One Wild Wedding Night_ Three-Way Part 2

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Brandon devoured her with those glittering green eyes. His stare burned her. Every place it landed-her throat, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her hard nipples thrusting against the lace of her bra-silently pleaded for attention from his hands. His mouth. That magnificent erection straining hard against the zipper of his jeans.

He was not at all ambivalent about what was happening here.

The stare dropped to her waist, small and snugly wrapped in a red garter belt, then went farther. A tiny uptilt of one brow noted her lack of panties, which were right now on the floor of her room where she'd dropped them a moment ago.

Then he noticed the rest and he froze. His lips parted as he breathed over them. Because only the tiniest little tuft of curls remained above Mia's recently plucked s.e.x. Her lips were silky smooth, already glistening with her arousal, he suspected.

She could hide absolutely nothing.

Some men got off on it, she knew. Frankly, though, Mia just liked the way it felt-liked the erotic wickedness of it beneath the conservative lawyer persona she played on a daily basis. Not having had a lover in a very long time, she'd never much cared what anyone thought. Until now.

"I can't wait to eat you," he murmured matter-of-factly.

That made her legs tremble, but she put a hand on the back of a chair to remain upright.

As if he hadn't just said something so blatantly s.e.xual, Brandon continued surveying her, noting the silky stockings rising high on her thighs. The longer he stared, the tighter his jeans grew, highlighting the erection that would soon be buried deep inside her.

She licked her lips, knowing what was to come and hungering for it. Because while she'd never taken him fully, she had pleasured him in other ways and knew exactly why that bulge seemed so powerful.

On the night she drove him to the airport for his trip, Mia had demanded the right to take the edge off before his long journey. Brandon had tried to resist, swearing he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off her if hers were on him, and they'd already agreed to wait until his return to fully consummate their relations.h.i.+p.

But some devil had pushed her on, so she hadn't listened. Maybe because he'd told her it was one of his fantasies. Maybe because she wanted him to remember her-to long for her-when he was far away, surrounded by beautiful, exotic women. Or maybe even because something deep inside her had already known there would never be a consummation.

Whatever the reason, she'd been relentless. Right there in the airport parking lot, she'd unfastened his pants and released his s.e.x. She'd pleasured him with her hand, stroking that thick, smooth member, toying with the vulnerable sacs beneath. Then, hearing his groans as his control fled, she'd shocked him by bending over and finis.h.i.+ng him with her mouth, sucking him right through his powerful o.r.g.a.s.m.

It wasn't something she'd ever particularly enjoyed before. Oh, she liked oral s.e.x, she just preferred to finish things off the usual way. But exploding into the back of her throat was something Brandon had whispered about that night on the phone.

And she'd loved making it happen.

"Must have been cold today like that," he murmured with a half smile as he zoomed in again on the V between her thighs.

"It's very warm," she replied in a purr. She reached for the front hook of her bra, unfastened it, and let it fall to the floor. "As I'm sure you'll find out. Soon."

"Uh-huh." He stepped closer. But rather than taking her in his arms, Brandon shocked her by immediately dropping to his knees. Before she even had time to prepare herself, his mouth was on her, licking deep. Devouring her, as he'd once promised to do.

Mia howled, then shoved her fist in her mouth to try to control the sounds. He hadn't kissed her, hadn't touched her, but in under a minute, he'd pleasured her throbbing c.l.i.t so thoroughly an explosive o.r.g.a.s.m rocketed through her.

She was still shaking from it as he rose, nibbling his way up her body, pausing to nip a hip or sample her belly. The pause was a bit longer when he reached her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He sucked one nipple into his mouth while reaching for the other and tweaking it between his fingers. The pressure with just the tiniest hint of pain had her ready to come all over again, and if he dropped his hand between her legs, she knew she would.

He didn't. Instead, he kissed his way up to her neck, whispering, "I have a surprise for you in the bedroom."

She quivered, wondering how his hands could be everywhere on her at once. "You do?"

"Something you once told me you wanted."

Mia wasn't sure what he meant, but since the bed was where she most wanted to be with him, she was definitely ready to follow him into the bedroom. "Take me there."

He entwined his fingers with hers, then led her across the small living area of the suite. Mia's curiosity grew, until she was almost holding her breath in antic.i.p.ation.

When Brandon pushed the door open, she let the breath out in a quick exhalation, now remembering what she'd said. And when she'd said it. "You remember that conversation?" she asked, seeing and understanding the lengths he'd gone to in order to fulfill her fantasy. What else, she wondered, did he remember about that long, erotic phone call?

He nodded and led her to the ma.s.sage table standing at the foot of the bed. On a small table beside it stood an array of lotions, as well as some candles, which he quickly lit. Soft, melodic music played in the background, setting a scene of pure relaxation. "You wanted a sensual ma.s.sage. To be stroked everywhere, every muscle soothed with silky lotion and an expert touch."

She remembered uttering those words, exactly.

"To start slowly," he added, his words whispered, adding to the drugging mood, "like any other professional ma.s.sage. Then to gradually be seduced into eroticism by a pair of powerful hands going far beyond the boundaries of a normal session."

Mia's whole body went soft, almost boneless, at the thought of his big, male hands kneading away all her tension. She loved ma.s.sages, as she'd told him, and had long wondered what it would be like to get one from a lover. One whose touches would start firmly, professionally, then segue into wickedly seductive caresses.

"I can't believe you got a table," she said, almost stalling for time as she stepped closer and touched the fluffy white towel he'd draped across the top. She was dying for him to do as he'd said, but almost nervous. What if, having voiced the fantasy, the reality wasn't as good?

Then she glanced back, saw his confident smile and the powerful muscles flexing in his arms and hands, and knew it would be very good.

"Get on," he told her, holding out a hand to help her.

Mia did. But she didn't lie down right away, instead extending one leg straight out, silently ordering him to remove her stocking. Brandon reached for the front clasp, deftly unfastened it, then did the same with the back. He rolled the silky material down slowly-with infinite patience, touching her only with the slightest brushes of his fingertips.

By the time he'd removed the second one, she was already a quivering mess. She didn't know how much of the ma.s.sage she'd be able to stand before begging him to fill her.

"Lie down, Mia," he ordered as he removed the garter belt.

She did, rolling into her stomach. The table was a portable one, with no opening for the face, which was fine with her. She didn't want to remain removed and separated from the experience-she wanted to watch, to savor whatever he did to her. So she turned her head to the side, following every move he made.

"Now, ma'am, you requested our full service package," he said as he moved to the door and flicked down the light switch. The room didn't plunge into darkness, it was still lit by the half-dozen candles. The shadowy lighting, the music, the smells and the antic.i.p.ation all combined to build her senses to their highest peak. "Yes, I believe I did," she replied, playing along, wondering how a man as laid-back and friendly as this one could so easily fall into fantasy play-acting with a lover.

She'd never have suspected it. And it delighted her.

"As you wish." He retrieved another of those towels, a smaller one folded into a long, slender strip. Just as if he were a professional, he carefully draped it across her bottom, covering her curves. He took his time about it, trailing his fingers across her skin in a way no ma.s.sage therapist ever had.

"Close your eyes," he murmured. "Relax and enjoy this. Remember, you said it was what you fantasized about."

She did, letting everything fill her head. She remained entirely relaxed as Brandon drew out the moment, not touching her right away as she'd expected him to. Then, finally, she felt a drizzle of silky liquid on the soles of her feet...followed by a pair of warm, strong hands. "Mmm, finally."

He worked them thoroughly, rubbing away the pain of the wicked bridesmaid shoes before slowly moving up to her ankles and giving them equally delicious attention.

"Wow," Mia said, "you are very good at this."

She wasn't really expecting an answer, but she got one. "He's paid to be very good," a voice whispered, close to her ear. Very close to her ear.

Which was physically impossible, since Brandon 's hands were on her calves.

Not understanding, still a little drugged by the sensations battering her every pore, Mia opened her eyes, wondering how Brandon was able to take this fantasy so very far.

She became more confused when she realized she was face-to-face with him. He was sitting on a chair, bare chested, sprawled back, just a foot or two in front of her.

Meanwhile, the delicious strokes continued on the back of her calves, at the opposite end of her body. And suddenly the truth washed over her.

They were not alone.

Chapter 3.

Brandon gave mia a second to grasp the implications of what she was feeling. When shock caused her whole form to stiffen and her mouth to open, he leaned forward in his chair. Dropping his elbows onto his knees and staring into her beautiful, confused eyes, he murmured, "I want you to enjoy yourself. Just the way you talked about that night on the phone."

If he concentrated, he could still hear her whispers during that sultry call. The way her throaty voice had almost purred during the revelation of her most secret fantasy-which she'd said she'd never told to anyone before that night-had emphasized to him just what a chance she was taking by revealing so much of herself.

She'd be taking a much bigger chance letting it happen.

Disbelief continued to hold her in silence. He saw the physical effort she made to remain calm, to hold still, while she a.n.a.lyzed the situation. Mia was trying desperately to figure out exactly which fantasy he intended to fulfill. He could almost hear her thoughts: Did he hire a professional ma.s.seuse just for the ma.s.sage? Or is he planning to fulfill the other-even more wicked-desire?

He also saw one more thing-a touch of fear, and that immediately concerned him. He didn't want her afraid. He wanted her drowning in pleasure.

"It's okay, Mia," he murmured, as if trying to gentle a wild animal, "it's just a ma.s.sage. You can enjoy it or stop it right here and now. Your choice."

The man he'd invited to join them paused, lifting his hands off Mia's beautiful legs, waiting for her response. More proof, in Brandon's mind, that he'd engaged the right person to a.s.sist him in this complete seduction of Mia Natale.

There was no listing in the yellow pages under "gigolo" and Brandon wouldn't have trusted a complete stranger, anyway. So it was very fortunate that, while in j.a.pan, he'd met Sean Murphy. The expat had been charming his way around every bored wife of every American executive staying in their upscale hotel and he and Brandon had hit it off right away. Murphy had been a perfect escort-for-hire, squiring the wives to functions their husbands were too busy to attend, serving as interpreter, as well as, occasionally, bodyguard.

Whether he serviced them in their bedrooms, Brandon had no idea. But the guy certainly knew how to treat a woman. And he'd accepted Brandon's proposition with a firm handshake and a promise to treat the lady exactly as she wanted to be treated.

Whatever that entailed.

They'd also set one more boundary. The entire focus of the night would be on Mia...just Mia. Brandon was a free-thinker, but he was most definitely not into anything h.o.m.oerotic. Nor did he in any way suspect Sean was up for it. The man appeared to be addicted to sensual women. And right now, Mia was the most sensual woman Brandon had ever set eyes on.

"I'd be happy to go if you want me to. Just say the word," Murphy murmured softly, his brogue hardly noticeable. He, too, had recognized this as a make-or-break moment.

Brandon hadn't been sure until this crazy thing had gotten underway a few minutes ago how he'd take seeing another man touch a woman he'd wanted for so long. But so far, he was fine. Murphy was a professional, there to service her, to please her. And while Brandon didn't know how he'd respond if Mia let things go a lot further-or all the way-for now, it was okay.

Because, as he'd often reminded himself, he didn't have any claim on her or any future with her. Tonight was about driving her insane with pleasure before walking away tomorrow. Teaching her a lesson. Making sure she never forgot this night...or him.

"Mia?" He still waited for her answer. "It's your call."

Her lips were parted, her breaths ragged. He didn't think he'd ever seen her looking so disconcerted-confused. Yet there was excitement in the movement of her mouth and the wildness of her eyes. Best of all, there was no more trace of fear.

Her body slowly relaxed, though not to the level of boneless contentment she'd achieved earlier. That was probably understandable-a faceless, completely unknown man had his hands on her bare legs. And she still wasn't exactly certain which fantasy was about to be played out here.

"Okay," she whispered with a nod. "It's just a ma.s.sage?"

Brandon leaned closer, rising to brush his lips against the corner of her mouth. Putting his hand on her back he stroked the tender, vulnerable flesh there, knowing he wouldn't be able to watch for long-he'd have to be in on this ma.s.sage in very short order. "It's just a ma.s.sage."

She sighed in relief. At least until Brandon added, even more softly, "Unless you want it to be more."

Oh, G.o.d. Mia closed her eyes, gulping, as everything that was happening sank into her consciousness. Rather than being naked in the arms of the man she'd been dying for over the past two months, she was being touched by someone else altogether. Someone she had never even seen but whose silky, oil-coated hands were doing lovely things to her legs. And could do lovely things to the rest of her. If she wanted him to.

"You remember everything I said that night, don't you?" she whispered, hearing accusation and antic.i.p.ation in her voice.

It came as no surprise when Brandon nodded. That was the only thing that had come as no surprise tonight. Everything else-from the moment he'd pushed his way into her room, until right now when he was laying an incredibly sensual offer at her feet-had come as a complete shock.

"You remember that one particular fantasy," she said, still wanting to be absolutely sure.

Because it seemed almost impossible to believe he was offering her the wicked eroticism she'd almost been too embarra.s.sed to admit to him during that long sultry call: a night with two men in her bed.

What she would do with both men, she'd never quite figured out. Oh, she knew the possibilities, knew the slots and tabs of the human body. But she wasn't sure just how far she'd let herself go, how much she'd dare.

It was shocking. Outrageous. Incredibly t.i.tillating.

And now, it looked like it might actually be happening.

"Yes, Mia, I do."

Honestly, if Mia had time to consider this whole thing, she probably wouldn't have the guts to go through with it. No matter how far things went-whether she stopped Mr. s.e.xy Voice at a typical relaxing rubdown or invited him to perform the erotic part of the ma.s.sage-this whole setup required a serious element of trust. She wasn't sure she'd have been able to muster that trust if given the time to consider it.

But she didn't have time to think, she had to go on instinct. And her instincts told her-had always told her-that she could trust Brandon Young. No matter what his motives for setting up this elaborate fantasy scene, she did trust him.

More, she wanted him. And whether or not she had the nerve to go all the way through this night, fulfilling fantasy after fantasy, she was at least willing to follow his lead and see how far they went. Because he wouldn't let anything happen to her that she didn't want to let happen.

It just remained to see how much she wanted to let happen.

She sucked in and released a quivery breath, already wondering if she was making a mistake. But finally she offered him a sultry smile and settled back down for more treatment from the man with the magnificent hands and the s.e.xy voice.

"Good," Brandon whispered. Glancing past her, he added, "I think you can proceed, Sean."

Sean. That was as much as she knew about the man who could very well be doing some pretty intimate things to her tonight.

So be it. "You are going to get involved with this at some point, aren't you?" she asked, wondering why Brandon was content to sit there, rather than using his hands on all the parts of her body not already being attended to.

"Don't you remember everything you said that night?"

Distracted by the particularly delicious stroke of a strong knuckle on the back of her calf, she didn't answer at first.

"You wanted to be watched," he reminded her. "You swore there was an untapped exhibitionist inside you."

She remembered. And she also recalled something else. "You had the same fantasy. And as I recall, you were part voyeur." Challenging him to deny it, she added, "So we're not just fulfilling my fantasies tonight, are we?"

He shook his head, settling back in his chair. His legs were sprawled apart, entirely relaxed. His incredibly broad, bare torso glowed in the low light of the candles and Mia licked her lips as she stared at him, her fingers itching to stroke all that firm, supple male skin.

Brandon's stare slowly s.h.i.+fted from her face, studying her naked body, lingering on the curve of her shoulder and the line of her back. His eyes narrowed in intensity and he appeared unable to tear his gaze away when he beheld the ma.s.seur working on the aching muscles of her upper thighs.

He seemed fascinated by the sight of another man's hands stroking her into pure physical contentment. "Oh, yes, we are definitely fulfilling a few of my fantasies, too," he admitted.

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One Wild Wedding Night_ Three-Way Part 2 summary

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