Served Cold Part 13

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"Liking it is just fine. Filming it? No."

He pulled her in for a hug and a kiss. "I was kidding, Ms. Stick-in-the-Mud."

"Stick in the-"

"Four hours and eighteen minutes to go," he said checking his watch. Then he smacked her a.s.s. "Now go get naked and spread out on the bed. We're far from done, wench."

"That's Ms. Weaver to you."

"Oh, the naughty schoolboy and his teacher. Good one. That's what we'll do next."

Ann pretended shock, but the pretty red staining her cheeks showed she was more than interested.

Oh yeah. He had it bad for teacher. Real bad.

Chapter Eleven.

Figuring Jack would want some s.p.a.ce on Sunday after spending almost every second of their weekend together, Ann mentioned he might want to leave so she could do some household

Jack sat at the kitchen table, sipping his coffee. "I'm good. So what do we have to do?"


"Sure. I figure if I help you dust, you can help me figure out what to get Julie for the surprise party my mother is planning. You know, to celebrate the new baby."

She stared at him. "You want my help? I don't really know Julie. Why not ask Dan?" She felt silly, but shopping together felt as if they were taking their relations.h.i.+p to the next level. They were already having s.e.x. He wanted them to call each other boyfriend and girlfriend. Then what? Move in together? Get engaged? What about her grand plans for revenge? Not easy to finish if she fell in love with the guy.

His thoughtfulness toward his sister-in-law wasn't helping her resolve, either.

Great going with that, Ann. Why don't you sleep with him again to prove how over him you are? She could almost hear Maya's scathing voice ripping her a new one.


She shook herself. "What? Oh. I guess. I need to clean up the kitchen, dust and pick up the living room. You know, house stuff. And I definitely need a shower."

"You can clean the shower and yourself at the same time. That's how I do it." He looked around, no doubt noting the mess of dishes in the drying rack, a few in the sink and the random a.s.sortment of cans and boxes of macaroni she hadn't gotten around to organizing yet.

She grinned, feeling a little more on even keel. "You have issues, you know that?"

"I don't follow."

She pulled out a chair and sat next to him. "It's kind of cute, your addiction to cleanliness."

"I wouldn't say I'm addicted." He concentrated on his coffee, taking small sips.

"I would. Maybe it's an OCD thing."

His cheeks turned red. "Shut up."

"Look at you. All embarra.s.sed because you and Mr. Clean are in a monogamous relations.h.i.+p."

"You know, you're a lot prettier when that mouth is occupied with other things." His smirk made her blush.

"Fine. I'll get the cleaning stuff."

He actually hummed while he dusted. She wouldn't have believed it if she hadn't seen and heard it herself. He seemed to enjoy cleaning up while she put the groceries away and straightened up the dishes.

After a while, she realized the house had grown quiet. She tracked him down in her bedroom, straightening up her clothes.

He noticed her and raised a brow. "What? We made a mess in here."

"Oh? You're wearing your mess. That's my stuff on the floor." After her harried week, she'd foregone being neat. Normally she put things away, but this side of Jack intrigued her. Seeing him so domestic made him seem more real. More human. More...

She stopped him when he grabbed her laundry basket. "Okay, that's enough. Go watch TV or read a book. I'm going to shower."

"But I could-"

"You are not was.h.i.+ng my dirty clothes." Gross and embarra.s.sing. "Go downstairs. I'll shower, then we can go get Julie something."

He brightened. "Actually, I think I'll head home for some fresh clothes. I'll be back in half an hour."


He kissed her, pulling her in for that familiar, unmistakable warmth that she knew would be her undoing. Being with Jack was starting to become the norm. She liked it, liked him, more than she should.

He moved away with a sigh. "You know, there's no rush. Why don't we..." He nodded back to the bed.

"Nope. We hit the sheets, we'll be there all day. We're shopping, remember?"

"Fine." He turned to leave, and she swore she heard, "I'll get you later."

Once alone in the shower, she tried to wash away her concerns. Easier said than done. The soap suds swirled around the drain, but her confusion still remained.

She'd thought she was doing the right thing by getting herself together, confronting the past-in particular, Jack. But she didn't want to revisit the pain of old mistakes. She wanted to take charge of her life and put her troubles far behind her. But it seemed as if Jack planned to make her a part of his future.

And maybe she wanted that too.

Confusing s.e.x with love. A familiar pattern. Remember, he dumped you once. What's to say he won't do it again?

After finis.h.i.+ng her shower, she dried and dressed. She planned on putting a bit of distance between her and Jack, though she didn't intend to tell him that. The s.e.x between them was new, and sure, they'd always been good together. But the rest, the dating, the sharing, that took its toll. A few more days in his company and she was pretty sure she'd be ready to say goodbye. He'd no doubt act like an a.s.s soon enough.

One could hope.

Jack returned when he said he would. They decided to walk downtown, a short trip into the heart of Bend. There they perused each store-even the ones that had nothing to do with a baby. Testing him, Ann tried to bore him to death by shopping for hours, and not just for Julie, but for herself as well. Her excuse being she rarely took the time to go shopping.

She hadn't expected him to like being with her that much.

"No, I like the blue one better."

She turned to see him eyeing the dress she'd tried on, as she looked at herself in front of the store mirror. "Really? You like this better than the pink one?"

"Brings out the blue in your eyes." He winked.

To her astonishment, he wasn't joking around or mildly tolerating her, but offering what appeared to be a sincere opinion.

"You're having fun, aren't you?"

He laughed. "Yeah. Why not? If I wasn't out shopping with you, I'd be working on something for Dr. Singer or hiking at Todd Lake. And after our trip last week, hiking turns me on. Not cool when you're by yourself in the woods and end up pa.s.sing curious hikers, let me tell you."

Her cheeks felt warm. "Oh, um. Okay." She hurried into the dressing room to put her own clothes back on. Then she took the dresses she'd tried on and placed them on the return rack.

"You're not going to get it?" he asked.

"Nah. Just window shopping." On her salary, she needed to be bowled over to splurge on clothes. Though she loved the dress, she didn't love the price tag.

Jack plucked the dress off the rack and took it to the counter.

"What are you doing?"

"Buying you this dress." He noted a pair of earrings near the counter that she'd coveted earlier. "Those too."


The saleswoman smiled and added them to the purchase. "Good choice." She rang up the sale and handed Jack the bag. He grabbed it and Ann's hand and left the store.

"Where to next?"

She felt awkward, both pleased and weirded out that he'd purchased her something. Especially considering her conflicted feelings for him. Then another thought hit her, this one mortifying.

"You didn't have to buy me anything." She tilted her chin up. "I can afford it, you know."

He sighed. "This isn't going to be a big deal, is it? It's just a dress."

"And earrings."

"So? I plan to strip the dress off you at some point. It's more a present for me, really." He nodded to more stores. "Now, where to next?"

She gave in and took him to a baby store, where they selected a stuffed owl and some neutral-colored onesies for the baby.

"Do you think Julie will want to learn the baby's s.e.x?" she asked as they left.

"Probably. Julie likes to know what's what. Dan too."

They hit a bistro for lunch and ordered sandwiches and drinks. Jack insisted on paying, despite her protests, and then they took their seats while they waited for their order to appear.

"I could have paid," she said.

"Look, it's my weekend. I'm in charge."

"You lost your authority hours ago," she reminded him.

"I know. So you should ease me back into being a normal guy by letting me do whatever I want."

"I should, hmm?" She was such a sucker for that bright blue joy in his eyes. When he grew so animated and happy, she had a hard time refusing him anything.

"Yeah." He sipped from his drink, watching her. "So..."

"Go ahead. Say what's on your small, male mind."

He laughed with her. "You're so funny when you're insulting. And everything about you is pretty."

"Jack, stop. I'll get a big ego if you keep flattering me."

"Nah. You'll shrug it off, like you do all my compliments." He studied her from the top of her head to her toes hidden under the table. "Yep. I like the whole package."

Unfortunately, she really liked him too. What to do about that?

"You had a point?" she prodded.

"Julie's pregnant with her second. My mom's on me to settle down, but I keep telling her I don't have time. What about you? Ever thought about kids?"

She shrugged, keeping it casual and not trying to read too much into that segue. "Sure. I always figured I'd be a mom someday. But I'm only..." She did the math and felt her biological clock start ticking. "Well, I'll be thirty next year."

"Still young." He nodded. "You have plenty of time to start a family."

"I'd like to do it the old fas.h.i.+oned way. I know too many single moms having a hard time. I'd prefer to get married first. Then again, I'm sure my single friends did too." She sighed. "It's scary. Relations.h.i.+ps don't last anymore." She looked at him, uncomfortable at the intensity in his eyes. "What?"

"So you're off marriage altogether? Scared it will go bad so you quit the market?"

"I didn't say that. It's just... I need to take my time and not rush things. I don't see a ring on your finger." She stared pointedly at his bare left hand.

"True. But I'm not against marriage. I'd like to get married someday, have kids and a house."

Her heart raced. "Oh? Ever proposed to anyone?"

"No." He stared at her. "The one I wanted got away a long time ago."

Did he mean her or some other woman from his past? As much as she wanted to know, she didn't want to spoil the day either way. "Right. Well, enough of this marriage talk. Why don't you tell me about your job?"

"My job?"

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Served Cold Part 13 summary

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