Distortion: Shades Of Resolution Part 11

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"Come this way," Lexie said as she walked over toward a wooden ladder that led to a loft overhead. "This was my place up here," Lexie said as she started climbing up.

"Should I be nervous?" Jackson asked. His lighter mood made her stomach spin happily.

"Maybe." She smiled down at him as she watched him grab the ladder and start climbing up behind her.

It had been so long since Lexie had set foot up here. She was only a girl then and life was still full of magic. The paint on the slanted ceiling had faded over the years but it was still there. Lexie ran her fingers over the flowers and stars she had painted to make the s.p.a.ce more beautiful.

"Wow, it looks like a rainbow threw up in here," Jackson said when he looked at the bright colors, set aglow by the small window placed just before the ceiling peaked. The s.p.a.ce was not tall enough for Jackson to stand up in. It was always small but now it looked tiny as Jackson crouched down.

Lexie couldn't help but laugh. "I used to hang out here all the time when I was little. I forgot that the s.p.a.ce might be a little small for a full sized man."

"So this was Lexie, the girl, huh?" Jackson ran his fingers over the painted boards.

"Yeah, I used to pretend I was a princess with a magic unicorn. Of course there was always the prince." Lexie pointed to the corner where a crude drawing of a man and a horse stood in the corner, standing a total of three feet; the perfect size for her little castle.

"White pants, blond hair and a horse. I obviously don't fit the description of your prince." Jackson raised his brow.

"No, you are definitely unexpected," Lexie confessed.

"Was this Alex for you?" Jackson asked. His question surprised her but she could understand his curiosity.

"This guy's name was Charming, and he was too perfect to be real. He was the fantasy of a little girl before she understood the world. I loved Alex, but he was just as human as me and you."

"That makes me feel a little bit better," Jackson joked.

"I much prefer real and imperfect," she confessed.

"That goal seems much more attainable," Jackson responded.

Lexie grabbed a blanket that had been tossed in the corner. She gentle shook it off and laid it out. Something heavy tucked inside the blanket made a loud thud when it hit the floor boards. "It's a little dusty," Lexie said, waving her hands. She lifted the blanket to see what had made the noise. She wrapped her fingers around the black ball.

"I forgot about this." Lexie looked at the magic eight ball she had tucked away long ago. Lexie gave it a shake and looked at the answer that floated into the window display.

"Signs point to yes," Jackson read over her shoulder. "What did you ask?"

"If you were still mad at me," Lexie confessed.

Jackson looked into her eyes. "I'm not mad; I'm scared you're going to get hurt, Lexie."

"Nothing about this situation is safe, Jackson. You know that better than anyone. Whether I go or stay, I'm in danger," Lexie reasoned.

Jackson took the ball out of her hand and shook it. Lexie leaned in and looked at the answer-reply hazy, try again.

"What did you ask?" Lexie asked curiously.

"If you were going to take your s.h.i.+rt off now." Jackson's full lips turned up and Lexie felt like melting.

She shook her head with a laugh before lying down on the blanket and looking up at the ceiling like she used to. "It doesn't look the same in here anymore. I suppose it's lost some of its magic after everything that happened."

Jackson climbed down beside her, looking up at the artwork. "I like it."

Lexie glanced over at Jackson and wondered what was going on in his beautiful head. Lexie turned on her side and ran her fingers along his arm. When she looked up, he was watching her quietly.

Jackson shook the ball again, this time more vigorously.

"What are you doing with that?" Lexie asked, watching as he tilted it toward himself to view the answer.

"Trying to get the answer I want," Jackson answered with a frown. It read-ask again later.

"That's not how it works. What do you want an answer for?"

Jackson dropped his hands with the eight ball and held it against his stomach with a sigh.

"When you're with you wish I were him-Alex," Jackson asked thoughtfully. "I know you still love him. I just want to know if you're with me for me or because you miss him?"

Lexie had been so wrapped up in her own feelings she'd never considered how Jackson would feel about her confessions of love for her late boyfriend. She liked that Jackson was opening up to her. It made her think about things that had been running through her mind as of late. Things that she knew she needed to shed some light on for both their sakes.

"When Alex was alive, life was safe and predictable. His love was gentle, sweet, and thoughtful, but there were also the things that I tucked away when he died. I only wanted to remember the good times with him. Nothing else mattered after that...until now. With you there is danger, rawness, heat, and fire. You make my head spin with emotions I didn't know I was capable of. Despite all the chaos of what is me and you, I have never liked myself better. There always feels like there is too much s.p.a.ce between us, even when you're inside me," Lexie confessed.

Jackson grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her closer. His hands felt warm and his touch ignited her.

"When I'm with you, everything else fades away and I feel whole again. Until I met you, I would have given anything to turn the clock back, but now..." Lexie paused and looked into Jackson's searching eyes. He was drinking in her every word. "A part of my heart will always love Alex, but when I'm with you, you have all of me and nothing less, I promise you."

Jackson tossed the ball aside and placed his arms on either side of Lexie, leaning over her. "Your answer is much better than that stupid ball."

Lexie laughed. "In fairness, that would be a lot of words to fit on a small triangle."

His smile could have lit the world. Jackson had such strong, captivating features. Anyone who looked at him could see that, but the more she got to know who he was, the more she could see the beauty of his strength within. He was absolutely breathtaking in every way.

Lexie placed her hands on either side of his face. "I want to move forward, but I can't until I put all this behind me," Lexie admitted honestly.

Jackson brushed Lexie's hair away from her face.

"This is all so new to me. This is the first time in my life that I remember being scared since being a kid."

"Don't worry, I'll protect you," Lexie whispered as a smile took over her face.

Jackson chuckled and shook his head. "You are something else," he said before pressing his lips against hers. Lexie grabbed hold of his shoulders and refused to let him go. This was exactly what she needed right now. She wanted to be loved by Jackson, to feel him close to her.

Lexie ran her fingers through his hair, along his shoulders, and down his back as he pleasured her mouth. She couldn't get enough of him. She wanted to completely possess this raw, intense man.

Jackson's fingers grazed the sensitive flesh of her stomach as he grabbed her waist and pulled her closer against his body. Every nerve ending came alive and spun with delirium. It became a frenzied rush to remove their clothes. The moment her body moulded against his, flesh to flesh, she wished this moment could last forever.

Every kiss, every caress felt like it was directly linked to her s.e.x, pooling hot and deep inside her. Unrestrained moans and gasps flowed from her as Jackson spread her legs and ma.s.saged her wet center. Lexie couldn't feel the floor beneath her. She was combusting from the inside out and her senses went completely numb to the outside world as she was immersed in Jackson.

His rough chin left a delightful burn against her skin as he kissed her. His mouth devoured her lips, neck, and b.r.e.a.s.t.s as his fingers plunged inside her, stroking her insides and milking her of pleasure. All of her nerve endings set off like fireworks throughout her entire body as she exploded from his touch.

Lexie completely melted into the floor like a puddle, unable to move or form a coherent thought.

"Are you still with me?" Jackson whispered against her neck.

"Ummm..." Lexie managed.

His kisses became gentle again as he kissed her cheek and her lips, savoring the skin of her neck as he ran his fingers over the sensitized flesh of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. His attention to her nipples made her inner pool begin to heat again.

"What are you doing to me?" Lexie gasped. Jackson took her mouth, and wrapping his arms around her, he lifted her off the ground and into his lap so she was straddling his waist. Jackson squeezed his eyes shut and held his breath as he pushed inside of her, his hands holding her still for a moment. "Go gentle on me, baby. I want this to last long as possible," Jackson said, opening his eyes and looking deep into hers.

Lexie ran her hands over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and fondled them as she watched the heavy rise and fall of Jackson's chest. His eyes never left her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as she molded them into taut peaks. Lexie took control of her pleasure, feeling empowered by his rapt attention. His entire body was coiled tight beneath her and she used it to her advantage.

Lexie ran her hand down her stomach and began stroking her pleasure bead, still swollen and wet. She began rocking her hips and the sensation of his hard length rubbing her inner walls quickly brought her back toward the climb to pleasure. She could feel her wetness seeping out of her, dripping heavily with desire as he watched her every movement.

Jackson began matching her thrusts as he grabbed her hips and moved with her. Lexie could feel her legs tremble as she neared the top of her climb to release. Jackson pushed off the floor and wrapped his arms around her, flipping her over onto her back. He took her breast in his mouth as he thrust hard and inside her swollen center, causing heat to rush through her body and push her over the edge. Lexie screamed out as Jackson forced himself deep inside her. His body trembled as she clung to him. He buried his face in her neck and gently kissed her as Lexie waited for clarity to find her again. She wanted to stay like this, Jackson's arms wrapped around her and their bodies both sated.

Jackson rolled onto his back and pulled Lexie against his chest. They were both quiet for a few moments, savoring what had just transpired between them.

"I think I made your little prince very jealous," Jackson said, placing a kiss on Lexie's forehead.

Lexie smiled and raised her head enough to see her drawing on the wall.

"I think you just blew his mind." Lexie laughed.


John "You can't keep pulling this s.h.i.+t, John," Brian Crothers argued. "Detective Haffey is already crawling up my a.s.s trying to find a reason to shut us down. Our clientele will not be happy knowing we have authorities sniffing around. This whole business is dependent upon discretion. Now, we have to dispose of a body. Jesus Christ."

"I'm taking care of it," John replied, looking at Brian through a cloud of smoke. John always respected Brian's eye for business and the care he took in his personal appearance. The man reminded him of a younger version of himself...though sometimes Brian needed a reminder of who he was dealing with.

"How?" Brian asked, picking up the decanter of whiskey and pouring himself a gla.s.s from the tray on the edge of John's desk. Brian had partnered with John over a year ago to establish the exclusive club, Bitter Sweet. John had learned a long time ago of the fortune to be earned in drugs and tailoring to the s.e.xual tastes of rich men. This company was to give them the platform in which to distribute to a specific clientele. "The city is already in an uproar after what happened with the mayor. Everyone is out for blood. That detective is just itching to find a connection between you and Masten."

"I think you need to calm the f.u.c.k down," John said, placing his cigar in the ash tray. "Leave this side of the business for me to handle."

Brian ran his fingers through his hair and looked at John before he dropped his hands. "It's a hard thing to ignore, John. This business can come to a stop before it's even open at this rate."

"Your lack of confidence is insulting," John challenged.

"I mean no disrespect, but you have to understand my worry," Brian offered. Brian took a generous drink.

John pursed his lips thoughtfully. "After tonight you won't have to worry about the detective."

"What do you have planned?" Brian asked suspiciously.

"Like I said, leave these things to me to deal with. As for the dead body, it's being taken care of as we speak. Rayner and Jacobs are very discreet. As far as you're concerned, it's business as usual."

"Won't Rebecca be missed?" Brian drained his gla.s.s with an exaggerated swallow and set it down on the tray.

"She's already forgotten," John a.s.sured him.

Brian nodded his head. "I have a s.h.i.+tload of things to do to get this place ready. I need you to look these over." Brian slid a file of papers across the desk in front of John. "I will leave this in your capable hands."

"Please send in Rosh." John waved his hand toward the door.

John looked around his new office. Now that the paintings were hung and everything was in its place, he could appreciate the overall feel of the s.p.a.ce. The entire club offered an old world feel with ornate trim and deep, rich colors on the wall. It was the perfect backdrop for the atmosphere they were creating. John rubbed his forehead where a dull headache refused to subside. Thoughts of Mary had plagued him and kept him awake at night. Knowing she was dead and gone forever made so much anger furl tightly inside him. He found himself seeking out excessive drink and release with countless women, but nothing alleviated his mood. The effects of sleepless nights were beginning to wear on him.

John barely had a drink poured when Rosh came into the room. "John," Rosh acknowledged, closing the door behind him. Rosh had been under his wing for years, but John never put much faith in men with gambling addictions. When it came down to it, the man was not in control of himself, and therefore John knew that his value had its limits. His respected position among law enforcement had been his saving grace all these years but now that has been tainted.

"Having you here does not do either of us any favors," John began. "It will only be a matter of time before someone recognizes you."

"Giles suspects my involvement with you. It's best for me to stay away from Westford for the time being until things are dealt with," Rosh insisted.

I'm not suggesting you go back to Westford. I have a job for you. Flint has not shown his face since the ambush at the hotel. He's not answering my calls, and from Lexie's admission, I have a feeling that he knows I will not look favorably upon him if he does turn up," John said.

"You want me to track him down?" Rosh asked.

"Yes, and I believe you should start looking in Freyview." John set his gla.s.s down on the desk. "I'm sending Rayner and Jacobs with you."

"What do we do when we find him?" Rosh questioned.

"Flint has been by my side for many years. I think it would be best if he was brought back so we can talk about what he did." They both knew what this meant. It was understood that John wanted to deal with Flint's betrayal first hand.

"If Flint is after Lexie, then Jackson won't be far. What do you want me to do with him?" Rosh asked hesitantly. John knew that Rosh had history with Jackson, being he was his father's partner. His knowledge and ability to get close to Jackson might prove useful. Jackson, like his father, was a thorn in his side that he could not wait to get rid of.

"I want him dead."

Rosh nodded in understanding. He was always willing to do what John requested, he was a man that carried the burden of addiction, and this made him pliable. Rosh's debt was more than one man could pay in a lifetime, and this meant that John owned him. Rosh would never be a free man again for the rest of his lifetime.

"I will leave for Freyview then," Rosh said, walking toward the door.

"I want Lexie brought back to me," John added. "She's to be unharmed."

"Of course."

"I will be expecting you to keep me informed."

When Rosh opened the door, Rogers was standing on the other side. He nodded toward Rosh as he pa.s.sed him and stepped into the room.

"We're ready for you, boss," Rogers said.

"Good," John said as he followed Rogers out of the room.

John unlocked and pushed open the door leading to the bas.e.m.e.nt stairwell. Most of the storage items were kept on this level, as well as some of the high end liquor. They pa.s.sed a few crates on their way toward the few rooms that were located in the far corner of the lower level. John opened the door and walked into the room. This unused area was already proving to be most useful for certain business exchanges. It even had an exit to the rear of the building, which led to a stairwell into the alleyway, making it easier for John's people to come and go without entering the main part of the club.

With no windows, the only lighting came from the stark fluorescent bulbs overhead. The room was anything but comfortable, but it was perfect for what John's intentions were.

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Distortion: Shades Of Resolution Part 11 summary

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