Celta: Heart Secret Part 31

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Artemisia frowned. aHow are we getting through the spells.h.i.+elds?a The Fams laughed and aported in, ran toward the Residence for food.

Garrett was touched at Artemisiaas question. We. No doubt she could walk straight through the door, as always. But head already thought of a solution. He swung her easily into his arms.

She grinned up at him, locked her arms around his neck, and nibbled along his jawline. He panted with desire. aLetas try it this way. The wall s.h.i.+elds know you and they should d.a.m.n well know me since they got a lick of my blood and flesh.a Artemisia winced.

He said, aAnd they might even be able to sense the connection, the vibration, resonance, emotional ties, whatever between us. And my Flaired intention that I will be an inhabitant.a As he strode the few paces to the door, she tensed, but though he felt stinging along his skin, he could ignore the sensation. aOpen the door.a So she pressed the latch and the door swung open.

He could really feel the s.h.i.+elds now, minor burning. He hurried through, released his held breath when he was past the wall, and kicked the door shut with a slam.

aWeall get the spells.h.i.+elds tuned for you,a she promised.

aThat would be good, but I think that if we shared a HeartBond, that would take care of the matter.a He felt her blood heat and pick up pace; she grew warmer in his arms and he liked it.

aThereas a pretty glade to the left,a she said.

aGood,a he replied, though his own breath came a little faster since shead opened the front of his s.h.i.+rt and was sliding her hands up and down his torso. His blood headed south to become sweet, edgy, urgent desire. His s.e.x thickened.

He stepped from an arbor tunnel, turned left, followed her directions, and stood at the edge of a glen high with summer and wildflowers.

So beautiful. Such a fitting place to love his Artemisia. He wished he had a blanket and a cooler of food and drinka"wine and delicacies for his woman. His HeartMate.

Still, he walked to the center of the glade and slipped her down his body, enjoying the feel of her against his hard s.e.x. Holding her hands, he stepped back to armas length and said a couplet that had their clothes falling away.

Her gaze focused on his c.o.c.k and he grew even harder, thicker, needier.

As for hera"she was simply the most beautiful woman head ever seena"her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and hips full curves, her waist small, the tumble of her dark brown, black, deep red hair accenting the cream of her skin and the emerald of her eyes.

His. His. His. It was a chant of the pulsing of his blood, knowledge settling into the marrow of his bone.

aLove with me,a he whispered.

aYes.a aHeartBond with me,a he said.

She stared at him with serious eyes. aWe donat know each other well.a aWell enough.a He stepped closer until his body touched hers, lifted one of her hands to his lips, then the other. aWe will explore each other, and the future together.a Her smile bloomed bright and s.h.i.+ning. aYes.a So he took them down into the fragrant summer gra.s.s, the summer land, and their hands and mouths and tongues explored, producing sighs and quivers and a longing that only each other could a.s.suage.

And when he couldnat wait anymore, he slid inside her and she tightened around him and they pounded the rhythm of love together. The HeartBond materialized and he threw it to her and she caught it and tied them together, and even as reality fell away, they were bound together forever.

He was whole and complete at last.

When he could, he opened his eyes, lazily noted her own dreamy gaze, the ruddiness of her lips. Beautiful.

Then her eyes cleared and he knew that the mundane would soon envelope them, the everyday. But wonder yet fizzed in his blood, a gentle serenity still stayed near, with him. Artemisia. HeartBonded HeartMate, a comfort even in the quiet moments of the day.

He pulled her close, until she was propped on his chest and he felt the soft weight of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

She sifted her fingers through his hair. aYouare all right with living here with me?a aYes, of course. Living here will be great.a Her breath sighed out. aGood.a Yes, it was. A lovely place, a secret that head keep close. It, too, settled into his soul. But on to the everyday of things. aIall need an office outside. And I think I can get your job back at Primary HealingHall.a aI donat knowa"a aThe newssheets are beginning to relate the results of the experiment. You are a heroine.a Her brows dipped. aIam not.a He kissed her. aOh, yes, you are. Theyave already told of your selflessness of staying at the bedside of a man suffering from the Iasc sickness for four days.a She blinked. aI did nothing out of the ordinarya"a aNot for a dedicated Healer,a he said, lifted her fingers, and kissed them one by one. aBut there wouldnat be many who would have done that, and most other Celtans would be scared down to their toenails at the thought. Youare a heroine. And a heroine this morning, too. Youall be legendary. More than Ura Heather, who is a FirstFamily Lady who runs things, not acts.a He smiled at her surprise. aAnd I think that lady will want to keep your fame tied directly to herself and Primary HealingHall.a aNo, she doesnat like me.a Garrett shrugged. aThat wonat matter to her as much as the fame.a aYou think?a aI think. So now that weave got that settled.a He ran a hand down to her lush hip, squeezed.

aWeare HeartBound now,a she said and her whole being seemed to glow to him. Head done that, given her that glow.

And shead given him peace and love like head never known.

HeartMates, HeartBound, they fit, were right for each other. He hadnat realized what that really had meant. aI love you. Marry me.a aYes.a He grinned. aYouare supposed to make me work harder for the answer.a She shook her head. aI donat think so.a Again he caught her hands, placed them over his heart so she could feel it beatinga"fast and for her. aThe future is ours.a aYes. The future is ours.a aAnd no more secrets,a he said.

Her lips curved and she kissed him and he wanted more, but she withdrew. Her green gaze matched his. aOnly those we keep together.a * * *

t.i.tles by Robin D. Owens.














(with Sherrilyn Kenyon and Rebecca York).


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Celta: Heart Secret Part 31 summary

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