D'Argent Honor - Eternal Triangle Part 2

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"Yeah. Oh G.o.d. Don't stop." Chad's skin grew hot, damp as he approached his climax. His inner muscles milked Philippe's c.o.c.k while Katie's milked Chad's. Slow motion. Two loving slaves f.u.c.king their loving Master, one Master pleasuring both of his beloved slaves.

As though they'd ch.o.r.eographed the move, Chad rolled Katie to her back and rose above her while Philippe followed, never losing the connection...the sense of oneness. Chad stiffened, growled, shot burst after burst of s.e.m.e.n into Katie's womb as Philippe felt his own release teetering on the edge. "Come, slaves," Chad ordered just as Philippe knew he couldn't hold back much longer.

When the sun had practically disappeared on the western horizon, Chad called his lovers out onto the deck. "No. Sit here with me," he said when Katie was about to kneel at his feet. "You, too, vampire."

Philippe rose gracefully for one so large. As though unaffected by the Master's offhand order he settled onto the bench at Chad's other side. Katie knew, though, that he longed for the dignity of a name.

She was a vampire, too, but Chad called her by the name she'd had when she was mortal like him. Her mind attuned with her partners, she rested her head against the canvas boat cus.h.i.+ons and watched a pelican fish for his supper. Like Chad, Katie was a child of the bayou-but one who'd left of her own accord when she turned eighteen, determined to escape a domineering father who'd wanted to keep her as unpaid labor servicing his customers in the back room of his dingy crab shack. Now, with Chad and Philippe at her side, the bayou represented peace it never had when she'd lived there. Then she'd viewed it as a prison without bars, a place from which she'd only wanted escape.

"Tell me, vampire, what is it like to make the change." Katie sensed that Chad's mind was churning, first urging him to join them in their world then holding up, enumerating his doubts and fears. To ease him, she laid a hand on his thigh, traced the pattern made by the setting sun s.h.i.+ning through the leaves of the live oak tree. She noticed Philippe had reached out, too, his large hand draped over their Master's knee.

Philippe spoke slowly, seductively. "The feeling is indescribable. Like I always imagined it would feel to die and be reborn. I came as I never did before or since...and then I slept. When I woke I was no longer Philippe Simon but rather Philippe d'Argent. A vampire. Submissive lover to a Dominant vampire and member of a vampire clan whose members embraced me, made me whole again."

"Tell me exactly how they did that." Excitement coursed through Chad's body into Katie's hand, but she still felt his doubt.

"My lover-Jacques was his name-turned me. Then he swept me into the air and took me to the seat of his d'Argent clan for the ritual that restored my potency." Philippe made a brief explanation of the preparation and the ceremony itself. A quick visit into Chad's mind let Katie know he was intrigued yet still afraid.

Chad cleared his throat. "Is this ritual foolproof?"

"I've never known it to fail, Master." Philippe grasped Chad's c.o.c.k, stroking it to full erection. "By the time the ritual began, the pain from my piercing was long gone."

"Do you want to join us for eternity?" Katie had to ask. She had to believe Chad had conquered his doubts before she'd encourage him to come over to the vampire world she'd quickly learned to appreciate.

He took her hand, brought it to his mouth and nibbled at her knuckles. "I don't want to lose you. Or you," he said, turning to Philippe and kissing him full on the lips. "I want to love you both and not be riddled with guilt. To feel no pain, only love and l.u.s.t. And I want the superhuman strength I need to offer you both my protection."

Philippe laughed. "That strength takes time and effort to develop, just as it requires a certain amount of practice for a vampire to move smoothly through s.p.a.ce and time. As you once were an infant mortal, you will be a fledgling vampire for a good time after you've been made."

A fledgling vampire. Chad mulled over the words, imagined himself submitting to vampires older and more experienced than himself. No. Chad Lalanne submitted to no one. He hadn't since that awful day he'd let the elders of Bayou Vert send him running from the only home he'd known, like Papa's old hound dog when it had been caught one Christmas, gobbling up Mama's roast turkey.

Or had he? For ten years now he'd lived in the shadows, feeding his kinks by performing for members of Club de la soumission not so much for his own pleasure as for money. He'd met Katie there, but instead of taking her home to meet his family and putting a ring on her finger, he'd made her his s.e.x slave and allowed her to keep working at the club. If he hadn't, she wouldn't have encountered the vampire Dom. She'd still have been mortal.

Perhaps the club had simply been the gateway, his preparation for a world even more on the shadowy outskirts of the mortal world than BDSM. Chad realized it now. He might call the bayous home, but he'd never truly belonged in Bayou Vert with its rigid notions of right and wrong, natural and unnatural. He belonged to Katie, perhaps also to Philippe. He belonged with them. He'd learned to live without his family and friends, but he couldn't survive without his lovers.

Doubt faded in his mind, replaced with eagerness. Eagerness to join the female vampire he'd always loved and the male vampire he knew he was falling in love with in an unbreakable bond. A bond as sacred as any marriage lines spoken before a mortal priest.

"Turn me."

For five days they'd explored the bayous. Chad had gorged himself on the sights and smells and tastes of his childhood, seeming to enjoy them more because he knew the tastes at least would soon be forbidden to him. As though preparing for a vow of marriage, or celibacy, he slept alone on the deck after taking his slaves one by one, leaving Katie and Philippe to feed on one another-and prepare for the transformation Chad had determined would take place at the end of their journey.

Tonight the full moon hung in the sky, lighting her Master's way to the dark side.

"We'll join in an eternal triangle." That's how Chad had taken to calling the event that only Philippe knew exactly how to orchestrate. The one Katie could only fret about as she scurried around tidying the houseboat. She couldn't help recalling times she'd enjoyed with Chad on the boat when she had still been mortal. They'd fished for their supper, celebrated the wealth of nourishment teeming in the water and on land.

Tonight there'd be no pungent smell of jambalaya, no shared bottle of wild muscadine wine from a winery they'd discovered in Gonzales on a rare car trip from New Orleans to Baton Rouge. A tear made its way down her cheek, for the many mortal pleasures Chad had savored that soon would exist only in his memories.

"Don't cry, little one." Philippe joined her, rested his hands on her shoulders. "It will be all right."

"He still will be our Master? You're sure?" She couldn't imagine Chad as a submissive, or her or Philippe as Dominants.

Philippe laughed, a deep rumble that echoed around the room. "I've never known a changing to turn a Dom into a sub, or vice versa. I imagine our Master will be the same as he is now, except that he'll be a vampire."

Katie wished she were as sure, but then she supposed Philippe had gotten plenty of experience in his hundred-plus years in the vampire world. "I hope so."

They'd lie down together tonight, and sometime after midnight Chad would order them to turn him. In spite of her misgivings, Katie felt her fangs elongating, antic.i.p.ating...

He loved them. Both of them. But was it enough? Chad stood on the deck, naked as the day he was born, staring up at the full moon. Stars sparkled in a black sky, and an occasional fish jumped in the dark water, its scales catching the silvery moonlight.

When he walked back in that cabin he'd be walking away from life as he'd known it. Laying his life and future in the hands of his beloved slaves, trusting they'd guard him on the journey they'd both taken. Was he ready?

Yes. He didn't understand the mechanics of it, but he was ready. Chad said a silent adieu to the life he'd known and strode into the cabin to Katie, an incredibly seductive prospect of completing their eternal triangle.

They met him on their knees as proper slaves. Moonlight streamed through the open cabin door, illuminating their golden collars when they bent and kissed his feet. Touched, for he'd never stood on such ceremony outside the dungeons, Chad reached down, raised them to their feet. "Tonight we are equals."

Philippe smiled then laid his hand on Chad's chest. "Come. We will make love, and then..."

"Then you'll become one of us." Katie stroked his cheek and laid her head on his shoulder.

Chad took them both by the hands, led them to the bed where they'd made love each night since coming to the bayou. Where they'd bonded physically and included Philippe in the emotional bond that had cemented Chad with Katie for so long. Determined not to relinquish control before the very end, he drew them down on either side of him, kissed Katie first and then Philippe, plunging his tongue deep, welcoming the slight abrasion of their fangs on his flesh when he withdrew.

They stroked him, searching out and teasing the sensitive spot at the base of his skull...his nipples...the dimples at the base of his spine. With each touch Chad relaxed, a willing victim of the vampiric compulsion he'd invited. When Philippe slid down and sucked his c.o.c.k, Chad squelched the twinges of mortal guilt he felt when his male slave's wet tongue excited him as much as Katie's. Her damp, swollen c.u.n.t beckoned his own mouth when she pushed him to his back and straddled his face.

He was eager. Eager to make Katie and Philippe come and come and come, until they couldn't come any more. Eager to come in them over and over, filling them with his essence. With himself. Chad drew Katie down on his mouth and sucked her sensitive c.l.i.t between his teeth, reaching up and twisting the hard nubs of her nipples until she squealed with pleasure.

Philippe cradled Chad's s.c.r.o.t.u.m while he deep-throated his c.o.c.k. With strong fingers his slave ma.s.saged Chad's G.o.d but it felt good. So good Chad wanted to complain when his lovers changed places and Chad found himself taking Philippe's hard c.o.c.k down his throat while Katie impaled herself on Chad's erection. He raised a hand, slipped one finger up Philippe's a.s.s while Philippe reached down and finger-f.u.c.ked Katie's tight rear entrance.

His first climax rippled through him, out of control. Chad clamped down on Philippe's c.o.c.k, sucked for all he was worth. Vampire s.e.m.e.n shot down his throat as he let go and came in long, hard bursts in Katie's womb. From the feel of her steaming wet c.u.n.t and the way her inner muscles clamped down on him, Chad knew she'd come, too.

"It's time, Master." Philippe untangled himself from the heap of arms and legs. The way they'd planned, Katie lay on her back. Chad knelt above her and fit his c.o.c.k into her steaming p.u.s.s.y. He felt Philippe's steadying hands at his waist before Philippe slammed his full eight inches up Chad's a.s.s. Their b.a.l.l.s collided. Philippe's slow, cool breath tickled Chad's neck from the back while Katie's teased his Adam's apple. He f.u.c.ked Katie, and Philippe f.u.c.ked him. Slow. Deep. Incredibly arousing. His a.s.s burned. His c.o.c.k felt ready to burst.

"Give me your throat, Master." Philippe's deep voice rumbled against Chad's ear, its tone compelling. What had once seemed so fearful now felt right. Inevitable. Chad turned enough to expose his jugular to Philippe and felt sharp fangs pierce him there. On his other side Katie also was giving him a vampire kiss. Two lovers, one male, one female. Both vampires, both his lovers. Both his slaves.

As they drank from him, Chad's senses rushed. Arousal, l.u.s.t, the need to come. All those feelings flashed through his mind, but the overwhelming sensation was love. Commitment as strong as any a religious man might feel for the Church, as deep as what he'd felt for Katie from the moment they first met. For Philippe as well. As Chad lost consciousness he came again, each burst of s.e.m.e.n longer, harder, more satisfying than any he'd ever known.

When he woke he found the ritual had begun.

Chapter Five.

Katie, Philippe and Chad stood in the main salon at the d'Argent family's Paris townhouse. Her heart pounded in her chest, full of pride in her newly turned Master... And fear that something about this ritual Philippe seemed so confident of would go awry.

The journey had been quick, from the dock in New Orleans, where she'd brought the boat while Chad had slept and Philippe had prepared him, to this elegant home. She and Philippe had supported their Master on his first vampire flight. Now her p.u.s.s.y creamed as she watched her Master and her fellow slave standing side by side, identically pale. Identically naked but for the wide collar that proclaimed Philippe his Master's slave, the single earring that marked Chad a Dominant. Their c.o.c.ks jutted forward, the flesh filled with sounds held in place by the gleaming rings dangling from their Ampellang piercings.

"Sorry I couldn't be downstairs to greet you when you arrived," said Claude d'Argent, the clan's new leader whose prominent fangs were evident when he smiled. "My bride just presented me with a bouncing baby boy."

Philippe had filled them in on the flight over the Atlantic, so the birth came as no surprise. Rare among vampires, Claude's fatherhood at such a young age seemed practically a miracle. "Congratulations, sir," Katie said, hoping the brief delay in performing whatever the d'Argent ritual was wouldn't keep Chad's potency from being restored.

Claude shot her a grin. "Never fear. Your mate's potency will be safe with us. We're about to begin. Chad, are you ready to join our clan?"

"I'm ready." Chad's eagerness to have his s.e.xual potency back didn't require special vampire skills to discern.

"Then let's get started." Claude gave a signal and a door opened. A handful of d'Argent vampires surrounded them. "In the year of our Lord 935, Alain d'Argent was born a vampire..." Claude told the incredible story of the d'Argents' beginnings then instructed everyone to shed their clothes. "Tonight if the fates are with us, we will restore the potency of Chad Lalanne so he may be Master to Philippe and Katie."

One of the vampires-Katie thought Claude had introduced him as Marisa's brother Raul-knelt and sucked Chad's c.o.c.k while Claude's cousin Stefan f.u.c.ked his a.s.s. Stefan's wife, a gorgeous blonde American who looked not far from her own delivery, stroked Chad's satiny skull. When he began to come, she steadied him and sank her fangs into his throat, a tender vampire kiss. Claude moved forward, kissing Chad full on the lips and welcoming him into the d'Argent clan.

"Remove the jewelry from their c.o.c.ks, Katie." Claude stepped back, giving her s.p.a.ce. Trying to control the trembling in her fingers, she removed the jewelry and the sounds. Then she knelt, took first one hard c.o.c.k then the other in her mouth, felt the hard flesh grow warm. The first drops of s.e.m.e.n seeped from Philippe, then from Chad. Their b.a.l.l.s tightened against her fingers when she swirled her tongue along each pulsating shaft.

The d'Argent vampires backed away, sought their own partners as Chad took over, bringing Katie to her feet and enclosing her and Philippe within his strong arms. "Let's get the h.e.l.l out of here." Taking to the air, he tossed a heartfelt "Thank you" over his shoulder as they floated into the night.

A few minutes later they landed back on the houseboat, on the wide sleeping bench from which they'd left on their journey the night before. Chad lay on the bench, his lovers hovering over him as though they thought he might vanish before their eyes. "I'm here. And I'm hungry. Come here and let me feed."

Once again the Dominant Master, Chad sank his fangs into Katie's throat, sipping the pungent fluid that now sustained them all while he thrust into Philippe's inviting a.s.s. Philippe positioned Katie's damp p.u.s.s.y and licked her, his c.o.c.k throbbing. He wouldn't come yet, no matter how fantastic it felt to serve the Master's pleasure, no matter how the sweet smell of female s.e.x aroused him.

No matter how the sting of the flogger he'd given his Master made him ache for Chad to f.u.c.k him harder, make him come and come and come.

Over the coming hours they changed positions, all of them sampling every hole, every inch of smooth vampire skin. Philippe wound Katie's silky hair around his hand, positioned her for a vampire kiss as Chad jerked his c.o.c.k and sucked his b.a.l.l.s. Katie raked her long nails over Philippe's nipples as he sank his fangs into her and drank his fill.

None would be denied. Katie fed on them both then laved their c.o.c.ks, the way she'd done during the ritual that restored their Master to her...and Philippe.

The Master spoke, his voice tight with pa.s.sion. "f.u.c.k us, Katie. Both of us. You, my darling Philippe, lie back and let her ride you. Now, for dawn's breaking over the river and you soon will need to sleep."

Philippe doubted this was the time to remind the Master he, too, was now a creature of the night, so he obeyed, stretching out on his back and loving the feel of Katie's hot p.u.s.s.y surrounding his shaft, milking it. When Chad knelt behind her and filled her rear end, it felt almost as if he or his Master still wore the sound. Delicious sensations flowed among them, building to a fever pitch as they moved faster, harder. "Come, d.a.m.n it, come now. Oh, yeah, I'm coming."

The Master's climax triggered Philippe's. Katie's, too, if the way her p.u.s.s.y rippled around his spurting c.o.c.k was any indication. Waves of sensation still coursed through his veins as they rolled to their sides, still joined as they now would be as long as they all lived. An eternal triangle bound by love.

About the Author.

Ann Jacobs is a sucker for l.u.s.ty Alpha heroes and happy endings, which makes Ellora's Cave an ideal publisher for her work. Romantica, to her, is the perfect combination of s.e.x, sensuality, deep emotional involvement and lifelong commitment-the elusive fantasy women often dream about but seldom achieve.

First published in 1996, Jacobs has sold over forty books and novellas, some of which have earned awards including the Pa.s.sionate Plume (best novella, 2006), the Desert Rose (best hot and spicy romance, 2004) and More Than Magic (best erotic romance, 2004). She has been a double finalist in separate categories of the EPPIES and From the Heart RWA Chapter's contest. Three of her books have been translated and sold in several European countries.

A CPA and former hospital financial manager, Jacobs now writes full-time, with the help of Mr. Blue, the family cat who sometimes likes to perch on the back of her desk chair and lend his sage advice. He sometimes even contributes a few random letters when he decides he wants to try out the keyboard. She loves to hear from readers, and to put faces with names at signings and conventions.

Ann welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at

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Also by Ann Jacobs

A Gift of Gold A Mutual Favor Another Love Awakenings Black Gold: Dallas Heat Black Gold: Entrapped Black Gold: Firestorm Black Gold: Forever Enslaved Black Gold: Love Slave Club Rio Brava 1: Loving Control Club Rio Brava 2: Switching Control Club Rio Brava 3: Unexpected Control Club Rio Brava 4: Learning Control Colors of Love Colors of Magic D'Argent Honor 1: Vampire Justice D'Argent Honor 2: Eternally His D'Argent Honor 3: Eternal Surrender D'Argent Honor 4: Eternal Victory Dark Side of the Moon Enchained anthology Gates of h.e.l.l Haunted He Calls Her Jasmine Heart of the West: Hitched Heart of the West: La.s.soed Heart of the West: Roped Lawyers in Love: Bittersweet Homecoming Lawyers in Love: Eye of the Storm Lawyers in Love: Gettin' It On Lawyers in Love: In His Own Defense Love Magic Mystic Visions anthology Out of Bounds Tip of the Iceberg Topaz Dream Wrong Place, Wrong Time?

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D'Argent Honor - Eternal Triangle Part 2 summary

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