Texas Sirens: Siren In The City Part 22

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"So, Slater tried to roofie me. He was going to kill me. He would have killed me if Jack hadn't come along. Maybe I shouldn't drink?"

Lucas followed along.

Abby managed to not slap him upside the head. "Yes, Lucas. You should abstain for awhile."


Sam didn't think about the ache in his back as the door closed behind him, and he was finally alone with Abby and Jack. The ache was a delicious distraction, but the main thought in Sam's brain was getting that look off Jack's face. It was haunted. Abby had tried to reach him. She'd already gotten his Scotch and sat in his lap. Jack was saying all the right things, but that look wouldn't leave his eyes.

Sam really hoped that a.s.shole Slater was being tortured because he'd ruined one of the best nights of Sam's life. He remembered the moment Jack strapped him to the St. Andrew's Cross. Sam loved the feeling of leather around his wrists and ankles. He'd pulled at the bindings, but they held him tight. They wouldn't let him fall. He loved the crack of the whip, and he was starting to think there was absolutely nothing better that the burn of the lash. He could still feel it sizzle across his flesh. It stung, but every nerve in his body was awake in those moments. He was so alive in that place. His back was sore, but it was a good thing. Somewhere between lashes five and seven, he'd found that peaceful place. It had been perfect, better than any drug. He'd even liked the aftercare stuff. He didn't want Jack to cuddle him or anything, but the ma.s.sage was nice. The feel of Jack's hands soothing the burn from his flesh made him feel wanted and loved. Next time it would be better because Abby could do the cuddling. He'd like to rest his head against her soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s while she told him how much she loved him. Sam wondered if he could get Abby to whip him, too. He would like that.

Jack stared off into s.p.a.ce. Abby gave up. There were tears in her eyes as she walked past Sam and into the bedroom. He started to follow her. His hand was on the door. He would take her into his arms, and they could comfort each other.

It wouldn't solve the problem. Sam had been to heaven now, and there was no way he was going back.

"What the f.u.c.k is wrong with you?"

It took Sam a moment to realize the words had come out of his mouth.


Jack's head came up. He was almost irritated for a moment, then a familiar blank expression came over his face. It was the same look Sam had seen on Jack's face almost every day for the past six months.

Yesterday and today had been different, but now it was as though none of those breakthroughs had happened.

"I'm fine, Sam." Jack's hand tightened on the Scotch. "I'm a little tired. I had a rough night."

Sam shook his head. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"You had a rough night?"

"Yes," Jack replied through clenched teeth. He gave Sam a look that normally would send him into complete submissive mode. "I did.

If you don't mind, I'd like to be left alone for awhile. Go to bed with Abby. She needs someone with her."

Sam's first impulse was to do exactly what he said. He should walk into the bedroom and comfort Abby. But he'd been with Jack for almost twenty years. Obeying Jack was second nature. For the most part it was a good thing to do. Jack loved him. Sam knew that. Jack had Sam's best interests in mind almost always. Tonight, Jack needed for Sam to think of Jack's best interests, and walking out on him wasn't it. Jack might think he needed time alone, but that wasn't best for any of them. Jack hadn't responded to Abby's gentle requests.

Maybe what Jack needed was something more forceful.

"No, I think I'll go downstairs and have a drink." Sam turned for the door.

"Samuel," Jack barked, getting out of his chair. He stood with his feet apart staring at Sam. He pointed at the door to the bedroom. "You will get your a.s.s in that bedroom and take care of our wife."

Sam shrugged. "Why?

"Because she needs you."

Sam tried to give off a negligent air he didn't feel. "So? I need you. She needs you, too. It doesn't matter what we need. You're just going to pull away. You're going to leave us. Oh, you'll be here in body, just not with your heart or your soul. You'll get p.i.s.sed off 187.

enough at some point to see us again, and the process will start over."

Now Sam felt a little kernel of anger leap to life. "Tell me something, Jack, when did you get to be such a p.u.s.s.y?"

Sam ducked as the gla.s.s flew past his head and smashed into the wall. It hadn't really come close to him. Jack hadn't thrown it at him, but there was no small amount of rage in the act.

The bedroom door flew open, and Abby stood there watching them. She'd been crying, and it just made Sam more p.i.s.sed.

"What the f.u.c.k are you so scared of?" Sam practically yelled the question. He walked straight up to the man who had been his whole world for almost twenty years. "Are you so scared of losing her that you'll push both of us away? Would you rather be alone than have to deal with the possibility of losing her?"

"You will not talk to me that way!" Jack shouted. His face was red, and Sam knew he was getting to him. Sam had a desperate desire to smash through that wall Jack kept putting up. Being back here was reminding Sam of a few things. He was reminded of exactly why he could never have had a relations.h.i.+p with Julian. He could never be satisfied being admired and, in some ways, wors.h.i.+pped. Julian treated his subs like little dolls to be taken care of and played with. Sam wanted more. Sam wanted to be loved. He was done waiting for it. He finally understood. A real sub was smart enough to know what he wanted and brave enough to ask for it.

Sam held his ground as Jack stared him down. He wasn't afraid.

He'd almost never fought with Jack before, and each and every time he had, he'd backed down. He wasn't going to do that this time. This time, Sam was going to win. It was the only acceptable outcome.

"You will not throw me away again!" Sam yelled just as pa.s.sionately. "You will not toss me to the side because you know I'll always be your f.u.c.king lapdog. You can't just love Abby. Maybe it's not fair of me to change the rules after all these years, but there it is.

You're worried about losing Abigail? Worry about losing me, Jack, because if you pull the same s.h.i.+t you've been pulling for the last six 188 months, then I'm walking. If you don't want me, I'll find someone who does."

Sam turned to walk away. He knew he wouldn't get further than the bar downstairs, but he couldn't watch as Abby soothed Jack and tried to convince him to see things their way. He just couldn't.

His hand was almost on the door k.n.o.b when he was hauled back.

Every muscle in Jack's body seemed tense and ready for violence as he pulled Sam close.

"You think I just worry about Abby? How can you say that? You think I don't worry about how impetuous you are? I built a whole f.u.c.king bar so I'd know where you were at night. I changed the course of my life because I knew if we stayed here, you would get hurt. Every decision I have made has been with you in mind. Don't you dare say I haven't loved you."

Sam was shocked as Jack's mouth slammed down on his. He had a moment of stunned motionlessness before he grasped Jack's shoulders and held on for dear life. Jack's mouth was a force of nature. He was inside and dominating Sam with his tongue and lips.

His big hands wound into Sam's hair to hold him still. He didn't have to. Sam wasn't about to fight. It was everything he'd wanted.

Jack wanted him. Jack loved him.

Sam's arms wrapped around Jack's waist, and he let his hands explore. He ran his hands down the strong planes of his back to cup his a.s.s. Every muscle was perfect, even through Jack's jeans Sam could feel his heat.

Jack came up for air. His face was magnificently savage to Sam's mind.

"Knees, Samuel," he ordered.

Sam fell to his knees and immediately went to work on the fly of Jack's jeans. His hard c.o.c.k sprung free, and Sam was swallowing it down as he pushed the denim aside. He couldn't wait to get that rigid flesh inside his mouth. Sam loved the sweet way Abby tasted, but he craved the saltiness of Jack, too. He wanted the best of both worlds.


Sam grunted as Jack's hands twisted in his hair. The little pain was sensational to Sam. He liked the bite and the warmth that pain left in its recess.

Jack f.u.c.ked his mouth ruthlessly. He thrust in and out. Sam ran his tongue around the rock-hard c.o.c.k, sucking down the pre-c.u.m dripping from the tip. He opened his mouth wide and gave Jack just the edge of his teeth. All at once it was over. Jack pulled out, his erection still huge and unsatisfied.

"I'm going to do a lot more than get a b.l.o.w. .j.o.b, Sam," Jack growled. "Take those f.u.c.king clothes off and get on the bed."

Jack stalked toward the bedroom. Abby tried to move out of his way. She was biting her bottom lip. It told Sam she was nervous. She wouldn't want to get in the way. Sam wanted to tell her that she could never be in the way. She was the center of their world. Jack got to her first.

Jack reached out and grabbed her. He shoved her against the wall and held her there, pinning her with his body. He kissed her with every bit of ruthlessness he had used on Sam. Sam watched them as he tossed his clothes aside. Jack hadn't bothered to zip up. He pulled Abby's hand down to stroke his c.o.c.k. Her little hand ran up and down his erection. It was a beautiful sight. The head was thick and deliciously purple. Sam's d.i.c.k throbbed in antic.i.p.ation.

Jack tore open the robe Abby wore and threw it aside. She was naked underneath. He ground his c.o.c.k against her p.u.s.s.y. "Get your a.s.s to bed, too." Jack groaned as he let her down. He walked into the bedroom without a second glance.

Abby turned to Sam, worry evident in her eyes. "Sam, I don't want to come between you."

Sam pulled her naked body close to his. Her nipples rubbed against his chest. He kissed her briefly, skimming her waist and hips with his hands. She was like silk against him. "You won't. I'm going to come between you and Jack. It's my night to be in the middle, 190 baby. Don't you dare walk away." It wouldn't be the same without Abby there.

"But Jack-"

"Needs to work out some of his fears," Sam stated astutely. "He loves us. He just doesn't understand that he can be weak sometimes.

We have to show him it's all right. Give him what he needs."

Abby nodded, emotion in her eyes. "I love you, Sam."

"I love you. You're my woman," Sam said with a grin. "Now let's go get our man."


Chapter Sixteen.

Jack impatiently paced the room. He kicked off his boots and shucked his jeans to the side. He wondered what the h.e.l.l was taking them so d.a.m.n long. Every minute they weren't with him sent him further into his head.

In his mind, he saw the gun Leo had picked up off the floor. The Dom had tried to quickly conceal it, but Jack hadn't missed the glint of metal. It had been shoved against Abigail's stomach. It could have just as easily been Sam. If Sam had been whipped first, he would have been down there, just waiting to be Slater's victim. Jack couldn't help it. The rage was riding him. He shoved his fist through the bedroom wall.

"I'm sure Julian will appreciate your renovations, Jack," Sam snarked. He and Abigail stood in the doorway watching him. There was no judgment in their eyes. It was as though they were simply waiting for him to be done with his rage.

"I should have killed that f.u.c.ker. How could I have let him walk away?"

"You didn't, baby." Abby walked straight up to him and put her arms around him. Jack realized he could probably be covered in another man's blood with a knife in his hand, and Abigail would put her arms around him and ask if he was hurt. Sam would be there, too, only he'd probably be offering to wash the knife and help him hide the body.

"He didn't walk out," Sam continued Abby's thought. "He was kind of dragged along, crying the whole way. He's probably being tortured even as we speak." Sam's face got serious. "It's over. It 192 happened and we survived it. Put it behind you. We won't let you shut us out again."

But Jack was on a roll. He was sick to death of being afraid. The terror rolled in his gut, warring with rage. "And I swear, I'm going to beat the s.h.i.+t out of that Leo guy if he so much as looks Abby's way again. The same goes for Julian with Sam. I am sick of people questioning my rights to my subs. Abby is my wife and, d.a.m.n it, you're my Sam. I won't let other people try to take you away from me."

"After what you did to my back, I seriously doubt anyone's thinking like that, Jack," Sam said.

"And from now on, I decide the punishment. Julian can go to h.e.l.l.

I am not living by his rules. I make the rules for this household. I do not have to live by his dictates. I don't have to follow some G.o.dd.a.m.n handbook in how I live my life. And the two of you are not allowed to f.u.c.king die on me." He reached down and pulled Abby up. "And neither one of you is allowed to leave me. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Jack," she replied very seriously.

Jack looked at Sam, who had his hands on his hips. Jack tossed him a questioning look. They were going to have to work on Sam's obedience.

"Fine, I won't leave. I wasn't going far anyway. Can we f.u.c.k, please? This is getting painful." He indicated his ma.s.sive erection.

"We can work through your angst later."

"He's going to be the death of me, Abby," Jack whispered to his wife. He looked between his lovers. "I was afraid I would push you away with my demands. I can see now that the only way I can push you away is by holding you at arm's length." He opened his other arm, and Sam walked into it. Their bodies pressed together.

Something deep inside Jack loosened and broke free.

"You can push us to do some crazy stuff," Abby admitted.

Jack laughed. "Then I'll just have to come up with some creative torture." His eyes met with Sam's. "I love you both. I won't check out 193.

again. I promise." He leaned over and brushed his lips against Sam's and then Abby's. When he was done, he looked at his wife. "Get on the bed, baby. We're experimenting tonight."

Abby was on the big bed before Jack could say another word.

"Sam, I believe our wife would like some attention." Jack relaxed.

He was in control again. It was exactly where he liked to be.

Sam's smile was decadent. He dropped to his knees in front of Abby. "Spread your legs, baby. I need something sweet." He pushed her knees apart and shoved his face in her p.u.s.s.y. Jack could see how wet she was. Sam could lick her all day, and she'd just make more.

He'd never had a woman get so wet.

Abby didn't need lube, he thought with a chuckle, but Sam was going to. Jack pulled the lubricant out of the dresser. He spread the lube in his hand. He enjoyed watching Sam lick at Abby as he stroked his erection, making certain he was nice and slippery. He was hard as a rock at the thought of what was about to happen. It had been forever since he'd f.u.c.ked a man, and he'd never been with one he loved.

Tonight he would be fully and completely with Sam and Abby. It was perfect.

"Abigail, move back," Jack ordered. "Sam, you're going to get inside Abby and then wait for my instructions."

Sam pressed Abby's legs open and seated himself. He groaned as he pushed his erection in. Abby tilted her hips up to take him all the way to his b.a.l.l.s. Sam wasn't one to wait. He started thrusting in and out, his head falling back.

Jack didn't stop him. Sam could thrust like that for a really long time.

"Does she feel good?" Jack asked, his voice low and husky.

"G.o.d, yes." Sam twisted his hips, making Abby moan. "You know how tight she is. She fits me like a glove."

Jack groaned slightly at that thought. Sam was going to be tighter than a glove. Suddenly Jack couldn't wait. He was done holding himself back. He was going to join them. He was always going to join 194 them from now on. He ran his hand up Sam's strong back, pus.h.i.+ng him forward lightly. "Spread your legs, Sam. I need room to work."

Sam shuddered as he spread his feet apart. Again, Jack noted with a smile, it didn't make him miss a thrust. Abby was pus.h.i.+ng back against him now. Her thumb was stroking her c.l.i.t. Jack could hear the sweet sound of flesh slapping against flesh.

Sam's fingers joined hers. "Come for me, baby. That's right. I'm going make you come all night long."

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Texas Sirens: Siren In The City Part 22 summary

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