Black Ops Brotherhood: Tightrope Part 8

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"My rules. You will say you understand after each one. Rule one involves your consent to play and is a yes or no answer. Do you want me to let you go right now?"

Danny bit his lower lip before he answered. She ached to take his lower lip in her mouth and help him with that love bite. It was reasonable that he'd hesitate before giving her an answer, but she was pretty d.a.m.n sure she knew what he'd say. Encouraging him to respond, she touched the locking mechanism that would release the zip-tie binding him to the slats.

"No! I'll play," he said.

"Okay." She brushed his arms as she worked her way down to his chest. "Next rule. You agree to answer all my questions with the truth. If you don't tell the truth, I'll have to think of some way to punish you. Do you agree to these terms?"

"What kind of punishment?" he asked.

"Depends on the lie you tell me."

"There are things I can't tell you."

"Don't worry, I'm not asking for national secrets."

Straddling his hips, she slithered her p.u.s.s.y against his erection. He threw his head back and groaned. Even though they were both dressed, his hard c.o.c.k against her p.u.s.s.y made her s.h.i.+ver. She bit her lip to suppress a moan, then grabbed his face and kissed him. He tried to say something but she swallowed the words as her tongue invaded his mouth. She sucked on his lower lip and bit gently. When she stopped and looked him over, she noticed he'd balled his fingers into tight fists. His chest heaved, and he was breathless.

"I want to know your secrets," she whispered against his lips.

"Okay," he breathed.

"Am I a temporary thing for you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you serious or are you just messing with me again?"

"What do you want me to say?"

"Answer my question."

Hesitating for a moment, she sensed something unusual coming from the new Danny, fear. He finally answered, "I'm serious."

"Why are you in my bed?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Don't play dumb; answer my question." She lifted his s.h.i.+rt and lightly smacked his belly.

Danny hissed and groaned. Seeing his ripped abs, she paused for a moment to appreciate the sight. She licked her lips. She wanted to run her tongue over each one of those muscles as they tensed with his shallow breathing.

"I don't know!"

She smacked his belly again. It was no more than a light slap, and as tight as his abs were, it wasn't hurting him.

"Why?" she asked.

"Harder," he panted.

What the...

His response froze her in her tracks. Rio's eyes widened, and her jaw dropped. She sat back and looked at him, trying to absorb what he'd just asked her to do. Why did this turn her on so much? Deep down inside, she knew there was no way she could hurt him and wondered what had driven her to smack him like that in the first place. She refocused herself and considered an alternative to what he'd just asked of her, and decided on a different path. Running her hands over his belly, she leaned forward and kissed the ripped abs. She found herself in a quandary; she'd told him she wanted to know his secrets, and he'd just given her one that stopped her cold.

"Please don't stop," he groaned.

Dan's initial panic at finding himself restrained and blindfolded pa.s.sed when he was kissed. Strangely, he didn't sense danger; this was a dream come true. His c.o.c.k stiffened in record time at being in this position, but the training buried in the recesses of his intoxicated mind kicked in instinctively. Since his sight had been taken from him, he knew he had to use his other senses to function, so he inhaled and caught the scent of something familiar and comforting.

He'd learned in SERE training to take control of his breathing when in a heightened emotional state. With his sense of sight cut off, his other senses were kicked into overdrive five times more than usual. The feelings of touch, taste, hearing, and especially smell were much more sensitive so that, when he inhaled this time to a.s.sess his situation, something familiar was an instant trigger. The warm, soothing, sweet smell

I know this scent.

He'd smelled it last night when he held Rio. Did she figure out he fantasized about her like this? While she interrogated him, he held back to see how far she would go. When she landed the light smack to his belly, his c.o.c.k almost erupted. Not only was his belly an erogenous zone, the sudden slap took him completely by surprise and had been everything he'd ever wanted. When she laid the second slap to his hypersensitive skin, his precarious control slipped, and he gave up a secret he'd been holding on to since he'd first become aware of it.

For years, he'd dreamed about this moment, and the excitement was tempered with a little fear at giving himself over completely to someone. This had been something he'd discovered about himself long ago, and he hoped someday he would find the right woman to share it with. He'd held it close because what woman would accept a Navy SEAL who was a s.e.xually submissive man?

When he saw Rio again, he knew his perfect woman had been waiting all along. He'd wanted to peel back the layers that would help her to blossom into the natural woman he noticed she inhibited. She'd given him exactly what he'd asked for, but, now that it had actually happened, he wasn't sure what to do and had to suppress his initial urge to fight back. He'd planned on talking about this with her slowly, hoping she would understand his needs and allow him to help her fulfill hers. An involuntary shudder yanked him out of his thoughts when he felt her lips on his belly. He relaxed and shoved the doubts from his mind.

The gentle petting made him squirm. She didn't understand that tenderness wasn't what he wanted. He needed pain. She licked away the torment she thought she'd caused him instead of understanding he wanted the thrill of her stinging strikes. He wanted the release that came with the rush of sweet pain only she could give him. He had to find a way to formulate what he wanted and needed to put it into words she'd understand, but his inhibitions prevented him from saying anything else. As she kissed and licked his belly, he relaxed and reasoned this was one h.e.l.l of a tradeoff for now, either way he'd end up in a happy place.

s.h.i.+fting her hand, she slid downward and brushed over his c.o.c.k making it throb painfully against his zipper.

"Do you want me?" she whispered against his lips.

When her damp hair brushed against his face, her scent enveloped him and gave his c.o.c.k a fresh rush.

"Let me hold you. Let me go," he pleaded as he kissed her.

"Yes or no?" she whispered against his lips as she rubbed his c.o.c.k. His jeans were suddenly uncomfortably tight.

"Yes!" He groaned, thrusting his hips into her hand.

When she unfastened his jeans, he fought the restraints again. She was too d.a.m.n good at this, and it bothered him that she seemed to know how to play him. His protests were cut off when Rio cupped his face and stole his words with a mind-bending kiss. The kiss brought back how she'd possessed him the night before, and now she did it again with a slow kiss that thoroughly demanded his surrender.

But unlike a man would possess a woman, she soothed him as she moved her hands up and down his arms. Being close to her calmed him and made him go still with the tenderness and loving authority that only a woman could give. She seemed to understand him without words and returned to the task of freeing his painfully swollen c.o.c.k. She tugged his jeans over his hips and pulled down his underwear. She didn't take his clothes completely off. He realized she'd effectively trapped his legs. It bothered him that she knew exactly how to keep him confined without the pain and fear he craved. The idea that she led him by his d.i.c.k made him fight her again. He tugged violently at the cuffs, determined to break the d.a.m.n slats that prevented him from moving. He wasn't about to make this that easy for her. She nipped at his hip, and the sudden twinge made him jerk back.

"You said yes." She reminded him. "Stop fighting me."

The bite signaled she still had the power to dish out a little pain if she chose. He went still, and she kissed away the love bite. This time, she grabbed his d.i.c.k. As she lightly stroked him, he went boneless under her touch and lost his train of thought when her warm mouth slid over his c.o.c.k. Squeezing his eyes shut under the blindfold, he fought another battle-the urge to come. Her mindf.u.c.k and steady stimulation of his body took him to the edge of bliss at light speed. Somewhere deep inside it scared him that she comprehended so much without him having to explain or guide her. Fear was soon replaced by delicious pleasure as she played with his sac and licked the most sensitive place on his body-the point where his shaft and c.o.c.khead met. He groaned in delight.

Dan gripped the slats to hold off his impending release as she licked his c.o.c.k and sucked it back into her inviting mouth. His groans were louder this time as he teetered on a climax that threatened to shatter him into small pieces. She must've sensed his impending release, because she gripped the base of his c.o.c.k and pulled down on his b.a.l.l.s, interrupting his o.r.g.a.s.m. He heard her low, evil chuckle when he growled in frustration. She knew exactly how to control his body, and he relaxed into her gentle petting.

Then, without a word, Rio suddenly got off the bed, leaving him alone. What happened? He wanted to call out to her. He felt gooseflesh rise on his skin, and the hair on the back of his neck stood up. What was she doing? Where was she? He suddenly became uncomfortable and even more hyperaware of his situation. After several long seconds that dragged with excruciating slowness, he felt her hand move over his chest, and he released the breath he didn't realize he held.

"You're beautiful," she whispered as she nibbled his earlobe. "Are you sure this is what you want?"

Dan gulped and every nerve in his body hummed in awareness. With that awareness, arousal returned. His softening c.o.c.k stiffened and became painfully engorged. He'd never experienced arousal this intense. His heart rate increased, and he s.h.i.+vered at the prospect of actually coming face-to-face with his desire to be dominated by a woman.

"Do you want me to stop?" she asked, drawing back.

His mind went blank to be completely taken over by a strong sense of need. She'd become a drug, he was a junkie, and all he could focus on was getting his fix. She was good, too d.a.m.n good at this game, and it scared him that she understood so much without him telling her what he wanted. He had to answer and made his decision.

"No! Please no." He panted.

Jerking at the sensation of a condom rolling over his c.o.c.k, he realized she intended to f.u.c.k him. He took a deep breath and dug deep because there would be no way he could hold on once his c.o.c.k made contact with her p.u.s.s.y. He'd refused to relieve the pent-up s.e.xual tension he'd been causing himself with all of his teasing. Rio had no such problem going for what she wanted, and it electrified him that she could be so commanding. She straddled his hips again and rubbed her warm wet slit over his c.o.c.k. He groaned in delight as she slowly eased his thick shaft inside her p.u.s.s.y. He calmed himself by thinking about his last mission, the f.u.c.k-ups of some of his people, anything to avoid thinking about what she did to him. His laser focus kicked in when she released a low sensual moan as their hips met. He took a deep breath and clenched his fists in desperation. Hearing her moan painted a vivid mental picture of her pa.s.sionate expression that was breathtaking. He hissed and held on, determined to wait for her.

Squeezing his thigh muscles almost to the point of pain, he used every ounce of training he'd ever had to control his body's reaction. He desperately wanted to rip off the blindfold to see her face and watch her enjoy herself while she rode his c.o.c.k. His sensitive hearing picked up her fingernails across the fabric as she fisted the pillow on either side of his head. Wanting to return the pleasure she gave him, he lifted his head slightly to try to feel her soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s and managed to capture a nipple in his mouth. Teasing her nipple with his tongue, he sucked and lightly nibbled the hard bud.

Dan was rewarded with a low, carnal sigh. Her hips rocked agonizingly slow as she f.u.c.ked him. Concentrating on pleasing her as best he could in his position, he searched for a distraction-something, anything else-because the urge to climax had become so intense and almost impossible to avoid. She'd played him to perfection and in his current hyperaware state, every nerve in his body tingled alive and in tune with what was turning out to be the best f.u.c.k of his life. His c.o.c.k lurched with every pulse of her p.u.s.s.y as it milked him. He grabbed the slats of the headboard in an iron grip as she rode him harder and faster. The wood cracked under his death grip, and he groaned in relief when she squeezed her legs against his hips and shuddered. Her p.u.s.s.y gripped his d.i.c.k and convulsed around it. She'd reached her peak and, with unspoken permission, allowed him to reach his.

Releasing his control, his b.a.l.l.s tightened, and he growled in frustration because he wanted to grab her and slam himself into her warm, wet p.u.s.s.y. She cried out in surprise when he roughly shoved inside her inviting c.u.n.t. His groans matched her low, carnal moaning when he found his own release. Under the blindfold he saw stars as his body tightened with his release. Her strength surprised him when she forced him down as he pushed up, intensifying and prolonging his o.r.g.a.s.m because of his inability to move. As he came back from the second dimension, he relaxed his cramping muscles and sighed when she rested her head against his chest. He wasn't sure whether it was seconds or moments later when his c.o.c.k harden again as her p.u.s.s.y contracted around his shaft.

"Relax," she whispered, moving off of him and lying beside him.

She lay there stroking his belly, soothing him. Dan drifted, and when he opened his eyes again the blindfold was gone. Bright sunlight streamed into the room making him shut his eyes and turn away. He rolled over onto his side and hugged one of the pillows as he groaned from the pain of the hangover headache pounding in his head. Inhaling as a flash of pain rushed through his skull, the smell of apples soothed him. His eyes flew open as he remembered what had happened. The last thing he remembered he'd been handcuffed, so how the h.e.l.l did he roll over? Shooting out of bed, he squeezed his eyes shut at the pain that slammed him. He slowly opened his eyes and looked down at himself. He was dressed just as he'd been when he pa.s.sed out the night before. Could it be possible that he was so drunk he dreamed the whole thing?

He sat down on the edge of the bed and worked to get his bearings. He saw a laptop and some jewelry on the nightstand next to him. He picked up the s.e.xy silver thumb ring she wore and closed his eyes to try to ease his aching head.

He'd slept in Rio's bed.

Where is she? Hadn't she been there last night holding on to him? Moving slowly and very carefully, he walked into the living area. He pa.s.sed the couch and noticed a lump in the middle. Rio had slept on the couch. He knelt beside the couch and watched Rio sleep. Now, he'd become convinced it had all been a dream or some kind of alcohol-induced hallucination. Schotzie sat next to him and nudged his hand.

"Need to go outside, girl?" he murmured as he scratched behind her ears. Schotzie gave a low, quick bark in response. "Come on."

He let the dog out and went to change. After his shower, he returned to his vigil watching Rio sleep and sipped his coffee. Wondering about his dream, he shook his head in wishful thinking and quickly pushed the thought out of his mind-but it seemed so real. Rio wasn't the type of woman who would sleep with just anyone. Most women would've jumped into bed with him at the first hint he was willing. Sylvia had done it when they were in high school. Rio was a good girl, and while she was a bossy little s.h.i.+t, he knew her better than that. Her good-girl image was one of the things that drove him crazy about her. It was why he'd hedged and hesitated. She would never go for what he wanted-a relations.h.i.+p in which his woman was in charge, one who he could serve at her pleasure. He wanted a Domme.

She turned over, and her thick brown hair tangled over her face. He brushed it away and smiled as her eyes fluttered open. He gently tucked the hair behind her ear and kissed her. She drew out such impulsive reactions in him. He'd never behaved like this with anyone else or been this comfortable. His lack of affection was the reason why so many of his relations.h.i.+ps ended. His girlfriends would accuse him of being cold and withdrawn, but they never demanded better. He'd push them to see what kind of reaction he could get. They'd pout and b.i.t.c.h, and tell him to take a hike even though he gave them every opportunity to take the lead and spell out what they wanted from him. Rio was different. He'd teased, cajoled, and pushed her b.u.t.tons, just like the others. She not only drew a line in the sand but also took and maintained control. She'd made it pretty d.a.m.n clear that this relations.h.i.+p would be on her terms, not his.

"Good morning," he said.

Stretching as she gave him a sleepy smile, she reached out and gently caressed his cheek. Schotzie gave her a big, wet doggie kiss. She giggled and ruffled the dog's ears. "You need to go outside, don't you, girl?"

"I let her outside for a little while."

"Did you?" she said with a stretch.

"I'm sorry about kicking you out of your bed."

She gave him an odd look and pulled the blanket around herself. He didn't understand her expression.

"You were really wasted last night, weren't you?"

"Just a little. Did I do something stupid?"

"It's no biggie."

"Why didn't you cuddle up with me?"

"What makes you think I didn't?" she asked with a sleepy smile.

Unsure what to make of her comment, his dream filled his memory again. Did she?

"Now who's flirting?"

She giggled and sat up. "You made coffee, too? I might need to keep you around for a little while."

Dan watched as Rio walked into the kitchen. Her tiny sleep shorts and tank top were s.e.xy. He let his eyes trace up her firm legs and remembered the way those legs squeezed him like a python in his dream. He s.h.i.+vered at the memory. It was so real. The tank top she wore clung to her muscular body. His eyes moved over the curves of her waist and up to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as she reached inside the cabinet for a cup. Her body was taut but she'd managed to maintain a feminine softness. Captivated, he walked up behind her while she poured herself a cup of coffee. He wrapped his arms around her.

"You're s.e.xy in the morning." He growled and nipped at her neck.

"Do you mind? Stop molesting me."

As he bent down again to kiss her shoulder, he inhaled and caught the light scent of something he knew intimately. When he inhaled again, his c.o.c.k sprang to attention.

What the h.e.l.l?

"What are you doing?" she asked as he tightened his grip.

"What are you wearing?" He inhaled deeply again.

The dull ache in his head from his hangover and the instant rush of blood to his c.o.c.k prevented him from thinking straight.

"Clothes!" She worked to free herself from his iron grip.

"No! Your perfume or cream or whenever the h.e.l.l you have on..." He tightened his arms around her waist, sniffing her.

"Stop it! You're worse than Schotzie after I've been working with another dog." She continued to try to get away, but he held her securely.

"What's that smell?" He buried his face in the curve of her neck.

"Danny! Let me go! This isn't funny." She managed to free herself and took a step backward. He let her go and squeezed his eyes shut. The headache from the hangover felt like it would split his skull. Why had her scent made him crazy? She frowned at him. "There's Motrin in my bathroom cabinet."

He walked into the bathroom, opened the medicine cabinet and popped a couple of pills to ease his headache. When he closed the cabinet door, he caught sight of something in the mirror. He'd missed it when he took his shower earlier because he'd been so focused on the pain in his head. He picked up the bottle and read the label, Candy Apple. He popped the top and inhaled. His eyes closed as the memory of last night washed over him, and it occurred to him why that scent would make him insane. He'd been surrounded by candy apple last night while he'd been thoroughly f.u.c.ked just the way he'd always wanted.

It hadn't been a dream but a very real encounter that had him reeling at the moment. He walked into Rio's bedroom and looked at the slats on the headboard. He felt around the back and found the two off the center had what looked like fresh scratches-and one was cracked. He remembered feeling it give when he'd pulled to get loose. He looked toward the closet and opened the door. Her duty belt with her service weapon and handcuffs hung on a peg inside. Opening the case he touched the cold steel and remembered he hadn't felt metal. It had been plastic. He noticed her backpack sitting in the closet and saw one of the pockets open. Feeling inside, he pulled out a set of zip-tie cuffs. He hadn't been dreaming. She'd taken control all right, and it had been perfect, the right amount of fear and excitement mixed with one s.e.xy f.u.c.k. She'd edged him on for what seemed like hours and maybe she'd figured out more about him than he wanted to admit. He walked back into the front room, sat down on the couch next to her, and stared at her for a long time.

"What?" she finally asked him uneasily.

"Come here."


"Come here," he repeated.

"I'm right here. You're sitting next to me."

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Black Ops Brotherhood: Tightrope Part 8 summary

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