One Maid's Mischief Part 7

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_Scratch_! went the match; there was a flash from the composition, and then Miss Rosebury's plump taper little fingers held out the tiny wax-light, which was taken; there were a few puffs of bluish smoke, and Dr Bolter sank back in his chair, gazing at the door through which Miss Rosebury had pa.s.sed.

"Hah!" he e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed. "I shall have to be off to-morrow."

"Oh, nonsense!" cried the Reverend Arthur. "I thought you would come and stay a month."

"Stay a month!" cried the doctor. "Why, my dear boy, what should I be fit for afterwards if I did?"

"Fit for, Harry?"

"Yes, fit for. I should be totally spoiled. I should become a complete domestic sybarite, and no more fit to go back to my tasks in the Malay jungle than to fly. No, Arthur, old fellow, it would never do."

"We shall keep you as long as you can stay," said the Reverend Arthur, smiling. "But seriously, did you not exaggerate about those young ladies?"

"Not in the least, my dear boy, as far as regards one of them. The other--old Stuart's little la.s.sie--seems to be all that is pretty and demure. But I don't suppose there is any harm in Helen Perowne. She is a very handsome girl of about twenty or one-and-twenty, and I suppose she has been kept shut up there by the old ladies, and probably, with the best intentions, treated like a child."

"That must be rather a mistake," murmured the Reverend Arthur, dreamily.

"A mistake, sir, decidedly. If you have sons or daughters never forget that they grow up to maturity; and if you wish to keep them caged up, let it be in a cage whose bars are composed of good training, confidence and belief in the principles you have sought to instil."

"Yes, I quite agree with you, Harry."

"Why, my dear boy, what can be more absurd than to take a handsome young girl and tell her that men are a kind of wild beast that must never be looked at, much more spoken to--suppressing all the young aspirations of her heart?"

"I suppose it would be wrong, Harry."

"Wrong and absurd, sir. There is the vigorous young growth that will have play, and you tighten it up in a pair of moral stays, so to speak, with the result that the growth pushes forth in an abnormal way to the detriment of the subject; and in the future you have a moral distortion instead of a healthy young plant. Ha--ha!--ha--ha!"

"Why do you laugh?" said the Reverend Arthur. "I think what you have said quite right, only that ladies like the Misses Twettenham are, as it were, forced to a very rigid course."

"Yes, yes, exactly. I was laughing because it seems so absurd for a pair of old fogies of bachelors like us to be laying down the law as to the management and training of young girls. But look here, Arthur, old fellow, as I am in for this job of guardian to these girls, I should like to have something intermediate."

"Something intermediate? I don't understand you. Thank you; set the coffee down, Betsey."

"Hah! Yes; capital cup of coffee, Arthur," said the doctor, after a pause. "Best cup I've tasted for years."

"Yes, it is nice," said the Reverend Arthur, smiling, as if gratified at his friend's satisfaction. "My sister always makes it herself."

"That woman's a treasure, sir. Might I ask for another cup?"

"Of course, my dear Harry. Pray consider that you are at home."

The coffee was rung for and brought, after a whispered conversation between Betsey the maid and Miss Mary the mistress.

"What did they ring for, Betsey?" asked Miss Mary.

"The little gentleman wants some more coffee, ma'am."

"Then he likes it," said Miss Mary, who somehow seemed unduly excited.

"But hush, Betsey; you must not say 'the little gentleman,' but 'Dr Bolter.' He is your master's dearest friend."

A minute or two later the maid came out from the little dining-room, with scarlet cheeks and wide-open eyes, to where Miss Mary was lying in wait.

"Is anything the matter, Betsey?" she asked, anxiously.

"No, ma'am, only the little Dr Bolter, ma'am, he took up the cup and smelt it, just as if it was a smelling-bottle or one of master's roses, ma'am."

"Yes--yes," whispered Miss Mary, impatiently.

"And then he put about ten lumps of sugar in it, ma'am."

"How many Betsey?"

"Ten big lumps, mum, and tasted; and while I was clearing away he said, 'Hambrosher!' I don't know what he meant, but that's what he said, mum."

"That will do, Betsey," whispered Miss Mary. "Mind that the heater is very hot. I'll come and cut the bread and b.u.t.ter myself."

Betsey went her way, and Miss Mary returned to the little drawing-room, uttering a sigh of satisfaction; and it is worthy of record, that before closing the door she sniffed twice, and thought that at a distance the smell of cigars was after all not so very bad.

Meanwhile the conversation had been continued in the dining-room.

"What do I mean by intermediate, Arthur? Well, I don't want to take those girls at one jump from the conventual seclusion of their school to what would seem to them like the wild gaiety of one of the great steamers of the _Messageries Maritimes_. I should like to give them a little society first."

"Exactly; very wisely," a.s.sented the Reverend Arthur.

"So I thought if your sister would call on the Misses Twettenham with you, and you would have them here two or three times to spend the day, and a little of that sort of thing, do you see?"

"Certainly. We will talk to Mary about it when we go in to tea. I am sure she would be very pleased."

"That's right; and now what do you say to a trot in the garden?"

"I shall be delighted!" was the reply; and they went out of the French window into the warm glow of the soft spring evening, the doctor throwing away the stump of his cigar as they came in sight of Miss Mary with a handkerchief tied lightly over her head, busy at work with scissors and basket cutting some flowers; and for the next hour they were walking up and down listening to the doctor's account of Malaya-- its heat, its thunder-storms, and tropic rains; the beauties of the vegetation; the glories of its nights when the fire-flies were scintillating amidst the trees and shrubs that overhung the river, and so on, for the doctor never seemed to tire.

"How anxious you must be to return, doctor!" said little Miss Rosebury at last.

"No," he said, frankly. "No, I am not. I am very happy here in this charming little home; but when I go back, I hope to be as happy there, for I shall be busy, and work has its pleasures."

Brother and sister a.s.sented, and soon after they went in to tea, over which the visiting question was broached, and after looking rather severe, little Miss Rosebury readily a.s.sented to call and invite the young ladies to spend a day.

The evening glided away like magic; and before the doctor could credit that it was so late, he had to say "good-night," and was ushered into his bedroom.

"Hah!" e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed the little man as he sank into a soft easy-chair, covered with snow-white dimity, and gazed at the white hangings, the pretty paper, the spotless furniture, and breathed in the pleasant scent of fresh flowers, of which there was a large bunch upon his dressing table. "Hah!" he e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed again, and rising softly, he went to the table and looked at the blossoms.

"Why, those are the flowers she was cutting when we went down the garden," he said to himself; and he went back to his chair and became very thoughtful.

At the end of a quarter of an hour he wound up his watch and placed it beneath his pillow, and then stood thinking for a few minutes before slowly pulling off his boots.

As he took off one, he took it up meditatively, gazed at the sole, and then at the interior, saying softly:

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One Maid's Mischief Part 7 summary

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