Black Ops Brotherhood: Tightrope Part 35

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"What do you mean? Are you planning on making some kind of move on her?" Alex asked.

"No!" Shaq said.

"You two?" Alex asked her brother and the man standing next to him.

"I think maybe you're right. Maybe she wants to be alone," Davey said.

"Chicken s.h.i.+t motherf.u.c.kers," Alex muttered as he pushed past them and opened the door to the room.

When he walked in and saw her on her knees leaning up against a chair, his heart broke. He'd seen a lot of fear and grief in his life, but what he saw now was by far the saddest thing he'd ever seen. She looked broken. There had to be so much going on with her, fear, relief, anger, pain at seeing the man she loved in the shape he was in. What made this situation difficult for him was there would be no way to sugar coat things for her because she knew what had happened and the way it went down.

Maybe he would be the best person to deal with this, and he'd do it Dom to Domme.

Closing the door, he got down on his knees next to her and touched her. She didn't move or acknowledge his presence in the room.

"Rio...angel, look at me," he coaxed as he pulled her close.

"No..." she said, pus.h.i.+ng away.

"Angel, listen to me," he said, tightening his embrace. "You have to let this go before you leave this room. Do you understand? You won't be able to help him otherwise," he said as a sob tore from her. "That's it, baby, let it all out." He helped her up to a small couch and held her as she cried.

There were only two people in his life whose tears could cut him deeply, his wife's and his daughter's, Leila. And now, there was a third. Rio's tears started deep inside her heart and echoed the profound pain that had driven her to them. He waited for her to take a breath before he tried to speak again. Before he could say anything, she pushed away and looked at him.

"I'm okay," she said, catching a jagged breath. He reached behind her to the table and pulled out a few Kleenex and handed them to her. "Thank you. I need to get back in there and see him. He's still not safe."

"He's safe, angel. He has four SEALs around him at all times and a bunch outside waiting."

"No, there's someone else that might come for him; someone who looks like they belong."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't tell you." Rio had quickly pulled herself together and got up to return to Dan's bedside.

"You'd d.a.m.n well better tell me. How the h.e.l.l am I supposed to protect him?"

"Ask Gavin. In the meantime, while you guys are sorting all of this out and deciding what's top secret and what's not, I need to get back in there and keep watch." She straightened her clothes and went into the small bathroom. He could see her was.h.i.+ng her face. When she'd finished, only her swollen eyes betrayed her previous emotional state. Rio was back on her feet and ready to take on the world. "I will tell you this: I won't hesitate to kill that son of a b.i.t.c.h if I see him within a hundred feet of Danny. I consider him a threat to my family, and that's a message you can pa.s.s on to Captain O'Malley and Chief Walsh when you see them. Know this, the cartel isn't done yet. They'll be back, and when they come, I'll be waiting."

"What the h.e.l.l is that supposed to mean?"

"From what I heard, the rescue team waltzed into the Montenegro compound without much resistance. Does that sound right to you? Something's up. No op ever goes that smooth, especially when you're dealing with a cartel that has a small battalion of former Mexican Spec Ops at their disposal. If I see anyone that's suspect around Danny, I will shoot to kill. They've f.u.c.ked with the wrong people this time."

Alex sat dumbfounded as she walked out, and the three men who'd clearly been listening piled in to the room after she'd gone. Her sudden s.h.i.+ft in mood had surprised him. One minute she was crying like it was the end of her world, the next, a mini Rambo had come out of nowhere and left him staring after her. He got up and watched her stride down the hallway in the direction of the ICU.

"What the h.e.l.l just happened? Is she okay?" Shaq asked.

"I don't know," Alex said.

"Yup, she just needed a minute," Van confirmed.

"What the..." Alex watched the purposeful way she shoved open the ICU doors as if she owned the hospital.

Davey and Van howled with laughter. Alex and Shaq looked at each other perplexed. In between bouts of laughter, Davey said, "Doc, meet my sister, Rio."

Chapter 29.

Sierra Vista Regional Hospital, AZ Telemetry Unit, Room 345 November 8, 2010/1144 Zulu Dan took his first bite of real food in what seemed like months. He was starving and resented the way Rio had cut his sandwich into little chunks. She wasn't the only one. After all of the tubes and wires had been removed, the first time Dan had to use the bathroom, Doc had offered him a bedpan. He declined and stubbornly walked to the bathroom with a little help from Rio, after which he offered Doc a choice; get him out of ICU or he'd walk out on his own.

Things were looking up. He'd been in a regular room now for a couple of days. His stamina had improved. He'd walked the length of the hallway una.s.sisted for the first time earlier in the day. Doc had finally relented, allowing him to eat "real" food.

He glared at her.

"What?" she prompted.

"I can eat by myself."

"I know you can. It gives me something to do."

"Go home and get some real sleep."

Smiling, she shook her head. "I sleep fine right where I'm at." She sat on the edge of the bed, and Dan could see something else was on her mind. "Danny, why haven't your parents been here to see you?"

"You didn't call them, did you?"

"No, I just odd it was that they hadn't come by. I know you're close, so why didn't Captain O'Malley or Shaq call them?"

Hesitating, he pushed the plate away and took a drink.

"The guys that work with me know not to call my parents unless I tell them to or I'm dead. I don't want them to see me like this."

"What? Why?" She was clearly shocked at his revelation. "Danny, you're not telling me something. What is it?"


"Now. Come clean," she said.

Looking out the window he didn't answer right away. She always knew when he was hiding something. So he turned on the charm to try to distract her.

Looking down at his food and then innocently at her he said, "I don't want my mom seeing me nekkid anymore."

"No jokes, Danny. Why don't you want your parents here?"

He'd only half expected it to work and looked away from Rio. "I don't want them to worry."

"What the h.e.l.l does that mean?" Her expression changed, and she c.o.c.ked her head. "They don't know what you really do, do they?"

"They know I'm in the Navy. They think I work on computers. I do, sort of..."

Turning away, she picked up her cell phone and walked out of the room. f.u.c.k! He knew what she intended to do, and a small part of him was relieved. He missed his parents, and he'd thought about them when he was alone in that cell. He wondered how they'd take the news that their son, a Navy SEAL, had been killed in action during an op. She walked back into the room after a few minutes.

"Are there any other confessions you'd care to make at this time?"

Looking down at his hands, he picked at the tape holding down one of the IV lines. "I'm really adopted. I'm in the witness protection program. I'm originally from Gotham City, and I used to run around with this guy in a black suit with a cape who had a picture of a bat on his chest."

"Oh? Were you the guy that used to look like a clown? What else?"

"Well since you're in such a sharing mood, if you don't mind, I would prefer they don't know about our private playtime."

"Don't worry, that secret will never see the light of day."

Danny had fallen asleep soon after he'd eaten, and his parents arrived looking worried and scared. Rio met them outside his room because she wanted to warn them and talk to them before they went in to see him. She hadn't told them anything other than he'd been injured at work a couple of days ago. Mrs. Gamez opted to skip the conversation and went inside. Mr. Gamez stayed outside to talk with her.

"Thank you for calling us."

"I'm sorry I didn't do it earlier. I just thought about it today because I hadn't seen you."

"Is there a reason why he didn't want you to call?"

The question made her pause. Mr. G looked at her as if he knew Danny had been keeping something from them.

"Not really, other than he didn't want you to worry," she said.

Mr. G walked to the small waiting room across the hallway. There was a coffee pot inside, and he helped himself to a cup. He sat and beckoned her to sit next to him. She was a little nervous about being away from Danny's room, but from where she stood she could see the door and anyone who went in or out.

"I often wondered why a computer guy got sent all over the world to fix computers. You would think as big as the Navy is they'd have people who could fix all those computers in those places. I always found it odd that while he fixed those computers he'd have to be gone for months without word. It was strange. The other interesting thing about that was they were never on a boat. I always thought people in the Navy got on boats."

"Mr. G, I'm sure he has his reasons for not telling you certain things. And I know from being in the military myself sometimes you can't talk about a lot of the things you do and see."

"What does he really do, Rio? Do you know?"

As much as she loved Danny he was putting her in a h.e.l.l of a position with her future in-laws. But, she reasoned, they needed to know, and she sure has h.e.l.l wasn't about to start their relations.h.i.+p with a bunch of secrets. They had to deal with enough of that in their jobs anyway.

"He's a Navy SEAL, Mr. G."

"Why couldn't he tell us that? Doesn't he trust us?"

"I don't think it was a matter of trust. I think he wanted to protect you and not have you worry. I had to drag it out of him, and I just found out today that you didn't know. And really it's something you shouldn't talk openly about. If you do, it could put him in danger."

Mr. Gamez took a sip of his coffee. "So this injury, what really happened?"

She sighed. This was one lie she'd have to tell, and this would be for the safety of his parents and him. She took a deep breath and said with a shrug, "I don't know, and he won't talk about it."

"You know, there's something else I don't understand,"

"What's that?"

"Why didn't he ever date you while you two were in high school instead of that Sylvia girl? She was all wrong for him. We were glad when he finally came to his senses and asked you to marry him. You two were always so close." She laughed. Danny's father took her hand. "Does it scare you?"

Thinking about the last week and what she knew of his ordeal, she'd tell the truth about this question as well.

"It scares the h.e.l.l out of me, but I'm not telling him what to do with his career. He'll never be happy like that."

"You're good for him because you'll keep that joker in line. You two have a leg up on people who are starting out. You were friends first."

"He's my best friend and has been for a very long time."

Mrs. Gamez came out of Danny's room clearly shaken at what she'd seen. Rio stood and embraced the woman as she started to cry. A shadow pa.s.sed, and she looked up in time to see someone dressed as if they'd just come out of surgery ducking into Danny's room. It wasn't Alex or any of the other medics that went in and out of his room. She rushed into the room after him and pulled her service revolver from underneath the sweater.

"Rio!" Mr. Gamez called after her.

The opportunity had finally presented itself and the days of patient waiting had finally ended. Eli recalled getting the go to take out Lieutenant Daniel Gamez, a US Navy SEAL. Gamez had become a real pain in his a.s.s, so when his commander asked him to do this mission, there was no way he'd turn it down. This was also the man engaged to marry Rio, and he couldn't let that happen without a fight. Eli had waited so long and now was sure he was in love with her. Rio was his, and he'd developed a solid plan on winning her over once he got her into Mexico.

Getting rid of his challenger for her hand had become more imperative than ever. His woman was stuck on another guy, and it p.i.s.sed him off that she never left him. As he watched and waited he'd become even more convinced she was everything he wanted in a woman. Once this b.a.s.t.a.r.d she clung to was dead, he'd have her all to himself. It was problematic to him that she'd managed to make the cartel's. .h.i.t list for more than one reason. She owned a piece of property they needed, and she'd become a hindrance to his boss. That d.a.m.n dog of hers and the consistent record seizures were costing the cartel so much that they had to open a private airstrip just to get something done. Now her work with a US federal task force hurt Montenegro's more legitimate businesses. Eli had agreed to convince her to sign the paperwork for the sale of her ranch. Why would she need it? He had plenty of land and money.

Eli paused for a few more minutes as his vigil on Gamez's room wore on. Something wasn't right. Something had distracted Rio this time, and instead of going back to his room when an older woman came out, she stayed out in the waiting area just across the hall from the room. He took advantage of the momentary lapse in a guard. With a little luck, he'd be able to get in, get the job done, grab Rio, and get out before anyone had a chance to react. Once he'd unloaded, the distraction of a dead SEAL would be enough to cover his escape with her.

When he ducked inside the room, he leveled his weapon that had been outfitted with a silencer and stopped cold. The unexpected surprise at finding an empty bed made him pause. The door flew open, and before he could react cold steel touched the back of his neck.

"Don't you f.u.c.king move!"

He knew that voice and exhaled in aggravation. Now this could get ugly because he didn't want to hurt her. The bathroom door started to open. She moved to pull it shut, "Stay in there!"

Her boyfriend's unexpected exit from the bathroom created the distraction he needed to turn on her. As much as he hated hitting her, he backhanded her as he turned around, knocking the weapon from her hand. When she reached for her gun, he grabbed her and pulled her up against him, kicking the weapon away. She started to fight.

"Don't! I don't want to hurt you," he whispered, squeezing her against him.

While her body pressed up against his, she tensed. She was a fighter, and he could almost read her mind as she calculated all the ways she could get away. He tightened his grip and snaked his arms around her belly and her neck. She moved slightly, and he tightened his grip as he focused. Leaning in close to her he inhaled and caught her delicious scent.

"Mi amor, por favor, I'm sorry, but I had to do it. Don't try to run, you won't get far, and I'll come back again."

Dios mio, he hadn't realized how small and fragile she was until now. He'd wanted to put his arms around her for so long, and his c.o.c.k hardened at her nearness. He realized her size hid her strength. Being who she was she had to be strong and smart. Surely she'd try to fight again. The door opening caused him to shove her slightly aside and move to level his weapon to protect what was his. It was a familiar face so he eased.

"What the h.e.l.l is taking so long? Kill them, and be done with it!"

"Not her; she's going back with me."

"What! Are you crazy? We have to get the h.e.l.l out of here," Felix said, taking out his gun and leveling it at her. "If you don't kill her, I will."

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Black Ops Brotherhood: Tightrope Part 35 summary

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