Born Of Vengeance Part 23

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If only he had some way of knowing how many were there and where they were located.

Without those two things ...

He was screwed.

Slowly, Sumi held her hands up and put her body between Dancer and Bastien, and where that one shot had originated.

Bastien frowned at her actions. Why would she protect him?

"Look," Sumi said calmly, "we don't have much. Take whatever you want. Just be quick about it. We need to tend our friend. He's badly hurt."

Bastien felt the burn of a stun blast. Mother fussing at a son! His nervous system fried, he dropped and took Dancer with him.

With a gasp, Sumi turned to help them.

Something flickered on the other side of Dancer.

Sumi launched herself at that small betrayal of an attacker.

Until she was lifted off her feet by someone standing behind her.

"No!" she screamed, trying to break free of the man's hold. "He's unconscious. He's no threat to you. Please, just take our supplies and go!" Shrieking in anger, she picked all her weight off her feet.

The man holding her didn't even flinch or stumble.

d.a.m.n, he was strong.

Bastien tried to fight, too, as he felt the blaster's effects weakening, but he was cuffed so fast, it was terrifying. No one had ever been able to do that to him-other than Ember, when he was naked and cooperating. He growled unintelligible threats and spewed Kirovarian profanity at them.

"Please!" Sumi begged. "We just want to help our friend."

Another s.h.i.+mmer appeared next to Dancer as the soldier turned his cloaking device off to show an unmarked black battlesuit.

Not League, but that didn't make for something better by a long shot.

The soldier shrugged off his backpack and removed his helm to reveal a man with long dark hair tied back into a ponytail. His dark Ritadarion eyes were ringed with black eyeliner, and he had the mannerisms of someone used to taking lives and saving them.

Sumi swallowed hard. "Syn?"

The Ritadarion scowled at her. "I don't know you."

She looked over her shoulder. "Nykyrian? Are you the one holding me?"

Syn opened his pack. "How do you know us?"


"Are you Sumi?" That was the voice that had originally threatened them when they stopped.


He released her immediately and decloaked. He gestured to Bastien, who was fighting against the cuffs that held him. "Is that one Bastien?"

"He is."

Another man, who was standing beside where Bastien lay on the ground, decloaked. Kneeling down, he uncuffed Bastien's hands. "Sorry about that."

Glaring his displeasure, but grateful that the stun blast had been mild, Bastien cursed him and his parentage as he rubbed his wrists.

Amused by the insults, the man pulled off his helmet. His short red hair held the royal harone of the Caronese emperor, and it was a face Bastien knew well, as they'd once gone to school together.

Darling Cruel.

The p.r.i.c.k who'd started The Sentella's war with The League. That meant the still-helmeted man next to Sumi was definitely Nykyrian.

Bastien took a moment to survey the man who was both a living legend and his unknown cousin. Equal in height to Jullien, he was a bit leaner.

But no less bada.s.s judging by that I'll-kick-your-a.s.s-and-mean-it stance that seemed as ingrained as breathing. No wonder Thia didn't date.

Yeah, that would be worse, and even more intimidating than meeting Ember's father and mother for the first time.

Bastien's gut knotted at that fun memory. It was never a good idea to date the daughter of someone trained to kill and hide bodies.

Never mind two such parents. The only thing more frightening than Ember's father had been her Riot Squad mother, whose reputation for cold-blooded ruthless military prowess was second only to Nykyrian's.

Sumi ran to Dancer and knelt beside him. "He said they drugged him with something while they held him. He was poisoned two days ago from a Partini blade and he has several injuries from other attacks."

d.a.m.n, Dancer was having a worse time than Bastien was.

Syn gaped in disbelief. "What the h.e.l.l did you do to him?"

Sumi glared indignantly. "I've kept him alive."

Nykyrian pulled his helmet off and held it under one arm. His white-blond hair was cut stylishly short and slicked back. Like Jullien before he'd gone stralen, he had green, human eyes and his face was covered with scars. A face that was so similar to Aros's it made Bastien wonder how no one had ever made the connection they were father and son. You'd have to be blind to miss it.

"Where's my daughter and Darice?"

Sumi jerked her chin toward the mountain range. "They're hiding near camp, with Illyse. There's a cave just to the south of the climbing approach."

Inclining his head to her, Nykyrian spoke into a link that was attached to his ear. "Jayne? We've secured Hauk. The kids should be near the base camp that we found earlier. I'm leaving Syn and Darling here with Sumi and Bastien. I need you for support while I go after Thia. Everyone else, stay where you are at camp and make sure no one goes near my kid. If they do, make them bleed hard." He headed off at a dead run for a cloaked airbike.

Impressed, Bastien continued to glare at Darling. "Are we good yet? Or do I have to don my a.s.s-kicking boots and leave imprints some place you're not going to like?"

Darling glanced to Sumi. "Don't know. Are we good?"

Before she could answer, Dancer blinked his eyes open. "Sumi?" he whispered hoa.r.s.ely.

Leaning over him, she placed her hand on his cheek. "Right here, baby."

Darling and Syn exchanged a shocked, exaggerated gape as Syn pulled out a light and checked Dancer's eyes.

With a savage hiss, Dancer shoved the light away. "Put that away or I'm going to ram it someplace both you and Shahara will curse me for."

"Dancer," she chided. "Let him tend you."

He started to grimace then pressed his lips together. "I hate that d.a.m.n light. It burns."

Now it was Darling's turn to pull Dancer's eyelid back to see his eye.

Dancer grimaced and punched at him.

Laughing, Darling took it in stride. "You look like h.e.l.l, buddy."

"You ain't no beauty queen, either. a.s.shole."

Darling grinned in bitter amus.e.m.e.nt. "You better take a nicer tone. I walked out on my wife and son to be here for you to insult me."

Dancer frowned at him as he rubbed at his eye in a very adorable boyish fas.h.i.+on. "Zarya had the baby?"

"Last night. About half an hour before Nyk called to say you were in trouble."

Dancer scratched at his head. "Sorry."

"Don't be. About time I get to save you, and don't think I'm not holding your impeccably inconsiderate timing over your head for the rest of eternity. You will be paying for this, that I promise. By the way, Zarya wanted me to tell you that you better get back home and see your nephew or she'll hunt your hulking a.s.s down and skin it."

Sumi touched Syn's hand to get his attention while he evaluated Dancer's condition. "Someone planted a tracking device in Dancer's back. We've had incas coming after him for days."

Nodding, he tilted Dancer's head toward him. "You with me, buddy?"

With an irritable grimace, he slapped at Syn in a way that reminded Bastien of a little kid with a playmate who was annoying him. "I'm thirsty."

Syn pulled a bag out of his pack and handed it to Darling, who held it up while Syn prepared the IV.

When Syn stuck the needle in, Dancer hissed and started for him.

Sumi caught his fist. "Dancer, play nice with the doctor who might not want to help you if you clock him."

He calmed instantly and nuzzled his face against her knee. When she went to brush his braids from his cheek, he took her hand and laced her fingers with his.

Bastien had to look away as that tenderness reminded him of memories he couldn't afford.

Until he heard the sharp click of a blaster from behind Sumi.

Syn didn't react at all. "Put it away, Jayne. She's a friendly."

"You sure?"

He gave her a droll stare. "I've never known Hauk to cuddle an enemy. You? I mean, he is weird and all, but he's usually consistent with his surly demeanor."

Jayne decloaked and moved forward to join them. "What happened to him?" She pulled her helmet off to show Bastien one h.e.l.l of an attractive woman. Long-legged. Brunette. She reminded him of Ember's sister Kindel, except she was a bit taller, and her dark hair was straight.

There was also something about her that reminded him more of the Andarions than humans. Yet she didn't have any of the telltale markers that normally defined those born of their Ixurian race.

Syn sighed heavily. "He's got enough toxins in his system that if he were human he'd be dead ten times over. Thank the G.o.ds Andarions are tough b.a.s.t.a.r.ds."

"Is he going to be okay?" Sumi breathed.

Syn finally met her gaze. The anger there dissipated into kindness. "Yeah. I think so. Unless something has happened to Thia, in which case we'll be up his guts as soon as Nyk returns."

Jayne continued to glare at her. "Who the h.e.l.l are you, human?"

"Jaynie," Dancer said weakly, "be nice to my girl or I'll turn her loose on your hide. Trust me, I think she can take you."

Jayne scoffed as she squatted down beside Hauk and touched his shoulder. "What happened to your eyes?"

A knowing smile curved Syn's lips. "I think Hauk got around to taking your advice, Jayne."

"What advice?"

Syn glanced at Sumi, then laughed. "I'll tell you later."

Bastien laughed at the fact that Dancer must have gone stralen on this trip, judging by the way they were acting.

Darling frowned as he finally looked over at Bastien, who'd opted to sit quietly and bleed as un.o.btrusively as possible while Syn tended Dancer. "Do I know you? You look really familiar."

Considering how many years they'd gone to school together, he should know, but then Darling had always been preoccupied by other things-like survival. And, too, Bastien was a couple of years older than him, so they hadn't been in any together. He was actually closer to Darling's older brother's age than Darling's.

So Bastien wouldn't judge him for not recalling him from their school days together. Not to mention, Bastien didn't look like himself right now, covered in grime with a s.h.i.+tty haircut and the kind of beard normally worn by people hovered over a flaming barrel for warmth.

Even so, he started to blow it off with a joke, but then opted for truth as he stretched out on the ground. With a smile, he brought up the last time they'd been together. "Summit meeting. Years ago. I was with my father. You were with your uncle."

Recognition lit Darling's eyes. "You're the one who decked Nylan's son when he spat in my food."

"Don't remember that, particularly, but it sounds like something I'd do. Hate that rank b.a.s.t.a.r.d."

Darling s.h.i.+fted to study Bastien's ragged condition. "You're one of the Kirovarian princes."


"Holy s.h.i.+t. I thought you were all dead." Darling met Jayne's gaze. "He's one of Nyk's paternal cousins, who was deposed about a decade ago."

Suddenly, Syn grabbed Sumi's wrist and shoved her sleeve back to expose her League brand. He drew his blaster faster than she could blink and held it to her jaw.

Dancer knocked it away. "Stop it!"

"She's a League"

"Yeah, I know. Kyr sent her after me. Remind me to order him flowers and a thank-you card later."

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Born Of Vengeance Part 23 summary

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