Fiends. Part 16

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She rolled onto her back and looked at the ceiling. *I found him witha making love with somebody. Right in the store. Right behind the counter. He was going to marry me.' A tear trickled from the corner of her eye, down her temple and into her ear. With a fingertip, she rubbed it out of her ear. She wiped her eyes.

*Who was the girl?'

*I don't know. Someone from Camp Wahtooki. It's a summer camp down the road from town. A girl's camp. She was maybe a counselor, or something. She had one of those camp station wagons, so I guess she must be a counselor. The b.i.t.c.h.'

*Do you think the guy is serious about her?'

*It looked serious to me. Brad was s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g her.'

*I mean, have they been seeing each other?'

*I don't know. How should I know? He's with me nearly all the time when he's not working. Maybe she visits him at the bait shop every day. I don't know, I just walked in on him. It was like one of those dumb things that happens on TV. But, h.e.l.l, you know, I drop in on him all the time anda I've never caught him doing that before.

*Did you talk to him about it?'

*Are you kidding?'

*No. Maybe it was completely innocent.'

*How could it be innocent? He was humping the b.i.t.c.h.'

*What I mean is, maybe it didn't mean anything.'

*It means plenty when you get down on the floor and stick your weenie in a woman. Doesn't it?'

*Usually,' Roger admitted. *But the thing is, any normal guy is going to do it to a good-looking gal if the opportunity presents itself. Especially if he's not married. Even if he is, maybe, depending on the guy.'

*G.o.d, that's nice.'

*It can be nothing more than a physical thing. There doesn't always have to be a big emotional involvement.'

*We were going to get married!'

*So?' Roger said.

She glared at him.

*I'm not claiming it's right. I'm only saying it sometimes will happen, and maybe the guy really does love you and just gota involved, carried away. It happens. It almost happened to me. Several times.'


*I guess the Boy Scout in me won out against the lech. I was married then. Somehow, I always managed to resist the temptations. It wasn't easy. Some of those galsa Now I sometimes wish I'd gone ahead. Faithful, boring Roger should've put it to every babe in sight. If I'd known what my dear wife was up to, I would've had myself a field day.'

*She was playing around?'

Roger couldn't answer. He lay on his back and rubbed his face. It made him feel weary and sick to remember. Finally, he said, *I wanted to kill her when I found out.'

*I wanted to kill myself,' Tina said.

*Instead, we both ran away.'


*That's because we have high moral character.'

*Is that why?' Tina asked, and smiled.

*But of course. What'd you say the guy's name is? The guy that cheated on you?'


*Tell you what, why don't you give him a call?'

*I can't do that.'

*Sure you can. I told you that I'd help, didn't I? Well, this is my help. Advice based on years of wisdom. Phone Brad. Give him a chance. Give yourself a chance. Just call and see what happens.'

*I don't know.'

*Go ahead. The phone's right there beside you.'

*I can't just call him.'

*Sure you can.'

She shook her head.

*Go on. You want to. I know you want to.'

*I guess so, buta'

*Then do it.'


*I'll go into the bathroom if you don't want me to listen.'

*No, stay.' She rolled onto her side, facing away from Roger.

He put his hand on her bare shoulder.

She swung her feet off the bed and sat up. Leaning forward, she reached to the telephone and lifted its handset.

*Do you know his number?' Roger asked.

She nodded.

*Probably press nine for an outside line, then do the area code and number. That's how these things usually work.'

*Should I reverse the charges?'

*This is on me.' He put his hand on her shoulder again. He could feel her trembling. *Just go ahead,' he told her.

She tapped in the numbers, and waited.

They both waited.

Then she said, *Hi, it's me.' Silence. Then, *I don't know, somewhere down south. Near a place called Wayside, I thinka I manageda Yes, I thumbeda I know how dangerous it is. So what? A lot you careaYou know what I mean. I saw you with her. Behind the counteraYes, that.'

There was a long silence. As she listened to the phone, Tina began to cry softly. Roger kissed the back of her shoulder.

*I don't know,' she said into the phone. *It hurt, Brad. It really hurta I love you, tooa Sure, I doaYou don't have to do that. Just go to bed and I'll see you in the morninga The same way I got herea No, don't. I'm starting back now, so if you drive down we'll probably miss each otheraYes, I'll be careful. Could you give my parents a call and tell them I'm okay?a I love you, too.'

She hung up. Then she eased down onto her back, reached up and curled a hand behind Roger's neck. She drew his head down and kissed him on the mouth. *Thank you,' she said.

*My pleasure.'

Then she got off the bed and picked up her paisley dress.

*What are you doing?' Roger asked.

*I'm going back to Brad.'



*Why wouldn't you let him pick you up?'

She pulled the s.h.i.+ny dress over her head, saying, *I can't let him see me like this.'

*Like what?'

*I'm a mess. My dress is torn.'

*How do you plan to get home?'

*Hitch a ride.'

*At this hour?'

*I'll manage.' She b.u.t.toned the front of her dress.

*It's too dangerous. Let me drive you.'

*Nah. I'll be fine. It'd be all out of your way, anda'

*I don't mind.'

*Thanks, buta nah. I'm going back to my guy, you know? Wouldn't be right, you taking me. Not after what we did.'

*But it's the middle of the night.'

*I can take care of myself.'

*Why don't you at least stay here till morning? Maybe we can find somebody in the coffee shop. Somebody nice and reliable to give you a lift home. Preferably of the female persuasion.'

*I can't wait that long.' Done with the dress, she stepped over to Roger. *Thanks so much for everything. You've been great, really great.' She bent over and kissed him.

He didn't let himself enjoy the soft touch of her lips or the warmth of her body. In minutes, she would be gone. He would probably never see her again. It was better, now, to let himself get no closer to her. *I hope everything works out,' he said.


*You really ought to wait for morning.'

*I know, but I can't.'

*It won't be safe out there. Everybody in the world isn'ta there are lots of nuts out there.'

*Fiends, too,' Tina said. She smiled gently and pushed her fingers through his hair. *I'll always remember you, Roger.'

*I'll remember you, too. Sure will.'

*You go to sleep, now.'

After watching her leave, he rolled to her side of the bed, reached up and turned off the lamp. Then he lay back. He stared for a long time into the darkness, wondering about what he'd just lost.


w.i.l.l.y took a long pull at the bourbon and gave the bottle to Marty.

She pretended to drink while w.i.l.l.y drew his fingernails up the inner side of her thigh. The nails made her squirm with a sickish, hurting tingle. Then his hand pressed between her legs and rubbed her through the soft cloth of the shorts.

The headlights caught a road sign. w.i.l.l.y's hand stopped moving and he read aloud, *Wayside. Pop, a thousand 'n twenty-two. Issa biggy.'

There were a few homes scattered along the roadsides, most of them dark at the windows as if abandoned to the night. At the edge of town, the Dairy Queen was open and crowded.

*Lookit all the babes!' w.i.l.l.y slowed down and stared out at them. *Nice. Really really nice. Hey, lookit the t.i.tties on that one!'

*Want her instead of me?' Marty asked, trying to sound annoyed. *You can take her to your cabin.'

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Fiends. Part 16 summary

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