Bloodseeker - Colin's Conquest Part 26

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Ragged, guttural moaning ... echoing in her head. Waking from a hazy dormancy she struggled within the twilight of her mind, trying to regain her senses. The groan came again and she realized it issued from her own throat. With great effort she opened her eyes.

Where the h.e.l.l am I?

An alien room, and she had no idea how she got here. It appeared to be a hotel room. The double bed she occupied dominated the chamber, near the door a miniature table and two chairs stood in front of a window that was covered with heavy drapes. No light of any kind leaked in. It could be day or night, she couldn't discern the difference.

Her head pounded and she tried to lift her hand to her forehead, but she couldn't move it. Enormous chains bound her spread eagle to the bedposts! Straining with all her might, she pulled at the restraints, but to no avail. The small amount of exertion depleted what little energy she had remaining and a croak was all she could manage as she tried to call Colin. Throat dry and burning with thirst, she swallowed and tried again. On the point of tears, she gave up and just thought of him. Had he discovered her missing yet?

Would he come for her? What happened? At home, all she had to do was think of Colin and he appeared, and now she found herself alone in a strange place with no way of calling for help. All she had were her thoughts.

Her thoughts! That's it! Remembering his mind reading skills, she thought of his face and screamed in her mind, Colin! Colin! Help me!

"That won't do you a bit of good, my dear. Even one as strong as your maker cannot hear over this distance." An irritating raspy voice.

Who are you? Show yourself. Why am I here? Where am I? Why can't I speak? The thoughts zipped through her head one on the tail of the other. I'm so thirsty. Please show yourself.

"I am here." He approached the bed. Holding out a gla.s.s of water to her he spoke with irritating politeness. "Take a drink to wet your throat, my dear, so that you may speak with a more pleasing voice." She wanted to throw the water in his smirking face but thirst raged in her, and she lifted her head to the gla.s.s and drank every drop then she fell back against the bed, exhausted.

"Where am I?" Her voice box worked now, with a coa.r.s.e grating sound, but at least she was understandable. Her eyes bored into the man's flushed face. She saw his features much clearer now than when she noticed him at the reception. If he dropped the ugly expression from his face he would even look a bit handsome. He possessed Indian good looks, long black hair, flas.h.i.+ng dark eyes, high cheekbones, long narrow nose, and a nice olive complexion. If he was a vampire, he must've just fed for he appeared human.

"Why do you look at me as if you despise me? What have I done to you?" Her question caught him by surprise and all expression left his face. Just like Colin had done in the past, he seemed upset that his feelings showed to her and he spun away, pacing the small room like a caged panther. From across the room, his back to her, he spoke with his tone soft and flat as he held his emotions in check.

"You amaze me. You have been rendered unconscious, kidnapped, chained to a bed and you are helpless in the room with a very powerful centenarian that you know without a doubt is the one who brought you here..." He paused and she heard him sigh. "And yet, you lie there devoid of fear, examining my attributes and wondering where you are. You are indeed an enigma." He spun on his heel and flew to the side of the bed.

"How did Colin convert you? You! A pint-sized woman with no preternatural powers. What power does Colin possess that I do not? Why him? Why that arrogant a.s.s and not I?" Gritting his teeth, he glared at her, the anger reddening his eyes. When he continued, his voice grew soft with wonder, yet still reflected his hostility. "And yet there you are, proof positive, as much a vampire as I."

How jealous he sounded and her blood boiled when he called Colin an a.s.s. n.o.body had the right to call Colin names but her!

Jabbing his finger into her chest, his face distorted with his sudden rage.

"You think me jealous? I should kill you right now!"Joanna felt the beginnings of fear. Heart palpitating, she pulled as far away from him as the chains would allow, her restraints chafing her skin. Why did she feel so weak? Normally she could break anything with supernatural ease. Staring up at the enraged vampire, her chin raised in defiance, she dared him to face her unchained. In a flash, his face changed, and to her amazement, he laughed!

"You are either very brave, or very stupid, mon enfant terrible." He wiped the tears from his eyes as he spoke.

"Who are you?"

Crossing his arms in front of his chest, he took a deep breath, and released it, his eyes never leaving her face. Then, he smiled.

"I am Nikos." His smile was dazzling and she couldn't help but think that despite being an a.s.shole, he was quite attractive when he smiled.

"I am glad you find me pleasing to look at, Joanna, though all women do."

"Stop reading my thoughts! Why have you done this to me?" Without speaking, he stood staring down at her, a devious smirk on his face. His silence enraged her further and she jerked hard against the heavy chains.

"What kind of chicken-s.h.i.+t wimp are you that you have to chain me up? Are you frightened by a mere woman?"

He backhanded her across the cheek, snapping her head back against the pillows. He moved too fast for her to see the blow coming. Now, her skin flushed with rage and she spat on the front of his s.h.i.+rt as she pulled once more with all her strength at the bindings on her wrists. This time the bed frame began to bend and creak as she regained some of her power.

Her kidnapper leapt on top of her and straddled her body. He held her still with awesome strength and bent over to her ear.

"If I have to sedate you again, I will. Get used to your fate, Joanna. You are mine and you will never leave here alive. Now be a good girl and shut up!"

She felt the warm breath leave her ear and travel down her neck. Then, his teeth p.r.i.c.ked her skin and drove into the artery beneath. She felt none of the euphoria of Colin's bite, only the painful twinge as he drew blood from her already weakened body.

That was why she felt so weak! He kept her drained!

"Please stop. Please, Nikos." When she spoke his name, he tensed and then withdrew his fangs and rose to face her. Losing consciousness and so very thirsty, Joanna decided sweetness would work better with him than demands.

"Please, Nikos. I need to drink."

"I'm sorry, Joanna, but for right now, you are easier to handle in this feeble state. Maybe later when I can trust you more."

She worried that her blood loss would harm the baby, but then remembering that he could read her thoughts, she filled her head with vague scenery and profanity directed at him.

His eyes drifted down her body now as if he just noticed her femininity. Climbing off her, he lay down beside her instead and ran his hand down the length of her leg and up the other one.

Joanna felt herself losing consciousness and fought it with her remaining energy, but to no avail. Her world grew dimmer and dimmer ... she couldn't even fight him.

However, she did manage to utter, "a.s.shole," before she pa.s.sed out. When the darkness came, she greeted it.

In her mind's eye she watched as the large leathery-winged creature crawled over to where her body lay. Since she had been the last to seek the deep sleep, she claimed the spot on the family bed closest to the mouth of the den. Her entire body, with the exception of her face stayed warm under many layers of thick furs taken from the mammoth beasts that once roamed their land in large herds.

Slow and cautious, the winged creature made its way to her sleeping body. The thing was almost half her size, but still it slunk into the den like a frightened tiny night creature, lifting its head to sniff the air in the cave before each faltering step.

Reaching her side, it sniffed her hair, her forehead, her eyelids and her cheeks. She wanted to stop this! She tried to awaken, but couldn't open her eyes, couldn't move a muscle! It had moved to her chin and now slid its head under the furs to her throat.

She felt nothing ... no sensation of coa.r.s.e, spa.r.s.ely haired thickened scales sliding across her skin. Nothing when the ridged tongue smoothed her throat. Nothing when razor sharp teeth penetrated her tender skin and sank to the vessel beneath. Nothing as the creature's fluids mixed with her own. Her mind's eye closed and still in the deep sleep, she knew nothing at all.

Filled with rage and fear, Colin's body was wound like a coiled spring ready to uncoil at any moment. Glancing around the quiet room, he saw the same expressions on his kindred's faces also. Milo sat on the sofa in Joanna's favorite spot, his jaw set, fingers to his temples as he tried to pick up on Joanna's thoughts.

Ben stood at the fireplace, his elbow on the mantle, his muscles knotted and tense with aggravation. He worked his jaw and ground his teeth as he seethed over Joanna's abduction.

Colin found himself grinding his own jaws as he contemplated how he would kill the persons responsible for his wife's disappearance.

Ben's eyes darted around the room. "Where is Linnea? Was she taken also?"

Milo snorted. "No way. That one is far too powerful to ever do something she does not wish to do."

Nodding his agreement, Colin also wished that his creator would appear to help with his Joanna. He prayed that she still lived. As the thought of her death crossed his mind, his heart contracted with pain and he let his head fall forward in utter dejection.

"Colin! Colin! Help me!" His head snapped up as he heard Joanna's words inside his head. His heart swelling with renewed hope, he met first Ben's eyes then his long lost companion, Milo's.

"She is alive." Colin lifted his clenched fists to shoulder height and shook them, a little restrained cheer.

"You heard too.... "More a confirmation than a question, addressing no one in particular.

"We will find her."

Tingling in her fingers and toes were the first sensations she felt as she regained consciousness. Awful coldness numbed her body, her limbs unwieldy and unresponsive. Afraid to open her eyes, she lay still, tuning in to her surroundings. For a moment she thought she slept under her furs, the woman in the cave, but no, back to herself ... and in a terrible place.

Hallelujah. No one around, no Nikos and no guard. A clock ticking across the room, the only sound she heard inside her s.p.a.ce.

Somewhere outside her room, an animal, maybe a large dog, groaned in its sleep. So her kidnapper had left a sentry after all. So, he knew that she planned to escape.

The scent of human food wafted to her and her eyes flew open, spotting the plate of rare beef and potatoes on the nightstand.

Nikos removed the chains from her arms while she slept and she managed to push her weary body into a sitting position and reach for the plate. s.n.a.t.c.hing up the dripping steak, she held it up over her mouth and squeezed. The beef juices ran down her parched throat. Tearing off a small portion of the meat for later, she shoved the remainder of the lukewarm steak into her mouth. The meat did nothing to quench the raging blood thirst, but it did give her a slight boost of energy. Looking down at her ankles, she studied the heavy manacles binding her to the bed. The cuff on her left foot seemed looser, so she removed her shoe and began working to free herself. Dipping her fingers in the b.u.t.ter Nikos had so graciously applied to her potatoes, she smeared it on her ankle and heel. Pulling and twisting with all her might, her skin tore and blood mixed with the b.u.t.ter to form an even more effective lubricant. With one more mighty tug her foot slipped free and the chain fell to the floor, empty. The bond on her other foot was a problem. Nikos fastened it much tighter, and no way could she slip her foot out in her weakened state. Wiggling like a fish out of water she flipped herself off the bed onto the floor.

A low growl sounded outside and she heard the soft snuffling of the dog as he sniffed the bottom of the door. When her body hit the floor it alerted the sentry! She had to do something before he started barking and sounded the alarm to Nikos. Sliding the heavy chain down the bedpost gave her just the amount of slack she needed to scoot across the carpet to the door. The restraint cut into her ankle as she stretched for the doork.n.o.b, but she bore the pain as she grasped and turned it. Whispering to sooth the dog, she opened the door a crack and peeked out.

"Oh, you're beautiful. What a pretty boy." She cooed to the suspicious canine. The German Shepherd eyed her with nostrils flaring as he inhaled her scent. She backed up and opened the door wider so he could enter the room. He hesitated, watching every move she made until she held out the chunk of steak in her palm.

"Come on, good boy." She found from previous experience that the fastest way to win a dog's heart was with a tempting treat, and this black and tan pony was no exception. Within seconds he had eaten the beef morsel, licked Joanna's hand and then her face.

Fondling his velvety ears and stroking his ma.s.sive head, she stared into his soft sepia eyes. "Lie down now, pretty boy. That's it.

Lie down."

The dog obediently flopped down and rolled to his side, tongue lolling. "Good boy." Joanna continued to pet him. "Now go to sleep, good boy. Go to sleep." As soon as his eyes closed, she lifted his front leg and sank her fangs into the largest vein. He twitched when her teeth broke the skin, but slept on. Drinking of his savage blood, her vitality returned, swallow by swallow.

The moment his courageous heart slowed, she withdrew and held her fingers over the puncture wounds, not wanting to injure him any more than she already had. He should awaken in a few hours, weak, but alive.

Glancing back at the bed from her position on the floor, she noticed the three hex nuts attaching the bedpost to the bottom rail.

The end of her ankle chain was on the bedpost, so if she could just separate the rail from the post she could slide the chain off to the floor and escape! In a rush of excitement, she crawled back over to the bed and set upon the top hex nut, working with her fingers, not caring that she sc.r.a.ped the skin off her knuckles in the process. They turned, but the problem was that the entire bolt moved.

Her eyes roved the room, searching for a tool of some kind to aid in her escape. Crawling to the nightstand she ripped open the drawers and finding nothing she slammed them shut. The fork fell to the floor and she grabbed it in disgust, flinging it back on the plate on top of the nightstand. The fork! It might just work. With a burst of adrenaline she s.n.a.t.c.hed it up and scooted back over to the bedpost. Using the fork as a makes.h.i.+ft screwdriver she was able to unscrew the nuts. She started humming the tune 'Born Free' as she worked to free herself. As soon as she slid the chain off the bedpost she hopped to the door, giggling as she hummed the part 'As free as the wind blows' ... Ha!

Careful to be quiet she turned the k.n.o.b and eased the door open.

"s.h.i.+T!" Screaming, she slammed the door in the evil vampire's face. He stood right outside, grinning, leaning on the frame with a toothpick hanging from the corner of his distended lips.

"What's the matter, Elsa? No breeze today?" He spoke through the door, in reference to her song. Enraged, she wrenched the door open and flung it back so that the k.n.o.b penetrated the plaster. Diving at him she had every intention of killing him with her bare hands but instead fell in a heap on the floor where he'd stood moments before. His taunting chuckle came from behind and she jumped to her feet and stood facing him.

He stood before her, relaxed, his arms folded over his chest, the toothpick still in his mouth. She thought of shoving the stick of wood through his temple but he read her thoughts and reached up to remove the toothpick. Extending his arm toward her he held it between his thumb and forefinger, twirling it faster and faster until it burst into a tiny flame. He dropped the still smoldering toothpick at her feet.

"You are going nowhere, Joanna." His voice washed over her, so cold and menacing that she s.h.i.+vered in response.

Refusing to remain frightened, she lifted her chin in defiance.

"Colin will destroy you when he finds me. You have committed a grave and foolish error by kidnapping me." Standing tall, she showed him her lack of fear. Was that a hint of uncertainty she saw there in his eyes?

"You don't know who you're dealing with, do you, Nikos? My husband is no newborn neophyte like I am. On the contrary, he is a very powerful...."

"Enough!" Grabbing her shoulders with both hands, his awesome grip threatened to crush her bones. "It is foolish of you to even hope that your pantywaist of a maker will ever find you. Forget about him. You are mine now. He is only a bad memory that you will soon forget." He changed his grip to her upper arms and reached to push open the door as it tried to close on its own.

"Make it easy on yourself and follow my rules. I honestly don't want to keep you chained and thirsting." He guided her through the doorway. "I don't know how you escaped this..." Stopping in his tracks, his mouth hung open but no more sound came forth.

As he stared down at the unconscious dog, he coughed and found his voice again. "What is this?"

Joanna couldn't help but laugh at his incredulous expression. His pale olive complexion paled even more to a sickly greenish pallor.

In his shock, he released her arm and she walked over to the dog and knelt down beside him to stroke his giant head.

"I made friends with your guard dog, Nikos. He is really very sweet." Still stroking the dog, she glanced up at her captor. He still gawked at the dog, but now, he looked a bit frightened.

"He'll be fine. I didn't drain him." She tried to rea.s.sure Nikos before he blew up again.

"Will you shut up! It's not my f.u.c.king dog!"

His roar took her breath away and she was the one left with her mouth hanging open as they both stared at the mysterious, slumbering shepherd. As if he knew he was the center of attention, the dog's eyes fluttered open and he licked Joanna's hand. A slow smile spread over her face as the significance of his presence dawned on her. Colin must have something to do with it! She knew he would find her. Nikos had underestimated her husband's strength! It was hard to keep her joy hidden, but she prided herself on her acting abilities. Turning to face Nikos, she plastered a look of innocence on her face.

"Well, if he's not yours, how did he get in here?"

"Don't irritate me, Joanna. You know I have no idea how it came to be here. Step away and I will dispose of it."

"No!" She screamed and threw herself over the dog. "Please, Nikos, let me keep him. It would help me adjust to my new life." She wiped the smirk off her face before turning to face him with round pleading eyes.


Nikos was so pleased to hear her beg that she saw his chest expand. She had a difficult time keeping the 'defenseless woman begging for presents' pretense up, but it sure worked.

"All right, woman. You can keep your pet."

Moving close to her, he bent down and stared into her eyes, his nose inches from hers. When he spoke, he kept his voice low, but threatening."But ... if you misbehave or try to escape again, I will kill him." He hesitated for the full frightening effect. "Slowly."

Staring at the s.h.i.+ny collar of his blazer instead of his face, she nodded.

"Yes sir. I won't try to escape." Bowing her head to show her submission, only the dog saw the sly smile on her lips.

"Thank you for the food, Master. It was delicious. Did you cook it yourself?" The grimace he gave her told her not to push him any farther.

"You are not to leave this room, Joanna. If you do, I will drain you to the point of death and chain you to the bed once more. Do you understand?" He gained his feet and stood towering over her, feet apart, arms crossed in front of his chest, his dark eyes boring into hers, waiting for her acquiescence. She gave him a tiny nod and he continued.

"The bathroom is through that door." He motioned with his arm toward the closed door on the far side of the room. "I'm always going to be nearby, so if you have need of anything all you have to do is call out to me and I will come." Straightening his jacket, and adjusting his belt, he moved as if to leave, but stopped and turned back, a wicked grin parting his lips.

"By the way ... I have the entire floor reserved. So if you think of screaming for help, no one will hear you, except me." Twice, his eyebrows did a little dance up to his forehead and back down making him appear almost comical as he grinned at her. "If I am forced to place you back on the bed, I may not be able to control my human urges again."

So, he didn't follow through with his intentions earlier when she pa.s.sed out! The thought had just crossed her mind when he answered.

"No, Joanna. When I take you, you will be aware. I do not rape unconscious women!"

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Bloodseeker - Colin's Conquest Part 26 summary

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