Black Ops Brotherhood: Tightrope Part 22

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Closing his eyes, he snuggled in her lap and tried do as she commanded while she continued her affectionate petting. His laser focus kicked in remembering how she'd pulled on the collar she'd attached to him made him crazy and h.o.r.n.y as h.e.l.l. He s.h.i.+fted his position to allow his growing c.o.c.k some much-needed relief. He moved his hand over her p.u.s.s.y. d.a.m.n, he wanted to f.u.c.k her so bad right now.

"I said relax," she said a little more firmly.

"I want you."

"I'm sorry. Not tonight," she said, moving his hand away.

s.h.i.+fting his position so that he could lie right next to her, he buried his face in her neck and kissed her. The touch made her s.h.i.+ver and he smiled. Her voice was hard and firm, but her body betrayed her. He moved his hand over her belly and in between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"I love you, babe. Let me make you feel good."

Moving his hand, she let out an aggravated sigh.

"No. I'm not rewarding you for disobeying me earlier. So relax or you're sleeping on the couch."

He stopped and looked at her for a moment. How the h.e.l.l... She'd already become a pro at this game.

"Get back down to where you were. I'll let you know when I'm ready for anything else."

"I didn't disobey you," he countered as he s.h.i.+fted down to her lap.

"Huh, the h.e.l.l you didn't. If you know so much about this type of life then you know exactly what you did. I'm your alpha, you don't get to tell me what to do. Ever."

It struck him as to why she'd been so confident and didn't falter. She was in her element and drawing on her dog training experience to help her through what she needed to do.

"I'm not one of your dogs," he said.

"I've never believed you were. The only way I can understand this is to compare it to what I know. And it isn't that far from what I already know."

"Where are you getting your information?"

"I'm reading it on the tablet you gave me."

"Let me help you with that. You might be reading the wrong thing."

Shutting off the tablet, she placed it on the bedside table. Encouraged, he felt a little control come back into his life because now she needed him. Getting the right information would be where he could guide her.

"I'm not a kid anymore, Danny. I know the difference between right and wrong. I also trust my instincts because they're rarely wrong. I've been looking through some of this stuff online since you and I first talked. You're right, a lot of that information is harmful and downright bad. But I came across one article that I could understand and that made sense to me. I don't agree with everything this Domme writes, but I can relate to quite a bit of it. She has some good techniques and information that seem safe, and yes, I can relate it to my dog training experience. That doesn't mean I'm treating you like an animal. You're my man, and I love you. I want to show you I love you by giving you what you need."

"I want you to be happy, too," he said, relaxing into her body.

"I am happy"-she ran her fingers through his hair-"because all I've ever wanted is you."

"I still want you," he said, persisting as he moved up to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"Behave. I'm reading up on male chast.i.ty. I know you don't want to go there."

The thought made him shudder. He'd read about that, too, and locking up his d.i.c.k wasn't his idea of a good time. She turned off the bedroom lamp and made herself comfortable as she snuggled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

"I want you."

"You don't want me improvising that device."

His world had definitely changed on this trip home.

Chapter 18.

Fort Huachuca, AZ Military Intelligence Detachment July 7, 2010/1403 Zulu Dan entered the secure conference room still having no idea what this meeting could be about. Gavin shut the door behind them and took a seat at the table. Even though within the military chain of command Dan outranked everyone in the room, Gavin had been given lead on this op. The lines of rank were blurry in the Spec Ops community because experience and specialties were what counted. Gavin was more experienced by far than Dan and Friday put together.

"Well boys, we have another mission, and it takes us back into Mexico."

"What's the job?" Friday asked.

"Take down the Montenegro cartel, recover three cases of EMP devices that the Russians have finally admitted are missing, and take down Bakri once and for all."

"Do we get any help? Or is it just the three of us?" Dan asked.

"So far it's just the three of us. We'll be doing the prep work here, and Rock will send a team in a few weeks. We're waiting for the official diplomatic request for help from the Russians. But, to everyone else, we're working on a new joint computer system at the proving grounds here with the Information Systems Engineering Command. Goes right up your alley, Dan. Friday, you're admin support, doing all the doc.u.mentation for the project. I'm here as a liaison for the FBI. I think Rock is sending Shaq and his team. How long do you have left for leave?"

"Two weeks," Dan said.

"That'll give us enough time to set things up. Rock wants you and me to go back to Randolph, Dan. Then you and Rock are going to Coronado to talk with Dixie about his requirements for this mission."

"My specialty is surveillance and intel. Is that what I'm setting up? Or is this just a hit and run again?" Dan asked.

"I'm not sure if he wants us to sneak in and plant surveillance or if he wants eyes and ears inside the compound. We need to get as much on Montenegro and his habits as we can so we can lay our hands on Bakri. Rock also mentioned working with a new Marine Recon team setting up shop at Fort Sam."

"Well, either way, we need to start laying the groundwork. I can start setting up the works.p.a.ce. Dan can set up all the computers and comm. Do we have s.p.a.ce here? Or are we going somewhere else?" Friday asked.

"No, we'll be working out of here because we need a secure location. I'm working with the ISEC commander on acquiring some real estate for a while. I think working with CBP will give us a lot of information on the cartel since they deal with it every day. I've got the go-ahead from Rock to recruit a small team from CBP to work with us. Dan, here's a list of my possibles. I need you to check them out."

Gavin handed him a folder. The name at the top of the list made his heart stop. He glanced up and saw Bada.s.s waiting for his reaction.

"I don't think this is a good idea," he said.

"You'd better come to grips with it, lieutenant. If I have my way, she'll be my right hand back at the unit. Get on that list. I need to start spooling this thing up."

"What about the chain of command? I'm in a relations.h.i.+p with this woman. I just proposed to her!"

"She won't be in your direct chain of command, and I need her skills."

"What the h.e.l.l do you mean? She'll be working with us!"

"She'll be a.s.signed to the reserve command at Fort Sam. I know how to get around this and get what I need. I've already done some of my own checking. Rock's approved it, and I'll make him aware of the situation. Deal with it."

Dan knew that look on Bada.s.s' face. He wasn't budging, and Senior Chief Walsh could always make things happen just the way he wanted them. Reviewing the names on the list, he found that Gavin had recruited Rio's entire team. This would be an impossible situation. He knew his Mistress and Bada.s.s, and they were one and the same. If she made up her mind to do this, there would be nothing he could say or do to dissuade her. Bada.s.s had already made up his mind, and short of him finding out she was part of the Montenegro cartel, there would be nothing to keep her off the team.

Dan went uncomfortably silent at this turn of events. He would outrank his Domme. The idea that he'd have to tell her what to do gripped him as a bad sideways curve in their growth. Dan thought about details that everyone around him seemed to be missing. She would be enlisted. He was an officer. He didn't give a s.h.i.+t what command she'd be a.s.signed to, they would still be serving in the same Navy. She was his Domme, and he was her submissive. They were engaged to be married.

Knowing the guys they'd be working with, some dumba.s.s would make a play for her. He could be pretty easygoing, he could also be extremely territorial and would hurt anyone who tried to take her from him. Even though she was Mistress, she was his Mistress and the idea of one of the guys coming on to her, even jokingly, aroused his jealousy. How the h.e.l.l would he balance this?

Rio searched the fall schedule for online They had a bachelor's degree program in criminal justice. Even though she felt traditional about school, with the tools Danny had given her and the way her work schedule s.h.i.+fted so much, going to school online might work out for her. Her cell vibrated on the table next to her as he rushed through the door.

"We need to talk. Now!"

"What happened?" She stood and glanced at her phone; it was her mother. "Hang on a minute. She never calls me. I may have an emergency."

On her way to the kitchen, she suddenly found herself spun around and facing Danny.

"I've got a real emergency right now, d.a.m.n it!"

The phone in her hand went off again. The only time her mom called was if something had happened to Davey, or she wanted to complain about something, and no one else would take her calls. She had to answer to find out if her brother needed her.

"Okay, Danny. Hang on," she said as she answered the phone. "Hi, Mom."

"Rio! What's this I hear about you filing a restraining order on Jax? He's in jail right now because of you. Have you lost your mind? I want you..."

This wasn't a discussion she wanted to have with her mother at this particular moment. As she listened to her mother rant, her work cell vibrated. This call was from Special Agent Walsh.

For the love of Christ! Did the world suddenly get bathed in crazy?

Danny stood there fuming and irritated at being made to wait with his crisis. Her mother had chosen one h.e.l.l of a time to call and start making demands. Picking up her work phone, her heart sank when the call ended because Walsh might have been calling about a break in her case. Rio took an internal deep breath and a mental step back.

Okay, one at a time. I need to hang up with my mom since this conversation won't go anywhere. After that, Danny can tell me about whatever crawled up his a.s.s, and then I can call Walsh back.

Her mother finally stopped talking long enough for her to try to explain. Obviously, the short explanation wasn't good enough, and her mother demanded that she drop a federal restraining order against Jax.

"I can't, Mom. It's a federal order. I didn't file it; the FBI did." Her mother started to rant once more. Hang up, just hang up. "Mom, I need to go. I have a situation at work. I'll call you later. Bye." Ending the call, she looked at Danny. "Now, what happened?"

"We need to talk about a project Gavin wants you to do. I want you to say no."

"What? Why?"

"Because it's too dangerous, and I don't want you doing it."

"Can you please tell me what the project is before I say no? Will it move me to San Antonio?"

"Yes, it will. But-"

"Isn't that what we want?"

"Yes, but-"

"What's the project?"

"You'll have to join the Navy reserves, and you'll be a.s.signed to Special Warfare Group 5 in his reserve unit."

"Is that all?"

"Don't you think that's a little bit of a conflict?"

"Will I be in your direct chain of command?"

"Not exactly but-"

"Then what are you worried about?"

"Don't you feel a little weird about this? Working with me? I'm an officer!"

"Are you planning on making things difficult for me?"

This conversation wasn't going anywhere, either. There were times she marveled at how much Danny had changed, but here was the old Danny, stressing about something before the details were clear and anything had happened. It amazed her how he said he wanted her to make all the decisions, but when it came down to it, if it wasn't his way, he'd argue every detail with her. He believed he wanted her to have all the power, but down deep inside, he was a control freak, and getting him into the submissive mindset he really needed would be a lot of work. Reading about alpha submissives had expanded her understanding of Danny and what drove him, but it also gave her more insight as a woman running a team of strong-willed men. This conversation needed to end until she found out what Gavin planned.

"No, but-"

"Stop. Until you or Gavin tell me exactly what this is about, I'll-" As she picked up her phone to return Gavin's call, Danny s.n.a.t.c.hed it out of her hand. That action reinforced to her that his transition into true submission would be the hardest thing he'd ever done. He couldn't easily give her what he claimed he wanted.

"Rio! I know what this is about, and you don't want to do this."

Say what?

Now, he'd turned into a d.a.m.n brat.

"Hand me the phone." She held out her hand, her gaze hard as steel. Realization of the line he'd crossed flickered in his eyes, but he fought obeying her because he was determined to get his way.


Holding the phone out to her, he looked away. She couldn't let things like this slide when they were at home, and she controlled his environment. He would exploit any vacillation. "I said hand me the phone."

Doing as she commanded, he placed the phone in her hand and glared at her.

"I'm not committing one way or another about what I'll do until I know what this is about. Now chill the h.e.l.l out, Danny, and let me figure out what's going on."

Rio wondered what would be in store for her with Gavin Walsh's cryptic request to meet him at the front gates of Fort Huachuca. She decided to bring Schotzie and leave Danny at home alone to think about what he'd done. As she waited, she absently stroked Schotzie's soft coat letting her curiosity get carried away as she stared out of the window. It was interesting that he had asked to meet her here of all places. Why not the station? She been so wrapped up in her thoughts, she didn't notice Schotzie's wagging tail or that someone had walked up behind her.

"Rio?" Gavin's voice pulled her out of her head.

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Black Ops Brotherhood: Tightrope Part 22 summary

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