Texas Sirens: Siren In The City Part 21

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"That must be that subs.p.a.ce thing Jack told me about." Lucas gazed at the scene playing out before him. His eyes were clearly focused on Sam's back. Abby began to wonder just how much he was like his brother.

"Mr. Cameron?"

Abby looked up at the same time Lucas did. A man in leather held out a drink. She wasn't pleased to see Julian's male sub.

Lucas took a moment studying the other man's face before he came up with a name. "Jeremy?"

Jeremy smiled down at Lucas. He completely ignored her. It made Abby suspicious. She couldn't forget how this little weasel had gotten them all in trouble the night before by misrepresenting Sally's actions to Master Leo.


"I missed spending time with you last night," Jeremy was saying.

"Your brother seems a little overprotective. Here, you said you liked rum and"

Abby's attention was pulled away as Sam grunted and managed to say, "Twenty." He was slumped up against the apparatus, his head hanging forward. She wanted to go to him, but Lucas held her hand.

"No, Jack said to keep you here." Lucas's eyes softened as though he understood her worry. "He'll come for you, Abby. Sam is fine."

"Let her go, Lucas," Jeremy cajoled. He sat down on the sofa across from them. It was not a submissive move in Abby's mind.

Julian's slave pushed the drink forward. "Come on, let the girl go, and we can have a drink and talk. We got along really well last night. We could have a lot of fun, you and me."

Julian proclaimed his satisfaction with Sam. All around the dungeon, the crowd was buzzing. The scene had everyone talking.

"I don't think that's such a great idea." Abby heard Lucas talking, but her eyes were on Sam. Julian handed up a robe to Sam. There was a slightly dippy look on his face. He grinned as he stumbled a little.

Jack's shoulder went under Sam's arm to give him balance. Sam didn't fight him. He let his head lean against Jack's broad shoulder.

They were so beautiful together. Abby felt her heart speed up.

"Seriously, I don't think I can see you tonight," Lucas was saying.

"I have to be up early in the morning. I don't know exactly what happened last night. I didn't drink anything except that one of gla.s.s of Scotch and the drink you gave me. I guess I got sick. Maybe I'm allergic or something. It was weird."

Jack was helping Sam toward a chair and a small table. It was a little recovery station, Jack had explained earlier. Sam would need immediate aftercare. He wouldn't be given the option of waiting until later as she had.

"Come on, Lucas," Jeremy cajoled. "If this is your last night, then you should party."


Something was off, Abby decided. There was a problem with this scenario. Abby quickly estimated Lucas's weight with the trained eye of a nurse. "How did you pa.s.s out from two drinks? Jack said you blacked out. You wouldn't do that from two drinks." She glared down at the gla.s.s in Jeremy's hand. Several things were falling into place.

Matthew Slater walked up behind Jeremy. He glanced around as though to make sure no one was looking.

"Lucas, I need to speak with you," he said urgently.

"I don't have anything to say to you. You're wasting your time.

Tell my father not to worry about me. My days as a blackmailer are done." Lucas looked through Slater. He was kinder when he turned back to Jeremy, but just as sure. "And I'm not hooking up tonight.

I'm going back to my room. I have to leave early. I promised Jack I would take care of Abby and then turn in."

Abby took the gla.s.s out of Jeremy's hand. Though she knew if her suspicions were right she wouldn't smell anything, she sniffed it anyway. "Lucas, I think this has drugs in it. Surely Julian has some of those test strips." She knew that women had started carrying them into clubs to make sure no one slipped something in their drinks. Her daughter, Lexi, had shown her some. She never went into a club without them.

Lucas's face bunched up in confusion. "Why would he drug me? I was perfectly willing to sleep with him last night."

"I have no idea, but he isn't going to do it in my club," Julian said smoothly. He was behind her, Abby realized. Jack had Sam over a chair, smoothing salve into his back and b.u.t.tocks. Jack nodded over at her. Sam was draped over the chair, his eyes slightly hooded. Abby could see the pleasure on his face as Jack's hands slid across his skin.

Abby noted that Master Leo was standing behind Slater. Slater was too busy to notice. His eyes were on Julian. Jeremy had gone completely white. He tried to toss the drink, but Julian's hand came out.


Julian pulled the gla.s.s from Jeremy's hand. "It doesn't matter, Jeremy. Do you think I don't know everything that goes on in this club? I see everything. There are video cameras in places you can't imagine, little sub. I saw you spike his drink last night. I just wanted to see if you would try again."

Jeremy fell to his knees. "Master, I can explain."

"I am no longer your master." Julian nodded, and the bald guy from the night before pulled Jeremy up by the neck. "Please escort Jeremy off the grounds. He is no longer welcome in The Club."

"Master!" Jeremy's face flushed, and his mouth opened to protest, but before he could say another word, he was being hauled bodily out of the dungeon.

Slater turned to walk away. Master Leo didn't move to let him by.

He smiled. It was an intimidating thing. "You're not going anywhere."

Julian stepped forward. "I also saw what you did last night, Mr.

Slater. You were the one who talked my slave into betraying his home. I do not allow drugs of any kind on the premises. You should have noted that in the contract you signed."

Slater's eyes darted around the room, looking for a way out. He was surrounded. One minute he appeared defeated, and the next he was grabbing Abby, pulling her into his clutches. Abby winced as she felt something cold and metallic against her ribs. It was a gun.


Abby really wished people would stop trying to kill her.


Chapter Fifteen.

Lucas took a step toward her.

"Don't." Slater pressed the gun into her belly. "Don't you come any closer, and the guy behind me better move, too."

Abby held herself still. She looked over at the stage where Jack was talking to Sam. He was fully into his aftercare, talking Sam down, soothing him. His hands ran over Sam's skin. He wasn't paying any attention to the fact that his wife had a gun shoved in her belly. Julian was, though. The club owner's face had lost its color, but other than that, he appeared very calm.

"We can talk about this, Slater," Julian said in that authoritative voice of his.

Lucas was trying to get Jack's attention, but there was an awful lot of noise now that the punishment was over. People were milling about, some starting scenes of their own.

Leo moved up to stand beside his boss. Abby felt his eyes on her.

She realized he was waiting for any opportunity. There was an air of competence about him. If Abby had to guess, she would definitely say Master Leo was ex-military. His voice was steady as he stared at Slater. "Where do you think you're going, Mr. Slater? Do you honestly believe you can get out of here with Mrs. Barnes?"

Abby gritted her teeth as Slater's hands tightened around her upper arm. She'd just had a whip applied to her a.s.s, but this hurt far worse. Her mind was racing. Jack was going to flip out. He didn't need this. In her panic, she knew just who to blame. She felt her face get stubborn. It was the only way to stem the tide of panic. "Maybe you should install some metal detectors, Julian."


Julian's eyebrow shot up. He glanced around. "Have you seen my clients, dear? No one would make it through."

Leo shook his head ruefully. "That little sub still needs a spanking."

They were being awfully calm about her kidnapping. Julian actually checked his watch. Lucas was the only one who appeared concerned.

"Look, Matthew," Lucas started. Abby could see his hands were shaking. "I'm the one you want. I'll go with you. Let Abby go. She doesn't have anything to do with this."

"I think she'll be easier to deal with than you, Lucas. I'm leaving, and I doubt Lodge there is going to call the cops on me." Slater was trying to be tough, but Abby could hear the tremor in his voice. "I'm sure he doesn't want the police to know what goes on in this place."

Julian shot Leo an acerbic glance. "I thought I saw the police chief in the playroom."

Leo nodded. "Yes, I spoke with him earlier. He was with the district attorney. They brought their anieces'."

"And I am not going to be easier to deal with than Lucas," Abby proclaimed. Jack was staring over at the group, a worried look dawning on his face. Abby tried smiling at him to keep him calm. The last thing this little scene of hers needed was her bull of a husband rus.h.i.+ng in to save her. He'd been shot once in defense of her. It was someone else's turn.

"You are going to be quiet, Mrs. Barnes, or I'm going to shoot you."

"I doubt that, Mr. Slater." This time Julian's voice was all smooth satisfaction. "Look, Leo, our guests have arrived."

Slater turned. It was just the opportunity Abby needed. The gun dropped slightly from her side. She brought the heel of her four-anda-half-inch purple peep toe Christian Louboutins down on Slater's toes. He howled, and the gun dropped from his hand. Lucas reached 182 forward and pulled Abby away. He quickly covered her body with his.

"What the h.e.l.l is going on?" Jack's shout resonated through the dungeon.

Leo calmly picked up the gun and tucked it into his pants. He was far too comfortable with the revolver. Sam's arms were suddenly tugging her back, and Abby found herself watching the rest of the action from behind Sam and Lucas.

"Don't worry yourself, Jackson." Julian nodded to the three men in pinstriped suits currently helping Slater stand up. "I believe Mr.

Conti is going to take care of our friend, Mr. Slater. I was informed that they have some business to handle."

"Indeed we do, Mr. Lodge." The man talking was the smallest of the three men, but there was no doubt that he was in charge. Abby stared at him from behind Sam's back. When she tried to get a better view, Lucas held her back. She frowned. d.a.m.n protective men always kept her out of the good stuff. The three newcomers looked out of place in the dungeon. They did not, however, act uncomfortable. The largest of the three had a hold of Slater's neck from the back. He held the campaign manager like he would hold an unruly puppy.

Slater's face flushed, his eyes had a distinct sheen of moisture coating them. His gaze was fully concentrated on the leader of the pinstriped suits. "I've got the money. I really do. I just need a little time."

Mr. Conti smiled, though there was nothing humorous about it. It was the smile a shark gave his next meal. "Your time was up three days ago." If Abby had to guess, she would say Mr. Conti was straight out of Jersey.

Slater puffed up. "I am well known. You can't harm me. Do you know who I work for?"


The three dark-haired men laughed. Mr. Conti smoothed down his tie. "I talked to your boss not an hour ago. The senator understands business. I believe you will find yourself out of a job."

"The senator might be annoyed with his son," Julian interjected, "but he would never allow you to harm him."

"He saves that for himself," Lucas said, nodding.

"Did that man just pull a gun on my wife?" Jack's question was ground out of his mouth.

Julian put a hand on his shoulder. "There is nothing you can do, Jackson, which will compare to what Mr. Conti has in mind. His organization has a long history of handling people like Mr. Slater."

Conti nodded at his compatriots, and Slater was hauled off before Jack could decide to go after him. "As always, Mr. Lodge, it is good to do business with you. As for Mr. Slater a.s.saulting the lovely lady, I will make sure to add it to his tab. Good night." Mr. Conti nodded and followed his men.

Sam finally relented, and Abby hurried to Jack.

"That man was from the mafia, Jack," Abby said excitedly.

Jack didn't share her enthusiasm. "You think?"

Abby ignored him. Jack sometimes didn't see how exciting life could be. "I do. I think Slater was planning on doing something terrible to Lucas so he could save the senator's political career. But Julian's a paranoid pervert and has cameras all over the building and caught him helping Jeremy when he tried to drug Lucas last night. I think they were trying to hurt him. That's when Julian laid his trap.

He found out that Slater owes money to the mafia and called them in." Abby glared at a very amused Julian. "Your timing might have been better." She sighed. "I was the woman in the middle of it all. I bravely faced down a killer and was rescued by the mob."

"d.a.m.n it, Abby, this is not going on some crazy talk show," Sam said. "Julian isn't going to expose his ties to the mafia. Jack, did you know he had ties to the mafia?"


Julian brushed off the implication. "I do not have ties to the mafia.

I merely know a few people. And I am sorry, Abigail. If I had thought for a moment that Slater would bring a gun into my establishment, I would never have permitted him to enter. In this case, I was more trying to catch my slave in the act than Slater." When Julian turned to look at Lucas, he seemed very satisfied. "Don't worry about him, young Lucas. He won't be a problem anymore. He has much more to worry about now than your father's potential presidency."

"Why did he try to drug me?" Lucas sounded slightly horrified, like he knew the answer but didn't want to admit it. "Do you think he had something to do with that guy who tried to run me down?"

"It doesn't matter now, Lucas. Jackson Barnes is my family. You are his family. That means my door is always open to you."

Jack hugged Abby to his side. "Are you all right?"

"Beyond the fact that my career in the tabloids is over before it even began, I'm fine." She gave him a rea.s.suring hug.

Sam ran his hand through her hair, smoothing it back. "It might not make the front of a magazine, but I promise to do some truly scandalous things to you tonight."

"Let's go," Jack said, and Abby could tell he was still thinking about what had just happened. There was a tightness around his eyes that told her this wasn't over.

Julian smiled. "Have a nice evening, Jackson. Invite me out to this ranch of yours sometime. It would be nice to get out of the city." He nodded and walked out of the dungeon.

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Texas Sirens: Siren In The City Part 21 summary

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