Texas Sirens: Siren In The City Part 16

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Jeremy smiled as Lucas took a deep drink. Yes, Lucas thought, he could do this.


Jack flicked his wrist, and the whip cracked. The sound split the air around him. Suddenly everyone in the dungeon was watching the man with the four-foot whip. The balloon he'd been aiming at popped, leaving the rest cl.u.s.tered around it completely untouched.

"You always were a master with that thing," Julian said approvingly.

He stared back at his mentor and shook his head. He reset the whip on the ground behind him and prepared for an overhand throw.

He didn't worry about the speed of his throw. He concentrated on making sure his form was flawless. Everything flowed perfectly when the form was right. "I didn't intend to use it again."

Julian shrugged. "Talk to your naughty little subs. You could refuse. You haven't been back to The Club in a long while. You haven't been down here in the dungeon in years."

"I came back. Sam and I came back here regularly." Jack turned back to his target practice. The rhythm was coming back to him. He'd done this a thousand times. It was easy to fall back into. He gracefully let his arm flow, the whip an extension of his body.

"You went to the bar to pick up a female," Julian pointed out.

"You rarely went into the playroom, and you never came down to the dungeon after you left my employ. I wondered why that was."

Jack turned to his mentor. He was feeling mellow and happy. He was even looking forward to tomorrow. He had plans for his lovers.

They were going to understand the limits of his indulgence tomorrow morning. It brought a curl to his lips and honesty to his mouth. "I was afraid I would lose Sam. He's a sub and has a little streak of masochism in him."

"A little?"

Jack nodded slightly. He couldn't lie to Julian. Julian had seen the same things in Sam that Jack had. "Fine, a lot of masochism in him. I wasn't ready to be responsible for that. I was afraid he would find someone else. It was selfish, but it's the truth."


"And now?"

"I'll take care of Sam, Julian." Jack turned to Julian. He needed to ensure that his mentor truly understood. Julian cared about Sam. "You don't have to worry about him anymore. He'll get what he needs."

Julian's dark eyes were just a little sad as he crossed his arms.

Sally sat quietly at his feet. Julian's hand came out and gently tangled in her hair. "I'm glad for him. I'm glad for you, as well, Jackson.

You'll be happier this way. Is your wife fine with the new arrangement?"

Jack snorted and cracked the whip again. There was another pop.

"My wife has been pus.h.i.+ng me and Sam to get it on since the first night she spent in our playroom. I tanned her hide and, as part of her aftercare, I gave her one request."

"Yes, I like to do that as well," Julian conceded. "What was Abigail's request?"

"She wanted me to kiss Sam."

A brilliant smile broke over Julian's face. It was a rare sight. "I like your Abigail. She isn't a very good sub, but she seems like a perfect wife for the two of you."

Jack felt a funny twitch in his heart. "She is. She is everything I ever wanted. She's smart and kind and ridiculously funny." Jack took a deep breath. "You know, Julian, you've given me a lot of advice over the years. Do you mind if I give you a piece?"

Julian paused and took a deep breath before coming to his decision. "I would love to hear it."

"Don't become such a slave to your own rules that you let something special pa.s.s you by. You have some hard and fast rules that cut you off from people."

"Rules are there to protect us, Jackson. You should know that."

"Rules protect us, but when we no longer need them, rules are made to be broken," Jack replied. He switched to a six-footer. He wasn't going to use that on Abby or Sam, but he was curious. He used to be accurate with it.


Julian took a cautious step back, pulling Sally with him. "Did you break a rule tonight, Jackson?"

Jack aimed for the balloon on the far left. He decided to try a reverse snap. The whip snapped over his head and cracked. His shot went wild. Nope, he thought with a grin. He wouldn't be touching his lovers with that one. He put the six-footer down and turned to Julian.

"I did. It was a rule we didn't need any more. I got the best b.l.o.w. .j.o.b of my life from breaking that rule."

Julian made a small motion with his hand. Sally got to her feet. He nodded at her, and she began to take off her top, then her skirt. "Go on, dear. He needs a warmer target."

Jack started to protest but then realized he really did. It was selfish, but he'd rather practice on Sally than Abby or Sam. He looked at the sub. "Are you all right with this?"

She smiled brilliantly. "Oh, yes. I'm a little bit of a pain s.l.u.t. I make no apologies for it. Some people like puppies and kittens. I like spankings and bondage. Do your worst. Master Julian will take care of me after."

"I will, pet," Julian promised. "It's all right, Jackson. She's under my care. Have you ever known me to place a slave in danger?"

No, Julian took very good care of the people who gave him their trust. He might not keep them for long, but he looked after them.

Sally walked to the St. Andrew's Cross and took her position. Julian quickly had her bound. She glanced back at Jack.

"Your wife is a very good kisser." Sally turned her head, staring back at him with a grin on her face. "She tastes sweet. Does she taste sweet all over?"

Jack groaned at the sudden vision of his wife and Sally tongue kissing. He couldn't help it. He was male, and two women kissing just did it for him. He would never allow Sally into their bed, and he would call for punishment if she touched his wife again. He was possessive, but the image still lingered. "I wouldn't try to find out, subbie. She's mine, and I won't give anyone permission to touch her."


"Cheeky sub," Julian barked. Sally smiled at him. "Blame me, Jackson. I told her to be accommodating when it came to the three of you. Right now she's trying to get you upset so you'll be a bit rougher on her. Don't fall for it, Jackson. That one is a bit manipulative, too.

Rather like your wife."

"They know who's really in charge," Jack murmured. Sally was in place, and there was a crowd eagerly watching. Jack made sure no one was in his range and then cracked the whip. Sally didn't even move when a delicate line of red appeared across her back. Jack was satisfied it wouldn't scar or bleed. He saw Sally relax and knew she would soon be in that place where submissives went. They called it subs.p.a.ce, and they welcomed the pain when they were in that place.

Jack quickly laid three more lashes across her back, b.u.t.tocks, and thighs. She shuddered, but it was a pleasurable thing.

"Tell me something, Jackson." Julian watched the scene. His shoulders were relaxed and his stance a bit lazy. Sally was getting something she needed. Jack knew that satisfied Julian. "Do you remember a very long time ago when I asked you how such a possessive man could stand to share his toys with someone like Samuel?"

Jack cracked the whip again, forming a pretty pattern across the sub's skin. "Yes, I do. I remember I told you it was all right to share with Sam. He was my friend."

"You were lying to yourself. Do you have a different answer for me today?"

Sally sighed as the whip cracked over her left thigh.

"Yes, Julian," Jack admitted.

"Why do you share with Samuel?"

Jack turned to his mentor. "I don't. I don't share with anyone.

They're both mine."

"Very good, Jackson. It is very important to understand and accept our own natures. I believe I'll take my sub up to our rooms.

She will need someone to take care of her now." Julian strode to the 138 stage, released Sally's bonds, and scooped up his slightly high sub.

She had a beatific expression on her pretty face. Her arms floated up around Julian's neck. "Thank the nice man, Sally."

Sally smiled at Jack. "Thank you, nice man."

"Go to bed." Julian tossed the order over his shoulder. "You'll be fine tomorrow evening."

Jack laid the whip down and began to make his way up the stairs and out of the dungeon. Sam really would flourish in here. He smiled to himself as he admitted Sam was a pain s.l.u.t, too. He'd have to teach Abby how to handle Sam. She'd never handle a whip, he thought with a shudder. But she could paddle him from time to time. Jack remembered Sam and Abby's playful fight from the other day. They had argued about whether they were a triangle or a straight line. Sam was right about that line, but he was wrong about the order. Abby was definitely in the middle of that straight line.

Jack walked through the playroom thinking about climbing into bed. He had high hopes that he would sleep through the night. He wasn't even contemplating sleeping in the room he'd taken out. Sam was right. If he woke up in a cold sweat, Abby and Sam would just hold him until he came down. It was selfish to hold back his fears and problems from them. His troubles were theirs. They were a family.

As Jack walked into the bar, he saw Matthew Slater pulling Lucas Cameron out of his chair. Lucas's eyes were slightly dazed. His body was slack, and Slater seemed to be having trouble with him. A brown-haired sub in a collar pulled on the other side of Lucas, and together they managed to get the young man up.

"He's heavier than he looks," the sub said.

"We just need to get him out to the car I have waiting. I'll take him back to my hotel," Slater promised.

Jack didn't like the look in Slater's eyes. There was something there beyond a desire to help his boss's son out. Jack sighed. Stupid karma. He realized what Julian had been talking about. He wasn't discussing the fact that he'd blackmailed his father, and it was karma 139.

that Lucas blackmailed Jack. Julian, the sneaky b.a.s.t.a.r.d, was referring to how he had mentored Jack at a time when he was lost. Jack had never met a person more lost than Lucas Cameron.

"How much did that boy drink?" Jack heard himself ask.

Slater almost lost his footing when he startled at the sound of Jack's voice. The sub immediately averted his eyes. Slater stumbled, and Lucas slumped back down. "He's a terrible drunk." Slater struggled to keep Lucas upright. "I was just going to get him back to my hotel where I can look after him."

Slater didn't seem like the paternal type. Jack doubted Lucas would get any sympathy from the campaign manager. Maybe he didn't deserve any, but then there were times when Jack hadn't deserved what he had been blessed with. Perhaps it was time to take his brother in hand.

He walked over to Lucas and looked down. His eyes were, but there seemed to be a plea there. Jack reached down and hauled Lucas up and over his shoulder without breaking a sweat. The boy needed to put some muscle on. "Don't worry about him. I've got an extra room. He can sleep it off there. I'd like to have a talk with him in the morning, anyway."

"Wait!" Slater practically shouted. He pulled at Lucas's s.h.i.+rt as though trying to force Jack to put him down. Jack took a step back, placing a small but needed distance between them. "I don't think he should be alone with you. I am standing in for his father, Mr. Barnes.

I doubt his father would want some stranger taking off with his son."

Jack shook his head. "Face facts, Slater, dear old Dad wouldn't give a s.h.i.+t. And I'm not a stranger. I'm his brother. He's going to know what that means in the morning. Buck up, man. Once he realizes what I have in store for him, he just might hightail it back to DC with you. Good night."

Jack started toward the elevators, ignoring the further protests of Matthew Slater. He strode into the elevator and pushed the b.u.t.ton to take him to the seventeenth floor. Lucas pounded slightly on his back.


"Go to sleep, Lucas," Jack commanded. "You'll be fine in the morning."

His brother grunted. "Thank you," he slurred.

Jack sighed. He wondered if his brother would be thanking him in the morning.


Chapter Twelve.

Lucas Cameron came out of his daze to the sound of two people talking. It was all hazy at first, but they seemed to be arguing about something. The whole world seemed thick and heavy, but their voices were light and filled with warmth.

"What's wrong, Sam?" the feminine voice asked. "You seem to be struggling with something."

Lucas felt the bed s.h.i.+ft as though someone was wiggling.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Abigail." Sam's voice was deep. "I love it. It's very comfortable."

"Is it? I'm glad to hear that." There was a wealth of amused satisfaction in the female's voice.

"It's the best day of my life," Sam said with a little bite in his tone. "I don't know why you complained about it all this time. You must be a wimp, Abby."

Abby giggled. "Or maybe I'm just better at insertion than you are."

Sam snorted. Lucas tried to open his eyes. If there was something being inserted somewhere between those two, he wanted to see it.

"I'm a master at insertion, baby. Just tell me one thing, Abby.

Why pink?"

Abigail's laughter seemed slightly maniacal to Lucas. "You love pink, Sam. Turnabout is fair play. Remember all those times you told me how cute I looked with a little pink plug?"

"You just could have picked something more masculine, baby,"

Sam complained.

"Next time I'll see if NASCAR has a line of licensed b.u.t.t plugs."


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Texas Sirens: Siren In The City Part 16 summary

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