The Iron Queen Part 16

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"There is no time to wonder about that now," Grimalkin said, appearing on the throne cus.h.i.+on, looking disturbingly natural gazing down at us. "This room still stinks of powerful Iron magic. It is corroding your amulets faster than normal. We must press on, or they will stop working right here."

Alarmed, I looked at Ash's crystal and saw he was right. The amulet was nearly black. "Hurry," I said, jogging from the throne room with the boys at my heels, back into the endless labyrinth of stone. "I think we're halfway there."

A FEW HOURS Pa.s.sED, FEW HOURS Pa.s.sED, or at least I thought they did-it was so hard to tell time underground-and the fuel in the lantern burned low. We stopped to rest a couple of times, but I found it difficult to stay in one place, becoming restless and antsy until we started moving again. Puck joked that something must be summoning me again, and I didn't know if he was wrong. Certainly or at least I thought they did-it was so hard to tell time underground-and the fuel in the lantern burned low. We stopped to rest a couple of times, but I found it difficult to stay in one place, becoming restless and antsy until we started moving again. Puck joked that something must be summoning me again, and I didn't know if he was wrong. Certainly something something was drawing me, growing stronger and stronger the closer we got, making it impossible to rest or think until we reached our destination. was drawing me, growing stronger and stronger the closer we got, making it impossible to rest or think until we reached our destination.

And when the tunnels finally ended, dropping away into a monstrous precipice spanned by a narrow stone bridge, I knew I was almost there.

"Machina's fortress," I said softly, gazing across the chasm, "is on the other side of the bridge. This is the way I took to reach it. We're almost directly underneath the tower."

Puck whistled, the sound bouncing off the walls. "And, you think the false king will be here, princess?"

"He has to be," I said, hoping my convictions were right. "It ends at the beginning. Machina is the one who started it all." Machina is the one who started it all."

I hoped. Back when I first came here with the packrats, the area below the tower was known as the Cogworks, due to the ma.s.sive iron gears, cogs, and pistons that clanked and ground their way along the walls and ceiling, making the ground vibrate. The noise had been deafening, as some of the larger gears had been three times my size. Now, everything was silent, the giant gears cracked and broken and strewn about, as if the entire Cogworks had collapsed on itself. Some lay smashed under huge boulders, evidence that the ceiling had fallen in, as well. When Machina died, his tower had crumbled, destroying everything beneath it. I wondered what it would look like on the surface, how much of the Iron King's influence had survived.

Not much, I was afraid.

We made our way over the bridge, where the stone turned to iron grating, and started picking our way through the smashed clockwork, searching for a way up. As I made my way through the rubble, I noticed strange gnarled roots that hadn't been here before, coiled around the gears and dangling from the ceilings. I could feel them pulsing with life.

"Over here," Ash said, waving us over. A bent iron staircase spiraled up from the rubble, ascending toward a metal grate in the ceiling.

I felt a surge of excitement and apprehension. Whatever had been calling me was somewhere overhead. Probably it was the false king and we were walking right into his trap, but I had to see what was up there. The boys drew their weapons, and I pulled my blade, feeling my heart pound in my chest, whether in nervousness or excitement, I couldn't tell. With Ash leading the way and Puck close at my back, we ascended the stairs to Machina's tower.



The last time I pushed open the trapdoor to Machina's tower, I'd been blasted by the heat of a dozen furnaces as I entered the boiler room. In the fiery red glow, dwarves in baggy suits and oxygen masks had shambled back and forth, wielding wrenches and checking leaky pipes. Now, everything was silent, the great furnaces dark and cold. Beams had fallen from the ceiling, pipes were bent and broken, and ash coated everything with a fine gray powder. Those strange roots were also everywhere, snaking in from the ruins above. Through the holes in the ceiling, I could see a section of the tower walls, s.h.i.+ny and metallic.

"Place looks abandoned to me," Puck said, tracing a finger through the dust, drawing a smiley face with the tongue sticking out. "I sure hope this is the right spot, princess."

I glanced up through the ceiling, following the roots until they vanished from sight. "Whatever we're looking for, it's up there. Come on."

Using roots and the pile of rocks, we climbed up one last floor. On solid ground again, I straightened and gazed around at what had been Machina's tower.

It was a mess, a maze of iron beams, broken gla.s.s, and crumpled walls. Gears lay scattered about, rusting and broken, wires and cables dangled overhead, and shattered pipes dripped water and oil onto the floor. Numerous suits of armor, bearing the symbol of a barbed-wire crown on the breastplate, were scattered throughout the ruins like toy soldiers. I s.h.i.+vered, imagining rotting skeletons within those metal suits, but Ash kicked a helmet open and found it empty. It seemed Machina's Iron knights followed the same rule as the rest of Faery: when they died, they simply ceased to exist.

Everything was still, as if the very ruins were holding their breath.

"Looks like n.o.body's home," Puck said, turning in a slow circle. "h.e.l.looooooooo? Anybody here?"

"Be quiet, Goodfellow," Ash growled, peering into the shadows with narrowed eyes. "We're not alone."

"Yeah? How do you figure that, prince? I don't see anyone."

"The cait sith has disappeared."


Meghan Chase, this way.

A faint glow emitted from the center of the ruins, drawing me to it like a moth to a flame. Without saying anything, I started walking toward it, ducking under beams and around half-standing walls, heading deeper into the maze.

"Princess! Dammit, hold up!"

They scrambled after me, muttering curses, but I barely heard them. It was here, whatever was calling me. It was just ahead...

And then, the walls, ruins, and rubble fell away, revealing an enormous tree in the center of the tower.

The oak soared into the air, ma.s.sive and proud, the trunk so wide four people couldn't wrap their arms around it. Its huge branches spread over the tower like a roof, blocking out the open sky. The whole tree glimmered like the edge of a blade, metallic and s.h.i.+ny, leaves flas.h.i.+ng in the dim light like tinsel.

"Machina," I whispered, and stared at the tree in amazement as Puck and Ash finally caught up. "Is it really...could it be?" Easing forward, I walked to the roots of the oak, gazing up at the trunk. Several feet overhead, a stick jutted out of the metal, straight, thin, and-unlike the rest of the tree-made of wood. "There's the arrow! Oh...oh, wow. This really is him."

"Wait, Machina was a tree?" Puck scratched the back of his neck. "I'm a little lost here, princess."

"He turned into a tree when I stabbed him with the Witchwood arrow." I was close to the former Iron King now, so close I could see my distorted reflection in the trunk. "I never imagined it would survive the tower's collapse." On impulse, I reached out and touched it, pressing my palm to the s.h.i.+ny surface.

This is no longer the Iron King, Meghan Chase. I wasn't really surprised to hear his voice in my head again, though I could feel the power thrumming below my hand. Though the tree was infused with iron all the way to its heart, it wasn't dying. In fact, it was flouris.h.i.+ng. I wasn't really surprised to hear his voice in my head again, though I could feel the power thrumming below my hand. Though the tree was infused with iron all the way to its heart, it wasn't dying. In fact, it was flouris.h.i.+ng. This oak is only the physical remains of his power, and yours. As I told you before, I am with This oak is only the physical remains of his power, and yours. As I told you before, I am with you you now. now.

"Meghan," Ash said, his tone full of warning. I stepped back from the tree, breaking the connection, and turned to find we were surrounded.

Iron fey stared back at us from every corner of the ruins, their eyes glowing in the shadows. From what I could tell, most of them had weapons-mostly iron swords and cross-bows, but a few had guns pointed at us, as well.

"Meghan Chase," said a familiar voice, and Glitch stepped out from behind the crowd, the spines on his head crackling with electricity as he shook his head at me. "What the h.e.l.l are you doing here?"

I STARED AT STARED AT G GLITCH, confusion and disappointment spreading through my chest. "Glitch?" I said, and the rebel leader arched an eyebrow. "Why are you here? I thought...this was where the false king lived." confusion and disappointment spreading through my chest. "Glitch?" I said, and the rebel leader arched an eyebrow. "Why are you here? I thought...this was where the false king lived."

Glitch snorted. "Are you kidding? The false king wouldn't come within a hundred yards of this place. This is Machina's domain still, and everyone knows it." He crossed his arms, glaring at me with s.h.i.+mmering violet eyes. "But I believe I asked you first, princess. Why are you here? Don't tell me you came looking for the false king."

"Yes," I said. "I came here to kill him."

Glitch choked, and his spines crackled as the lightning threads flared wildly. "Excuse me?" he burst out. "Let me get this straight. You're the one thing the false king needs to become unstoppable, and instead of hiding in the mortal world like a sane person, or better yet, letting us guard you and keep you safe, you want to go a.s.sault the false king's forces and take him out yourself." He shook his head with a snapping sound. "You're even crazier than I thought."

"We can do it," I insisted. "I just need to know where he is."

"Uh, no, you can't," Glitch shot back. "There's no way I'm telling you his location so you can march happily off to get yourself killed. This is what we're going going to do. You and your boyfriends will stay here, safely out of the false king's reach, while he attacks the Nevernever and depletes his forces a bit. Then we can think about planning a counterstrike, but he's too powerful to take on right now." to do. You and your boyfriends will stay here, safely out of the false king's reach, while he attacks the Nevernever and depletes his forces a bit. Then we can think about planning a counterstrike, but he's too powerful to take on right now."

"We can't wait," I insisted. "I can't let him attack the Nevernever and destroy any more of it. We have to act now."

"Sorry, your highness, but I don't think you're in any position to be giving orders," Glitch said firmly. "This is my base, and these are my forces. And I'm afraid I can't let you leave. Like I said before, it would be like handing the victory to the false king. And I tend to be a sore loser. You and the two oldbloods will stay right here."

"Think you can keep us here by force?" Ash mused in his soft, dangerous voice, scanning the army spread around us. "I can promise you'll lose a lot of rebels that way, and you need every one you can get."

"Don't take me so lightly, prince," Glitch replied, and his own voice had gone quietly lethal. "There's a reason I was Machina's first lieutenant, and you're in my house now."

"Really?" Puck pulled his daggers before I could stop him. "Well, I'm placing my bet on the visiting team." Around us, the rebels tensed, raising their weapons, and Puck shot Ash a savage grin. "Odds are stacked just the way I like 'em. You ready, ice-boy?"

"Stop right there!" My voice echoed around the room, startling everyone, myself included. "This will not, under any circ.u.mstances, turn into a fight. We're on the same freaking side, dammit. Put your weapons away, now." My voice echoed around the room, startling everyone, myself included. "This will not, under any circ.u.mstances, turn into a fight. We're on the same freaking side, dammit. Put your weapons away, now."

Puck blinked at me, astonished, but Ash straightened and calmly slid his sword back in its sheath, diffusing the tension. A collective sigh seemed to go through the chamber as the rebels relaxed and lowered their weapons, as well.

I sighed and turned to Glitch again, who was watching me with an unreadable expression on his face. "Look," I said, stepping forward, "I know you don't think I should go anywhere near the false king, but you don't have to worry. I was the one who defeated Machina, remember? I snuck into this very tower, faced the last Iron King, and stuck an arrow through his heart. That's why I'm here. Oberon and Mab sent me to deal with the false king-they think I'm the only one who has a chance. I don't want to fight you, but one way or another, I have to face him. You can either help me, or get out of my way."

Glitch sighed and scrubbed a hand through his hair, making the lightning sizzle. "You have no idea what you're doing," he snapped, shaking neon threads from his fingers. "You think you're ready to take on the false king? All right, then." He stepped away from the tree, beckoning us with a hand. "Come with me. Not you two!" he barked, pointing to Ash and Puck. "They can stay here. We're going for a little ride."

"I don't think so," Ash said calmly, dropping his hand to his sword hilt. I shot him a warning look. Glitch snorted.

"Come off it, prince," he said in a weary voice. "You really think I would hurt her? I'm the one who doesn't want her running off on a suicide mission. Now that she's exactly where I wanted her to be in the first place, you think I'd jeopardize that? Your princess will be perfectly safe under my care. And trust me, she's going to want to see this."

"I have no reason to trust anything you say," Ash stated flatly. The rebel leader threw up his hands.

"Fine," he snapped. "You want an oath out of me, is that it? Here it is, then. I, Glitch, last lieutenant of King Machina, promise to keep Meghan Chase safe from harm, and to bring her safely back to the paranoid care of her guardians. Is that good enough for you?"

"What about Puck and Ash?" I added.

"Nor will my forces do them any harm, as well. Are we quite done here?" Glitch shot me an exasperated look. "I would think you'd want to see this, princess, since you're so eager to get to the false king."

I glanced at Ash and Puck. "I'll be all right," I said, raising a hand to cut off Puck's protest. "If Glitch says this is important, I should go."

"I don't like it." Puck crossed his arms and gave the rebel leader a dubious glare. "It's not that I don't trust the guy,, wait-that's exactly exactly the reason. Are you sure you want to do this, princess?" the reason. Are you sure you want to do this, princess?"

I nodded. "I'm sure. You two stay here, I'll be back as soon as I can."

"One more thing," Ash said in his dangerous, soft voice as we turned away, and Glitch shot him a wary look. "If you do not return with her," Ash continued, staring him down, "if she comes to any harm while she is with you, I will turn this entire camp into a bloodbath. That is my my promise, lieutenant." promise, lieutenant."

"I'll bring her back, prince," Glitch snapped, and there was the faintest hint of fear in his voice now. "I gave you my word, and I'm bound to uphold it, same as you. Try not to slaughter any of my people while we're gone, okay?"

"Where are we going?" I asked as we turned away. Glitch gave me a humorless smile.

"I'm going to show you what you're up against."

HE TOOK ME UP A FLIGHT of stairs to a part of the tower that hadn't completely crumbled, where an open landing trembled and swayed in the wind. Far below, the flat obsidian plain stretched away into the horizon, spiderwebbed with orange lava and dotted with metallic trees. Overhead, the sky was clear save for a few ragged clouds, and the crimson moon winked at us like an evil red eye. of stairs to a part of the tower that hadn't completely crumbled, where an open landing trembled and swayed in the wind. Far below, the flat obsidian plain stretched away into the horizon, spiderwebbed with orange lava and dotted with metallic trees. Overhead, the sky was clear save for a few ragged clouds, and the crimson moon winked at us like an evil red eye.

Glitch walked to the edge of the landing, gazing out over the Iron Realm, his face turned to the sky. "Sky's clear, good." He spun to face me, smirking. "No clouds now, but a storm can sweep in quickly, so we have to move fast. Don't want to be caught in the rain without an umbrella, I can tell you that."

"How are we going to get there?" I asked, peering cautiously over the edge at the blackened plain stretched out below us.

Glitch smiled at me. "Fly."

A buzzing filled the air. I looked straight up to see a pair of long, segmented creatures spiraling down at us, and leaped back as they perched on the edge of the landing.

I tried not to cringe, but it was hard. The creatures looked like a cross between a hang glider and a dragonfly, with bulging insect eyes and six copper legs that gripped the railing with tiny claws. Their bodies were thin and s.h.i.+ny, though their wings looked more batlike than insect, made for gliding instead of speed. And they had propellers on their rear ends.

Glitch looked annoyingly pleased with himself. "These are gliders," he told me, enjoying my uneasiness. "Just walk to the edge of the platform and spread your arms and they'll crawl into position. You steer them by pulling on their front legs and s.h.i.+fting your body weight. Easy enough, right?" I stared at him in disbelief, and he chuckled. "After you, your highness. Unless you're scared, of course."

"Oh, of course not," I drawled sarcastically, taking a cue from Puck. "Big giant insect thing holding me several hundred feet in the air? What's there to be nervous about?"

Glitch leered and offered no comment. Taking a deep breath to calm my pounding heart, I walked to the edge and looked down. That was a mistake. Steeling myself for the inevitable, I spread my arms.

A moment later I felt creepy jointed legs gripping my clothes as one of the insects crawled up my back, shockingly light for something that big. I clenched my teeth and tried not to flail as the legs curled under me, forming a kind of hammock. Overhead, the wings buzzed and fluttered, awaiting takeoff, but we didn't move. I looked down at the dizzying drop, and my stomach spun so violently I was afraid I'd throw up any second.

"Uh, you're going to have to fall forward, princess," Glitch said helpfully. I would've turned to glare at him if I hadn't been terrified to move.

"Yeah, I'm getting to that." Closing my eyes, I took deep short breaths, preparing for the drop. I would never take up bungee jumping, that much was certain. "Okay," I whispered, trying to psyche myself up. "On three. Here we go. One...two...three!"

Nothing happened. My mind said jump, but my body refused to fall. I teetered on the edge of the landing, the wind whipping my hair, and felt sick. "I don't know if I can do this," I said, as my glider gave an irritated buzz. "Hey, don't judge me. How do I even know this is sa-ahhhh!"

Something nudged me from behind, just enough to make me lose my balance. Shrieking like a bean sidhe on a roller coaster, I fell forward.

For a moment, I couldn't open my eyes, certain I was going to die. The wind whipped around me, howling in my ears as I seemed to plummet straight to my death. Then the glider curved upward, leveling out as it caught the wind currents. As my heart slowed and my death grip on the glider's legs eased a bit, I cautiously opened my eyes and looked around.

The land stretched out before me, flat and infinite, fractured with glowing threads of lava vanis.h.i.+ng into the horizon. From this height, the Iron Realm didn't look quite so ominous. The wind shrieked in my ears and whipped at my hair, but I wasn't afraid. Experimentally, I tugged on the glider's front leg, and it instantly swerved to the right. I pulled on the other leg and it swooped to the left, sending a thrill coursing through me. I wanted to go faster, higher, to find a flock of...something...and race them into the sun. How had I been afraid of this? This was easy; this was awesome! The glider buzzed in excitement, as if sensing my mood, and I would've sent it into a steep dive if a voice hadn't stopped me.

"Exhilarating, isn't it, princess?" Glitch had to shout to be heard as his glider swooped down next to mine. The lightning in his hair snapped wildly, trailing threads of energy behind him. "First time on a glider, and you'll never want to walk again."

"You couldn't have let me jump on my own?" I yelled, glaring at him. He laughed.

"I could have. But we would've been standing there till the sun came up." Glitch pulled on his glider's legs, and the insect swooped skyward, rolled, and came down on my other side. "So, your highness, you seem to be getting the hang of this, no pun intended. Want me to show you what these can really do? That is, if you're not afraid of a little challenge."

My adrenaline was pumping, and the thrill of flying made my blood soar. I was annoyed at the Iron faery and up for a challenge, little or not. "You're on!"

Glitch grinned, and his eyes sparked. "Follow me, then. And try to keep up!"

His insect shot skyward, his whoop ringing out behind him. I yanked my glider's front legs back, and it followed instantly, shooting up like a bottle rocket. Glitch banked sharply to the right; I pulled the glider's right leg, and it performed the same maneuver, sweeping around in a lazy arc. We chased Glitch across the open sky, through a series of loops, arcs, curves, and dives, all at top speed. The ground rushed beneath me, the wind howled in my ears, and my blood raced faster than it ever had before. I pushed my glider into a steep, vertical dive, pulling up at the last second. My adrenaline surged, and I whooped with sheer, unrestrained joy.

Finally, we caught up to Glitch again, back to flying in a normal, straight line. He shot me a grudging look as I joined him, still panting from the thrill of stunt gliding an insect. "You're a natural," he said, shaking his head. "The gliders don't perform that well for just anyone. You have to bond for it to really give you its all. Guess you made an impression."

I was absurdly pleased at the compliment, and had the strange impulse to pat my glider on the head. "How much longer to where we're going?" I asked, noticing that the huge red moon above us was beginning to set. Glitch sighed, and his playful mood vanished.

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The Iron Queen Part 16 summary

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