Her Every Pleasure Part 27

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What a lucky thing Sophia was to have captivated him, Alexa mused with a jealousy that was not unfamiliar as she went toward him slowly. His hands planted on the windowsill, he was immobile, still staring outside. She admired his hard, chiseled profile, but even in this drab gray light, the sun-bronzed tone of his skin looked vibrant and warm. His hair was jet-black, and as he glanced over at her approach, his eyes were piercing cobalt blue.

Alexa was entranced. She dimpled at him with her most harmless and submissive smile. "Good afternoon, Colonel."

He turned away from the window and sketched a polite bow to her in answer. "Lady Alexa. How are you today?"

"Honestly?" She stopped before him, resting her fingertips on the window frame. "I'm so frightened," she whispered.

He frowned. "Why? Has someone threatened you?"

"No, but you caught that horrid man out in the garden, and I just know he's going to hurt Sophia. She is like a sister to me."

"You are very sweet to care about Her Highness so, but do not trouble yourself. I'm going to make sure that nothing happens to either of you ladies."

She lowered her lashes, wis.h.i.+ng that his words were true. "You must be very brave," she murmured. It was always safest to appeal to the male ego.

He smiled wryly.

She peeked at him from beneath her lashes. "Did you still want to hear about my point of view on the night of the ambush?"

"Yes. Yes, indeed. Are you free now?"

"Yes," she answered with an eager nod. "Come, let us sit and I will tell you all that I remember." She gestured toward a couch against the opposite wall.

"Good." He stole a quick glance out the window, but Sophia was nowhere in sight, probably somewhere on the far end of the equestrian course, playing around with her guns and other nasty things.

Her heart racing, Alexa led the colonel slowly toward the couch, where they sat down side by side. "You seem like something's bothering you," she observed in a tone of cozy softness.

"Oh, it's nothing-"

"The prince," she murmured with a knowing smile.

He stopped short, lifting his eyebrows.

"I am not blind, Colonel." She reached over and gave his hand a gentle pat. "Everyone falls in love with Her Highness at some point. You're not the first to fall in love with her, and you won't be the last."

He stared at her for a second, then looked away; resting his elbow on the couch's arm, he rubbed his mouth with one hand. After a moment's restless silence, he eyed her warily. "Has she said anything to you?"

"Like what?" Alexa asked innocently.

"Like if she's going to marry him. Or why she's in this mood!"

Alexa tilted her head with a tender gaze. "You know I cannot betray Sophia's confidence."

"Of course." He stiffened, dropping his gaze. "Forgive me. I should not have asked."

"It's all right," she whispered, daring a light, comforting touch on his arm. "I don't mind. Truly I wish there was some way that I could help. I hate to see you torture yourself for no reason."

"No reason?" he echoed with a soulful stare. This vulnerable side of him turned her inside out.

"Gabriel-may I call you Gabriel?" Alexa whispered. "The good of Kavros has always come first for Sophia."

Disappointment flickered in those dark blue eyes, then his face hardened. "Believe me, I understand."

"If it's any consolation, she said your kiss was more pleasing than the prince's."

He turned to her with sudden angry intensity. "She let him kiss her?"

Alexa feigned a startled gasp and lifted her fingers to her lips. "Oh, I should not have said that!"

"No-I'm glad you told me," he replied, pulling away. "That is very useful information." He sat forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he sat beside her. Loosely clasping his hands, he glowered at the carpet.

"Well," Alexa went on gingerly, "I did hear that the prince is making plans to come and see Her Highness again after we reach Kavros."

He looked away. "Really."

"I don't think that's a secret. Colonel." Alexa laid her hand on his arm and caressed him slowly. "He's the best that she can hope to do. You must not take it personally."

"Of course not. Why would I?" he clipped out, avoiding her gaze, seemingly oblivious to her touch traveling up his shoulder. "I'm just the bodyguard."

"Everyone falls in love with her sooner or later. The greatest beauty since de Recamier-haven't you heard it said? She doesn't mean for all of you to love her." Alexa let out a sigh as she comforted him. "Perhaps it is merely the lure of the unattainable that draws so many of you in. In my opinion," she offered in a cautious tone, "you would be wise to aim...a little lower."

He looked at her at last, and finally seemed to see her again as Alexa laid her hand meaningfully on his muscled thigh.

He gazed at her intently. When no objection came, she let her hand travel higher, inching toward his groin.

"I can take your mind off her, you know. Wouldn't it be nice to clear your head?"

His eyes narrowed, a speculative gleam in their depths. "You are rather bold," he observed in a husky tone.

She gave him a knowing smile. "Come, Colonel. You need this. It's written all over your face. You need to let go. I know you've noticed me. Why don't you let me help you to feel better?"

He held very still, perhaps considering her offer.

Alexa slid closer, draped her other arm around his enormous shoulders, and whispered in his ear, "You can't have her, Gabriel. She's a royal princess. But you know what? You can have me, with no strings attached. Come up to my bed right now, and let us work this fever out of you."

Gabriel shut his eyes, severely tempted.

It had been so long, and every word that she had said felt all too true. He might have doubted her sincerity, but he could not persuade himself to think that this sweet little cream puff offering herself to him on a silver platter had either the nerve or the intellect to try to lie to him.

Certainly, her silken words made perfect sense to his needy c.o.c.k, which had not had the proper care and nursing in more months than he desired to count.

But while his body responded to Alexa's attentions in a raw, physical sense, his heart and mind were reeling with the news that Sophia had seen fit to kiss the prince. Especially as Gabriel recalled how she had pushed him away the night of the ball.

Now he understood why she had been in this distant mood ever since the night of the Grecian Gala.

d.a.m.n it, he had told Derek that it was hopeless between him and Sophia, and now her best friend's words bore out his grim a.s.sessment.

Why should he be surprised, let alone at all hurt? Fool. He was the one who had insisted that they keep a cool, safe distance, remain no more than friends. The writing, it seemed, was on the wall. Princess and prince belonged together. Bodyguard was better off in the sack with the nymphomaniac lady-in-waiting.

What real choice did either of them have?

So, his Gypsy girl had kissed the prince. So what?

Gabriel did not own her.

The average royal did not "befriend" her bodyguards, anyway. He was here for duty's sake. For England's benefit, helping to place the figurehead princess on that strategic Greek throne.

What the h.e.l.l had she kissed the prince for? And how dare she compare them? Reviewing each man's performance with her friend?

She d.a.m.ned well better have found Gabriel to be the superior lover. The prince, he was quite sure, had never studied the Kama Sutra. Now that was a skill he could share with Alexa. Gabriel still hadn't bothered to push her away. He wasn't sure if he wanted to.

If Sophia was never going to be his, then why should he persist in this agony of self-denial? Every man had needs, and this randy la.s.s was certainly game. For all he knew, maybe Sophia had put her up to this. Maybe Her Highness had encouraged Alexa's move on him as a way of redirecting his affections. It was possible, since it seemed she did not want them for herself.

b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l.

He was torn, and Alexa's touch felt like just what he needed. He had half a mind to let himself be seduced, if that would work Sophia out of his system.

Maybe if he spent a day or two in this willing woman's bed, he'd be able to think again, for his want of the princess was driving him mad, the tantalizing knowledge of all he could not have...

b.l.o.o.d.y prince of Denmark! Who did that blackguard think he was? Gabriel could have thrashed him with one arm tied behind his back- "Let it go," Alexa whispered, climbing astride his lap with a smooth move. He did not fight it. The next thing he knew, her mouth was on his, and somehow his hands were resting tentatively on her thighs as she straddled him.

She was moving against him, offering firm, succulent b.r.e.a.s.t.s for his enjoyment. He pulled his lips away from hers with a groan and found himself staring down into the milky valley between her lush globes, breathing heavily as he struggled to make up his mind.

Sophia stood in the doorway, stunned by what she saw. She had just come in, still dripping mud and rain, her grip tightening on her riding crop as she stared at them in shock.

She could not believe her eyes.

Well-no. Nothing Alexa did ever surprised her anymore, but seeing Gabriel indulging himself this way rocked her to the foundations and made her a little ill. Especially when he had been so virtuous about keeping his hands off her.

She had not been expecting this, though perhaps she should've. She had never expected him to be false like all the courtiers. She knew he had been jealous of Crown Prince Christian Frederick ever since the ball, but she had not foreseen that he would vent his s.e.xual frustration with Alexa.

She forced herself to watch them for a moment longer. Well, then, she thought, steeling herself at length. This would make it easier to do what she had to do.

Until she had walked in from her practice and found them together, she had been undecided about letting Gabriel go. But seeing him with his nose buried in her friend's cleavage made her decision considerably more clear.

Yes, she understood that the two of them could not be together for a myriad of reasons. She also understood that Gabriel had certain physical needs. But by G.o.d, she was not going to stand back and watch the man she was in love with fall into her troubled friend's snare.

In all fairness, she doubted Alexa was Gabriel's first choice, but that was meager consolation. She could not share him. She was not that generous.

When she saw his strong, tanned fingers digging into Alexa's pale skirts as he pulled her closer on his lap, Sophia looked away, her heart pounding. Oh, this is intolerable. Why couldn't it be her?

But that desire alone could get both of them killed, and if she'd eventually have to marry Christian Frederick, she might as well let Gabriel go now. Her course was clear.

He was going to be outraged-the proud, impeccable officer with his unmarred, sterling record-but the time had come to send him away.

Then at least she could avoid getting him killed. It hurt terribly to see him with Alexa, but she knew this was the perfect chance to send him out of harm's way.

She leaned her shoulder against the door frame while the raindrops trickling off her black leather coat pooled on the floor by her black riding boots. She braced herself for the confrontation and summoned up all of her most regal iron.

She lifted her chin, set her hand on her hip, and announced herself with a polite, "Ahem."

The pair froze.

Alexa glanced over her shoulder with a look of chagrin, while Gabriel closed his eyes, cursed under his breath, took his hands off Alexa, and then stared fiercely at Sophia from across the room, his face turning ashen.

"Oh, don't let me interrupt, children," she drawled in a tone of insolence. "I just wanted to deliver a message to the colonel."

"What's that?" he forced out.

She smiled blandly. "You're fired."



G abriel nudged Alexa impatiently off his lap, shot up off the couch, and rushed out of the morning room after Sophia, who had already walked away. Cursing himself with a mental tirade of pure brimstone, he glanced left and right, then spotted her ahead, walking down the stone corridor.

His heart thudded as he ran after her. Did he have the worst luck in the world or did she just have excellent timing? He did not know. His brain was still clouded with too much s.e.xual frustration and the most tangled confusion over what was happening between the two of them.

If she preferred the prince to him, then why had she resorted to that bravado he remembered so well from the night at the farm, when he had followed her out into the darkness, trying to lure her back to safety?

He knew how vulnerable she had been that night, standing there trying to act tough. It had touched his heart then, and she had had the same tough-little-miss scowl on her face a moment ago in the doorway.

He wasn't buying it. He had hurt her. He despised himself for it-even if she'd rather have the prince.

"Soph-Your Highness, wait!" he corrected himself as several vapid courtiers and ladies standing around looked on.

"Thank you, Colonel. That will be all," Her Royal Highness said, striding on, staring forward. "You are relieved from your post, and We thank you for your service."

b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l. She had resorted to the royal "We." Not a good sign. "Don't walk away," he demanded in a low tone, keeping pace with her. "Sophia, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen. It wasn't as bad as it looked."

"Bad enough." She shook her head, refusing to soften toward him. "Alexa is what she is, but you? I had expected better from you."

"Nothing happened!" he exclaimed as his cheeks flushed with anger. "It was only a minute or two before you came in! I swear to you, it was totally insignificant. She means nothing to me!"

"That doesn't speak much in your favor, actually."

He cringed at this good point. "Your Highness, be reasonable. For your own safety! You have people out to kill you, and you'd dismiss me all because of this one idiotic kiss?"

"It's not the kiss itself, Colonel. I scarcely care what you do, or with whom. The problem is that it reflects a worrisome lack of judgment on your part. I'm not sure it's wise for me to trust you."

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Her Every Pleasure Part 27 summary

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