Black Ops Brotherhood: Tightrope Part 12

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"Whoever tampered with this was either in a hurry or knew just enough to get most of the job done."

"That was fast! How did you do that?" Terry asked as he peered at the screen.

"He'll show you later. Let me sit down." Gavin took Terry's seat.

The code had been interrupted in the middle of a frame. As the video played, the almost invisible s.h.i.+ft looked like the lens of the camera refocused. In the split they could see the rear of a Jeep with a portion of the license plate visible.

"Run that partial plate," Gavin ordered Terry.

Terry jotted down the numbers as Dan zoomed in on the Jeep even closer.

"Look right here." Dan outlined the silhouette of a dog inside the vehicle. It was faint in the dark, but visible. Schotzie stood looking directly into the camera from the backseat.

"Is that a dog there?" Gavin asked, peering at the zoomed image.

"Yeah it is. This is Rio's vehicle, Bada.s.s. I'll bet my savings account your plate run comes back with Rio's name on the list."

"We've got a hit, Gavin." Terry returned with the list. "One of the possibilities is Agent Jensen."

Gavin spoke to one of the other agents nearby. "Bring in Deputy James for questioning. I want him brought here right now."

"Did anyone check the restaurant to see if there were any cameras outside?" Dan asked.

"What restaurant?" Terry asked.

"PJ stopped her just past a restaurant that's on the southbound side of the highway. A lot of these places around here have cameras for their dumpsters and storage rooms."

"Restaurant on the southbound side? Those buildings looked abandoned," Gavin said.

"It's been there since I can remember. It might not even be open anymore. But if it is, it might be worth seeing if they have exterior cameras and how they're pointed at the highway."

They drove the short distance to the restaurant near the crime scene. The staff were getting ready to close for the night, having just finished the dinner rush. The proprietors did have a camera. In fact, they had two, both pointing north. One pointed at the dumpster and one to their outside refrigerator. Gavin filled them in on what had happened, and the owner gladly turned over the DVDs from the night in question.

They returned to the station and began reviewing the footage. The camera pointing at the dumpster had a wide-open view of the highway. They scanned the footage and found the traffic stop. They watched Rio get out of her Jeep and two men come out of the brush from the side of the road and grab her from behind. Dan had to force himself and not react as he saw a vehicle pull out of the restaurant parking lot and stop in front of her. Rio had been boxed in between the two vehicles. It was clear they knew what they were doing as they effectively blocked any escape with James parked behind her. He moved in closer when she struggled, to see if he could get a look at the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds for future reference.

"Stand down, lieutenant," Gavin said, putting his hand on Dan's shoulder.

"Look there." Dan stopped the footage when he saw a man looking toward the restaurant. "Who is that? Can you guys do some sort of facial recognition?"

"That kind of hit can take a while. I'd need to clean it up and then run the software," Terry said.

"Let see if we can get eyes on this." Gavin stood and walked to the door. "McKay!"

When the CBP agent walked into the room, Gavin asked him if he could identify the man on the screen, "Son of a b.i.t.c.h! That's Eli Reyes, former FES, Now works for the Montenegro cartel."

"FES? Isn't that Mexico's version of the SEALs?" Dan asked.

"Yeah, Montenegro managed to get a small battalion of those guys to come and work for him. He pays better, and the work is a h.e.l.l of a lot easier. At last count, he had about ninety of these guys on his payroll," Van said. He shook his head. "They must've wanted her real bad to send them in. Why did he leave her with Mora? Why didn't they just keep driving into Mexico?"

They were interrupted when CBP Salas peeked inside. "Walsh, your person of interest is here."

Dan and Gavin exchanged looks. He didn't need to tell Dan to stay with Rio and not let her out of his sight. Instead, Gavin veiled his message.

"Go take care of Rio. I'll let you know how this turns out."

Chapter 11.

1515 Santa Cruz St.

Bisbee, Arizona June 28, 2010/1018 Zulu Rio snuggled into the warm body behind her. When she got into her bed at night, she'd eased into a deep sleep because it was her bed. The whole time in the hospital she woke up freezing and couldn't find a comfortable position to rest in. While she enjoyed a blissful, sleepy, relaxed state, an arm wrapped around her midsection and pulled her closer to a warm body snuggled against her. Wiggling her a.s.s into a hard c.o.c.k behind her, she drifted in a perfect dream and settled into her favorite fantasy about Danny. The deep growl rumbling behind her yanked her out of her dream and made her eyes fly open in surprise.


"Mmm-hmm. Good morning, babe." He buried his face into the back of her neck.

"What are you doing here?" She turned in his arms.

"Sleeping, but this fine a.s.s wiggling all over me woke me up," he said, squeezing her a.s.s.

When she woke last night and found herself in bed, she'd gotten up for a little while. He'd left his bag and laptop in the living room, and she guessed that he'd left for the night and would come back in the morning. She took a shower and went back to bed.

"Didn't you leave last night?"

"I did for a little while, but I couldn't stay gone."

For all of her bravado, it relieved her that he'd come back and stayed. She moved her hand over his cheek and realized she'd known on a subconscious level that he'd been there, protecting her. In his arms, she was safe and had been able to get some much-needed sleep. She recalled the nightmare she had the last night she'd been in the hospital and how she woke up shaking in a cold sweat. Pulling her out of her nightmare, like a dark angel, he'd taken her hand and slid into her bed, holding her close for the rest of the night. She recalled how she'd sworn to herself that she'd tell him how she felt and fight for him this time. She swallowed past the emotional lump in her throat.

"I'm glad you came back."

Danny opened his eyes and gave her a sleepy smile. Snuggling into his chest, she listened to his heartbeat. This was real. Danny was here, and he was hers-for a little while. He s.h.i.+fted and pulled away. She closed her eyes and melted when he cupped her face.

"Look at me, babe," he murmured. She opened her eyes. "I'll always come back to you."

Her breath caught when he covered her mouth with his and devoured her with a searing kiss. There was no longer any doubt in her mind-he claimed her with that kiss. Tightening his grip, he absorbed her quivers as he ran his hands over her hypersensitive body. With every pa.s.s, each nerve came alive and hummed. Entwining his fingers into her long hair, he gently tugged her head back, sending chills racing up and down her spine as he nipped at her sensitive throat. Rio s.h.i.+vered at his warm breath on her skin, and the tenuous control she held slipped as he tugged harder on her hair, making her p.u.s.s.y clench. His ever-changing mood had s.h.i.+fted. He left no doubt he intended to own her, and it scared her. She ran her hands up to his shoulders and pushed.


"Relax, babe, trust me," he cooed as he nibbled her earlobe.

A tremor went through her when he moved his lips over her shoulder. He moved has hands expertly over her body leaving a trail of fire in their wake. She let him take control and lead her to the place she'd longed to be with him. He brushed his fingers over her nipples bringing them to stiff points and making the muscles in her stomach tremble in antic.i.p.ation of more than just a brush of his fingers. She wanted his warm mouth teasing her there. His roaming hand swept over her thigh and across her hip as he slid his hand down to cup her p.u.s.s.y. Without thinking, she opened for him letting him in as she moaned and wiggled her hips into his hand.

"Do you like that, babe?" He chuckled as his hand rubbed over her panty-clad p.u.s.s.y.

His steady patience had worn down her defenses, and she desperately needed the release only he could give. The swelling inside her took her by surprise and left her no time to catch up. All she could do in response was push her p.u.s.s.y deeper into his grasp to get some much-needed attention from his hand. She cried out when he lightly touched her c.l.i.t and rolled her nipples in his fingers. The jolt of the simultaneous action ran the length of her body and curled her toes.

"Danny," she whispered, in a long, drawn out, and hushed voice.

"That's it. Give it to me."

His hands and the sudden s.h.i.+ft in his mood made her understand that he was determined to drag every ounce of erotic response from her. He seemed to know her like no man ever had. He would lead her to the edge with his teasing and stop just short of her reaching bliss. He'd play with her c.l.i.t and nipples, edging her closer, then pull away. She wanted to beg him to end his luscious torment.

"Please..." she pleaded as he kept her hanging by a thread.

"What, babe? Tell me."

She moaned and shuddered in response as the first tremor shook her.

"Not yet," he whispered.

Sweeping off her clothes and then his in mere seconds, she grabbed his c.o.c.k and stroked it slowly while he lowered himself down to her. The s.e.xy vision of him closing his eyes, throwing back his head, and groaning at her gentle jacking would be forever sealed in her memory. Both of them released a long sigh when he pressed his c.o.c.k inside her and filled her slick c.u.n.t. It wasn't enough contact for her, so she wiggled her hips wanting him as deep as he could go. He lifted his hips, drew out his c.o.c.k part of the way, and drove it back inside her p.u.s.s.y. Slow, agonizing minutes pa.s.sed. Tortuous pleasure started to build as he artfully moved in and out of her p.u.s.s.y. Arching her back, she silently pleaded for the hard f.u.c.king she wanted so badly. His eyes closed briefly, and when he opened them again to stare down at her, the look of tender possession showing in them made her heart skip a beat. Their glances locked, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, tugging to bring him as close as two lovers could get. He mischievously smiled at her and held his position drawing out his sweet torture letting her know he'd taken control. When she clawed the tight muscles of his back and shoulders, he lightly bit her in response.

"Harder," she urged.

"Take it," he replied, lightly nipping her shoulder.

Shoving him backward, she found the strength to straddle him and take back control. He was hers, and it was time she seized what she wanted without the hesitation that ruled her life. No man had ever measured up to her Danny, and now she understood why she could never make something permanent. She slipped his c.o.c.k back inside her weeping p.u.s.s.y, clenching his d.i.c.k as she worked to keep him deep inside. Without warning, he grabbed her a.s.s, lifted her, and slammed her down. She took his hands, laced her fingers in his, and pushed them over his head.

"f.u.c.k me, harder."

"No, you had your chance," she answered with a kiss.

His hard c.o.c.k buried inside her sent a tremor through her body. She'd waited so long for him and only him, now she planned to savor every second of finally being this close. She released his hands only to have him grab her a.s.s and try again. She grabbed his face.

"Wait for it," she whispered.

Rio moaned when he filled his hands with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and sucked one of her nipples into his warm mouth. She rode his c.o.c.k in small tight circles increasing the pace ever so slightly to keep him on the edge. This time there were no blindfolds or games, just them, and it was real. They moved as if they had been made for each other, fitting together perfectly and understanding each other's l.u.s.tful needs. She nipped at his neck as she increased the pace and roughly thrust her hips against his. Her entire consciousness became focused on her body and his c.o.c.k filling her p.u.s.s.y.

All the years of waiting had been worthwhile as their moment built to a crescendo. Her climax crept up to her consciousness, slow and steady until it hit like a tidal wave. She squeezed her legs tighter around him as her p.u.s.s.y locked around his c.o.c.k. She shook at the carnal force that rocked her body to its very core. His control failed him when he grabbed her a.s.s and shoved himself deeper than she thought possible. He threw his head back and cried out her name as his hips jerked against hers. His c.o.c.k lurched while her c.u.n.t walls milked him, encouraging his release. She rode the wave of her s.e.xual delight over and over, the power of it consuming her. The years of waiting ended as she exhaled.

This experience had been better than any fantasy about him she could dream up. Collapsing on top of him, he wrapped his arms around her. Goose b.u.mps danced across her skin as her rush subsided. She glanced up, and he rubbed his nose against hers as she rolled over and cuddled next to him. Mischief was written in his black eyes as he softly ran his finger down her spine.

"Danny!" she cried as she shook and snuggled into his body trying to escape him tickling her hypersensitive body. Her tummy flipped when she heard him chuckle.

"I need to go to Sierra Vista today. I'm having breakfast with my mom, and I need get something at the mall. Wanna come with me?" he asked.

She wasn't sure if she was up to that much activity today, but she didn't want to say no to him. He kissed her and gripped her a little tighter making her squeak in protest.

"I don't know. I'm ready to go back to sleep."

"I don't want you to be alone right now."

"You left me alone last night."

"You were sleeping, and it turned into an emergency."

"What do you mean?"

"Gavin was having a software issue, and I went to take care of it."

"We have IT guys at the station. Why couldn't they do it?"

"They didn't know how to handle it."

"How long will we be gone?"

"We'll be back before noon."

"If you're spending time with your mom, do you want me to go?"

"I'd love for you to go. I'm sure she'd enjoy seeing you."

The entire Gamez family always seemed so loving and supportive of one another. Mrs. Gamez had been her favorite teacher, ever. Professor Gamez had been the dean of the local junior college. Emily, Danny's sister, had followed in her parents' footsteps and went into education. His brothers had gone on to become a doctor and an engineer. It was the type of encouragement and support she'd always wanted from her family, but the only one she'd ever gotten it from was Davey.

"I'll go," she said, kissing his neck. He s.h.i.+vered when she nipped him making her giggle. His nerve endings were a little edgy right now, too.


They arrived for breakfast at a local Mexican restaurant outside the neighborhood where Danny's mom and dad now lived. She glanced at him as he squeezed her hand under the table and wondered why she'd fought so hard to keep him away at times. The trepidation about this being a short-term hookup for him disappeared, and now it suddenly didn't matter if she had him for fifteen minutes, fifteen days, or fifteen years; Danny was finally hers, even if only for a little while.

Gavin observed Deputy Paul James to gather silent information that even the deputy didn't know he gave away. He watched as James played with his fingers. The vibration of James's nervous shaking leg gave away his anxiety. He also noticed the way Paul James would avoid looking at him whenever he spoke. This little weasel b.a.s.t.a.r.d was guilty of something because his body language screamed tension and fear.

When he'd started to interview James about a traffic stop, the deputy immediately demanded a lawyer. Respecting his const.i.tutional rights, Gavin stopped his questions and gave him forty-eight hours to return with his lawyer so he could get legal representation. That lapse in time gave him the opportunity to get a federal judge to sign a warrant allowing him to hold persons of interest involved with Agent Jensen's kidnapping.

Forty-eight hours later, Deputy James and his attorney, a Mr. Blair, were sitting in a CBP interrogation room. Time was up, and it wouldn't take much to rattle this suspect.

"Deputy James, may I ask you a few questions regarding a traffic stop you initiated on June twenty-third?" Gavin asked.

"We've prepared a statement regarding the incident of June twenty-third involving Rio Jensen." PJ's attorney handed him a doc.u.ment.

"Rio Jensen?" He hadn't asked about Rio or that particular incident. He hadn't gotten that far before the guy lawyered up. He'd only mentioned a traffic stop. It could have been any traffic stop for all they knew.

"Special Agent Walsh, we're all aware of what happened to Ms. Jensen. This is a small town and you're a federal agent, so is Ms. Jensen," the lawyer explained.

Gavin opened the folder and read the five-page doc.u.ment.

"Looks like a routine traffic stop."

"That's right, Agent Walsh."

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Black Ops Brotherhood: Tightrope Part 12 summary

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