Black Ops Brotherhood: Tightrope Part 40

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"I'm f.u.c.king you Danny, with my c.o.c.k."

Dan's heart almost stopped as Rio laid out what would happen to him for the rest of the night. She told him step by step what would be expected, and when she stopped speaking, he almost got up and walked out. She knew that penetrating him was one of his hard limits and one of the few things he'd been explicit about. Taking his a.s.s was off-limits to everyone, and he'd kill anybody who tried. Even when they'd discussed it before, she'd shown no interest in that sort of play. She loved s.e.x with him, and that meant him penetrating her, not the other way around.

"No," he said firmly.

"Say your safe word, and I'll stop," she said, pulling away to look at him.

Looking away, she had to know she'd just touched another nerve, his pride. He'd never say those words. Never.

"I'll be back in a few minutes, and you can give me your decision then." She turned and walked out of the room.

Looking at the cuffs she'd fastened around him, Dan realized what she'd been preparing him for. She was dead serious about doing what she'd said. Maybe he'd pushed too far this time, and she'd had enough. She knew he'd never consent to do this, and he'd never say his safe word. There was no alternative, and as he sat there thinking about his options, she'd leave him if he didn't do exactly what she wanted. His safe word and his a.s.s were the last shreds of control he maintained, but as he sat there alone, he realized she controlled so much more.

Rio held his heart, and when he was in her arms he could go still and just breathe. He recalled the panic he'd felt when she went missing and the relief of finding her in that attic alive. He'd clung to her memory like a lifeline. When he'd started to fall into despair while in that dank cell in Mexico, his memories of her had given him the will to keep going when he had nothing left. His games had really made a mess of things this time because he'd lose the only person who mattered to him. He'd been hollow for all those years after he left her behind. Now the prospect of returning to that existence scared him because he knew he'd turn into a monster without a conscience. He heard her footsteps coming back to the room, and he knew his time was up.

She'd given him a choice.

He closed his eyes and made it.


"Okay," he whispered.

"Lay back," she said softly. The gentle but firm order left no room for question. She tucked her crop under her arm. "Hands," she said, holding her hands out to him.

When he laid his hands in hers, their eyes locked for a moment. There was something in them he hadn't seen until now. Rio was just as vulnerable and scared as he was. She didn't want to lose him any more than he wanted to lose her. Dan felt a sudden sense of peace with his decision. As long as they were together, they'd be strong and happy. She needed him as much as he needed her. In that instant, he trusted her decision to do this and knew it would be fine, no matter what.

"Bring your knees up to your chest." Before he could change his mind, she fastened his wrist cuffs to the ankle cuffs. "Open," she instructed, pus.h.i.+ng his knees apart.

Holy s.h.i.+t, she's making me look at her?

He'd never felt so exposed in all of his life. It would've been easier to bend over and grab his ankles. At least he wouldn't have to watch her do this to him. There was no way he'd be able to get his d.i.c.k up again after this. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath attempting to hold on to some shred of dignity. But she suddenly yanked out of his thoughts when she slapped his inner thigh with her crop.

When she walked back into the room she knew he'd given in by the way defeat had been written all over him. Momentary doubt seized her because she had no intention of breaking the man she loved, but there would be no turning back now. She had to do this. She remembered how she'd connected what he needed to what she had to do. This was like an alpha dog mounting other dogs. It wasn't about s.e.x; it was about control and establis.h.i.+ng dominance in the pack. It helped the pack survive and kept order.

In this relations.h.i.+p, she was the alpha, and while what would happen was about her dominance, they were still human. They were in a relations.h.i.+p where s.e.x was tied to their emotional bond. Their BDSM play had made that tie deeper because of the trust involved, and a very important facet of their marriage. She realized that when she'd turned away from being Mistress, it left him lost. Acting out had been his way of getting her to take back control. But his games had gone too d.a.m.n far this time.

Now she had to balance making a statement and providing stability with giving him pleasure. To settle him into a submissive mindset, she would start in familiar territory, delivering the pain he craved.

"Eyes forward," she said, slapping his inner thigh with the crop.

Varying her strikes, she gave his thighs hot kisses with her crop and then ran her hand over the welts. His flaccid c.o.c.k came alive and was hard after just a few strikes. He hissed and groaned as she varied her strikes and followed with a soothing touch. She carefully watched his expression and his c.o.c.k, and when she saw the familiar smoldering look, she stopped.

The short detour into light subs.p.a.ce had been a pleasant surprise. He relaxed and lifted his head in time to see Rio unb.u.t.ton her s.h.i.+rt and take off her jeans. His jaw dropped when he saw what she was wearing underneath her clothes. She'd never been into s.e.xy lingerie before, and he really didn't care because it all came off anyway. It had been her uniforms and the symbol of her authority that turned him on. Now, she looked every inch a Domme in a black lacy bra, boy shorts, her black thigh-highs lace-top stockings, and platform pumps. He didn't think she'd ever give him a hard-on after consenting to give up his a.s.s, but he'd never been so wrong in all of his life.

"Holy s.h.i.+t, you look hot!"

Approaching him like a tigress stalking her prey, she stood between his legs and ran her finger over his d.i.c.k. He leaned back and almost came. The strikes with the crop, and the stimulation of seeing her dressed like that had put him into overload. She wrapped her hand around his c.o.c.k and stroked.

"The rules haven't changed. Who comes first?"

How did she always know when he was close? The sensory stimulation made him breathless, and he dug deep to control his urge to come.

"You do, Mistress."

"That's right," she said, kissing the tip of c.o.c.k.

"Oh f.u.c.k, you're driving me crazy!" he gasped.

She stopped, and he was grateful for the interruption because his self-control was about to fail him. He didn't realize she'd gone until she came back, but he was glad for the small intermission. His aching c.o.c.k had started to soften somewhat. When she came back, she stuffed a pillow underneath him lifting his a.s.s higher. His anxiety returned, and he involuntarily tensed when her lubed finger traced his a.s.s. He soon lost any reservations about what she was doing when her mouth slid over his c.o.c.k, making him go liquid. She gently ma.s.saged around his tight hole. He gasped and tensed when she slowly pushed one finger inside him. Once inside, she moved her finger in a slow, gentle circle, and his eyes flew open when she stroked something deep inside him. He tried to speak, but all he could manage was an incoherent groan as she rubbed his sweet spot. His d.i.c.k lurched, and he thrust his hips forward at the sudden jolt to his senses. She slapped his thigh with her hand because she'd been sucking his c.o.c.k, and he'd just rammed it down her throat.

"Sorry about that, babe," he said, wanting to relax.

Rio released his c.o.c.k and worked another finger inside him. She brushed against his prostate again, and he almost pa.s.sed out. He didn't think it could be possible to get his d.i.c.k to a state where he felt he could drill concrete with it, but she'd managed to do it all while he protested her touching his sacred a.s.s. As he concentrated on controlling the o.r.g.a.s.m that threatened to shatter him in a million pieces, she worked a third finger inside him. Nothing...absof.u.c.kinlutely nothing had ever felt like this. He was sure he'd died and gone straight to heaven. He closed his eyes when she withdrew her fingers. It was a blessing and a curse-a blessing because he wasn't sure he could've controlled his impending o.r.g.a.s.m, a curse because she'd denied his release.

"f.u.c.k! f.u.c.k me, baby!"

His eyes flew open when he sensed something else at the entrance to his a.s.s. Whoa! He looked down and saw the strap-on she wore. Where the h.e.l.l did she get that? He knew that wasn't in the inventory because he'd have thrown it away. His unconsciously spoken plea to be f.u.c.ked hit him, and he knew she was about to give him what he'd just asked for. As she pushed the d.i.l.d.o against him, he tensed, and she slapped his tender thighs.

"Relax, or this will hurt," she said harshly.

Squeezing his eyes shut, he had no idea how in the h.e.l.l she expected him to do that until her hand wrapped around his d.i.c.k, and she began to stroke him. A wave of intense arousal washed over him, and she slowly eased the well-lubed c.o.c.k inside him. He moaned when she stopped just inside his a.s.s and balled his fists when she began shallow, short thrusts. The mushroom-shaped head of the d.i.l.d.o rubbed against his sweet spot, and he let out another low, guttural groan. She deepened her thrusts and picked up the pace. She continued her gentle jacking of his c.o.c.k as she moved in and out of his a.s.s. He never imagined he could get off to being f.u.c.ked like this, but the combination of her hitting his male G-spot, and her soft hand ma.s.saging his c.o.c.k was about to take him to another planet. He lifted his head, their eyes locked, and he understood she withheld her own pleasure to give him what he so desperately needed-release. He pleaded with her silently to allow him to come.

"Ask me."

"Please, Mistress, please let me come."

Nodding her head, she smiled and pounded into him with long deep strokes. She released his c.o.c.k and traced the point where his shaft and the head of his c.o.c.k connected. He gasped and shuddered under her as his o.r.g.a.s.m hit him like a brick wall. Being restrained intensified his cosmic trip as his body convulsed, locking and releasing over and over again. She continued to thrust into him until the last of the shuddering spasms washed over him. He groaned in pleasure.

His epiphany occurred in sharp focus. Who the f.u.c.k had he been kidding? He hadn't been pulling anyone's strings. Maybe he'd pushed a few b.u.t.tons, but she'd seen right through him. If for one minute he thought she'd been messing around with another man, he'd have killed the son-of-a-b.i.t.c.h without a single word, but Rio maintained her self-control in the face of his bulls.h.i.+t games. With steady patience, she came to understand him so much better than he understood himself. She'd figured out what he'd been trying to tell her and gave him what he needed. He remembered how she'd waited for him, fought for him, and was willing to give up her life for him. She'd allowed him to draw out the Domme in her all because she loved him so much. She'd been willing to accept him and become what he needed. All she'd ever asked him for was his unconditional love. Instead, he'd played a string of endless games with her. He needed to surrender completely to seal his commitment to her. There was only one thing left he could give her that would signal his faith and trust in her. He hoped she'd find it in her heart to forgive him and stay with him.

He closed his eyes and spoke.

"Mistress, I think we need to get a kitten for our puppies." Uttering his safe words to anyone but her would indicate a temporary halt in play, but she'd know what it truly meant. Rio stilled. "I love you, babe, and I'm sorry. Please forgive me, and don't leave me."

As she slowly pulled out of him, she released his wrists. He stretched his cramping limbs and lay there, unable to move while his body hummed. He wanted to hold her and not move for a long time. A warm, wet towel gliding over his body sent small tremors through him as she cleaned him up. He was exhausted and didn't move as she removed the cuffs that circled his limbs. He must've drifted because he didn't remember crawling under the covers. When she slid in beside him and wrapped her arms around him, he finally got the chance to hold her close. He kissed her neck and looked at her. Gone was the s.e.xy lingerie; she was naked, and as he stroked her warm soft skin, he let the soothing scent of candy apple surround and comfort him. This seemed like a slow dream as he cupped her face and they kissed. There was no hesitation anymore. She'd taken command, and as she cradled him, he smiled, content because they were complete and whole again.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Never better, babe."

"Are you still opposed to me touching your a.s.s?" she asked with a smile.

"I didn't think it would be like that."

"Why didn't you trust me?"

"I do...I tru-" he stopped. The look in her eyes said it all. He hadn't fooled her for one second. She'd known all along that he'd been f.u.c.king with her.

"Admit it, you liked it, didn't you?" she asked with a giggle.

"Ah, babe, you didn't play fair. You never said anything about giving me a blowie while you were doing that. You should've made that hurt more or made it miserable, so I wouldn't have liked it so much."

"I wanted you to enjoy it. I keep telling you I don't want to hurt you. Trust me. I know you better than I know anyone. I love you, and I know how to make you happy, so let me," she said, kissing him.

He released a contented sigh and snuggled into her. "Yes, Mistress."

Looking out the window at the overcast day, Rio contemplated whether she wanted to run or simply take the dogs for a walk. Danny was still sleeping soundly. There would be one final thing they needed to settle. The matter of him running off to meet Sylvia whenever he got a message had to end today. It occurred to her that the small headaches that she'd been having when she woke first thing in the morning hadn't bothered her today. In fact, she felt ready to take on whatever came her way. She'd needed the intense play session as much as Danny.

The house was still quiet when she returned from her run, and she was taking breakfast off the stove when he appeared in the kitchen. Seeing him first thing in the morning made her smile. He was cute when he first woke up. He yawned and stretched as he squinted against the dim morning light that filled the kitchen. He kissed her and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Morning, babe. Did you already go for your run?" he asked, wrapping his arms around her and burying his scruffy face into her neck.

The familiar tremor ran through her when he kissed and nipped her throat.

"I'm sweaty. I need to go take a shower," she said, giggling and pulling away.

"No, you don't. You're a hot mess in a good way," he said, holding on to her.

"How do you feel?"

"Never better. That's the best I've slept in months. I could've probably slept another hour," he said, releasing her. Picking up his cup, he looked out the window and stretched again. "That smells good, and I'm starving. Are we doing anything today?"

"There's something I do need you to do."

"What's up, babe?"

Pausing, she took a drink out of her cup. She wanted to avoid this conversation becoming emotional. She'd already made up her mind that she'd forgiven him, but he needed to end this and know for certain that she'd leave him if he ever did it again. She took a deep breath.

"I need you to call Sylvia and tell her it's over, and that you're not seeing her anymore. Right now, before you do anything else."

"What the h.e.l.l are you talking about?" he asked with a frown.

"Danny, this isn't funny. Call her, and tell her it's over."

"Do you see me laughing? How the h.e.l.l can I be fooling around with Sylvia when she's not here?"

Now he was p.i.s.sing her off again, but she had to maintain her cool and take control of his environment again. Just like when she worked with a dog that wouldn't respond, she calmed her anger and curbed her frustration.

"Then you're fooling around with somebody by the name of Sylvia because I've seen the text messages. Quit denying it; call that woman and tell her it's over."

"You've been going through my phone?" he asked angrily, putting down his cup.

"I didn't need to; you leave it lying everywhere. I walked by it last week and saw the message on the screen. Every time you get a text from her, you leave and don't come back for hours."

"Do you seriously think I would do that to you?" he asked. Exhaling, she turned around and busied herself with getting breakfast served. He pulled the serving spoon out of her hand and threw it on the counter, and put his phone in her hand.

"You want it to end it? You call that number and end it."

"I'm not the one f.u.c.king around. You will call that woman and end that relations.h.i.+p, and so help me G.o.d, if I ever find out you've done that s.h.i.+t again, I'll divorce you. Now, call that woman." She handed him the phone.

"Do you love me?" he asked.


He grabbed her and pulled her close until he was nose to nose with her. "Do you f.u.c.king love me?"

"You know I do. It's the only reason I haven't walked...yet."

Releasing her, he walked away. "Then fight the b.i.t.c.h for me."

"Say f.u.c.king what?"

He turned and strode to the other side of the kitchen, daring her with a glare. She looked down at the screen and went to his text messages. At the top of the list right above her last message she read the name Sylvia Martinez with her yearbook picture as an icon. Rio briefly wondered why he needed to lie to her when the name and number were right there where she could see them. Nothing had changed. Maybe her marriage really was over. She didn't want to read the d.a.m.n texts, so she touched the name and brought up the contact information. She touched the phone icon and put it on speaker. Holding her breath, she remembered she was the one in control. Returning Danny's glare, she considered how soon she could move out of this house once the conversation with this woman ended.

"What's up, man? Are you coming over again today? My man is beginning to wonder about us."

The voice that answered surprised her.


"Rio? Is everything okay?"

"Uh...yyeah, everything's fine. I'm sorry. I dialed the wrong number."

"No problem. Talk to you later."

When she ended the call she looked at Danny. They stared at each other for a moment, then a slow, sly smile crossed his lips. She sucked in a breath and her jaw dropped.

"You pranked me!"

He crossed the room in the blink of an eye and roughly took her into his arms pulling her close.

"I'd use every dirty trick I could think of to get you back."

Shoving on his chest, she struggled to push him away, but he held her fast. "d.a.m.n it, Danny! That wasn't funny! I almost left you over that s.h.i.+t!"

Grabbing the nape of her neck, he kissed her. "Leaving me isn't an option you have, and you won't get far if you try."

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Black Ops Brotherhood: Tightrope Part 40 summary

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