Genocide Reality Chapter 26

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Chapter 26
Chapter 26 – The Balance-Destroying『Invasion』

It wasn’t the case where I was petrified in front of the enemy . I had solidified for an instant less than even one second . Even in the s.p.a.ce of that instant, it could be said there was enough time to allow the enemy’s preemptive attack .
I jumped back with all of my strength .

“Uwa~” (s.h.i.+njō)

Its attack was considerably more quick and deep than the heavy full body armor appeared, the black death sword *graze* pa.s.sed by my cheek, and the point of the sword shaved my ring mail stomach .
It was just a flake of skin, but I was surprised as I hadn’t intended to just barely avoid it like this .

What a heavy sword . The likes of the ringmail’s defense would be cut and torn with no problem at all .
It wasn’t just heavy, but also fast . Its manner of walking, like it was *gashan, gashan* dragging its heavy armor and helmet, were also feints .

Was this an enemy of the 14th level? The speed of its slashes that cut the empty air, its quickness, and its strength were threats .
Was it due to a skilled technique?

……No, it wasn’t just technique .
Although I was also surprised, I felt something mysterious in the mysterious movements of the black death knight .

That’s why it wasn’t my usual dodge of paper-thin distance .
I jumped back with all my power, but it was paper-thin with that . Somehow, I felt that the distance between us was being misrepresented .

It seemed like the movements of the enemy suddenly fast-forwarded the moment they attacked .
What was this odd feeling . At any rate, let’s use all of my power without poorly relying on my bodily sense when I avoid these guys’ attacks .

There were two swordsman like that .
Furthermore, the me of now was exhausted . I couldn’t even use magic due to a lack of mana . ……The more I thought about it, I had no choice but to tactfully withdraw here .

Fortunately, thanks to the full body armor of the black death knights, save for when it attacked, it couldn’t do anything but walk when it moved .
Considering the difference in speed with the opponent, along with the time of the game, I could run away sufficiently . There was no shame in running away .

But, I had a feeling of ‘I want to kill the strong swordsmen upfrontly’ .
It was my hunger as a swordsman, the one-to-one fight with Enos.h.i.+gaos of the underground 7th floor was good .

There was a feeling that I was fighting a warrior equivalent to me . The more dangerous it was, the more joyful the giving and taking of lives was .
The enemies were none other than a swordsman type . Which one was stronger, the black death swords of the black death knights, or my『Solitude』, I wanted to try it out .

Even though the enemy was in the superiority of ‘two to one’, they attacked with their full power without hesitation .
The black death knights drew their swords, and drew near me as if doing a pincer attack from left and right .

There wasn’t enough speed to swing the long length nodachi, and I couldn’t brush aside the attacks from both parties .
I’d be killed if I remained still .

Even while my mind was hotly demanding a duel, my brain as a gamer calculated the result due to the difference in war potential .
With my fighter rank still only expert, if I directly exchanged blows with black death knights, I had five turns .

What floated in my mind was me being shaved every turn and receiving a fatal wound on the fifth-ish turn: I was cut in two by a black death knight, and my figure sunk into the pool of blood that spouted from my own body .
That vision of defeat would become reality soon if I advanced like this . It was regrettable, but as I thought, taking on two opponents at once was impossible for the current me .

“Eeiiii!” (s.h.i.+njō)

While preparing to use my sword, I jumped back once more, and the two black death swords that were swung downward before my eyes struck against each other .
It felt as if the points of their swords accelerated . The two black death knights set up their quick attacks exactly like a machine .

Whether or not they were living humans who had intelligence, the opponents were wearing full body black steel armor on their bodies, so I felt like I was taking on robots .
I exited from the hall and ran away on the magma path .

They walked calmly on top of the magma floor where you received damage if you treaded upon it .
In spite of them walking while making *gashan, gashan* noises, the distance between me who retreated and ran away didn’t spread easily .

Even though there was no way that it was like that .
So to speak, it felt like they were using delay magic .

Oh yeah, there was also that sort of magic .
Slowing the enemy, accelerating the bodily sense time of yourself, and quick spells .

“Elementary LevelLow RadiateFuu Timeuua Agileloss” (s.h.i.+njō)

This was a fairly high-order spell .
I didn’t always succeed in one time, but I guess it did the trick, as I felt my bodily sense speed rise . My magician rank might have risen more than I thought .

I considered trying to stack it, but it didn’t become words .
My mana had dried up completely . The fact I succeeded was good, but there would be no way out anymore if I faced down the opposition in here .

‘The enemies are coming from the fourteenth floor’, I thought about while running away . Them seeing a scroll with a quick spell written on it somewhere and studying it wouldn’t be funny .
However, warrior-type monsters should have both low mana and magician ranks, and if my guess was right, I should be able to counterbalance it with elementary level .

“Haa, haa…… . Them feeling fast might be just me being tired . ” (s.h.i.+njō)

I could move a bit more quickly if it wasn’t after a series of battles, but I didn’t even have the time to recover stamina with the potions I had on hand .

Before the impossible situation of an『invasion』of two things, it was better to think that the common sense of Genocide Reality that I had now didn’t pa.s.s completely .
The black death knights, which originally should have done nothing but the brute force approach, used delay magic; they were a living opponent .

“Haha~, don’t do it . ” (s.h.i.+njō)

It wasn’t a laughing matter, but it didn’t mean that even I was running away in vain .
Setting aside the fact that they were monsters boasting their high physical strength while wearing black steel armor, they should have been receiving damage on the magma floor .

“That’s right, I’ve learned that you have intelligence, which means you’ll also feel pain and fear . ” (s.h.i.+njō)

The black death knights that were chasing me were also the same living thing that knew both fear and excitement .
The enemies were smart, I couldn’t be made sport of by letting the two come apart .

The movements by the two that kept chasing me without rus.h.i.+ng made me feel independent intelligence .
Even if they were displaying movements that showed signs of a machine, they unexpectedly might have been ecstatic at the excitement of hunting before a prey with the feel of food while being chewed . ¹ If they were the same living things, then I should be able to kill them .

“Come, I’m this way, come this way!” (s.h.i.+njō)

I incited the opponents while running away from them, and when I came to the planned place, I *spin* turned around to the back .
And, I caught the black death swords that were swung downward by the two . At the same time, I pressed the gate b.u.t.ton——

There was a *guw.a.n.guwan* sound, and the heavy gate made of iron descended onto the two black death knights .
The shoulder of one was destroyed by receiving the gate that fell, and the other’s head *gakuntu* was bent horizontally .

“How’s that, the taste of the f.u.c.king technique?” (s.h.i.+njō)

Hitting the opponent’s head with the closing iron gate, I thought that it might pa.s.s as a simple trap, but the enemy was agitated . The f.u.c.king gate didn’t seem to have experience in receiving .
They were attacked by something unexpected, I guess . The two black death knights swung their black death swords downward at me, but their movements lacked brilliance .

They were attacked by something unexpected, I guess . The two black death knights swung their black death swords downward at me, but their movements lacked brilliance .

The iron gate *ganggantu* tried to descend many times over from above continued to give damage soundly . With the unexpected attack, I thought that they might draw back, but the enemy didn’t draw back .
I might have been taking them lightly if they overcame resistance even with this . When I thought so, anger burned in my heart .

“Guuu, not yet!” (s.h.i.+njō)

I wasn’t able to deal with the slash attacks of two of them at the same time and received shallow blows on the tops of my shoulders, but I desperately defended the front of the gate .
The advantageous position was here; if I continued to stop them like this, the enemies would be crushed by the iron gate .

While my arms were being cut shallowly, I felt that it was too greedy to aim at trying to defeat them both at once .
I concentrated my attacks on one, and made it receive a big stab technique .

The black death knight on the right hand side was blown off to the other side, and fell on its backside .
The black death knight on the left hand side who raised its death black sword overhead and tried to attack me in that gap *gakun* took a direct hit from the iron gate that rained incessantly from above and fell to its back .

With this, the opponents were one again .

If it was one-on-one, thennn!

With the iron gate that fell from above, and the slash attack of『Solitude』which I swung from in front, the black death knight fell to its knees and *gasha~* collapsed at last .
Then, the iron gate *bam* fell .

At last, there was the sound of the tough armor breaking while it was caught between the heavy gate and the ground .
The black death knight stopped moving as it was .

“I killed it…… . Hahaha~, I killed it!” (s.h.i.+njō)

With my rank, I killed an enemy of the fourteenth level .
It wasn’t something I could speak well of because the iron gate was what did the real great efforts, but because I faced two black death knights, who also did strong physical attacks, at the same time, on top of attack magic being almost ineffective, I think it was a most spectacular victory .

After resting a little, let’s defeat the other one that was weakened .
Thinking so, I casually looked back and became speechless .

Two new black death knights were approaching from the other side of the pa.s.sage .
*Guw.a.n.guwan*, the gate behind me opened .

The wounded black death knight from some time ago, had pushed the b.u.t.ton and opened the gate . It prepared to use its black steel sword, and *jiri~* approached here .
I was perfectly surrounded . Three opponents at once…… .

“That’s impossible . ” (s.h.i.+njō)

My head grew cold, and quickly moved sideways, I ran to a pit in that place and dropped down .

“Owww……” (s.h.i.+njō)

It wasn’t that I moved without even thinking .
I thought about it and enticed them to that place while taking my own safety margin into account .

For killing the two black death knights, I chose close to the pit as the place of battle so that I could escape right there on the spot in the situation I felt that I couldn’t kill them .
As I fell three meters with an unreasonable stance, my body struck the floor violently and sparks fell in my eyes, but I guess it was better than being surrounded and chopped up by the three of them in that place .

Searching the rucksack, I drank a potion immediately and restored my health .
I decided to withdraw from this level immediately . To go up the stairs from the pit, and evacuate to a level even higher from there .

I saw four of them, but it didn’t necessarily mean that there were only four enemies .
Moreover, I was also considering that many black death knights made a group and did an『Invasion』from below .

Moreover, I was also considering that many black death knights made a group and did an『Invasion』from below .

Even though the black death knights weren’t enemies that appeared numerously like that, even on the fourteenth level .
I knew that the common sense of Genocide Reality of when it was a game should be thrown away already .

Monsters should also flock, think, and consider as a player .

A dark object dropped in front of me who thought so .
The black death knight pursued me, and jumped into the pit . Personally jumping into a trap was an action that a monster absolutely hadn’t done until now .

“You’ll go this far?” (s.h.i.+njō)

The st.u.r.dy and silent black death knight appeared to have almost no pain against the fall damage, and when it got up it thrust its sword towards me .

In contrast with this, what I felt wasn’t fear .
It was a strong anger .

What kind of provocation it was, it acted as if making light of me . It just hated that I violated its rule with my surprise attacking it from some time ago .
If that one felt like that, I’d cheat until exhaustion on this one as well .

“Don’t make light of a retro gamer!” (s.h.i.+njō)

When I threw away the potion I drank, I tightly grasped a large amount of gems inside the rucksack and shouted .

“Elementary LevelLow Radiatefuu Hindrancegoru Creationneta” (s.h.i.+njō)

A pale, semi-translucent wall appeared in front of the black death knight .
An elementary level wall spell . It would be destroyed before long if it acted violently, so I piled it up many times over .

It stopped moving temporarily in this way, next .
Grasping another gem as a subst.i.tute for a mana potion inside the rucksack, I ran off a new magic .

“Intermediate LevelMiddle RadiateFuu Timeuua Agileloss” (s.h.i.+njō)

Failure, it was an intermediate ranking high-order quick spell .
But, I had a lot of gemsmana on hand . I’d do it until I succeeded!

“Intermediate LevelMiddle RadiateFuu Timeuua Agileloss” (s.h.i.+njō)

Success, again .

“Intermediate LevelMiddle RadiateFuu Timeuua Agileloss” (s.h.i.+njō)

Failure, again .

“Intermediate LevelMiddle RadiateFuu Timeuua Agileloss” (s.h.i.+njō)

Success, once more!

“Intermediate LevelMiddle RadiateFuu Timeuua Agileloss” (s.h.i.+njō)

Upon stacking the quick spell many times over, I obtained a quick-up of advanced level rank .
Right as I did that, the black death knight before my eyes, with slow movements, was about to destroy the transparent wall at that moment .

When it brandished its blackened sword towards me, it tried to swing it downward——

“Slow!” (s.h.i.+njō)

When the black death knight swung its sword downward, I was already going around and cutting in sideways .

“Oraaaa!” (s.h.i.+njō)

I swung『Solitude』horizontally with all my strength .

I swung『Solitude』horizontally with all my strength .
With my fighter rank, I couldn’t give strong damage in one blow . But, it’d be fine if I just kept on striking any number of times .

“Guzume, stop and look!” (s.h.i.+njō)

Finally, when it turned this way and raised its black steel sword overhead, I struck it five times so the body of the black steel armor was considerably crushed .
The black death knight also slowly swung its sword downwardly, but I easily dodged it . Because our speed was so different, there was no way it’d hit .

“Uraaa, I’ll make you regret pursuing meeee!” (s.h.i.+njō)

Making it serious was bad . I was the manager of a walk-through site that only had three people in j.a.pan . I could recite every magic that I shouldn’t know at this stage .
Cheating and the like that would collapse the game balance, but if it would kill even this one, I could do it as much as I liked!

In order to train my warrior rank, I had wanted to do it fair and square without support magic, but it wasn’t the case to say things like ‘samurai code of chivalryfair play‘ when I’d received this much damage .

The enemy had used impossible support magic before, was there a bad reason in using it as well!
I beat the slow-moving black death knight left and right, and *bokoboko* strongly smashed it .

“Haaa, haaa……” (s.h.i.+njō)

At my feet, the black helmet and armor that was in pieces collapsed and became a pile . The fact I could kill it was nice, but I couldn’t do something like this many times over .
Health and stamina could be recovered by potions, but my feeling of fatigue was close to the limit . I would have to take a break somewhere .

I had never even thought that the gems I had that I tried to pick up for Nanami and others’ group would be useful for a method like this .
No, I guess it was different……I had never thought that I, who owned perfect capture knowledge, would be cornered so far .

Already, the situation was exceeding the stage of something like enjoying myself in the game .
Ahh, fine, if anythingbaarituudo came from the other side, anythingbaarituudo just went this way as well . ²

Tightly grasping a new gem, I applied the support magic of defense ability up on my body, and went up the stairs to return to the corridor of flames from the pit while chanting a quick spell .
The black death knights that had ambushed me in the corner came to attack, but they were slow .

I held『Solitude』high, running through while striking the enemies before my eyes horizontally .
There was also the one from before, but I produced a transparent wall and confined it .

With the speed of me who had repeatedly applied quick up spells, enemies with slow speed couldn’t catch up to me .
In this way, I escaped from the underground 8th floor that had changed into a den of black death knights, and returned to the upper level temporarily .

I planned to smash them all sooner or later, but I had to get even stronger to challenge them .
Besides, dealing with this strange situation was for the future now .

An individual black death knight just attacked mechanically, but I felt a precise intention in the group’s movements .
『Invasions』to the upper floors with strong enemies was contrary to the rules of Genocide Reality . No, it’d be better to say this was already an aggression .

The wicked will rising from the deepest part of the dungeon may bring new danger to every human being in Genocide Reality .
While being stirred up by a bad premonition, I quickened my pace towards the upper floor .

Translator’s Notes

¹ – Sorry, I didn’t know what exactly it was saying here . ‘機械めいた動きを見せていても、存外と歯ごたえのある獲物を前にして狩りの興奮に恍惚としているのかも知れない。’ 

² – Another sentence I’m not sure about . ‘ああいいさ、向こうがなんでもありバーリトゥードでくるなら、こっちもなんでもありバーリトゥードで行くだけだ。’ 

Chapter 26 – The Balance-Destroying『Invasion』

It wasn’t the case where I was petrified in front of the enemy . I had solidified for an instant less than even one second . Even in the s.p.a.ce of that instant, it could be said there was enough time to allow the enemy’s preemptive attack I jumped back with all of my strength

“Uwa~” (s.h.i.+njō).

Its attack was considerably more quick and deep than the heavy full body armor appeared, the black death sword *graze* pa.s.sed by my cheek, and the point of the sword shaved my ring mail stomach It was just a flake of skin, but I was surprised as I hadn’t intended to just barely avoid it like this

What a heavy sword . The likes of the ringmail’s defense would be cut and torn with no problem at all It wasn’t just heavy, but also fast . Its manner of walking, like it was *gashan, gashan* dragging its heavy armor and helmet, were also feints

Was this an enemy of the 14th level? The speed of its slashes that cut the empty air, its quickness, and its strength were threats Was it due to a skilled technique?.

……No, it wasn’t just technique Although I was also surprised, I felt something mysterious in the mysterious movements of the black death knight

That’s why it wasn’t my usual dodge of paper-thin distance I jumped back with all my power, but it was paper-thin with that . Somehow, I felt that the distance between us was being misrepresented

It seemed like the movements of the enemy suddenly fast-forwarded the moment they attacked What was this odd feeling . At any rate, let’s use all of my power without poorly relying on my bodily sense when I avoid these guys’ attacks

There were two swordsman like that Furthermore, the me of now was exhausted . I couldn’t even use magic due to a lack of mana . ……The more I thought about it, I had no choice but to tactfully withdraw here

Fortunately, thanks to the full body armor of the black death knights, save for when it attacked, it couldn’t do anything but walk when it moved Considering the difference in speed with the opponent, along with the time of the game, I could run away sufficiently . There was no shame in running away

But, I had a feeling of ‘I want to kill the strong swordsmen upfrontly’ It was my hunger as a swordsman, the one-to-one fight with Enos.h.i.+gaos of the underground 7th floor was good

There was a feeling that I was fighting a warrior equivalent to me . The more dangerous it was, the more joyful the giving and taking of lives was The enemies were none other than a swordsman type . Which one was stronger, the black death swords of the black death knights, or my『Solitude』, I wanted to try it out

Even though the enemy was in the superiority of ‘two to one’, they attacked with their full power without hesitation The black death knights drew their swords, and drew near me as if doing a pincer attack from left and right

There wasn’t enough speed to swing the long length nodachi, and I couldn’t brush aside the attacks from both parties I’d be killed if I remained still

Even while my mind was hotly demanding a duel, my brain as a gamer calculated the result due to the difference in war potential With my fighter rank still only expert, if I directly exchanged blows with black death knights, I had five turns

What floated in my mind was me being shaved every turn and receiving a fatal wound on the fifth-ish turn: I was cut in two by a black death knight, and my figure sunk into the pool of blood that spouted from my own body That vision of defeat would become reality soon if I advanced like this . It was regrettable, but as I thought, taking on two opponents at once was impossible for the current me

“Eeiiii!” (s.h.i.+njō).

While preparing to use my sword, I jumped back once more, and the two black death swords that were swung downward before my eyes struck against each other It felt as if the points of their swords accelerated . The two black death knights set up their quick attacks exactly like a machine

Whether or not they were living humans who had intelligence, the opponents were wearing full body black steel armor on their bodies, so I felt like I was taking on robots I exited from the hall and ran away on the magma path

They walked calmly on top of the magma floor where you received damage if you treaded upon it In spite of them walking while making *gashan, gashan* noises, the distance between me who retreated and ran away didn’t spread easily

Even though there was no way that it was like that So to speak, it felt like they were using delay magic

Oh yeah, there was also that sort of magic Slowing the enemy, accelerating the bodily sense time of yourself, and quick spells

“Elementary LevelLow RadiateFuu Timeuua Agileloss” (s.h.i.+njō).

This was a fairly high-order spell I didn’t always succeed in one time, but I guess it did the trick, as I felt my bodily sense speed rise . My magician rank might have risen more than I thought

I considered trying to stack it, but it didn’t become words My mana had dried up completely . The fact I succeeded was good, but there would be no way out anymore if I faced down the opposition in here

‘The enemies are coming from the fourteenth floor’, I thought about while running away . Them seeing a scroll with a quick spell written on it somewhere and studying it wouldn’t be funny However, warrior-type monsters should have both low mana and magician ranks, and if my guess was right, I should be able to counterbalance it with elementary level

“Haa, haa…… . Them feeling fast might be just me being tired . ” (s.h.i.+njō).

I could move a bit more quickly if it wasn’t after a series of battles, but I didn’t even have the time to recover stamina with the potions I had on hand

Before the impossible situation of an『invasion』of two things, it was better to think that the common sense of Genocide Reality that I had now didn’t pa.s.s completely The black death knights, which originally should have done nothing but the brute force approach, used delay magic; they were a living opponent

“Haha~, don’t do it . ” (s.h.i.+njō) It wasn’t a laughing matter, but it didn’t mean that even I was running away in vain Setting aside the fact that they were monsters boasting their high physical strength while wearing black steel armor, they should have been receiving damage on the magma floor

“That’s right, I’ve learned that you have intelligence, which means you’ll also feel pain and fear . ” (s.h.i.+njō).

The black death knights that were chasing me were also the same living thing that knew both fear and excitement The enemies were smart, I couldn’t be made sport of by letting the two come apart

The movements by the two that kept chasing me without rus.h.i.+ng made me feel independent intelligence Even if they were displaying movements that showed signs of a machine, they unexpectedly might have been ecstatic at the excitement of hunting before a prey with the feel of food while being chewed . ¹ If they were the same living things, then I should be able to kill them

“Come, I’m this way, come this way!” (s.h.i.+njō).

I incited the opponents while running away from them, and when I came to the planned place, I *spin* turned around to the back And, I caught the black death swords that were swung downward by the two . At the same time, I pressed the gate b.u.t.ton——.

There was a *guw.a.n.guwan* sound, and the heavy gate made of iron descended onto the two black death knights The shoulder of one was destroyed by receiving the gate that fell, and the other’s head *gakuntu* was bent horizontally

“How’s that, the taste of the f.u.c.king technique?” (s.h.i.+njō).

Hitting the opponent’s head with the closing iron gate, I thought that it might pa.s.s as a simple trap, but the enemy was agitated . The f.u.c.king gate didn’t seem to have experience in receiving They were attacked by something unexpected, I guess . The two black death knights swung their black death swords downward at me, but their movements lacked brilliance

The iron gate *ganggantu* tried to descend many times over from above continued to give damage soundly . With the unexpected attack, I thought that they might draw back, but the enemy didn’t draw back I might have been taking them lightly if they overcame resistance even with this . When I thought so, anger burned in my heart

“Guuu, not yet!” (s.h.i.+njō).

I wasn’t able to deal with the slash attacks of two of them at the same time and received shallow blows on the tops of my shoulders, but I desperately defended the front of the gate The advantageous position was here; if I continued to stop them like this, the enemies would be crushed by the iron gate

While my arms were being cut shallowly, I felt that it was too greedy to aim at trying to defeat them both at once I concentrated my attacks on one, and made it receive a big stab technique

The black death knight on the right hand side was blown off to the other side, and fell on its backside The black death knight on the left hand side who raised its death black sword overhead and tried to attack me in that gap *gakun* took a direct hit from the iron gate that rained incessantly from above and fell to its back

With this, the opponents were one again

If it was one-on-one, thennn!.

With the iron gate that fell from above, and the slash attack of『Solitude』which I swung from in front, the black death knight fell to its knees and *gasha~* collapsed at last Then, the iron gate *bam* fell

At last, there was the sound of the tough armor breaking while it was caught between the heavy gate and the ground The black death knight stopped moving as it was

“I killed it…… . Hahaha~, I killed it!” (s.h.i.+njō).

With my rank, I killed an enemy of the fourteenth level It wasn’t something I could speak well of because the iron gate was what did the real great efforts, but because I faced two black death knights, who also did strong physical attacks, at the same time, on top of attack magic being almost ineffective, I think it was a most spectacular victory

After resting a little, let’s defeat the other one that was weakened Thinking so, I casually looked back and became speechless

Two new black death knights were approaching from the other side of the pa.s.sage *Guw.a.n.guwan*, the gate behind me opened

The wounded black death knight from some time ago, had pushed the b.u.t.ton and opened the gate . It prepared to use its black steel sword, and *jiri~* approached here I was perfectly surrounded . Three opponents at once……

“That’s impossible . ” (s.h.i.+njō).

My head grew cold, and quickly moved sideways, I ran to a pit in that place and dropped down

“Owww……” (s.h.i.+njō).

It wasn’t that I moved without even thinking I thought about it and enticed them to that place while taking my own safety margin into account

For killing the two black death knights, I chose close to the pit as the place of battle so that I could escape right there on the spot in the situation I felt that I couldn’t kill them As I fell three meters with an unreasonable stance, my body struck the floor violently and sparks fell in my eyes, but I guess it was better than being surrounded and chopped up by the three of them in that place

Searching the rucksack, I drank a potion immediately and restored my health I decided to withdraw from this level immediately . To go up the stairs from the pit, and evacuate to a level even higher from there

I saw four of them, but it didn’t necessarily mean that there were only four enemies Moreover, I was also considering that many black death knights made a group and did an『Invasion』from below

Even though the black death knights weren’t enemies that appeared numerously like that, even on the fourteenth level I knew that the common sense of Genocide Reality of when it was a game should be thrown away already

Monsters should also flock, think, and consider as a player

A dark object dropped in front of me who thought so The black death knight pursued me, and jumped into the pit . Personally jumping into a trap was an action that a monster absolutely hadn’t done until now

“You’ll go this far?” (s.h.i.+njō).

The st.u.r.dy and silent black death knight appeared to have almost no pain against the fall damage, and when it got up it thrust its sword towards me

In contrast with this, what I felt wasn’t fear It was a strong anger

What kind of provocation it was, it acted as if making light of me . It just hated that I violated its rule with my surprise attacking it from some time ago If that one felt like that, I’d cheat until exhaustion on this one as well

“Don’t make light of a retro gamer!” (s.h.i.+njō).

When I threw away the potion I drank, I tightly grasped a large amount of gems inside the rucksack and shouted

“Elementary LevelLow Radiatefuu Hindrancegoru Creationneta” (s.h.i.+njō).

A pale, semi-translucent wall appeared in front of the black death knight An elementary level wall spell . It would be destroyed before long if it acted violently, so I piled it up many times over

It stopped moving temporarily in this way, next Grasping another gem as a subst.i.tute for a mana potion inside the rucksack, I ran off a new magic

“Intermediate LevelMiddle RadiateFuu Timeuua Agileloss” (s.h.i.+njō).

Failure, it was an intermediate ranking high-order quick spell But, I had a lot of gemsmana on hand . I’d do it until I succeeded!.

“Intermediate LevelMiddle RadiateFuu Timeuua Agileloss” (s.h.i.+njō).

Success, again

“Intermediate LevelMiddle RadiateFuu Timeuua Agileloss” (s.h.i.+njō).

Failure, again

“Intermediate LevelMiddle RadiateFuu Timeuua Agileloss” (s.h.i.+njō).

Success, once more!.

“Intermediate LevelMiddle RadiateFuu Timeuua Agileloss” (s.h.i.+njō).

Upon stacking the quick spell many times over, I obtained a quick-up of advanced level rank Right as I did that, the black death knight before my eyes, with slow movements, was about to destroy the transparent wall at that moment

When it brandished its blackened sword towards me, it tried to swing it downward——.

“Slow!” (s.h.i.+njō).

When the black death knight swung its sword downward, I was already going around and cutting in sideways

“Oraaaa!” (s.h.i.+njō).

I swung『Solitude』horizontally with all my strength With my fighter rank, I couldn’t give strong damage in one blow . But, it’d be fine if I just kept on striking any number of times

“Guzume, stop and look!” (s.h.i.+njō).

Finally, when it turned this way and raised its black steel sword overhead, I struck it five times so the body of the black steel armor was considerably crushed The black death knight also slowly swung its sword downwardly, but I easily dodged it . Because our speed was so different, there was no way it’d hit

“Uraaa, I’ll make you regret pursuing meeee!” (s.h.i.+njō).

Making it serious was bad . I was the manager of a walk-through site that only had three people in j.a.pan . I could recite every magic that I shouldn’t know at this stage Cheating and the like that would collapse the game balance, but if it would kill even this one, I could do it as much as I liked!.

In order to train my warrior rank, I had wanted to do it fair and square without support magic, but it wasn’t the case to say things like ‘samurai code of chivalryfair play‘ when I’d received this much damage

The enemy had used impossible support magic before, was there a bad reason in using it as well!. I beat the slow-moving black death knight left and right, and *bokoboko* strongly smashed it . “Haaa, haaa……” (s.h.i.+njō).

At my feet, the black helmet and armor that was in pieces collapsed and became a pile . The fact I could kill it was nice, but I couldn’t do something like this many times over Health and stamina could be recovered by potions, but my feeling of fatigue was close to the limit . I would have to take a break somewhere

I had never even thought that the gems I had that I tried to pick up for Nanami and others’ group would be useful for a method like this No, I guess it was different……I had never thought that I, who owned perfect capture knowledge, would be cornered so far

Already, the situation was exceeding the stage of something like enjoying myself in the game Ahh, fine, if anythingbaarituudo came from the other side, anythingbaarituudo just went this way as well . ².

Tightly grasping a new gem, I applied the support magic of defense ability up on my body, and went up the stairs to return to the corridor of flames from the pit while chanting a quick spell The black death knights that had ambushed me in the corner came to attack, but they were slow

I held『Solitude』high, running through while striking the enemies before my eyes horizontally There was also the one from before, but I produced a transparent wall and confined it

With the speed of me who had repeatedly applied quick up spells, enemies with slow speed couldn’t catch up to me In this way, I escaped from the underground 8th floor that had changed into a den of black death knights, and returned to the upper level temporarily

I planned to smash them all sooner or later, but I had to get even stronger to challenge them Besides, dealing with this strange situation was for the future now

An individual black death knight just attacked mechanically, but I felt a precise intention in the group’s movements 『Invasions』to the upper floors with strong enemies was contrary to the rules of Genocide Reality . No, it’d be better to say this was already an aggression

The wicked will rising from the deepest part of the dungeon may bring new danger to every human being in Genocide Reality While being stirred up by a bad premonition, I quickened my pace towards the upper floor

Translator’s Notes.

¹ – Sorry, I didn’t know what exactly it was saying here . ‘機械めいた動きを見せていても、存外と歯ごたえのある獲物を前にして狩りの興奮に恍惚としているのかも知れない。’ .

² – Another sentence I’m not sure about . ‘ああいいさ、向こうがなんでもありバーリトゥードでくるなら、こっちもなんでもありバーリトゥードで行くだけだ。’ .

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Genocide Reality Chapter 26 summary

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