Nadia Wolf: My Traitor Part 2

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David shook his head, making himself comfortable in the weathered chair.

"But you used to have access to files," Remy said. "What changed?"

"I don't know, but I was able to get it anyway."


David smirked and wiggled his fingers. "Sticky fingers."

Remy frowned. He knew David had taken a risk to get file access. Sticky fingers had nothing to do with it. But, he wasn't going to argue with his friend. David had the information he needed.

Remy took the phone and flipped through dozens of photos of Mya before . . . Christ! Remy quickly shoved the phone back at David. "Find the pictures I need," he ordered gruffly.

David looked at the phone quizzically before cracking a smile. "Oh."

"Oh," Remy repeated dryly.

David laughed. "I have a beautiful wife and a camera. Tell me you wouldn't do the same."

"I don't mind the pictures of her. It's the other ones I have a problem with." Not that he wanted to see photos of her naked either. Mya was like a sister to him. Now he doubted he'd be able to look her in the eye without blus.h.i.+ng. Not that Remy would blush. Not only did his olive skin resist blus.h.i.+ng, but not many things embarra.s.sed him. Mainly because he didn't give a d.a.m.n what other people thought. But Mya . . . well, Mya was different. He cared because she made him care. She made everyone care. However, he doubted that even she could work that miracle with Ava.

"Are you saying you don't like my pictures?" David feigned hurt. "I'm still in shape."

"I barely tolerate you. I sure the h.e.l.l don't want to see the rest of you."

David grinned while he scrolled. "Here. Start with these." David handed over the phone only to have it thrust back into his face.

"Don't make me shoot you," Remy threatened, reaching for his gun.

David snorted. "You didn't like that photo either?"

Remy flexed his hand. "If I see another picture of you, I will kill you. Why the h.e.l.l do you have so many naked pictures of yourself?"

David's mouth tugged at the corners. "You'd have to ask Mya. I'm not the one who takes them."

Remy groaned, sliding his hand over his head. "I don't want to know. Just find the information I need. I don't want to hear Mya's complaints if I send you home with bullet holes."

"It's not my fault if the woman has good taste."

"Find the d.a.m.n information!" Remy could feel his neck vein throb as blood coursed quickly through. How he had managed not to kill David in all the years he had known him was beyond him. "Ava is breathing down my neck, and I have no idea why."

"You used to like that about her," David said flippantly as he returned the phone.

Remy grabbed the phone, glaring at David. "I don't like anything about her."

David nodded absently. "Good. Remember that when we confront her."

"We are not confronting her. I am."

Remy had no doubt seeing Ava would jar him. But there was nothing that she could do or say that would make him hate her less. He would not show her mercy.

A traitor didn't deserve mercy.

Ava stretched in a comfortable patio lounge chair. She gazed out at the backyard, content for the first time in ages. She knew it wouldn't last long. But how could she feel otherwise when the sun warmed her skin and the cus.h.i.+ons cuddled her? It had been way too long since she'd had any comfort. She'd savor it no matter how long it lasted.

"Ava," Jenna called from the door. "It's time for lunch."

"Coming," Ava said, swinging her legs off the chair. "It's been two days of excellent meals. You're spoiling me."

Ava thought Greyson would've called David by now. But it seemed the brothers didn't keep steady contact as she had suspected. She should've been diligent and kept watch of David herself, but relaxing on the patio was a dose of heaven. She only moved from her spot for food and necessities. And ma.s.sages.

Jenna surprised her yesterday with a complimentary ma.s.sage in the new day spa. Coc.o.o.ned in a fluffy robe, Ava was led to a ma.s.sage therapist who worked at her knots so intensely that Ava was a quivering lump and nearly had to call for help to rise from the ma.s.sage table. It was wonderful.

Ava followed Jenna into the kitchen, where Greyson was already filling his plate. By the way he was heaping it, he'd need an additional plate or two.

"I see you're hungry again," Jenna said.

"You work me too hard," he replied. He then leaned down to whisper into her ear, a wicked grin splayed across on his lips.

Jenna's blush made Ava smile. She had pegged them as a couple right away, but after seeing them interact over the past two days, she felt the sharp pang of loneliness. Ava knew it was a road she'd walked down with open eyes, but it wasn't of her own choosing.

Well, maybe it was. Men had expressed interest, but she had no interest in them. Her life wasn't her own. But that was about to change. Many things were about to change.


Ava blinked to find both Jenna and Greyson watching her with a worried expression.

"I'm sorry," Ava said. "Did you say something?"

Greyson handed her a plate. "Just wondering if you're hungry."

"Yes," Ava said, forcing a smile. "Sitting all day makes me very hungry."

Jenna laughed, but Greyson's gaze was steady. He saw things. Things that were better left alone.

Chapter 3.

David watched Remy as he paced the warehouse, pondering the data-cluttered wall. They had spent days going over it again and again. It was all the same. Just as it had been six years ago.

The only change was Remy.

He didn't even think of Remy as Brock anymore. They were two different men. Sure, they looked exactly the same-a tank on legs-but Brock had been snuffed out just as surely as if he had been killed in the raid.

David never blamed Remy for the change. He was just glad Remy had survived at all. But gone was Remy's humor. Gone was his smile. Gone was his purpose.

Security director in a casino.

And before that, his brother's chauffer and bodyguard.

David scoffed. It wasn't as if those were bad jobs, but they weren't Remy. Just watching him stalk the warehouse like a lion confirmed David's thoughts. Remy's plan had always been to climb the Army ranks.

And it wasn't his past torments that had killed Brock. It was Ava.

A woman killed his best friend.

A woman who returned to kill him all over again.

But not if David found her first.

"I smell a rat," David drawled, glancing over at the warehouse door.

"How did you know I was here? I didn't make a sound," Rat said, slowly maneuvering around the perimeter.

"How could I not? You smell like the sewer."

"I haven't been home to shower. Your girl is putting heat on me."

"Ava?" Remy questioned. "Where is she?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean? Haven't you been tracking her?"

Rat narrowed his small, watery eyes. "I was until she disappeared."

"She disappeared?" Remy questioned, irritation lacing his voice. "Where was she seen last?"

Rat aimed his yellow smile at David. "At his house."

"My house?" David demanded.

Rat nodded. "Sitting in broad daylight, watching your house."

"You're lying! I would've noticed her."

Rat's smile grew. "You were too busy with your wife to notice, but I saw. Everything."

David pounced on Rat, slamming him against the wall. Rat's thin hands grappled with David's arm.

"Leave him alone, David," Remy said. "You know d.a.m.n well you don't notice anything when Mya is around."

David let go, snarling a curse. Ava had been outside his home. He had to get Mya out of Vegas today. She wasn't safe while Ava Hunt was prowling.

"After Ava left David's house, where did she go?" Remy asked.

"I lost her," Rat admitted, rubbing his chest from David's a.s.sault. Rat nearly flinched at Remy's hard stare, but then he shrugged. "I took my eyes off her for a moment and she was gone." Rat's grin was back, aimed again at David. "A very short moment."

David clenched his fists. He wanted to punch that smug smile off Rat's face. He felt sick knowing Rat had looked in his windows, at his wife.

And it certainly wasn't a short moment!

Remy rubbed his forehead. "You said she was putting heat on you. How?"

"You're not the only one tracking her. Someone must have spotted me and put a tail on me."

"That's funny," David said dryly. "Because you're a rat."

Rat's lips curled. "Yeah. You know what else is funny? The little birthmark on your wife's-"

David swung, his fist plowing into Rat's jaw, sending him hard against the wall. As he fell, his head cracked against the surface. Rat, cross-eyed from the blow, scrambled to his feet, teetering as he regained his balance.

David lunged at him but was held back by Remy's t.i.tan grip.

"Leave him alone," Remy repeated.

David shrugged off Remy's hand, backing away from Rat. Even though he wanted to do more damage to the vermin, he'd listen to Remy just this once.

"Don't make me regret this," David warned Rat.

"Come back when you have information," Remy said, leading Rat to the door and locking it behind him.

"Don't let him get under your skin," Remy said to David.

"I don't like him. I don't trust him."

"And you hate that he saw Mya naked. I, unfortunately, saw her photos. Are you going to beat the c.r.a.p out of me too?"

"Like I could. And that was an accident," David said. "I didn't mean to show you her pictures. Just mine," he added with a smirk, then he grew serious again. "I have to get her out of town."

"If you're worried about Rat, I wouldn't bother."

"Not just him. You heard what he said. If someone is tailing him, then they might wonder why he was outside my house. I don't want Mya or the baby to get hurt. She's been through enough."

Remy nodded. "Go and do what you have to. You know where I'll be."

"I might be gone a day or two. Promise me you won't make a move until I return."

"I don't make promises."

"Promise me!"

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Nadia Wolf: My Traitor Part 2 summary

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