Served Cold Part 11

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He slapped her b.u.t.t, hard, and she jerked.

"Stay still. You're a naughty girl, aren't you?" He slapped her again, less hard, but the sting remained. Then he rubbed it away, and heat spread from the slap straight to her c.l.i.t. Jack must have read her mind, because he fitted a hand between her legs and smiled. "Yeah. You like that. It gets you wet."

He took the small d.i.l.d.o and put it between her legs. "What are you doing?" she asked in a breathless voice.

"Getting your toy wet. This is a b.u.t.t plug, and it's time I got that a.s.s ready for me."

She swallowed hard. "Will it hurt?"

"Do you want it to?"

She thought about it, amazed at how liberating it felt to be so s.e.xually unrestrained with Jack. Her past boyfriends had never tried anything too kinky with her. Whether due to her being pet.i.te and looking innocent or being a schoolteacher, she had no idea.

"Well?" He smacked her a.s.s again.

"A l-little."

"Good." He smiled at her. Never would she have imagined him to be so creative in bed. When they'd been younger, he'd been an amazing lover, but they hadn't done much beyond vanilla s.e.x. b.l.o.w.j.o.b, missionary, maybe once doggie-style. Jack had surely come into his own since then.

"Okay. Let's try this. No, don't tense up. Easy, angel." He dragged the slender toy out from between her legs and spread her cheeks wide. Then he rimmed her with it. "You like that?"

She was thrusting her a.s.s out, trying to maximize the contact. "Yes."

"Let's give you some more, hmm?" The toy rubbed against the sensitive nerve endings in her a.s.s. Then he pulled it away and drizzled some lube over it. In seconds, he returned to her a.s.s, stroking her and making her long for something more.

When he pushed the tip inside her, she moaned at the flood of sensation bombarding her. Then he moved deeper, and it felt good...until he came to a spot that hurt.

She flinched, and he put a hand on the small of her back. "Easy, angel."

She squirmed. He pulled the toy out, then eased it back in. Small, short thrusts that didn't go past the tight ring that burned. He pulled the toy out and squirted moisture over her a.n.u.s.

"More lube. f.u.c.k, I want inside you."

She felt his erection under her. The toy returned, but this time it hit that burning spot and continued to slide deeper.

"Push out. That's it. Take it inside," he ordered.

She tried, but it hurt. "Wait."

Jack stopped. "Just feel it."

She let the foreign sensation linger. "Okay."

Slowly, he added a bit more, then pulled the toy out. He thrust it back in, then out, and before she knew it, he was f.u.c.king her with it. And she liked it.

"That's it. Oh yeah, that's hot," he rasped. "But there's more."

He moved them both and positioned her so that she was at the edge of the bed, her legs dangling over the edge. She was still belly down, but now he stood between her legs. The plug remained, but Jack tilted her a.s.s up so he could...


"Oh f.u.c.k." He inched inside her p.u.s.s.y, the tight fit of his c.o.c.k in conjunction with the b.u.t.t plug overwhelming. "That's it. Good girl. Take it." He continued to slide inside her, until both he and the toy filled her. "Oh yeah. Time to submit to your master, angel."

That he was so into the fantasy only enhanced her desire. She had never been so full, and she knew she could experience more. The need for him to move, to take her, made her impatient. "f.u.c.k me."

He slapped her a.s.s, and she cried out with pleasure. He withdrew, then pushed forward again. The slow glide of his body in and out of hers broke any hope of remaining distant from her lover.

She panted as he took her, and his rough handling stirred her to near climax. Then he pushed a b.u.t.ton on the plug, and it vibrated.

She screamed his name as she came, and he soon joined her, shoving into her so hard they seemed to fuse as one person.

When she could function again, she felt him withdraw. Then he removed the plug, and she felt empty.

"You okay?" he asked and kissed her cheek.

She lay flat, trying to voice an answer. All she could manage was, "Hmmm."

He laughed and kissed her between her shoulder blades. "Good. You stay right there."

Like I'm going anywhere.

He returned to clean her up, the cool damp cloth welcome over her sensitive skin. He turned her over and studied her, his gaze warm, happy. She noticed he'd cleaned himself up, but even flaccid he was imposing. So much muscle and s.e.xy appeal in one man. He should be illegal.

He tugged her to stand, then whipped the blanket off and tossed it to the floor. "Get in bed."

"Is that an order?"

"You're slurring your words. I exhausted you." He grinned in triumph.

"I just need a break." She yawned. Not a great way to show she could keep up with him. Her excuse was that she hadn't gotten much sleep the last few days, wondering what he'd be like tonight. Though if she'd known to expect a man who'd give her so much pleasure she'd almost pa.s.s out, she still wouldn't have gotten much rest.

"Sure thing. Let's lie down so I can get my second wind too."

"Don't you mean third wind?" She laughed at herself and snuggled under the covers. She tensed at first when he joined her, not used to sleeping with a man. But when he spooned her and wrapped a hand around her waist to draw her closer, she sighed and gave in to the need to cuddle.

Life didn't get much better than this.

Chapter Ten.

Jack woke with an armful of warm woman pressing her backside into him. She felt right in his arms, and his body agreed. Without thinking about it, he did what felt natural. He slid her leg over his and entered her moist heat.

On their sides, he had no problem taking her. He squeezed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, enthralled with the soft flesh. Still half asleep, afraid he was dreaming, he moved faster, wanting his pleasure before it could disappear.

She moaned and moved with him and dragged his hand from her breast to her c.l.i.t.

Excited she wanted him as much as he wanted her, he rubbed her until she gave that breathy little cry that signaled she was reaching her peak.

As Ann came around him, he surged one last time and climaxed, filling his lover and wis.h.i.+ng he could do it all over again right away. But after his heart stopped racing, he fell back into slumber, pleased to stay connected to her in more ways than one.

When Jack next woke, he was alone.

"Hey, sleepyhead." Ann entered the room holding a cup of steaming coffee. One she sipped from. Not his apparently. She wore a short pink robe that only reached mid-thigh and brought a rosy flush to her skin. Her hair lay in tangles and her blue eyes looked impossibly bright.

He yawned and sat up, gratified when her gaze slipped to his chest and she blushed. The sheets pooled around his waist, covering the part of him already up and offering her a hearty salute.

"Hey yourself." He patted her empty spot next to him. "Come join me." Enchanted by the fairy he desperately wanted to keep, he just stared at her. When she smiled at him with affection in her eyes, his heart dropped at her feet.

She sat next to him, and he took the coffee from her hand. After taking a sip of the super sweet stuff, he grimaced.

She laughed. "It's my coffee, not yours."

"Don't you understand that what's yours is mine?" He put the coffee on the night stand and tackled her to the bed. Looming over her, he licked his lips. "Part your robe. I'm hungry."

She stared at him, her eyes wide, and undid her pink belt, letting the robe open. He leaned down and sucked her nipples until she writhed beneath him.

"If you're hungry," she said between gasps, "I was going to make breakfast... Oh."

He'd found what he wanted.

Later, after he'd joined her in an explosive good morning, he smiled down at her. "Breakfast, huh? What did you have in mind? Can't be better than what I just had."

And it wasn't.

He'd planned to take her out to eat, but now sitting at the kitchen table and watching her cook for him was just as good. The domesticity of the scene made him long for more tomorrows waking up next to the s.e.xy redhead-though perhaps cooking were in order. "You burned the bacon."

"Because you keep distracting me. Put that thing away." She glared at the erection beneath his jeans.

He grimaced as he adjusted himself. "d.a.m.n it. It's not my fault. It's you." And that amazing robe. When she s.h.i.+fted, he saw the swell of her breast and the curve of her a.s.s. So f.u.c.king hot, his Ann.

"I can't help being a s.e.x object," she said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Just like I can't help if thinking about you gets me hard. I'm serious," he added when she looked at him with disbelief.

He left his chair and hugged her from behind while she tried to the burned bacon out of the pan. "Even though you can't cook for squat, you are the sweetest thing." I'm keeping you.

He felt her laughter. "You already had me. You don't need to b.u.t.ter me up."

"b.u.t.ter. That's what we need tonight."

She put the bacon down and turned in his arms to face him. "You want more s.e.x?"

"Honey, I have you for another twelve hours. You have to do whatever I want." He grinned when she stepped back and looked down his body. "Yeah. I'm good for another few rounds at least."

"Good lord. I don't think I can handle you."

"Sure you can. I'm easy."

She sneered. "That's what they say."

He laughed, because Ann trying to sound mean was just...adorable.

"Come on. Let's eat. I have plans for you."

Plans that included a day spent at the amus.e.m.e.nt center in town. Among kids and grown-ups alike, they rode the go-carts, played miniature golf and even fit in two frames of bowling. It seemed only fair that he whipped her a.s.s at the games, considering she fried his two remaining brain cells whenever she smiled. Ann had never been an athlete, but h.e.l.l, when it came to bed sport, she clearly knew how to win him over.

He didn't think she tried to be s.e.xy. She simply was.

After they had messed around and had some lunch, he took her to the Fall Festival downtown. Life in Bend hadn't changed much since he'd left. The town still had a festival almost every other weekend. But he enjoyed it, especially watching Ann savor a slice of pumpkin pie in a contest she'd entered. Man, she sure could put away her dessert.

Unfortunately, Riley and Maya were among the contest judges.

"I never win these things," Ann complained while she wiped her chin.

He tried not to smile at the mess she was making.

"Riley's always a judge at these contests, and if I win, she says it will make her appear partial."

"Which is why I wonder why you keep trying," Riley said from behind them. "Besides, you steal my best tricks." She smiled at Ann, but her expression cooled considerably when she noticed him. "Jack."

"Riley." He nodded. Then Maya joined them and the Trio was complete. "Hey, Maya. I saw Dex a few days ago. He said to tell you he said hi."

The woman scowled. Jack hated to admit it, but Ann and her friends could only be cla.s.sified as dangerous to any man's state of mind. Riley was gorgeous, no question. Maya, scary but no less s.e.xy, made a man think of satin sheets. But Ann... She burned him up, because she was as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside.

"Excuse us for a minute." Riley latched onto Ann's arm and dragged her away.

Jack turned and saw Anson and Dex approaching. Maya stood her ground next to him, her dark eyes glaring holes into Dex's forehead.

"Hey, Maya." Dex gave her a huge smile, one that seemed to push her b.u.t.tons.

Anson didn't quite stifle a grin. "Jack."


They both pretended not to notice Maya's hostility, or the way she studied Dex from head to toe, taking in his obvious changes since high school.

"Well, well. If it isn't Bend's own Dexter Black."

Dex didn't even try not to look interested. "d.a.m.n, girl. You look good."

"Really? 'You look good'?" She snorted. "That's the best you can do? You might be bigger than you used to be, but you're still just as lame." She turned on her heel and left.

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Served Cold Part 11 summary

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