Black Ops Brotherhood: Tightrope Part 14

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"Yeah, but they might work together if they have to. Remember Reyes is a soldier and takes orders," Salas pointed out.

"Jax is an overgrown baby, and when he doesn't get his way he throws a tantrum. Really, he's pretty harmless. PJ's a possibility. He'd hook up with those guys because he's a conniving, opportunistic, back-stabbing, SOB. I'd count Seth out. He's probably the most reasonable and levelheaded of the three," Van observed.

Rio noticed Gavin studying her timeline, and absorbing their profiling information.

"What's the motivation?" Rio asked.

"Revenge," Gonzales said. "Reyes and Jax have a hard-on for you, boss. But honestly, I don't think Jax would go so far as to get involved with a cartel and murder three of his father's hands for revenge. He's not that smart. I mean, the worst he'd do is try to kick someone's a.s.s, but I don't think he's got the brains to plan a kidnapping and a murder."

"What about PJ and Reyes?" Rio asked.

"Now, that's a possibility. PJ could easily hook up with them and cut a deal. After that bust you headed, Reyes would volunteer for that mission. And they're both that smart," Salas said.

"Do you know what I think? I think PJ could easily lead Jax into something if it sounded good. And I think Jax's dad is behind the whole thing. Wes Macey is up to something, and he would make a deal with the devil if it would fatten his bank account," Rio said.

The men who were familiar with the history of Bisbee and its residents went quiet for a long time.

"That takes this to another level," Alan said, shaking his head "Yeah, the pros. Jax and his gang are amateur hour compared to Reyes and Wes Macey. It's no secret that as a real estate developer, Mr. Macey has been involved in some questionable deals," Salas said.

"Exactly. Why else would Reyes show up? Reyes and his bunch are in another league and the best Montenegro has. Have you noticed how busy we are all of a sudden? I mean, more than usual. The cartel is shot gunning us. Remember the last time they did that?"

"Yeah, when we busted Reyes for running all those weapons," Van said, sitting back.

"It's happening all over again and I think we found out why last week," Rio said.

"Are you thinking Macey's in bed with Montenegro?" Van asked.

"With what I found last week, I think it's something bigger. Macey's been buying up all the property on the border from Naco to Bisbee. There are three of us that haven't sold yet. My family is one of the hold outs. Wasn't it about six months ago when he tried to move in on the casino at the reservation? Remember what he did to them, how he tried to go around federal law? And everyone found out his silent partners from Tahoe were tied to the Genovese crime family?"

"Okay, being tied in with the mob is one thing. Was he ever charged with a crime? We need to prove a tie to Montenegro. That being said, why would he come after you?" Gavin asked.

"The Lazy J. That all makes sense now. Montenegro is going for a double play. Hold you hostage until your family sold the ranch and Reyes gets a little revenge. We've been a real pain in the a.s.s to the Montenegro cartel. Normally, Reyes and his gang wouldn't have messed around like that. Your ranch has to be the only reason they kept you alive," Alan said.

"But why didn't they move you into Mexico right away? They had plenty of time," Van said.

Thank G.o.d they didn't. Rio cringed at the thought.

"It was supposed to be a practical joke. Who knew how to switch up the plan?" Gavin asked.

"Those couldn't come up with something that complicated. Someone's dirty and used that situation to his advantage," Van said.

"Follow the money. Look at Wes Macey and all of his dealings right now. I wondered why he wanted our ranch so bad. I'll bet my next paycheck he's dealing with someone connected to Montenegro," Rio said, pointing at Macey's name.

"That's a h.e.l.l of a bet, boss," Salas said, sitting back.

"Yeah, but it all comes together," Alan said.

"I don't think it's PJ, that's for sure," Gavin said frankly. "Based on his interrogation, I actually think he may have been set up."

"It would make sense. He's the newcomer. He'd be the perfect scapegoat," Van said.

The concentration in the room shattered when Schotzie suddenly sat up and started barking ferociously. The hair rose up along the ridge of her back as she snapped and growled. Rio commanded her down. Instead, she bolted for the conference room window and clawed as she jumped against it.

"Down!" Rio commanded the dog firmly.

Schotzie lay down and whined as she barked at the window. Van picked up her leash and attempted to calm her. Glancing out of the window, Rio saw what had caused her dog's sudden outburst. Jax had spotted Rio through the clear window while she talked with her men, and he made a beeline for the room. No longer considered a mere nuisance, she bristled because Jax had become a real threat to her safety. Being so attuned to each other, Schotzie sensed her mistress's sudden change in mood and picked up her vicious barking again. The men turned to look behind them as the conference room door flew open.

"Lil' bit..." Alan said as he stood when Jax stalked into the room toward her.

"Tell them to stop!" Jax said as he pointed to Gavin who also stood.

Everything she'd endured for the last week came screaming back at her with every inch Jax gained toward her. Never mind that she'd just determined he'd been used, her feelings of helplessness, fear, loss of hope that anyone would come for her, and the realization that she might die rushed into her memory. Suddenly, the nasty smells and oppressive heat of her makes.h.i.+ft prison filled her senses once more.

Their practical joke had almost cost her life, and Jax wanted them to stop? Who the f.u.c.k would stop him? Schotzie continued her wild barking and snapping as she tugged away from Van. Salas grabbed the leash and had to hold on with both hands. She glanced at her dog and recalled how her cries sounded so helpless when she'd been shot. Her best friend and partner had been another innocent victim of him and all his bulls.h.i.+t. Now beyond all reason, in her mind, she no longer stood in the safety of a CBP conference room. His appearance had taken her back to the attic where she had to fight for her survival. As he came closer, she had a new objective: stop this son of a b.i.t.c.h from ever hurting anyone again-at any cost.

"f.u.c.k you!" she roared, throwing down the marker in her hand as she charged forward.

Someone caught her from behind-and had just saved Jax's life.

"Let me go! I'll kill that b.a.s.t.a.r.d for what he did to my dog!" She screamed as she fought to get away from the person restraining her.

People shouted in the background, and more than one set of hands held her back. Her only mission in life had become pummeling Jax Macey into the concrete foundation of the building where she stood.

He had to be stopped, right now, before she took another breath. He had to be stopped.

"It's not worth it, Rio. Remember who you are. Let's get them the right way," a deep voice urged close to her.

Watching him walk away was unacceptable. She fought even harder. She had to keep him from leaving. She'd had enough and wouldn't rest until she stopped him, for good. His games had endangered people's lives, and he had to be punished this time. Being held back by someone much stronger and impeding her mission, irritated her, and now she had to deal with escaping someone else's clutches. The feeling of helplessness added to her fury, and she kicked and fought even harder.

"Rio, babe, stop. Look at me."

She heard a soft, gentle, familiar voice penetrate through her rage. Danny? Taking a deep breath, she gripped the lifeline he'd thrown her. When she regained a sense of balance, she realized his hands were cupped around her face and his thumbs were stroking her cheeks. His touch made her body go slack. She focused on the deep, comforting, black pools of his eyes.

"Babe, calm down," he murmured.

Angry tears of frustration and defeat stung her eyes as she blinked her way back into reality.

"Danny?" Her voice was a ragged whisper.

Jax was gone, and Danny had taken his place in her field of vision.

"I'm right here, baby," he rea.s.sured her softly as he ran his thumbs soothingly over her cheeks.


"She's fine and standing right next to you," he said quietly. She closed her eyes and stilled to hear his words. "That's it, take a deep breath, babe."

Attempting to calm her racing heart and the pounding in her ears, she did as he commanded and inhaled deeply. Her feet touched the ground, making her look down at the arms around her midsection that had eased slightly. Agent Walsh. He'd been the one who'd grabbed her from behind and one of the few men that could have stopped her. She stood on rubber legs and Danny helped her to a chair. Schotzie put her head in Rio's lap.

"Are you all right?" Gavin asked.

"Yes." She stroked Schotzie's soft neck.

"You put up a h.e.l.l of a fight. I can't have you harming my suspect. He'd walk for sure then."

"I'm sorry," she said.

"Sorry you didn't kill that b.a.s.t.a.r.d?" Friday asked.

The three men surrounding her laughed, and she couldn't help but smile. Rio's men surrounded her, their worry evident. They joked with her, but she knew they were scared for her. She rea.s.sured them that she'd regained her self-control. Commander Alverez came in and gently scolded her for being on the premises, reminding her that she'd been put on medical leave. He then politely kicked her out of the station for the next couple of weeks.

Toward dusk, just as the desert began to cool, Dan and Rio took Schotzie for a walk. They stopped at an open field and played fetch.

"What happened today, babe? What made you lose your s.h.i.+t like that?"

"I've had enough. Someone has to stop Jax," Rio said, hugging herself.

"Let Gavin do like he said earlier and have the FBI file a restraining order," he suggested, throwing the ball for Schotzie. She took off like a shot and chased the ball into the brush. With her tail wagging happily, she pranced lightly as she returned and dropped the ball at his feet.

"Like that'll do any good. Cochise County Sheriff's Department has to enforce the restraining order."

"It'll be a federal order. Any federal law enforcement agency can enforce it. And it would certainly be taken into consideration when you pop a cap in his a.s.s. I get the feeling you'll have no problem enforcing that restraining order, if you have to." He threw the ball again.

Rio raised an eyebrow in consideration. He had a point. The next time Jax or any of his buddies came around she could at least say she'd f.u.c.ked them up because she feared for her life.

Eli Reyes watched as Rio walked her dog to the empty field near her house. The hair on the back of his neck rose when he saw the man walking next to her. It was the same guy that had been with her at the hospital. While she'd been recovering, he'd watched her room and was frustrated that the guy never left her alone. Now, he watched and waited for the opportunity to get her alone again without killing anyone in the process. The orders had been clear. Do not draw attention to this mission. Bring the package straight to Mexico this time. For some reason, they'd wanted to keep her in the United States the first time. He'd been returning to get her out and move her from where he'd hidden her when he saw the black vehicles all over the neighborhood. From down the street, he seen them put her into an ambulance and take her away. When he'd found out about the condition she'd been in, he was furious. He hadn't left her that way. In fact, he'd left strict orders for her safety and comfort. Mora had almost killed her and Eli would ensure he would pay as soon as he got out of lockup. Eli would take him back to Mexico and deal with him there. Failure wasn't an option this time. Not only did his boss want her, so did he, and he had to get her back.

From where he sat, he could've taken one shot, and it would've all been over; she'd be alone and vulnerable again, his for the taking. He would've done it in a heartbeat; she had become the object of all his free thoughts. He remembered meeting her for the first time and how his cold professional world had been rocked when he tangled with CBP Jensen. His c.o.c.k stiffened when he recalled her interrogation session with him. He'd allowed her to question him, and while she talked to him, he gotten to know her. She was unlike any woman he'd ever met, and he wanted to get closer to her to try to understand what fascinated him so much about her. If he'd had his way, she'd be over the border and at his private ranch far from here. He'd have kept her safe and comfortable, and with a little time he could make her happy. She put herself in too much danger for his liking. He would hate to turn on someone in the organization if they ended up hurting her again.

Sitting up a little straighter, he watched the man put his arm around her and kiss her while they walked. When they got to the field, they played fetch with the dog she worked with. She liked animals. Eli did, too, and he thought about his family's ranch outside of Hermosillo. He could take her there, and given enough time, he'd win her over. He could tell by talking with her and from what he saw now, she was a good girl and thought about how much his family would like her. He couldn't help but smile when her laughter rang out across the empty field.

s.h.i.+fting his attention to the man with her, he dug out his scope to get a better view of the guy. It was clear by their expressions and all the little touches they shared they were in a relations.h.i.+p. As he looked longer, something about the man seemed familiar, but he couldn't place him with any one group of federal law enforcement. This man would be a loose end he'd need to tie up because he could become a real threat. It didn't matter. Soon he'd be taking Rio back, and this time, he would take her home and see to her needs himself.

The satellite phone buzzed, s.h.i.+fting his attention.


"Mission aborted. Return to base tonight. Go through the Nogales Crossing, second lane."

"Understood," he said.

In frustration, he tossed the phone on the seat and ground his teeth in aggravation. As soon as they were out of sight he cranked the engine and turned the SUV onto the road.

Another time, mi amour.

Chapter 12.

1515 Santa Cruz St.

Bisbee, Arizona June 29, 2010/2257 Zulu Dan pulled Rio against his chest as they settled down after dinner. He lightly ma.s.saged her shoulders while they watched TV. This sort of activity had quickly become his favorite pastime. He loved being close to her, touching her soft skin, running his fingers through her long brown hair, and squeezing her firm body against his. It made him smile when she'd s.h.i.+ver every now and then as he stroked her.

"You're driving me crazy!" She giggled as he played with the back of her neck.

"Good, you'll be all ready for me."

Halfway through the movie, he noticed she stifled a yawn. He adjusted himself, making her glance at him.

"Are you uncomfortable?"

He lifted her chin and kissed her. "No."

Yawning again, he knew she still wasn't 100 percent. Today had been an active day, a special treat for him because he got to watch her work with some of the dogs at the local shelter. It amazed him that she could get dogs to do exactly what she wanted within mere minutes. It was as if she and the animals she worked with had a special language all their own.

Today he observed as she worked to rehabilitate a large pit bull that had been rescued from a drug dealer. She didn't hesitate unlocking the cage and walking inside the run with the dog. The dog growled, and Dan was convinced the d.a.m.n dog would bite her, so he prepared himself to take on the dog and drag her out of there. Within thirty minutes, she'd earned the dog's trust, and she'd leashed him. Seeing her in her element made him realize how much he'd missed while he'd been gone. He'd lost out on the pleasure of watching her blossom into a woman. It made him a little jealous other men got the chance to watch her s.h.i.+ne every day. He protectively wrapped his arms around her, and his heart melted when she snuggled against him.

A sudden inspiration struck him. It had been something he'd wanted to do when they were in school but never got the nerve to ask her.

"I want to do something."

"I'll bet you do." She giggled.

"Put your shoes on."

"Sorry, but I don't have those kind of shoes."

He lightly spanked her.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, and put your shoes on."

Rio relaxed into the pa.s.senger's seat. It surprised her that he drove a truck. Whenever she'd listen to him and Davey talk, they'd always talked about driving some sort of souped-up muscle car. Danny's favorite had always been the Ford Mustang. She remembered that because they'd argued about which car was the best. Her brother favored the Chevy Camaro. The standard had s.h.i.+fted for both men. Davey drove a Ford truck and Danny drove a Chevy Avalanche. Still weak from her ordeal, Rio wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed and sleep. But there would be no way she'd turn down spending more time with Danny.

When he took a familiar turn off of the main road, she frowned. She knew where they were headed-the hunting shack on her family's ranch. The turn struck her as curious as she waited to see what he'd planned. When they arrived, he walked around to her side and opened the door.

"What are we doing here?" she asked as he helped her out.

"Come on."

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Black Ops Brotherhood: Tightrope Part 14 summary

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