is very hot right now. I'll do Ellen. I might do Rachel Ray, too. And Regis and Kelly."


Jack shook his head and reluctantly rolled out of bed. He wanted to stay with them, cuddle, and sleep. "Now I can't let him tell our story because I don't want to lose our wife to the talk show circuit."

He leaned over and kissed her shoulder. "I'll come back to bed, but I have something to do."

She frowned at him. "It better have something to do with practicing, Jackson Barnes. You are not touching me with that whip until you're comfortable with it again."

He grinned. "I promise to practice, darlin'. You never know, you might like it, Abby. We might end up coming back here because you like coming in public. G.o.d, Sam, she was so freaking wet."

"She's a pervert. That's why we married her."

Jack stared down at them, completely heedless of his own nudity.

The sight of them cuddled up in bed together warmed him. He wanted nothing more than to sleep close to them, but he needed to get some practice in. He had no intention of hurting either one of them. A thought suddenly leapt to mind. He needed to do some other prep work, too. He thought Abby might like to help him on that piece of work.

"Sam," Jack made his voice deep. Sam immediately responded.

His eyes opened, and he sat up, giving Jack his full attention. "You understand what's going to happen tomorrow night?"

He nodded. "I've seen you work with a whip before, Jack. I'm not worried."

"I was talking about the fact that I intend to f.u.c.k you tomorrow night, Sam."

Sam's face flushed, and Jack was pretty sure he'd just gone hard again. He concealed a smile. Getting Sam hot was as fun as watching Abby writhe. Sam took a deep breath. "Okay."

"You need to be ready."

Sam's slow smile did something to Jack's insides. Maybe Sam wasn't the only one getting hot. "I'm ready, Jack."


Jack shook his head. "No, you're not. You know I don't ever take a lover a.n.a.lly without careful preparation."

Abby was the first to realize what he was saying. Her lovely face went blank, and then an expression that could only be described as great joy swept over her. She clapped her hands. "Do you have any idea how long I've waited for this day? Can I pick it out? I really think I should be the one to do it."

Sam's face was a mask of horror. "Jack, you can't be serious.

Come on, I can take it. I don't need to walk around for hours with a plug up my a.s.s."

Jack shook his head as he walked out the door. He needed to get dressed. "You will, Sam. I won't treat you any differently than I treated our wife. I love you, Sam. I won't have you hurt. Abby, you're in charge of that. I've got to go practice."

Jack got dressed, laughing as his lovers argued over whether Sam's plug would be pink.


Chapter Eleven.

Lucas Cameron looked out over the bar area and wondered where the h.e.l.l he'd gone so wrong. All around him people in very little clothing partied on, but he just couldn't work up the will to care. He found a quiet corner with a couple of seats and a large table. He slumped down into one of the overstuffed chairs and sighed. He'd gone wrong by being born, he decided.

He'd never been able to do anything right, certainly not in the eyes of his father. By the time he was in kindergarten, he'd been compared to his smarter siblings and disregarded as a nuisance. Over the course of his twenty-three years, he'd managed to get himself kicked out of ten boarding schools and three colleges. Each time his father had sent one of his lackeys to make sure he made it to the next school on the list. He'd just pack up and move without ever going home. It had become a bit of a game to Lucas. Could he come up with something so awful his father would have to bring him back to DC to handle it?

It wasn't until he'd threatened to out his father's love child that Senator Allen Cameron had given him a personal call. Lucas had become a little desperate. After finally making it through a complete four-year degree, he was burning through his trust fund. He hadn't meant to. It just happened. He'd come into it at twenty-one. He'd thought ten million would last a lot longer than it had. Getting involved with the Hollywood crowd had gotten him a lot of publicity, but it had come at a cost. He was going to lose that amazing house in the Hollywood Hills if he didn't come up with some money and soon.


He'd really thought Jack Barnes would cave, and quickly. From everything he knew, Barnes was a private man. He had blackmailed their father, but the money he'd made after that was his own. Barnes was filthy rich. He had money to spare. Why would he want to out himself as a complete pervert?

And there was no doubt that his big brother was a perv. He'd spanked his wife and then finger f.u.c.ked her in public. What kind of a man did that? Lucas was almost sure that the hot, blond guy was doing big brother, too. Those two were amazing. The redhead was curvy and soft. Lucas liked her t.i.ts and the creamy glow of her skin.

The guy was just s.e.x on a stick.

He was terribly jealous of Jackson Barnes. And yet, he would really like to sit down and talk to him. The big cowboy didn't seem to struggle with the fact that he liked both boys and girls. Lucas had been struggling with it his whole life. He'd get in a relations.h.i.+p with a female, and after awhile he'd just need a man. It was wrong to need both, his father had told him. He'd slapped the s.h.i.+t out of him the first time Lucas had been caught in bed with the gardener. It had been the last time he got to come home for the summer. Lucas had been seventeen, and he could still remember the way that felt.

Lucas shook his head and groaned. His hair was in his eyes again.

He shoved it back. Why was he such an idiot? He looked like a douche bag. He needed to be honest with himself. Why had he come here? He'd come because he wanted to meet his brother. He'd come because he wanted to see if one person in his family line might find anything to like in him. How had he gone about it? He'd attempted to blackmail the man.

He thought of how satisfied his brother had seemed when he'd walked through the bar thirty minutes before. He'd been dressed in the same slacks and s.h.i.+rt from earlier, but he'd ditched the tie and jacket. The s.h.i.+rt was slightly wrinkled, and Lucas knew it had hit the floor at some point in time. Jack had looked more relaxed and happier than he had before, as though something had fallen blissfully into 133.

place. Of course, he'd paid no attention to Lucas who watched him walk into the other part of the club.

Now Lucas had found someone who he might have been able to talk to, but instead of talking, Jack had threatened him with horrible murder. Jack Barnes would do it, too. How could he tell the man he never would have gone through with his blackmail threats? Did he admit how pathetic he was in his quest for any sort of father figure?

"h.e.l.lo," a soft voice said.

Lucas glanced up into soft brown eyes. The young man was slender, but there was a pleasing strength in his frame. "Hi."

The young man was dressed in leather pants. There was a small leather collar around his throat. Lucas wasn't sure what that meant, though he'd heard Julian talking about it with his brother. His brother wasn't allowed to bring his subs back in without collars. Lucas had touched his throat and wondered what it would feel like to wear one.

"I'm Jeremy." The young man with dark hair and sultry eyes sank down across from Lucas, gracefully placing two drinks on the table.

He slid one across to rest in front of Lucas. "Rum and It's my favorite. You looked like you could use it."

Lucas picked up the gla.s.s. He wasn't going to mention to the man that he rarely touched the stuff, despite what the tabloids said. He had a reputation to uphold. He'd done a lot to look like a hedonist. He took a sip. It wasn't bad. It was way better than the c.r.a.p his brother drank. Lucas smiled at the hot guy sitting across from him. Maybe the night wasn't a total loss. It would be really nice to sleep with someone. He hated to sleep alone. Lucas thought about all the stuff he'd done just so he could feel warm skin next to his. Drinking with a guy was an easy thing to do, if it meant he spent the night in someone's arms.

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Texas Sirens: Siren In The City Part 15 summary

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